The Latest on Workplace Giving

Check out Double the Donation’s blog to learn more about workplace giving best practices and trends. Stay up to date and in the know so that you can leverage these opportunities to fuel your organization’s fundraising success.

Here are the top ways corporate volunteer grants help increase employee engagement.

How Corporate Volunteer Grants Increase Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is generally defined as the emotional and functional commitment an employee has to achieving the mission of the organization. At most companies, there’s a lot of lip service paid to making sure employees are engaged. But have you ever wondered why? Have you thought about strategies companies can use to increase employee engagement? […]

This guide will cover why employee engagement is important and the top ten benefits of employee engagement.

Why is Employee Engagement Important: 10 Top Benefits

Author Simon Sinek once said, “When people are financially invested, they want a return. When people are emotionally invested, they want to contribute.” This quote perfectly illustrates how vital it is to engage your employees. By doing so, they will be happier and perform to the best of their abilities. Unfortunately, employee engagement is sometimes an afterthought […]

Matching gift letters

What Happens After a Donor Makes a Matching Gift Submission?

HURRAH! You’ve done it. Your nonprofit has gotten a donor to see the light and submit a matching gift request. Now what? The most difficult work is done. Your promotional effort has worked. The responsibility is now in the hands of the donor’s employer — at least momentarily. Well, you can sit back and twiddle […]

companies doing corporate philanthropy right

The Top 6 Corporate Philanthropy Infographics

There’s a good news / bad news situation regarding data on corporate philanthropy. The good news: There is plenty of data out there. At Double the Donation, we’ve even gathered statistics on many aspects of corporate giving over the years and stored it in one easily accessible location. The bad(ish) news: Sometimes you’ll come across […]

NationBuilder Matching Gifts with Double the Donation

NationBuilder Integration with Double the Donation’s Matching Gift Service

Does your nonprofit use NationBuilder? Are you looking to incorporate matching gift information into both your website as well as the NationBuilder donation forms? If so then this guide is for you. Please follow the below steps to get Double the Donation’s plugin up and running with NationBuilder. Double the Donation’s Relationship with NationBuilder: NationBuilder is a leading platform […]

Companies That Offer Fundraising Matches

Companies That Offer Fundraising Matches for Run/Walk/Rides

At Double the Donation, we often discuss corporate matching gifts—or initiatives through which employers financially match the donations made by individual employees to qualifying nonprofits. However, there’s another powerful⁠ (yet even lesser-known⁠) opportunity to keep an eye out for. And that is companies that offer fundraising matches! Fundraising match programs also involve employer matching. However, […]

Check out these fundamental best practices for acquiring matching gifts.

The 11 Must-Know Matching Gift Best Practices for Nonprofits

Have you ever been to a movie double feature? You get in the movie-going mood, take the time out of your busy life to make it to the theater, buy your popcorn, splurge on a huge soda, and then settle in for two great films. Oh, and most importantly, you’re only paying for one. Matching […]

Learn more about CyberGrants and its employee giving and grant management tools!

CyberGrants: Employee Giving and Grant Management Tools

Are you a nonprofit or corporation looking for information on CyberGrants? Good news! While Double the Donation is a separate company that specializes in helping nonprofits raise more money from matching gift programs, we can share much of the information on CyberGrants you’re looking for. It’s essential that companies encourage participation in their workplace giving […]

Nonprofit Leadership Traits

Matching Gift Participation Rates

Has your organization ever taken a look at which companies are consistently providing matching gift donations to your organization? If you have, you may notice that a disproportionate number of matching gifts come from a select few companies. Survey Results | Participation Varies Widely by Company: The Chronicle of Philanthropy released a report entitled “How […]

Team volunteer grants

Team Volunteer Grants | Leveraging Company-Sponsored Events

You’ve probably already heard of employee matching gift and volunteer grant programs, but has your organization looked into the benefits of corporate team volunteer grants? What are corporate team volunteer grants? Team volunteer grants are corporate giving programs in which a company provides a monetary donation to nonprofits when a group of employees volunteer together. Corporations offer these […]

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