Learn how the phone number appending process works.

What Is Phone Number Appending? How the Process Works

These days, people are glued to their phones, and most would probably consider either texting or calling as their primary form of communication with others. Therefore, making sure the phone numbers you have for your supporters are up to date is essential for smooth and effective communication with them.

Even if you know how important it is to have phone numbers for your supporters, you may not know how to go about gathering that information. Of course, you could periodically ask your supporters if they’ve gotten a new phone number. However, phone number appending is a much simpler way to collect phone numbers without bothering your supporters.

Phone number appending ensures that you have accurate phone numbers so that you can effectively reach out to your supporters and keep them engaged with your organization. Whether you’re updating contact information or missing phone numbers from several individuals, phone appends can help you round out your supporter data without your supporters having to lift a finger.

Before seriously considering this type of service, you might have some questions about the phone number appending process. Here are some questions we’ll go over in this article:

At Double the Donation, our main focus is educating nonprofits about matching gift opportunities and software. Matching gift software makes the process of acquiring matching gifts easier, just as phone appends make gathering current contact information for your supporters more efficient. We’re happy to help nonprofits find ways to get the resources they need that will make their operations run smoother. That way, they can save time and reallocate it where it’s really needed.

Click on the questions you’re wondering about to learn more or keep scrolling to answer them all!

Enhance nonprofit fundraising by appending donor data with Double the Donation.

We'll start off with a quick definition of phone number appending.

What is Phone Number Appending?

Phone number appending is the process of inputting supporter data into phone append software and receiving missing and updated phone numbers back.

When leveraging a data append provider, you’ll simply provide them with identifying information for each supporter. Then, they’ll use that information to correctly identify them within their comprehensive database of phone numbers. That way, you can contact your supporters using the correct information. Doing so will ensure that you’re reaching your target audience.These are the advantages of phone number appending.

What Advantages Does Phone Number Appending Provide?

Your organization likely already has phone numbers for some or all of your supporters. However, people change their phone numbers all the time, so the ones you have may no longer be accurate.

Phone number appending provides several general benefits for your organization, such as:

  • Updated contact information. Having the most current contact information for your supporters not only ensures that you can reach them but also that you can continue building relationships with them. Plus, you can do so without ever having to ask them to update their information.
  • Less time wasted on unviable numbers. Even if your organization has phone numbers for all of your supporters, chances are some of them are outdated. Calling or texting old or incorrect phone numbers wastes your time and energy that could be used to contact the people who will lend you their support.
  • Well-rounded supporter databaseWith any type of data, the more you have of it, the more robust and well-informed decisions you can make. Phone appends are no different. Having correct phone numbers for your supporters can help you to focus on the content of your campaigns rather than the method of communication.

In addition to these general advantages of phone appending, there are certain types of fundraising and outreach that your organization can leverage or improve with updated supporter phone number data.

Check out the benefits of phone number appending.

Specific Use Cases for Phone Number Appends

Of course, the top advantage of phone number appending is being able to actually reach your supporters, but what does that look like in different scenarios? Here are three different areas where phone number appending is particularly useful:

  • Phone banking. Calling people up and asking them to donate to your cause can be a more personal way of gathering funds. Take advantage of this fundraising method by using the most current phone numbers for your donors.
  • Text messaging. While calling is a great way to reach people, texting can elicit even quicker responses and opens up the opportunity for text-to-give. With cell phone appends, you can reach your supporters and receive donations even faster than before.
  • PhonathonsSchools and universities in particular love to fundraise by having current students call alumni and request donations. To reach your fundraising goals and avoid any mixups, you’ll want to make sure your students have accurate contact information for the people they’re calling.

If we’ve convinced you how important phone appends are, you might want to jump right into the process. Lucky for you, we’ll walk you through it step by step.We'll explain exactly how the phone number appending process works.

What Does the Phone Number Appending Process Look Like?

Hiring a reliable phone append service provider makes phone number appending a breeze. All you have to do is supply them with the supporter information you do have so they can give you the phone numbers you need.

The process of phone number appending

Examples of information you can provide to a phone append provider include:

  • A unique ID number
  • Full name
  • Region and postal address
  • Email address
  • Education information such as school, year, and major
  • Last donation amount and date
  • Date entry was last updated

You don’t need to have all of this information to go through the phone number appending process. However, the more data you give to your phone append provider, the easier it will be for them to find accurate data.

Once your phone append service provider has your supporters’ information, they can use it to find recent numbers for your constituents. In most cases, they’ll obtain the numbers from a variety of data sources online.

To help you determine how accurate the phone appends they’ve found are, some phone append providers will run the numbers through software that checks for accuracy and may even conduct manual checks. They will then rate the accuracy of each append so you know how much you can trust each one.

Lastly, your phone append service will send you the complete phone appends. From here, update your nonprofit’s CRM with the new and missing phone numbers for your supporters.There are other kinds of data appends besides phone appends.

Can I Get Other Kinds of Data Appends?

Yes! There are plenty of other kinds of data appends, and most phone append services will offer them in addition to phone appends. If your nonprofit needs other data appends, check which ones your phone append service provides. Since they’ll likely pull the data all at once, they’ll probably them back to you at the same time as your phone appends.

Our quick guide to nonprofit data appends explains that there are several common types of data appends you can leverage, including:

  • Employer appends
  • Email appends
  • Address appends
  • Date of birth appends

These are the types of data appends that append services can provide.

While employer appends can help you identify matching gift opportunities, email, postal address, and date of birth appends can improve your communication with supporters. Ultimately, strengthening your database with this information will allow you to cultivate stronger relationships and push your work forward altogether. Here are some examples of how nonprofits use phone number appending.

What Are Some Examples of How Nonprofits Actually Use Phone Appends?

If you’re still unclear about whether your nonprofit could benefit from phone appends, it might help to hear some real examples of how organizations have used them in the past. That way, you can compare these organizations’ situations to your own to figure out if you should move forward with the phone number appending process.

Here are some organization types that use phone appends and what they use them for:


We mentioned before how phonathons are a great way to connect with alumni and potentially receive donations from them. Besides phonathons, universities can also use phone appends to update alumni about current campus initiatives and invite them to alumni-specific events.

Political Organizations

Especially in the midst of election seasons, it’s important to communicate your most important issues to voters and how your organization aims to solve them. However, these issues can be too complicated to spell out in a text or email. Contacting constituents over the phone presents the opportunity for you to actually converse with them about important topics and answer any questions they may have.

Advocacy Groups

If any of your supporters are young adults, you’ll want to contact them in their preferred style of communication: texting. With phone appends, advocacy groups can share information about their causes with younger supporters using SMS outreach. That way, they can be sure that they’re reaching out to their supporters in ways that work best for them.

Public Broadcasting Services

Does your organization run pledge drives on the radio or TV? Chances are, it’d be helpful to feature testimonies from real supporters. By calling previous donors and asking them to give a statement about their involvement with your nonprofit, you can encourage new donors to donate and one-time donors to convert into recurring donors.

Takeaway: Phone appends provide all sorts of benefits depending on your organization’s needs. If you’re unsure how it might play into your team’s strategies, feel free to ask your service provider about how they’ve seen other organizations leverage them. With that in mind, it’s time to find a phone append service that will provide you with accurate results.

Here are some guidelines for choosing a phone append service.

Are There Guidelines for Selecting a Phone Append Service?

There are a couple of things to keep in mind when choosing a phone append service. After all, picking the right one could make the process quick and easy whereas selecting one that does not fit your organization’s needs or standards could be a waste of your time.

There are some guidelines for picking the phone append service provider that’s right for your nonprofit. For example, you’ll want to find a phone append provider that:

  • Checks your current phone numbers. Receiving missing phone numbers is helpful, but what about the incorrect or outdated ones hiding in your supporter database? A good phone append service will check the phone numbers you currently have and update any that are no longer viable.
  • Offers other types of appends. If you need multiple kinds of data appends, it’s best to get them all from the same service provider. This cuts down on costs and time needed to receive your data. To make the process easier, look for a phone append service that offers other types of appends in addition to phone appends, such as postal address and employer appends.
  • Provides landline and cell phone numbers. These days, most people communicate using their cell phone numbers, but some may prefer their landlines. It’s important to find a phone append service provider that can find all relevant phone numbers no matter what type.
  • Checks for accuracy. The whole point of phone appends is that they will prevent you from calling the wrong numbers and wasting your time. Make sure that’s the case by selecting a phone append service that has checks in place for accuracy.
  • Finds phone appends for individuals and businesses. Perhaps your organization has some businesses they need to update contact information for in addition to individuals. A good phone append service will be able to find appends for both individuals and businesses.
  • Works quickly. You probably won’t want to wait long to incorporate your phone appends into your CRM and start putting them to use. See if your phone append service can provide an estimate of how quickly they’ll be able to return your phone appends.
  • Gives nonprofits quotes. It’s likely your organization has a budget for how much they’re willing to spend on phone appends. Get an idea of how much a phone append service will cost you with a quote.

Try to find a phone append service with these characteristics.

Think about which of these guidelines are most important to your organization and prioritize them when you conduct your phone append service search. It’s even possible to find a phone append provider that has it all. For example, NPOInfo by Double the Donation offers everything we’ve listed above.

After you've gone through the phone number appending process, you'll want to continue building relationships with donors and volunteers.

Wrapping Up

Communication with your donors and volunteers is what ensures lasting relationships and support. To make sure you can effectively reach out to your supporters through texts or phone calls, reach out to a phone append service and learn more about how they could help you find the phone numbers you need.

Once you have your phone appends, you might be looking for more tips that will help you keep donors and volunteers around. Check out these resources for advice on how to retain your supporters and put your phone appends to good use:

  • Improving the Donor Journey with Matching Gifts. Knowing that their employer will match their donations to your cause can get donors excited about the expanded impact they can have on your organization. Make sure to use your phone appends to inform your donors of any matching gift opportunities available to them.
  • Donor Thank-You Letters: What You Need to Say. Showing donors how much you appreciate them is an important part of your relationships with your supporters. Sending a simple thank-you text message or making a thank-you call can show how much you care.
  • Volunteer Engagement | Strategies for Smart Organizations. The best way to keep volunteers around is to make sure they’re engaged and excited about helping your organization. This article will provide you with some tips for retaining volunteers. You’re already off to a great start with phone appends because they’ll allow you to stay in touch with your volunteers.

