The Latest on Workplace Giving

Check out Double the Donation’s blog to learn more about workplace giving best practices and trends. Stay up to date and in the know so that you can leverage these opportunities to fuel your organization’s fundraising success.

The title of the post on an image of a nonprofit professional working on a computer.

Diversifying Nonprofit Revenue Streams: How to Raise More

As a nonprofit professional, acquiring funds to power your mission is one of your biggest responsibilities. With over $300 billion in fundraising revenue donated in 2023 alone, finding  reliable revenue sources might seem simple. However, individual fundraising can be a very volatile source of revenue, fluctuating due to economic trends, your donors’ financial statuses, and […]

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4 Easy Ways to Start Embracing CSR at Your Company

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an opportunity for companies to give back to the communities they operate in and boost their reputations at the same time. From creating matching gift programs to improving your company’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) practices, there are several ways to get involved. Review the following strategies and consider how […]

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Improving Your Donor Development Approach: 15 Expert Tactics

Every nonprofit professional’s dream is to cultivate a donor community full of lifelong supporters. However, achieving this goal requires lots of long-term strategic moves and outreach from your team.  These activities represent donor development, a critical process for nonprofits looking to establish a foothold in their community. Prioritizing donor development can significantly improve your acquisition […]

The Ultimate Guide to Employer Appends for Fundraisers

The Ultimate Guide to Employer Appends for Fundraisers

You likely gather many details about your donors⁠—those who support your cause with their funds, time, or resources. Perhaps you collect names, contact information, engagement history, interests, and hobbies. The more comprehensive an understanding you have of each supporter, the better you can tailor your fundraising strategy to effectively reach your target audience. However, one […]

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Alumni Fundraising: A Complete Guide to Winning More Support

For many students, attending an institution of higher education is a transformative experience. This is all thanks to the professors you hire, the programs you offer, the facilities you maintain, and the scholarships you grant. To continue presenting your students with the resources they need to fulfill all their academic and personal goals, however, you […]

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How to Master the Art of Nonprofit Financial Statements

Well-managed finances are the backbone of successful nonprofits. To continue fulfilling your essential role in the community, you must meet IRS reporting requirements, build donor trust, and make informed decisions that contribute to your overall financial sustainability. While assembling your nonprofit financial statements can seem like a mundane checkbox to mark off every year, they can […]

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Donor Stewardship: How to Retain Support Effectively

According to OneCause’s Fundraising Outlook Report, the percentage of organizations that identify donor retention as a critical priority has decreased from 57% to 51%. While it’s concerning that fewer nonprofits are trying to reduce costs and form lasting relationships by focusing on donor retention, this insight reveals an opportunity to get ahead and stand out […]

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Mandatory Volunteering: Unique Tips for Boosting Impact

Whether it’s a sorority, a food bank, or a socially responsible business, some organizations require their members to volunteer to build their skill sets and give back to their communities. Many nonprofits benefit from the temporary extra hands that mandatory volunteering provides, but there are many ways that you can convert these short-term volunteers into […]

Learn how a Google Grants agency can transform your digital marketing.

Hiring a Google Grants Agency in 2024: A Guide & 8 Agencies

Through the Google Ad Grants program, nonprofits have the potential to amplify their marketing and connect with prospects searching for causes like theirs. The program empowers nonprofits to share their missions with people around the globe, but only if they’re strategic about how they allocate their funds. Google Ad Grant agencies dedicate their time to […]

One-Off Matching Gift Programs | What to Know For Your Org

One-Off Matching Gift Programs | What to Know For Your Org

Tons of companies (from Fortune 500 enterprises to the local law firm down the street) offer generous employee gift-matching programs. When such a program is available, the business essentially agrees to match donations made by its staff to a wide range of charitable causes. These opportunities are great⁠—and relatively well-known in the nonprofit space. However, […]

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