The Latest on Workplace Giving

Check out Double the Donation’s blog to learn more about workplace giving best practices and trends. Stay up to date and in the know so that you can leverage these opportunities to fuel your organization’s fundraising success.

A man viewing statistics with the title of this article overlaid, "A Closer Look at Key Alumni Donation Statistics for 2024"

A Closer Look at Key Alumni Donation Statistics for 2024

Alumni giving is a powerful force that propels educational institutions forward, allowing them to provide exceptional experiences to current and future students. It also serves as a testament to the enduring bond between graduates and their alma mater, one that extends far beyond the years spent on campus. Whether you want to enhance your fundraising […]

This article explore Double the Donation's unique peer-to-peer recognition strategy.

Employee Recognition at Double the Donation: Sharing Our Strategy!

Like so many modern businesses, our team at Double the Donation has had to navigate the same obstacles of adapting to rapid industry changes, growing a business in times of economic uncertainty, and building a positive work culture while adapting to a hybrid work environment. Fortunately, we’re proud to announce we’ve more than exceeded on all of […]

Building Trust and Loyalty: Mid-Level Donor Program Basics,” beside an illustrated nonprofit professional shaking hands with a donor

Building Trust and Loyalty: Mid-Level Donor Program Basics

Because they don’t exist in the same spotlight as your major donors, it can be easy to leave mid-level donors out of your stewardship plans. However, their reliable support can contribute substantially to your nonprofit’s success.  Learn how to identify this donor group and build a compelling program to retain their support in this comprehensive […]

An illustration of two men shaking hands with the title of this article overlaid, Principal Gift Fundraising: Securing Transformational Gifts"

Principal Gift Fundraising: Securing Transformational Gifts

Nonprofits thrive on the support of major donors. The most major of the major gifts a nonprofit might receive are called principal gifts. Principal gifts bring transformational benefits and drive incredible impact, growing organizations’ capacities to run programs, serve constituents, and make a difference. They’re elusive but achievable when you have an intentional strategy to […]

Learn how your business can leverage the pyramid of corporate social responsibility in this guide.

Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility: Go Beyond Profit

As a leader at your company, you’ve likely heard about the widespread movement toward more socially responsible business practices. With 65% of Fortune 500 companies offering matching gift programs, corporate social responsibility (CSR) is becoming increasingly common. In fact, 93% of employees believe that companies should lead with purpose through these programs. However, starting a CSR program […]

The title of the article next to an illustration of a man sitting on a calendar with a dollar bill, representing payroll giving.

What Is Payroll Giving? How to Make Donating More Efficient

According to America’s Charities, nonprofits raise about $5 billion from workplace giving each year. These funds are crucial in enabling charitable organizations to pursue their missions. With so much donation revenue available through this channel, wouldn’t it be nice if there was a way to streamline these contributions? That way, companies could better manage them, […]

The title of the article next to an illustration of people putting a puzzle together, representing nonprofit capacity building.

Nonprofit Capacity Building: How to Grow Your Organization

When researching nonprofit capacity building, the definitions you find may seem a bit vague. You may hear the term at a board meeting, fundraising team gathering, or networking event and wonder “What exactly defines my nonprofit’s capacity, and why is it so important to build?” The truth is that many definitions of nonprofit capacity building […]

Discover everything nonprofits should know about creating donor recognition, walls, and signs.

Donor Walls, Plaques, & Signs: The Best Recognition Strategy

Imagine a place where every name tells a story of generosity, where each plaque and sign is a testament to selfless giving. That’s the power of well-conceived donor recognition. This guide invites you into a world where gratitude meets artistry. We’ll help you understand why expressing gratitude through donor walls, plaques, and signs is more […]

The title of the article next to an illustration of a nonprofit board orientation.

Nonprofit Board Orientation: How to Get New Members On Track

Imagine this: you’ve been a passionate advocate and donor for a nonprofit’s cause for many years. When the organization reaches out with an invitation to join its board, you’re ecstatic about the opportunity and eagerly accept. However, when you show up to your first board meeting, you quickly realize that your role as a nonprofit […]

The Fundraiser’s Guide to Powerful Corporate Partnerships

The Fundraiser’s Guide to Powerful Corporate Partnerships

Corporate partnerships play a pivotal role in advancing nonprofits’ missions. Companies partaking in philanthropy supply charitable organizations with substantial amounts of funding⁠⁠—to the tune of $20 to $26 billion each year. And strategic partnerships are built to ensure that each party⁠, the company and the organization, receives significant benefits from the relationship. But many nonprofit fundraisers don’t know where […]

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