Enhance nonprofit fundraising by appending donor data with Double the Donation.


Find out more about what an address append is and how it could help your organization.

What Is an Address Append? Ultimate Guide for Nonprofits

As a nonprofit professional, you know that reaching out to your supporters is an essential part of your fundraising and marketing strategy. You’ve built relationships with these people, and in order to strengthen them, you must stay in touch using effective communication. However, you might not have all of the correct contact information that will allow you to connect with your supporters. That’s where address appends come into play.

Donors, volunteers, and board members among other supporters have probably provided you with information such as their email addresses or phone numbers on registration or lead forms. Other information such as mailing addresses may be more difficult to obtain, especially if you don’t want to ask people outright for their addresses.

An address append will allow you to take existing supporter data to verify someone’s identity and fill in the missing postal address information. Instead of directly asking your supporters for their addresses, you can work with an address append service to efficiently obtain that information and keep your direct mailing efforts alive.

Now you know that address appends could be useful to your organization, but what exactly are they? We will answer the following questions to help you better understand the basics of an address append:

At Double the Donation, we make matching gifts easy for nonprofits. We know the importance of efficiency and easy access to the data you need to grow your organization. That’s why we’re providing you this guide to address appends to make sure your nonprofit has the information it needs to reach its supporters.

With that, let’s dive into address appends and how they could help out your nonprofit!
Enhance nonprofit fundraising by appending donor data with Double the Donation.

Read on for the basics of address appends.

What Is An Address Append?

An address append when you use an online database or service to find the correct, most recent mailing address for someone based on other information about them such as their name, phone number, or email address.

With address appends, you can send direct mail to individuals without having to ask them for their mailing address. You can also use these services to verify that the past postal address you have for someone is still accurate. Therefore, address appends make it easier for nonprofits to communicate with their supporters without having to scour the Internet for the necessary information.

Explore the fundamentals of nonprofit appends in our data appending quick guide.

Check out the benefits of address appends.

Why Are Address Appends Useful?

You might be wondering why address appends are important, especially if most of your marketing occurs online. However, direct mail is still an effective marketing method that your organization should leverage.

Address appends can have many benefits for your organization.

With the help of address appends, your organization could put together a stellar direct mail campaign. Additionally, address appends are useful because they can help you do the following:

  • Change up your marketing methods. These days, many nonprofits solely focus on digital marketing. While digital marketing is certainly a great way to reach people, don’t forget the old-school methods of communication! Adding direct mail to your mix of marketing efforts will allow you to reach supporters in a different and perhaps more engaging way.
  • Keep direct mail alive for a personal touch. Getting a physical letter in the mail is always more personal than an email or social media message sent with the click of a button. Your supporters will recognize the thought that went into sending them real mail.
  • Segment your marketing campaigns. When you have a full picture of who your supporters are, you can communicate with them more effectively. Knowing more about the location of your supporters can help you customize the mail you send to them based on their location. For example, if you’re hosting an event in Atlanta, GA, you’ll likely only want to send mail about the event to nearby supporters who may be able to attend.
  • Update supporter contact information. It’s possible that you already have mailing addresses for some of your supporters. Luckily, address appends also account for address changes to ensure all of your supporter contact information is up to date.
  • Reduce the time you spend researching supporter data. Think about how time-consuming it would be to manually search public records and other information sources to pluck out the addresses you’re looking for. Address append services save you time that you can allocate to more important projects and tasks.
  • Maximize your target audience. The more correct mailing addresses you have on file, the more people you can send mail to who could actually contribute to the cause or event you’re informing them about. Sending direct mail to people is important, but sending it to the right people is even more vital.
  • Save money you could be wasting by sending mail to the wrong addresses. Not only is it a waste of time and energy to send mail to incorrect addresses, but it’s also a huge waste of your nonprofit’s marketing budget! Direct mail campaigns are naturally more expensive than digital marketing campaigns, but the investment can be worth it if you’re sending mail to people you know will give back to your organization.

Clearly, address append data can help you learn more about your supporters and in turn run a successful direct mail campaign. However, you’re probably curious about how address append services obtain the information you need. Let’s take a closer look at the process so you can experience all the great benefits of postal address appending.

We'll walk you through the address append process.

How Do Address Appends Work?

As we’ve mentioned previously, an address append service can make the process extremely easy for nonprofits. Before reaching out to a provider, you’ll want to make sure you understand how the process works, so you’re fully prepared.

The way address appends work is that you first provide an address append service with the existing supporter information in your CRM. It works best if you give them as much information as possible, which could include:

  • A unique identification number
  • Name
  • Region
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • College or university
  • Class year and major/degree
  • Employer
  • Last donation amount
  • Date of last donation
  • Date entry was last updated

After receiving your supporters’ information, an address append service provider will match that information with the data they have in their own database or find in public records.

Check out how address append services take the information you have to give you the information you need.

While the process is pretty straightforward, you may be wondering how these address append services know that the information they’re providing you is correct. The answer is that they typically ensure the information is accurate before they send it to you by performing different types of accuracy scans and checks. Some may even provide an accuracy rating so you have an idea of how accurate the data you’re receiving is.

Most address append services also offer other types of appends.

What If I’m Missing Other Information?

You might just be missing mailing addresses from your supporters, but you could also be missing other information. Not to worry, though! Most address append services also supply nonprofits with other types of appends, including:

These are the types of data appends that you can get beyond address appends.

If your organization is looking for other categories of information in addition to address appends, most data append services will append everything at once based on the information you provide them. That way, you can get all the information you’re looking for as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Check out how different organizations use address appends.

How Can My Nonprofit Use Address Appends?

The great thing about address appends is that they’re not limited to one type of nonprofit. Any nonprofit organization can benefit from address appends if they’re looking to improve their direct mail campaigns. Check out these examples of how different organizations can use this service:

Advocacy Groups

Some causes depend on having supporters located in certain areas. For example, political campaigns often target specific regions where support is strong to remind them to vote or where support is weak to see if they can capture their attention. Address appends can help you identify where supporters live so you can segment them based on location.


Associations depend on communication with their members to ensure that they keep their membership programs alive. Ensuring you’re sending mail to the correct addresses will make it easier for members to renew their memberships, stay up to date with your association, and continue to engage with your organization.


Support from alumni can really help take your initiatives off the ground. These are the people who comprise the legacy of your school and want to see it continue to prosper. By sending them magazines and newsletters, you can stay in touch with alumni and continue to foster their relationships with your school. In turn, they may be more willing to donate or volunteer when needed.

Broader Nonprofits

Is your organization having trouble retaining volunteers? Could your organization benefit from recurring donations? For most nonprofits, the answer to both of these questions is a resounding yes.

Address appends can help you to seamlessly communicate with your supporters and remind them of any upcoming opportunities available to them. Hopefully, your regular communication with them will make them feel more connected to your organization and therefore more willing to offer their help, whether through volunteering or donating.

Takeaway: No matter what type of organization you’re a part of, you can benefit from address appends. You’ll just have to find an address append service provider that is efficient and acts as an extension of your team.

Before getting started with address appends, you'll have to select an address append service.

How Do I Choose the Right Address Append Service Provider?

If you’ve decided address appends would be useful to your organization, the next step is to look for an address append service provider. Since you’re entrusting an external party with your supporters’ information, you’ll want to make sure you do your research and pick the right provider.

Here are some qualities to look for in an address append service provider:

  • Uses accuracy checking. Address appends are useless if they don’t contain accurate addresses for your supporters. Therefore, you’ll want to make sure the address append service you choose conducts scans and checks to ensure the data they give you is accurate.
  • Provides other kinds of appends. If you’re looking for address appends, chances are you could benefit from another type as well. Address append services that provide other kinds of appends will make sure that you can gather all the information you need at once and go through the process more efficiently.
  • Sources data from reputable information sources. It’s helpful to know where your address append service provider is gathering their information. For example, NPOInfo primarily uses National Change of Address screenings from USPS.
  • Gives address information in a standard format. Once you receive your address appends, you’ll want them to be ready for you to use right away. Look for an address append service provider that provides all of their data in a standard format that meets USPS’s requirements for bulk mailing.
  • Has a quick turnaround. The quicker you receive your address appends, the quicker you can put your direct mail campaigns into action. Check your provider’s website to see if they give an estimate of how long their services take.
  • Offers free quotes. It’s always helpful to have an idea of how much a service for your nonprofit will cost. Good address append service providers will allow you to submit information about your organization and indicate how much data you’re looking for so that they can offer you a free quote for their services.

Qualities of an address append provider

While this is a long list of requirements, there are address append service providers out there that can satisfy all of your organization’s needs, like NPOInfo! After all, you’re entrusting them with your supporters’ data.

Read on for more resources on data appends.

Conclusion & Additional Resources

By now, you’ve learned all about address appends and how they help nonprofits maximize their direct mail campaigns. Any information you can add to the supporter data you already have can help you to foster better, more meaningful relationships with them, and address appends are no different.

From segmented campaigns based on location to donation request letters ending up in the hands of your supporters, there are so many benefits that address appends can have for your organization.

If you’re interested in learning more about data appends, check out the resources we’ve listed below:

Enhance nonprofit fundraising by appending donor data with Double the Donation.

How to Identify Corporate Partnerships [With Double the Donation]

How to Identify Corporate Partnerships [With Double the Donation]


In today’s corporate world, employees and consumers are becoming increasingly focused on supporting socially responsible businesses. Consequently, more and more companies are developing philanthropic programming. And nonprofits looking to raise much-needed funds for their causes are turning to corporate giving as a way to build mutually beneficial business relationships!

As a nonprofit fundraiser yourself, perhaps you’ve recently developed a strategy in order to leverage matching gift opportunities (one of the most prominent forms of corporate philanthropy) for your mission. Maybe you’ve even invested in a matching gift solution to automate the process, better engage with your donors, and collect more individual and corporate funding for your cause.

