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8 Corporate Matching Gift Program Questions (and Answers!)
/in Learning Center /by Adam WeingerCorporate philanthropy plays a major role in nonprofits’ fundraising. These programs are often analyzed through the nonprofit perspective, but what about the company perspective? Taking advantage of matching gifts can be tricky for nonprofits when there aren’t clear guidelines provided, so this is where the responsibility shifts to the corporations implementing these programs. Businesses need […]
Top Companies in Miami, Florida, that Double Donations
/in Matching Gift Companies, Lists and Rankings /by Adam WeingerAt Double the Donation, we’re often asked about companies with matching gift programs in specific areas. We help nonprofits increase fundraising by optimizing potential matching gifts from their donors. The first place to start when trying to increase your organization’s matching gifts is to familiarize yourself with some of the top companies in your area […]
Companies in Birmingham, Alabama with Matching Gift Programs
/in Matching Gift Companies, Learning Center /by Adam WeingerAs a leading provider of employee matching gift tools for nonprofits, Double the Donation maintains a database of companies that match employee donations. Here are a few companies with a large employy presence in the Birmingham metropolitan area that match employee donations. Birmingham Matching Gift Corporations Many large corporations call Birmingham home. These companies’ matching […]
11 More Companies with Volunteer Grants Greater Than $15/hour
/in Learning Center, Volunteer Grant Companies /by Adam WeingerOver the past few months we published multiple lists of companies which provide volunteer grants of more than $15 per hour. Campbell Soup Company The Campbell Soup Company provides volunteer grants worth $20 per hour. For every 25 hours which an employee volunteers, the company will provide a $500 grant. Employees can apply for multiple […]
Corporations with Matching Gift Programs in Sacramento, California
/in Lists and Rankings, Matching Gift Companies /by Adam WeingerWe at Double the Donation work with nonprofits to increase their fundraising capabilities. We do this by helping organizations effectively utilize corporate matching gifts and employee volunteer grants. We receive many questions asking about the companies that offer these programs in different cities. Below we highlight a few of the major companies who match employee […]
Matching Gift Opportunities: Companies in Charlotte, NC
/in Lists and Rankings, Learning Center /by Adam WeingerAt Double the Donation, we help nonprofits across the country discover and capitalize on corporate philanthropy programs such as matching gifts and volunteer grants. These fundraising opportunities are great opportunities for organizations to receive two donations for the effort of one. While these programs exist across the nation, we’re going to examine one city, in […]
Companies in Pittsburgh with Matching Gift Programs
/in Learning Center, Lists and Rankings /by Adam WeingerAt Double the Donation we help our nonprofit partners across the country increase their fundraising through corporate giving programs. One of the most popular programs among our clients is corporate matching gifts. Many companies in the Pittsburgh area offer programs like this to encourage employees to get involved in local nonprofit causes. When an employee […]
San Antonio Companies with Matching Gift Programs
/in Matching Gift Companies, Learning Center, Lists and Rankings /by Adam WeingerMany Companies in Milwaukee, Wisconsin Offer Matching Gift Programs
/in Learning Center, Lists and Rankings /by Adam WeingerWith matching gift programs companies are able to give back to the causes their employees care about. Nonprofits can maximize their fundraising through these programs by familiarizing themselves with companies in their area that offering these benefits to their employees. It ca often be a difficult task to discover all the companies that have matching […]
Matching Gift Opportunities: Houston’s Top Companies
/in Matching Gift Companies, Lists and Rankings /by Adam WeingerAre you a Houston nonprofit? Are you taking full advantage of the variety of matching gift programs offered by local and national employers? If not, you’re leaving fundraising dollars on the table. Energy is one of the most philanthropic industries in the United States, and Houston is home to many leading energy companies. Nearly all […]