Now begs the question: what other types of corporate philanthropy are on the table⁠, and how can you begin leveraging these initiatives for your organization?

For many nonprofits, corporate partnerships are the answer you’re looking for⁠—and Double the Donation Matching makes the process as easy as can be.

Click to schedule a demo with Double the Donation

In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about how to identify corporate partnerships for nonprofits (and how your team can best pursue the opportunities) by exploring the following topics:

Like matching gifts, corporate partnerships offer a win-win situation for the nonprofits and businesses that partake. However, many organizations have no idea where to begin when it comes to scouring for partnership opportunities, near and far.

Here, we’ll examine the best tips, tricks, and tools available for doing so (and what you can do with the tools you may already have). Let’s dive in!

The Basics of Corporate Partnerships for Nonprofits

Corporate partnerships are a particular form of support nonprofits receive from corporations, often for a specific purpose such as an event or other project.

Defining corporate partnerships

Benefits include not only the increased funding provided by corporate partners but also significantly elevated exposure and awareness brought to your organization through strategic co-marketing efforts.

Corporate partnerships can come in many forms as well, including:

  • Financial ⁠— This is your most typical type of corporate partnership agreement and takes place when a company provides financial support to a nonprofit cause.
  • In-kind ⁠— In-kind sponsorships occur when a company donates non-monetary goods and services to an organization. This may include free or reduced-cost event space rentals, catering services, or even business gift certificates and products for prizes.
  • Media ⁠— Finally, media sponsorships are a unique type of corporate partnership where a company partners with a nonprofit organization in order to take on the cost of promoting the event⁠—such as with radio advertisements, TV commercials, or printed materials.

Then, regardless of the type of agreement offered, the nonprofit typically agrees to recognize the company through event or project marketing content (i.e., signage, merchandise, online advertising, and more).

The Relationship Between Matching Gifts and Corporate Partnerships

Matching gifts and corporate partnerships go hand in hand as two particularly powerful forms of corporate giving. Here’s what you need to know:

Matching Gifts

Matching gifts are one of the most popular examples of corporate philanthropy among companies and their employees and nonprofits and their donors. Essentially what occurs with this type of giving program is that businesses agree to provide funding to qualifying nonprofits in order to match charitable donations their employees make to the causes. Thus, individual donors function as arguably the most essential players in the partnership. Companies that offer matching gift programs will typically provide donation matches to a wide range of nonprofit causes that their employees support.

Corporate Partnerships

On the other hand, corporate partnerships take place when companies provide funding to nonprofit causes based on particular agreements made between the company and the nonprofit. Though donors and employees can certainly vie for these types of initiatives to occur, any one individual does not typically play a particularly hands-on role in corporate partnerships being developed. Businesses that participate offer corporate partnerships typically contribute larger amounts of funding to a smaller number of organizations as compared to employee matching gift programs.

Comparing corporate partnerships with matching gifts

However, the two concepts do see significant overlap as well. Specifically, both matching gifts and corporate partnerships function as strategic relationships between nonprofit organizations and for-profit businesses, and each philanthropic opportunities offer unique and substantial benefits to both parties involved.

How to Identify Corporate Partnerships Using Double the Donation| 4 Methods

With more than 32.5 million businesses operating in the United States alone, that’s a lot of potential sponsorships for nonprofit organizations. But how can they know where to begin their efforts⁠—and target their outreach toward companies that are the most likely to respond positively to partnership inquiries?

Here are a few things fundraising professionals can do as they learn how to identify corporate partnerships and other opportunities using Double the Donation’s matching gift functionality:

1. Locate top matching gift companies.

Companies that offer matching gift programs are likely to be some of the best prospective corporate sponsors. After all, they already show an interest in philanthropy and supporting nonprofit causes, which can provide you with an existing “in” to the conversation.

If your organization has access to a Double the Donation account, locating these companies is made even easier. Double the Donation’s automated matching gift platform offers a detailed dashboard that provides invaluable information for nonprofits about their donors. The page includes daily tracking of donations flowing into the system, the amount of identified matching gift dollars, real-time donor engagement statistics, and a list of the “top 10 companies” being looked up in their search tool.

Here's how to identify corporate sponsorships with 360MatchPro dashboard

Specifically, the top companies tool (which can also expand to show all companies contributing donation matches) provides an opportunity for nonprofits to deepen these relationships. With this functionality, users can quickly locate additional context on some of the most valuable companies to approach for corporate partnership opportunities and more.

When a user views this data, they can easily navigate to the company’s website and retrieve contact information to get in touch. From there, they can utilize the company’s status as a top matching gift company as a rapport-building tool to get their foot in the door.

For example, a nonprofit may communicate something like this to a business with which they’re interested in partnership:

“Our organization has received 620 donations and $28,000 match identified dollars from your company in the past year. We see that you are dedicated to charitable giving, and it seems that we have a lot in common already! Are you interested in partnering with our team as a corporate sponsor for our upcoming fundraising event?”

This can also set the stage for identifying additional corporate partnerships such as in-kind donations (e.g., a food bank or homeless shelter working with a business to set up a donation box at the company’s office or store), corporate volunteer opportunities (as team-building activities), and many more.

2. Utilize custom redirects for ineligible donors.

Unfortunately, not all companies offer matching gift programs⁠—but that doesn’t mean you should remove them from your list of potential corporate partnerships.

In fact, existing donors who work for companies that do not match employee donations can be some of your greatest allies in the process! And Double the Donation makes it as easy as possible to empower these individuals with the tools they need to pitch charitable giving opportunities to their employers with custom redirects and powerful suggested next steps.

Let’s take a look at this idea in action! Here’s an example of a custom redirect from the Denver Rescue Mission:

Here's how one organization identifies corporate sponsorships with a custom redirect.

This organization sends follow-up emails after its donors have been identified as likely ineligible for a matching gift. The message includes a link to a dedicated web page that provides information on other ways the donors can make an impact without existing matching gift programs in place. And that’s something your team can do, too!

We recommend including a number of ways that the receiving donors can get further involved with your nonprofit⁠—even after determining that their gift is not able to be matched by their employer. For example, consider encouraging supporters to take the following next steps:

Make a recommendation for matching gifts.

For companies that don’t have existing matching gift programs, encourage donors to reach out and float the idea upwards. An employee may get in touch with their employer’s HR department to discuss the possibility of launching a matching gift program.

To further simplify the process for your donors, you might even provide a customizable template (such as the one included in this How to Advocate for a Matching Gift Program guide) they can use to pitch matching gifts and highlight the business value available to the company.

And who knows? They might end up developing a matching gift initiative after all!

Look into additional workplace giving opportunities.

Let’s say a donor’s employer doesn’t offer a matching gift program. That’s not to say they don’t have any workplace giving initiatives in place! Encourage donors who work for non-matching gift companies to look into additional corporate giving opportunities they may be eligible to participate in.

Thousands of companies offer volunteer grants, while others may provide annual grant stipends, paid volunteer time off, etc. The possibilities are endless, and all can have a positive impact on your organization.

Multiply their impact in other ways.

Perhaps the donor’s employer is not interested in launching any workplace giving opportunities just yet. That doesn’t mean the donor themselves is not able to amplify their impact on your cause! At this point, be sure to provide recommendations for other ways an individual can get further involved.

For example, if an individual has contributed a one-time donation, see if they’re interested in getting involved in a recurring monthly giving program! Alternatively, you can highlight other ways they can bring value to your cause, such as by volunteering with your organization or even taking on a peer-to-peer fundraising role.

You already know that your donors are invested in your organization and its cause. Having a strategy in place for getting match-eligible donors involved in their employers’ matching gift programs is great. But you don’t want to neglect those who have been identified as match-ineligible, either.

Guiding said donors toward additional opportunities for support is a must. And, if you have Double the Donation, you don’t have to worry about following up with individual supporters, thanks to your customizable and automated email streams that lead the way.

3. Reach out to companies without matching gift programs.

Sure, your donors can be some of your strongest advocates for corporate partnership opportunities. But you can also reach out to potential sponsors yourself to propose business partnerships and build relationships.

One of the best ways to do so starts with the companies your donors work for that have been determined not to offer matching gift programs. After all, they’re currently missing out on a substantial opportunity for increased business success. Partnering with your organization can empower them to leverage philanthropy to make the most of it.

Consider reaching out to some of the top companies identified through Double the Donation’s matching gift dashboard. From there, you can start with a simple template like this:

“Hi! We see that more than 35 dedicated donors to our nonprofit are employed by your company. Unfortunately, however, it looks like you don’t offer a matching gift program. Because we already have so much in common with us, we were hoping you might be interested in developing a mutually beneficial corporate partnership.”

For the best results, be sure to highlight whatever value proposition you can provide your corporate sponsors in terms of your upcoming event or project. Not only will these companies be inclined to build a relationship based on the overlap between your two teams, but they’ll also be able to examine the tangible benefits made available by the partnership.

4. Pursue custom matching gift opportunities.

Similar to how you could seek a corporate sponsorship by an employer prevalent in your donor network, you might also decide to pursue a “one-off” or custom matching gift program with the company.

Not familiar with that idea? It’s essentially a matching gift initiative that involves a specific agreement between your organization and a dedicated corporate partner. While the partner may not match donations to other nonprofits their employees support, they do commit to doubling donations made by team members to your cause. Since it involves a significantly lower investment of the company’s time, effort, and resources, it may be a more effective ask than if you were to recommend the business launch a new, fully-fledged matching gift program.

Depending on how the conversation goes, you can even share with them our detailed guide on How to Start a Matching Gift Program to help them move through the process. Should they decide to take on the task, Double the Donation also offers unique functionality for nonprofits managing their side of such programs within the matching gift platform. Not to mention, you can offer groundbreaking auto-submission functionality through Double the Donation, which streamlines the request process for the company’s employees and minimizes the administrative lift for the company itself!

*As a note, this feature is designed specifically for fundraisers looking to manage custom matching gift initiatives—Double the Donation does not work directly with corporations. If you’re a company interested in creating a matching gift program, contact us, and we’ll share information about our corporate vendor partners.

Increasing revenue through corporate philanthropy is an excellent objective for nonprofits of all shapes, sizes, and missions. And learning how to identify corporate partnerships is one of the best steps you can take to get there!

For the greatest results, be sure your team is equipped with the tools you need for ongoing, substantial success. For matching gifts and corporate partnership opportunities, Double the Donation offers the best-in-class technology to drive matching gifts to completion, uncover potential sponsorships, and more.

Interested in learning more about corporate fundraising? Check out these other educational posts from Double the Donation:

  • Why Workplace Giving Matters for Nonprofits + Companies. Workplace giving programs such as matching gifts and volunteer grants can make a substantial impact on the nonprofits and companies that participate. Learn more about the benefits of workplace giving and how you can utilize the initiatives for your cause.
  • Corporate Giving Programs: The Ultimate Fundraising Guide. Corporate giving programs are not limited to matching gifts and corporate partnerships! Find out everything there is to know about some of the most popular and effective philanthropy programs offered by companies across the globe with this detailed guide.
  • Matching Gift Databases: Our Comprehensive Guide for 2022. Matching gift software can make a huge difference for matching gift fundraising as well as other forms of corporate giving. Dive into this resource that highlights what to look for in a matching gift database and how it can help your team raise more.

Learn more about identifying corporate sponsorships and increasing matching gifts with Double the Donation.

This article will provide a comprehensive overview of nonprofit crowdfunding.

Nonprofit Ultimate Guide | What to Know About Crowdfunding

Every fundraiser aims to meet essentially the same goal: to raise money and awareness for your cause while connecting with supporters. When it comes down to the details, some fundraising methods will meet your needs better than others. If you’re looking for a lot of support, a big audience, and the opportunity to expand your support system, crowdfunding is the way to go.

However, there’s a lot of uncertainty surrounding the how-tos and best practices of crowdfunding for nonprofits. In this guide, we aim to increase knowledge that drives successful campaigns.

Specifically, we’ll walk through the following frequently asked questions:

In the end, you should have a solid understanding of nonprofit crowdfunding and feel prepared to lead your team in the right direction.

Ready to get started? Let’s dive in.

What is crowdfunding?

Crowdfunding is a type of crowdsourcing that collects goods or services from a large group for an individual or organization. In terms of nonprofit fundraising, crowdfunding is a unique method that typically collects small (or mid-sized) donations from a large group of people, usually over the internet.

Basics of nonprofit crowdfunding

Though it can raise money for just about anything, crowdfunding is often used to collect funds for specific projects before a preset deadline⁠—and expand support for your cause through the power of urgency and online convenience.

How does crowdfunding differ from peer-to-peer fundraising?

Crowdfunding and peer-to-peer fundraising each rely on social sharing in order to reach a community-focused network of supporters. The main difference, however, is that crowdfunding for nonprofits typically involves a single online campaign page hosted on a crowdfunding site.

P2P fundraising, on the other hand, equips each fundraiser with their own personalized fundraising page, each collecting funds for a common goal.

Nonprofit crowdfunding versus peer-to-peer fundraising

How does nonprofit crowdfunding differ from individual crowdfunding?

Although crowdfunding for nonprofits and crowdfunding for individuals may share many similarities, there are a few key differences between the two ideas.

For one, nonprofit fundraisers offer a unique incentive for giving: tax exemption! Registered 501(c)(3) organizations receive tax-exempt status from the U.S. government, which means donations made to the nonprofits can reduce donors’ taxable income when it’s time to file.

Additionally, nonprofit crowdfunding efforts are generally held to a higher level of accountability than individual fundraisers. When a nonprofit indicates that they’ll use the funding collected for Purpose A, they’re typically required to follow through with doing so. As a result, supporters may be more trusting of crowdfunding campaigns benefiting verified nonprofit causes.

In this guide, we’ll focus primarily on nonprofit crowdfunding⁠. However, the tips and tricks shared may be beneficial to individual fundraisers as well.

What are common uses of crowdfunding for nonprofits?

Nonprofit crowdfunding can be used to collect funds for just about anything that aligns with the organization’s overarching mission.

Though the fundraising need can vary dramatically depending on the fundraising organization, we’ve compiled a list of ideas for which a nonprofit may enlist the help of a crowdfunding campaign:

  • Natural disaster relief
  • Other crisis or emergency aid
  • Research funding
  • Educational programs
  • Upcoming events
  • New programming or projects
  • Supply or equipment purchases
  • Social justice initiatives
  • Environmental conservation
  • Sports and recreation activities
  • Healthcare treatment and support
  • Animal welfare
  • Advocacy efforts
  • Capital campaigns
  • Annual funds
  • General fundraising

The opportunities really are endless!

For even more ideas, consider browsing a few popular crowdfunding websites to see what other organizations (particularly those with similar missions to your own) are doing.

What are the benefits of crowdfunding for nonprofits?

Crowdfunding is a powerful fundraising method that brings fundamental advantages to nonprofits organizing the campaigns⁠—not to mention the audience that benefits from the project or program being fulfilled.

As you explore possible reasons to host a crowdfunding initiative, here are a few key reasons to consider:

Nonprofit crowdfunding can raise money quickly

Raising money quickly

Crowdfunding is one of the fastest ways for nonprofit groups to raise money for a project, need, or cause. When promoted strategically via social media, email, and word of mouth (more on that below), a crowdfunding campaign has the potential to reach hundreds, if not thousands, of people. Some campaigns even go viral⁠—and vastly exceed their goals.

Nonprofit crowdfunding can help spread mission awareness

Spreading awareness

Crowdfunding campaigns that seek to raise money for a cause can also help shine a light on that particular issue. For example, an organization raising funds to fight a rare illness may also find that the campaign educates people about that condition, not to mention its treatments and symptoms. The same scenario can occur for crowdfunding pages highlighting social, economic, or political injustices. Campaign creators not only raise money, but they also educate their peers about the overarching issue behind the financial need.

Nonprofit crowdfunding can help bring people together

Expanding new donor reach

Because of their social focus, crowdfunding efforts can also be an excellent way to engage with first-time donors. Supporters might locate your campaign page through a friend or family member, then choose to get involved. From there, the organization has an opportunity to develop an ongoing relationship and keep them coming back to support your efforts time and time again.

Nonprofit crowdfunding can help increase reach

Bringing people together

By its very nature, crowdfunding brings people together and unites them with a common purpose. Individuals can band closely to support a nonprofit cause by contributing to its crowdfunding campaign. When people see their peers supporting a charitable mission online, social proof determines they’ll be more likely to contribute as well. And when the fundraiser reaches a milestone or hits its goal, the entire community is able to celebrate⁠—and feel good knowing that they played a role in the organization’s mission success.

How much does it cost to launch a nonprofit crowdfunding campaign?

The fees for nonprofit crowdfunding can vary greatly depending on the platform you choose. While kicking off a campaign is generally free of cost, it’s important to be mindful of other expenses that may arise.

This would include any platform fees, campaign set-up fees, payment processing fees, and more. It’s also worth noting whether the pricing structure involves a fixed price, a percentage of funds raised, or some combination of each.

Many fundraising sites even offer a decreased pricing scale for registered nonprofit organizations. Not to mention, there may be an option for donors to cover their own processing fees by supplementing their initial donation amount. In such cases, your organization may be able to collect up to 100% of the contributions.

How do you start crowdfunding?

Every campaign will be different depending on your cause, goal, and timeline. Keep those factors in mind while you’re planning, and follow these general steps to get started:

Crowdfunding step-by-step walkthrough

1. Set your goal and deadline.

In any fundraising campaign, it’s important to be straightforward. Transparency proves that your cause can be supported and also helps inform your supporters about when and how to donate.

Having a specific goal and deadline can also help you manage your time as you plan the rest of your campaign. Specifying a goal, like raising money for supplies or funding repairs to your facility, will motivate supporters to give and create a sense of urgency for the fundraiser. Urgency can also be highlighted by a deadline since this gives supporters a clear picture of how far away you are from your goal⁠—in terms of both time and funding.

2. Plan your campaign.

Decide how you want to promote your cause before actually announcing your campaign. This gives you an opportunity to establish a detailed plan for fundraising before you solicit support.

Crowdfunding thrives on social media’s timeliness and ease of use, so focus your efforts on those platforms. Hosting a small event might also be helpful as long as you have the time and resources to plan and promote one. For larger crowdfunding campaigns, tiers of donation amounts with small perks can be an effective way to incentivize giving.

Some campaign methods might not make sense for your fundraiser, and that’s okay. Choose what works best for your goals, needs, and timeline.

3. Choose a crowdfunding service.

If you’re looking to launch a crowdfunding effort, one of the most essential first steps is selecting the fundraising website through which you’ll host your campaign. After all, this is the interface that your donors will be directly interacting with in order to support your cause.

Lucky for you, there are a ton of excellent options to choose from that may be a great fit for your upcoming project or expense. But how will you know which one offers exactly what you need?

You’ll want to start by comparing third-party crowdfunding platforms⁠. Be sure to select the solution with the features, user experience, fees, and payout models that best align with your organization’s overarching goals and priorities. Then, make your selection!

4. Launch a crowdfunding page.

Once you’ve established which platform to use for your campaign, it’s time to set up and launch your online fundraiser. Make sure to populate your campaign page with your goal, some images, and other helpful details. Then, begin linking to it in promotions and social media posts.

Example crowdfunding page for nonprofits

Since your nonprofit website is the go-to source for information about your organization, be sure to include details about your campaign there, as well. Write about the purpose of your fundraiser, including information about events and goals throughout the campaign. Make sure your crowdfunding page is clearly linked from your site, too.

5. Tie in matching gifts.

Did you know that you can substantially increase the potential of your upcoming crowdfunding campaign? Be sure to integrate corporate matching gifts into your overall crowdfunding efforts to do so.

Benefits of matching gifts while crowdfunding for nonprofits

Millions within the workforce⁠—and even some retirees⁠—qualify for matching gift programs through their employing companies. However, the vast majority of these individuals have never been made aware of the programs’ existence. And as a result, more than $4 to $7 billion in available matching funds go unclaimed by eligible donors each year.

So think ahead! Promote matching gift opportunities throughout the entirety of your crowdfunding initiative. Take a proactive approach to inform supporters about matching gifts. You won’t regret it⁠—and the resulting impact will be huge.

6. Promote your campaign.

Once you’ve announced your fundraiser and have begun accepting donations, you’ll need to market your campaign to get your audience giving. Drive engagement by posting your campaign on all social media platforms, reaching out to people already associated with your organization, and encouraging people to tell their friends.

Promoting a nonprofit crowdfunding page on social media

Plus, be sure to tell your existing supporters about the campaign and encourage them to get involved⁠—whether by contributing themselves or sharing the link online!

7. Update your supporters.

Keep your supporters updated regularly, so they stay invested in your crowdfunding campaign⁠—and your overall cause. Donors will appreciate updates on your work, and others in your network may feel increasingly motivated to give after seeing a progress report.

Updating supporters on your nonprofit crowdfunding efforts

For example, providing followers with the exact amount of funding raised can illustrate the power of someone’s donation. This is especially true as you approach your goal and need only a few more donations to reach it.

How do you market a crowdfunding campaign?

After building the framework of your crowdfunding initiative, your top priority should be marketing your campaign.

Ultimately, crowdfunding efforts depend on effective communication to spread the word about your ongoing fundraiser. Without strategic promotions, your audience won’t know how to contribute to your campaign⁠—or even that you’re hosting a campaign in the first place.

Try these recommended tools and methods for reaching out to your target audience and highlighting your crowdfunding fundraiser:

  • Social media: Introduce your campaign on social media to capitalize on the sharing power of the platform. Publish content across your platforms and use tools that allow users to link to giving pages on their profiles. Consider posting at key points of the day when social media traffic is high, and use a hashtag to increase visibility and engagement.
  • Email: Supplement your social media promotions with direct email blasts about your campaign and upcoming deadlines. However, you’ll likely want to use email to support your promotions rather than as a primary source of marketing efforts when it comes to crowdfunding.
  • Gatherings: Host small gatherings throughout your campaign. You might celebrate with a launch party, midpoint gathering, and final celebration. For in-person events, a donation station with a laptop or tablet displaying the campaign can encourage donations. Plus, displaying a QR code that leads to your giving page can go a long way!
  • Giving incentives: Offer donors something small in return for donations. Encourage larger gifts by offering a big prize once an overall goal is achieved.
  • Peer-to-peer: Incorporate peer-to-peer tactics to encourage supporters to share your crowdfunding page. When your campaign is complete, leverage the powerful network you’ve created to launch a future social fundraiser.

No matter how you choose to get the word out, your primary focus should be expanding your outreach and keeping donors connected.

Multiple ways to promote a nonprofit crowdfunding campaign

What happens if my organization doesn’t reach our crowdfunding goal?

Picture this: You set your crowdfunding deadline at the beginning of your campaign, and it ultimately creeps up sooner than you anticipated. You’re still short of your overall fundraising goal when the time is up. What now?

Though it’s not the intended outcome for any fundraiser, it’s an important question to ask.

In the overall crowdfunding market, there are two types of campaigns: “all or nothing” fundraisers and “keep it all” fundraisers. In an “all or nothing” campaign, the individual or group behind the effort can collect pledged funding only if the fundraiser is successful in meeting its goal.

Generally speaking, however, the most popular nonprofit crowdfunding providers are going to skew toward the “keep it all” funding structure⁠. This means that you’d walk away with whatever funding your donors had contributed despite not reaching your goal.

However, we recommend double-checking the terms provided by your crowdfunding site (or prospective platform) to ensure your team receives the funds regardless of your fundraising total.

What are some crowdfunding best practices for success?

Optimize your campaign! Check out these tried-and-true fundraising tips to bring your nonprofit’s crowdfunding efforts to the next level.

Nonprofit crowdfunding best practices

Perfect your pitch.

When fundraising for a nonprofit, it’s essential to perfect your pitch. Be sure to write an engaging and honest story explaining the scope of the organization’s cause and its impact on the community. Avoid information overload, but include the two most important topics: your nonprofit and the cause it supports. Plus, incorporating testimonials from those affected by your organization can help donors understand the impact they can make.

Give a glimpse.

Adding photos and videos to your crowdfunding campaign can help donors understand the organization’s cause and connect with it on a personal level. Showcasing a positive outlook and determination can encourage donors to support the cause. It’s important to attach a face to the cause so donors can make a deeper connection with your nonprofit’s mission.

Extend your reach.

Consider reaching out to local businesses and organizations that may be interested in partnering to support your nonprofit crowdfunding campaign. Ask if they would consider matching donations with a one-off matching gift program or perhaps donating space to host a fundraising event.

Promote giving levels.

One of the best ways to encourage larger donations⁠—and reiterate the impact of an individual’s contribution⁠—is by incorporating concrete giving levels. We recommend tying each level to a tangible use of the funding to help contextualize donations. For example, let’s say a $10 gift feeds a family of four for a day, while a gift of $100 equips that family with nutritious food supplies for the whole month.

Offer incentives.

Crowdfunding also goes hand in hand with product fundraising⁠—and tying the two together can produce excellent results. For your next fundraiser, you might offer exclusive incentives for donors who hit certain giving levels, such as a t-shirt, hat, or something else entirely.

Make the most of workplace giving.

Workplace giving programs are a key form of corporate philanthropy that you don’t want to overlook. Employee matching gifts are one of the most popular examples⁠—which we’ll explore further below⁠—but it can also include efforts such as volunteer grants, employee giving stipends, in-kind donations, and more. Keep in mind that your supporters can be some of your biggest advocates when it comes to workplace giving, so encourage donors to look into the kinds of programs that their employers offer!

How do crowdfunding and matching gifts work together?

Corporate matching gifts can be one of the most effective ways to amplify the impact of your crowdfunding campaign and bring your overall fundraising to new heights.

According to recent matching gift research, more than 26 million individuals work for companies that match employee gifts to charitable causes. And the availability (and knowledge) of corporate matching results in increased donor conversion rates and larger donation amounts.

In fact, 84% of survey participants say they’re more likely to donate if a match is offered, and 1 in 3 donors would give a larger gift if matching is applied to their donation. All in all, this leads to a 71% increase in response rate and a 51% increase in average gift size when donation matching is offered.

Increase crowdfunding results with matching gifts.

So if you want to maximize giving for your upcoming crowdfunding campaign, make sure you don’t overlook the opportunities presented by matching gifts. We recommend:

  • Promoting matching gift information to donors (many qualifying employees have no idea that their companies offer such programs);
  • Collecting donor employment data to uncover eligible matching gifts;
  • Following up with donors after they give to provide company-specific match program guidelines and next steps;
  • Leveraging a crowdfunding platform that integrates with the leading matching gift software provider, Double the Donation.

The simpler you make matching gifts for your donors, the more likely they are to participate. And as a result, the more your crowdfunding efforts will benefit!

What are some nonprofit crowdfunding campaigns to be inspired by?

If you’re looking for examples of real crowdfunding campaigns hosted by⁠ (or benefiting⁠) nonprofits like yours, you’ve come to the right place.

Check out the following success stories⁠—and make a note of the most impactful elements.

Sample nonprofit crowdfunding campaign
Still live at the time of posting, this ongoing campaign is raising funds for a middle school’s musical theater department ahead of an upcoming performance.

Here’s what this campaign does well:

  • Shares a number of photos of students involved in the production, effectively associating a lot of real faces with the cause;
  • Provides an in-depth background for the fundraising need, including funding for sets, costumes, and technical equipment;
  • Incentivizes giving by ensuring individual donors and business sponsors that contributions made to the fundraiser are tax-deductible.

Sample nonprofit crowdfunding campaign
Here’s an example of a crowdfunding campaign benefiting the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, hosted by a dedicated supporter of the organization.

Here’s what this campaign does well:

  • Empowers supporters to fundraise on behalf of their favorite nonprofits, offering easy ways to share their own personal connections to the cause;
  • Verifies that the funds raised are going directly to a registered nonprofit group (and even provides the EIN for the organization, making matching gifts easy!);
  • Surpasses its original fundraising goal by nearly $2,000, ultimately raising around 379% of the initial target.

Sample nonprofit crowdfunding campaign
Crowdfunding efforts can also be used to collect funding needed to start a nonprofit⁠—and that’s exactly what this group did! Though it appears that they fell short of their initial fundraising goal, they were able to raise more than $1,000, which was then used to kickstart the organization.

Here’s what this campaign does well:

  • Provides tangible giving levels that correspond to real impact, ultimately encouraging supporters to increase their donations;
  • Showcases the organization’s overarching goals, mission, and vision;
  • Encourages community through easy social sharing options, an embedded campaign wall with fundraising updates and messages from supporters, and more.

Sample nonprofit crowdfunding campaign

One California-based nonprofit is celebrating its 10-year anniversary with a crowdfunding campaign. And in only seven days, the organization collected nearly $1,500 for its cause!

Here’s what this campaign does well:

  • Provides a comprehensive overview of the organization’s history and growth since its inception over a decade ago;
  • Utilizes special edition apparel and other swag to drive giving at different levels;
  • Shares fundraising milestone updates on the crowdfunding page to celebrate success and encourage continuous support.

Crowdfunding results will vary depending on the organization hosting the fundraiser, its audience, and more. Keep in mind, though, that Nonprofits Source estimates that the average nonprofit crowdfunding campaign raises around $9,237.55.

How can you thank crowdfunding supporters?

After an individual contributes to a crowdfunding campaign, your organization has an opportunity to begin stewarding them into a long-term supporter of your cause. Not only that but thanking donors for their support is just the right thing to do!

That said, in your acknowledgments, be sure that you:

  • Address individuals by name (i.e., “Thanks, Chad!” vs. “Thanks, donor!”);
  • Thank donors for their specific gifts (“Thanks for your generous $100 donation to our campaign!” rather than “Thanks for giving!”);
  • Provide additional context for the tangible impact made possible through a donor’s gift (“Your gift empowers us to offer much-needed school supplies for students in low-income areas.”);
  • Share ongoing ways that supporters can stay involved with your nonprofit (request a matching gift, sign up for a newsletter, connect with your organization on social media, etc.).

If you’re looking for a unique and engaging way to wrap up your crowdfunding effort, we recommend exploring an eCard campaign. By employing a dedicated digital greeting card software, you can easily send creative thank-you notes online.

Check out these examples from one nonprofit, Youth For Understanding:

How to thank crowdfunding donors

How to thank crowdfunding donors In a world where you’re constantly fighting to break through the clutter, fun online greeting cards can be an excellent (and low-cost) way to get your message to stand out.

Launch your own donor recognition digital letter portal for your team members.


Final Thoughts

Crowdfunding is a powerful tool that can help nonprofits raise funds and awareness for their various causes. By integrating the reach of social media and the convenience of online giving, nonprofits can tap into a widespread and diverse donor base to drive support.

In order to maximize giving, it’s important to note that many companies offer matching gift programs, which can double or even triple the impact of a donor’s contribution to your efforts. Take the time to educate and promote the opportunities to supporters, and see how donation-matching can bring your next crowdfunding campaign to new heights.

Keep learning! Browse these additional recommended resources to dive deeper into top nonprofit fundraising practices:

  • Nonprofit Basics – Learn more about nonprofit management essentials by exploring our other expert resources. This includes handy guides on topics like cause marketing, Google Ad grants, corporate sponsorships, and graphic design.
  • Digital Marketing – Understand the basics of digital marketing for nonprofits with this fundamental overview. Explore key components of nonprofit digital marketing, what makes mission-driven marketing unique, and more.
  • A Crowdfunding Guide – Check out more crowdfunding best practices to set your organization up for maximal success. Read this guide to nonprofit crowdfunding and starting your own crowdfunding campaign.

Bring your crowdfunding to new heights with matching gifts.

Discover your nonprofit’s matching gift eligibility in this guide to increase fundraising potential.

Matching Gift Eligibility: Which Nonprofits Qualify?

As a nonprofit professional, you likely know that matching gifts can increase the impact of donations to your organization. However, not all nonprofits are eligible to participate in matching gifts programs.

To maximize your nonprofit’s matching gift revenue, you need to know where your organization stands in terms of eligibility. To gain a better understanding of common nonprofit eligibility standards, let’s take a look at the following:

Ready to learn about typical nonprofit eligibility standards to boost your matching gift potential? Let’s get started! Click to get a demo of Double the Donation’s software solution to help determine your nonprofit’s matching gift eligibility.

Matching Gift Eligibility: A Consideration

When it comes to matching gift eligibility, what matters most is taking a close look at the programs and campaigns offered by your donors’ employers. Since matching gift standards vary from company to company, there aren’t universal guidelines. In other words, you cannot know your eligibility for all matching gift programs (unless you enlist the help of a matching gift database).

Although there’s no way to know for certain if your organization is match-eligible for all of your donors’ employee matching gifts programs, you can get a good grasp of your situation by understanding common criteria.

Types of Nonprofits Eligible for Matching Gifts

Corporate giving programs match the donations employees make to various types of nonprofits. For U.S.-based companies, the nonprofits are usually required to be 501(c)(3) organizations. Not only does this designation mean that an organization is exempt from federal income tax, but it also means that donors who make gifts can deduct those gifts from their taxes.

When reviewing a company’s matching gift guidelines, you may come across a list that outright states what types of nonprofits an employer will match donations to. Organizations that are most commonly eligible for matching gifts include:

This image displays a few types of nonprofits that are eligible for matching gifts, also discussed in the text below.

  • Educational institutions include public K-12 schools, private K-12 schools,  foundations established by school districts, college-level schools that offer at least a two-year program, seminaries schools, theological schools, alumni funds, and schools or colleges within a university that conduct their own fundraising.
  • Arts and cultural organizations refer to nonprofits that are focused on cultivating the arts and cultural experiences. This includes aquariums, libraries, museums, orchestras, public broadcasting stations, and more.
  • Civic and community organizations are typically any community-based nonprofit, such as animal shelters, child welfare centers, homeless shelters, low-income assistance programs, and so on.
  • Health and human services include organizations such as hospitals or other health-oriented nonprofits, substance abuse programs, mental health services, and domestic violence support.
  • Environmental organizations refer to groups dedicated to conservation, wildlife preservation, environmental justice, green energy and sustainable development, and so on.

Most companies with matching gift programs will match employee donations to an organization that fits into one of the above categories, while others are more selective. Generally, companies choose specific causes to support because they align with their corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives or the causes that best reflect the company’s interests.

For example, ExxonMobil focuses its matching gift efforts on two types of nonprofits: the “Educational Matching Gift Program” and the “Cultural Matching Gift Program.” While the maximum match amount for cultural organizations is $2,000, the maximum match amount for educational institutions is $22,500. This shows where this company’s main philanthropy interest lies: in education.

In other cases, employers may be unspecific about the types of nonprofits they match gifts to and handle it on a case-by-case basis. Regardless of the situation, it falls on nonprofits to determine their eligibility status with various local employers.

Types of Nonprofits Not Eligible for Matching Gifts

This image displays a few types of nonprofits that are not eligible for matching gifts, also covered in the text below.

While most 501(c)(3) organizations and educational nonprofits are eligible for matching gifts from a vast array of companies, companies do place restrictions on the organizations they will match for. Usually, these restrictions help them direct their giving budget to organizations that align with both their views and their employees’ views. However, note that corporations do make religious and political donations—they simply exempt them from matching gift programs to promote equity among employee beliefs.

Common organizations that are not eligible for matching gifts include:

  • Religious organizations include houses of worship, such as churches, synagogues, mosques, or temples as well as other religious groups. Generally, an organization that is nondenominational or interdenominational and aims to advance religion is considered a religious organization.
  • Political organizations include political parties, committees, associations, funds, and any other organization that influences or attempts to influence the selection, nomination, election, or appointment of an individual to a political office. Organizations explicitly involved in trying to elect candidates can’t be 501(c)(3)s, and thus are ineligible for matching gift programs specifically for nonprofits.

Although restrictions for these groups are common, there are some exceptions. For example, service-oriented community outreach programs offered by religious or political organizations, such as food banks and homeless shelters, are sometimes eligible for matching gifts.

Matching Gift Eligibility for Employees

Aside from considering whether your organization is eligible for most types of matching gift programs, you should also take into account eligibility requirements for employees to guide your matching gifts marketing strategy.

Employees Eligible for Matching

This image outlines the matching gift eligibility of a few types of employees, also detailed in the text below.

Some companies place restrictions on which employees are eligible for matching gifts. These limitations usually depend on one of the following:

  • Duration of employment. Some corporations only offer matching donations after a worker has been employed for a certain amount of time, such as three months.
  • Employee level. While most businesses offer matching gifts to all employees, some have restrictions based on the employee’s position at the company. For example, Acuity Brands only matches donations from directors and executives.
  • Employment status. Businesses often have different matching gift policies for part-time and full-time employees. Some corporations, such as Sherwin-Williams, will match gifts made by retirees as well as current employees.
  • Employee family. Particularly generous businesses will extend their matching gifts program to employee family members. This benefit usually only applies to spouses, but in some cases, if the employee passes away, the surviving spouse’s gifts will still be matched.

Target your promotional efforts toward individuals who are the most likely to be eligible for matching gifts. You’ll not only increase your conversion rates but also avoid frustrating supporters who aren’t eligible for matching gifts.

For example, if many of your donors work at Acuity Brands, you may be tempted to send them emails appealing for matching gifts. However, once you know that this business only matches donations from directors and executives, it’s clear this is not the best strategy. Instead, engage relevant employees in other ways, such as with volunteer grants or event invitations.

Click to get a demo of Double the Donation’s matching gift database solution to make managing matching gift eligibility easier.

Common Matching Gift Program Rules

Aside from employee eligibility, your nonprofit should also pay attention to the following common matching gift guidelines:

This image illustrates a few common topics that matching gift eligibility rules focus on, also outlined in the text below.

  • Minimum match amount. Some organizations establish a minimum donation amount employees must hit to be eligible for matches. The average minimum donation match amount is $34, which means donations smaller than this amount may not be eligible for matching depending on the employer’s guidelines.
  • Maximum match amount. Since companies have a limited budget, they usually place a cap on the maximum donation amount they’ll match. This ceiling can either refer to the maximum amount of a single donation, a cumulative maximum for donations made in a fiscal year, or both.
  • Match ratios. Most companies offer a 1:1 matching ratio, meaning that the company will directly match the employee’s donation amount. For example, if an employee donates $20 then the employer will also contribute $20. However, particularly generous companies will match at a higher ratio, such as 2:1 or even 3:1!

As you research matching gift guidelines, take a good look at the employers many of your donors share. By doing so, you’ll gain a better understanding of their programs and provide more specific advice to match eligible donors.

How Matching Gift Software Can Help

When properly handled, matching gifts can bring in substantial revenue without placing additional financial obligations on donors. However, determining your nonprofit’s eligibility and staying up-to-date on your employers’ guidelines is a long, arduous process. That’s where a matching gift database comes in handy, regardless of your nonprofit’s size or mission!

If you’re looking to invest in a matching gift database, check out Double the Donation’s industry-leading solution. With data on more than 20,000 companies, it’s the most comprehensive source of matching gift forms and instructions. Here’s how it works:

  1. Your nonprofit embeds the matching gift search tool into your online fundraising channels, such as your donation form or a dedicated matching gifts page.
  2. Donors search for their employers.
  3. They receive all available forms and guidelines on their company’s giving programs.
  4. Eligible donors who have yet to complete their matching gift application forms receive reminder emails with their employer’s guidelines.
  5. Your nonprofit maximizes its matching gift potential!

If you’re interested in learning more about Double the Donation and their matching gift automation software, check out this quick summary video:

With a matching gifts tool, your nonprofit receives the most up-to-date guidelines and eligibility requirements for your donors’ corporate giving programs. This way, you don’t miss out on any corporate philanthropy opportunities.

Additional Resources

By learning about typical requirements and restrictions on matching gift programs, you’ll be more prepared to leverage these workplace giving initiatives to boost your nonprofit’s fundraising. Keep in mind that there’s no hard and fast rule when it comes to matching gifts eligibility, and there are bound to be exceptions to general guidelines.

If you’re interested in learning more about matching gifts, check out the following resources:

Click to get a demo of Double the Donation’s software to check matching gift eligibility and capture all available opportunities.

Companies That Offer Fundraising Matches

Companies That Offer Fundraising Matches for Run/Walk/Rides

At Double the Donation, we often discuss corporate matching gifts—or initiatives through which employers financially match the donations made by individual employees to qualifying nonprofits. However, there’s another powerful⁠ (yet even lesser-known⁠) opportunity to keep an eye out for. And that is companies that offer fundraising matches!

Fundraising match programs also involve employer matching. However, unlike typical matching programs that solely cover financial donations made from an employee’s own wallet, fundraising match programs involve a company matching all of the funds raised by an employee during a fundraising activity. This is particularly important to consider in regard to one of the most popular fundraisers in the nonprofit world: the Run/Walk/Ride event.

These events involve participants running/walking/cycling (or partaking in another activity!) for a certain distance and collecting pledges on your organization’s behalf according to the distance they cover. And for volunteer fundraisers that work for a company offering fundraising matching, these fulfilled pledges can be doubled for even greater impact.

Now, you might be wondering what kinds of employers offer these initiatives⁠—and how your team can locate donors who qualify. Lucky for you, there are a ton of available programs.

We’ve selected a selection of companies that offer fundraising matches, which we’ll discuss below:

  • Intuit, Inc.
  • BP
  • State Street Corporation
  • Penguin Random House
  • CVS Health
  • Boeing
  • Numerator
  • The Estee Lauder Companies
  • Northstrat

Keep in mind that there are a ton more participating businesses, too. These are just a sample!

But before diving into the above companies, we’re going to look at the easiest way to uncover these opportunities⁠—with dedicated matching gift tools.

Matching gift tools are the best way to discover these programs.

The Best Way to Discover Matching Gifts

To best capitalize on these fundraising matching programs, you first need to discover where they exist. The easiest way to do that is by using dedicated matching gift software.

Matching gift software allows your organization to easily uncover and pursue these opportunities within your network of support. For example, Double the Donation’s matching gift software is a fully automated matching gift platform that uncovers a donor’s match eligibility once a donation is made and triggers automated outreach with company-specific program guidelines to drive next steps. Thousands of nonprofits trust Double the Donation to fuel their matching gift fundraising needs⁠—including more than 70% of the nation’s largest organizations!

And, built on the industry’s most comprehensive database of employee giving program information, it doesn’t just provide insights on individual matching opportunities, either. Double the Donation enables donors to seamlessly locate details regarding their employers’ volunteer grant and fundraising match programs as well! And it’s made easy to get started thanks to technology integrations with most online donation forms and CRMs.

With that, check out these top examples of companies that offer fundraising matches.
These are some of the top companies offering fundraising match programs.

Companies that Match Gifts to Run/Walk/Ride Events

Tons of companies participate in fundraising match programs which ultimately amplify the result of individual (or team) employee fundraising efforts. A few standout programs that we’ve selected to highlight include the following:

Intuit, Inc.

Intuit is a top company offering a fundraising match program.

Intuit is a software company that develops financial and tax preparation software. It employs over 17,000 team members and offers a comprehensive matching gift program to its employees.

Intuit’s matching gift program includes an individual match, in which the company will match an employee’s donation of up to $5,000 to a nonprofit organization or educational institution of their choosing. In addition, Intuit’s corporate giving programs include a fundraising match. Intuit matches funds personally raised by an employee for a fundraising event.

Learn more about Intuit’s matching gift program.

BP (Formerly British Petroleum)

BP is a top company that offers a fundraising match program.

As one of the top 20 largest companies in the world by revenue, BP is an international oil and gas company headquartered in London. BP employs nearly 80,000 people across the world with a large presence in the United States.

With employee grant programs that include traditional personal donation matches, as well as matches for money raised from employees’ friends and family members, BP will match a maximum of $5,000 per employee, per year.

Learn more about BP’s matching gift program.

State Street Corporation

State Street Corporation is a top company that offers a fundraising match program.

State Street is a financial services holding company founded in Boston in 1792. After many years of successful growth, the company now employs more than 42,000 people internationally.

State Street offers a matching gift program for employee donations called GiveMore, which matches at a 1:1 ratio. Within this program, annual matching limits are extremely generous, varying by role. For example…

  • The Board of Directors, CEO, President, and Vice Chairs can receive up to $35,000 in matching funds.
  • Executive Vice Presidents can receive up to $25,000.
  • Senior Vice Presidents can receive up to $15,000.
  • All other employees can receive up to $5,000 in matching funds.

State Street also offers a fundraising match program called CollectMore, where the company will match an employee’s fulfilled fundraising pledges as they partake in walk, bike, or ride types of events benefiting qualifying nonprofits. CollectMore is available up to $10,000 per team member, inclusive of the GiveMore total as well.

Learn more about State Street’s matching gift program.

Penguin Random House

Penguin Random House is a top company offering a fundraising match program.

Penguin Random House engages employees by matching donations of up to $2,500 per employee per year to most 501(c)(3) nonprofits.

To sweeten their program even further, Penguin Random House has also established a Fundraising Match Program. With this initiative, the company will match up to $1,500 per employee (included in the $2,500 per employee annual maximum), per calendar year. This essentially allows employees to double the money raised via fundraising events to qualifying nonprofit organizations with 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status.

Types of qualifying events include (but are not limited to) walk-a-thons, bike-a-thons, and 5K’s, though Penguin Random House indicates that each fundraising request will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Learn more about Penguin Random House’s matching gift program.

CVS Health

CVS is a company that offers fundraising matches for employees.CVS Health matches employee donations made through their Community Crew Portal to many nonprofit causes throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. This includes just about any registered 501(c)(3) organization.

But they don’t stop there! The company also offers a generous fundraising match program for individuals and team participants. When an individual staff member participates in a Run/Walk/Ride fundraising challenge, CVS Health agrees to match the funds raised between $250 and $1,000.

And when a team of five or more CVS Health employees participate in a similar type of fundraising event, the company offers to match fulfilled pledges up to $5,000.

Learn more about CVS Health’s matching gift program.


Boeing is a company that offers fundraising matches for employees.American multinational aircraft corporation Boeing Co. offers a particularly generous matching gift initiative that encompasses personal employee donations, gifts made by retirees and spouse/domestic partners, volunteer grants, and even funds contributed through fundraising walks participated in by employees.

Each year, a team member is eligible to request up to $10,000 at a 1:1 match rate to a wide range of nonprofit organizations⁠—including educational institutions, health and human services, arts and cultural organizations, civic and community organizations, environmental nonprofits, and more.

Learn more about Boeing’s matching gift program.


Numerator is a company that offers fundraising matches for employees.Numerator is a consumer insights and data company that aims to engage and incentivize its employees with unique and impactful giving opportunities.

Every year, employees are encouraged to participate in the company’s fundraising match program. When doing so, funds raised through peer-to-peer fundraising efforts to most nonprofit causes⁠—including schools, health and human services, community organizations, and tons more⁠—are matched, dollar-for-dollar.

Each employee (full- and part-time alike) qualifies to request up to $500 in fundraising match grants on a rolling annual basis, with no minimum amount required to get involved!

Learn more about Numerator’s matching gift program.

The Estee Lauder Companies

Estee Lauder is a company that offers fundraising matches for employees.With brands such as Too Faced, M·A·C, Clinique, and Tom Ford Beauty, the Estee Lauder Companies have established a number of charitable giving programs that aim to give back to their communities.

These include⁠—but are not limited to⁠—matching individual staff donations, offering volunteer grants to the nonprofits their team members volunteer with, and providing impactful fundraising matches when employees partake in events or other peer-to-peer fundraising challenges.

Each year, qualifying members of the Estee Lauder Companies’ workforce can request up to $5,000 in corporate funding, inclusive of their matching gifts, dollars for doers, and fundraising match initiatives.

Learn more about The Estee Lauder Companies’ matching gift program.


Northstrat is a company that offers fundraising matches for employees.Northstrat, an employee-owned Information Technology company providing solutions to a number of US government agencies, participates in corporate philanthropy with a particular focus on education. Currently, the company offers to “match funds raised in sponsorship of events where employee collects donations based on their activity” in addition to a more traditional employee matching gift program of up to $500 per employee per year.

Qualifying nonprofit recipients include accredited public and private K-12 institutions, junior and community colleges, four-year colleges and universities, professional and graduate schools, and select other organizations.

Learn more about Northstrat’s matching gift program.

How Can Your Organization Make the Most of These Opportunities?

Now that you’re aware of the vast array of fundraising matching gift programs available to your organization through qualifying donors, you’re likely wondering what actionable steps your team can take to make the most of the opportunity.

Ultimately, the most critical component of a fundraising matching strategy involves driving supporter awareness! Like traditional matching gifts, tons of qualifying supporters remain unaware of the programs in place by their employers. So in order to drive participation, it’s important that you inform them.

Check out a few of our favorite ideas for doing so:

Share general information on social media. Post a fun graphic that states, “Many companies match donations collected by employees for peer-to-peer fundraising events. Find out how to get involved here!” Then, be sure to link to your organization’s dedicated matching gift page where they can learn more about their employers’ programs.

Reach out to existing P2P volunteers directly. Send an email⁠ or text—or make a phone call⁠—to supporters who are already fundraising on your nonprofit’s behalf. Let them know how they can find out if they qualify for a fundraising match from their employer and how to get started. As you do, remember to emphasize the increased impact that fundraising match initiatives can bring!

Wrapping Up

Fundraising match programs are the perfect addition to any Run/Walk/Ride or other peer-to-peer giving based event. And being aware of the companies that offer fundraising matches is an essential first step.

If you’re planning such an event, check to see if any of your donors work for the above companies. If your participants qualify, you may ultimately receive twice the fundraised donations for that supporter!

However, keep in mind that they themselves may not be aware of the opportunity at hand. Thus, it helps to provide guidance and resources throughout the process to drive more available fundraising matches to completion.

Explore matching gifts and fundraising matches with Double the Donation.

How to Increase Donor Awareness about Matching Gift Programs

Increase Matching Gift Awareness [And Revenue!]

According to recent studies, more than 26 million individuals work for companies that match employee gifts. However, an estimated 78% of the group has never been informed about the available philanthropic programming. Thus, in order to maximize funding, it’s important to increase matching gift awareness across your network of support.

In this guide, we’ll touch on some impactful marketing efforts to get your donors ramped up to submit those matching gift forms to their employers. But we’ll also cover why awareness is crucial to matching gift success, how you can set your staff up to champion your efforts, and what to do after educating donors about the opportunities at hand.

Specifically, you’ll learn:

Surely, your organization aims to maximize the impact of each donation you receive. Matching gifts are one of the best ways to do so⁠—but in order to drive results, your supporters need to know about them.

Let’s get started!

Why increasing matching gift awareness matters

Ensuring donors are aware of matching gifts is one of the biggest obstacles your organization will face. However, it’s essential for increasing funding through these programs.

There are billions (yes, billions⁠—to the tune of $4,000,000,000 to $7,000,000,000 worth) of corporate giving dollars left unclaimed each year. Why? Largely because the majority of eligible donors have never been informed of the opportunity.

In fact, without a strategic approach to increase matching gift awareness…

  • 78% of donors do not know if their company offers a matching gift program;
  • 15% of donors know their company has a program but are unsure if they’re eligible or how to submit a matching gift request;
  • Only 7% of donors are aware that their company matches gifts, know they’re eligible, and understand how to submit their matching gift requests.

Matching gift awareness percentages

Not to mention, donors love participating in matching gift programs⁠—so long as they know they exist. These initiatives allow them to double or even triple the impact of their giving to the charitable organizations they support. And they don’t even have to reach back into their own wallets to do so!

An analysis of donor behavior even indicates that nonprofit supporters are more likely to give⁠—and to give more⁠—when they know their donations will be matched. In fact, 84% of survey participants say they’re more likely to donate if a match is offered. And 1 in 3 donors would give a larger gift if matching is applied!

As a result, organizations saw a 71% increase in response rate and a 51% increase in average donation amount when matching gifts were mentioned.

Impact of increasing matching gift awareness among donors

That means when donors are aware of the opportunities, your organization can benefit not only from more corporate matches but from increased individual giving altogether.

Starting with your staff; driving awareness internally

Increasing matching gift awareness among donors is critical for a nonprofit to maximize its fundraising potential. However, before a nonprofit can effectively communicate the benefits of matching gifts to donors, it is crucial that its internal team fully understands the opportunity themselves.

After all, a nonprofit’s staff (or volunteers) are likely the primary point of contact with supporters. Therefore, it’s essential that the internal team understands the concepts behind corporate matching gifts and is equipped to support donors interested in participating.

Here’s what we recommend:

  • Conducting regularly scheduled dedicated matching gift training sessions for all donor-facing staff and volunteers;
  • Incorporating matching gift information in new team member onboarding materials going forward;
  • Developing easily accessible internal materials that provide an overview of matching gifts, frequently asked questions and answers, benefits, and more;
  • Establishing a matching gift team leader to whom the rest of the team can direct inquiries regarding matching gifts to learn more.

Luckily, Double the Donation offers a wide range of free resources that can help guide you through the process⁠—from educational blog posts to immersive webinars and more.

Increase matching gift awareness among your internal team

Staff members who are familiar with matching gift programs can best serve as advocates for the opportunity to eligible donors. By equipping staff members with the knowledge and tools necessary to promote corporate matching, a nonprofit can effectively communicate the benefits of matching gifts to donors and maximize its fundraising potential.

10 marketing methods to increase matching gift awareness among donors

Now it’s time to make your donors aware of the available programming that can double their impact on your cause.

There are a ton of ways to do so⁠—but we’ve selected a few of our favorite marketing strategies to increase matching gift awareness for your audience here.

1. Create a matching gift web page.

To make it easy for donors to learn about matching gift programs, create a dedicated matching gift web page on your nonprofit’s website.

This centralized hub of matching gift information should provide an overview of corporate donation-matching, explain the tangible benefits of these programs for your cause, and include an intuitive database search tool for donors to uncover their own eligibility.

You’ll also want to include basic information about your organization, including contact details for your matching gift coordinator, your tax ID number, and more.

Increase matching gift awareness with a matching gift web page

In doing so, you can target supporters who are perusing your website⁠—which can actually drive them further down the donation funnel and encourage them to give more⁠—and provide donors with a trusted resource with everything they need to get started.

Then, you can link to this hub in your other marketing materials, demonstrating how donors can learn more about the opportunity. You might even use your match page to train your internal staff on matching gifts!

2. Highlight matching in fundraising appeals.

We mentioned previously that when donors are informed of matching gift opportunities prior to making their contributions, they’re more likely to give and give in larger amounts. In order to drive awareness beforehand, your fundraising appeals can really come in handy.

As you craft your next donation appeal, incorporate a quick blurb about matching gifts and the amplified impact they bring. This can be just what you need to drive on-the-fence supporters into action-taking donors!

Here’s an example: “Dear [donor], Do you work for a match-maker? Thousands of companies⁠—employing millions of qualifying donors⁠—agree to match the charitable gifts their team members contribute to nonprofits like ours. Find out if your company participates by searching here⁠. Then, head to our donation form to make a match-eligible gift (or request a match from a previous and still-eligible donation)!”

3. Embed in online donation pages.

If an individual navigates to your nonprofit donation page, chances are that they’d like to support your cause. That makes your online giving forms the perfect place to promote gift-matching.

And it’s also one of your best opportunities to request employment information⁠. [Hint: Once collected, this detail can directly aid your team in uncovering and pursuing match-eligible donations.]

We recommend embedding Double the Donation’s smart company search tool that allows donors to choose from auto-completing search results. It even takes into account common typos and company subsidiaries for the most accurate results, ensuring users can quickly select their employer from our robust database and move on to the next steps without slowing down the giving experience.

Increase matching gift awareness with your giving forms

To encourage donors to complete the optional field, you’ll also want to include a short blurb about matching gifts that provides context as to why you’re asking for employment data. Here’s an example: “Millions of donors qualify to have their charitable gifts matched by their employers. See if your company offers such a program by entering your employer’s name in the box.”

4. Mention on your confirmation screen.

Immediately after completing an online donation, nonprofit supporters typically remain at a high level of engagement. It’s important to take advantage of this momentum and immediately encourage eligible donors to secure a matching gift.

And your donation confirmation or thank-you screen is a great place to begin! After all, matching gifts make a great “Next Steps” option for supporters looking to increase their impact after they submit their donations.

Consider adding a message to your confirmation screen such as this: “Thanks for your donation! Did you know your employer may match your gift and double its impact? Check if your contribution is eligible by searching for your company here.”

And when you embed Double the Donation’s matching gift plugin, you can provide quick and easy access to company-specific guidelines, forms, and more. Plus, if the individual provides their employer’s name during the giving process, the plugin tool will automatically populate with that company’s program details and direct links to submission forms!

Increase matching gift awareness with your confirmation pages

This allows individuals to quickly move from the “general awareness of matching gift programs as a concept” phase to the “specific knowledge of their company’s initiatives and guidelines” in no time. And remember⁠—the latter is where you want your donors to be!

5. Include matching gift information in donation acknowledgments.

If your nonprofit organization is not already including information about matching gift opportunities in donor acknowledgment letters, it’s super easy to start. Keep in mind, though, that you won’t want this to be your sole matching gift promotion. Automated donation acknowledgments and gift receipts are often quickly discarded and may ultimately end up in a “trash” box before the donor arrives at the included matching gift mention.

Still, including a brief section about corporate matching gift opportunities can be an excellent way to whet your supporters’ appetites regarding the programs. Direct donors to your aforementioned matching gift web page, and let them know that they should soon expect to receive an additional email follow-up dedicated to matching gifts.

It can be as simple as this: “Did you know that many corporations offer employee giving programs where they match donations to [your organization’s name]? Search for your company on our matching gift page to see if they provide matching gifts! Or keep an eye out for detailed next steps in a separate email.”

6. Send separate matching gift follow-up emails.

Chances are, some donors are likely to miss out on your confirmation page and/or acknowledgment promotions. But you still want to ensure that all of your supporters are exposed to matching gift information so they can make an informed decision about their next steps.

The best way to do this? Send dedicated matching gift emails after each donation you receive.

Increase matching gift awareness with follow-up emails

(This is also a great reminder avenue for donors who did become aware of matching gifts previously but ultimately opted to procrastinate their requests.)

If you have a record of a donor’s employer, you can even incorporate detailed and company-specific program guidelines. This will help recipients quickly determine match eligibility and lead them directly to their companies’ online submission forms to complete the request. If you’ve yet to identify a supporter’s employer, encourage them once again to provide that information so you can guide them through the matching process.

By highlighting matching gifts while your organization and its cause are still fresh on donors’ minds, you increase the likelihood that they will take action to double their gifts. That’s why we recommend sending these follow-up messages within 24 hours of receiving the initial gift. In fact, organizations that do so see an estimated 53% open rate, which is more than two to three times the average nonprofit email open rate.

7. Engage on social media.

Social media sites can be a great way to increase matching gift awareness across a wider audience. Plus, you can encourage supporters to interact with and share your content with their own followers.

Make sure to schedule regular messages throughout the year⁠, noting occasions like Matching Gift Month and more. Use your social platforms to share stories about how the money raised for your organization is helping grow your mission⁠—and how doubling those gifts helps amplify impact.

Increase matching gift awareness with social media

For the best results, adjust your messaging based on the platform on which you plan to share it. For example…

  • Twitter is great for short-and-sweet blurbs about matching gifts;
  • Facebook posts can be a bit longer and more in-depth;
  • Instagram is designed for image-sharing⁠—so be sure to choose eye-catching graphics that help demonstrate the power of matching gifts.
  • And don’t forget about vide0-sharing sites, either⁠—YouTube and even TikTok offer excellent opportunities for sharing matching gift videos and more.

Regardless of what you post or where you post it, you’ll want to provide direct links to resources users can access for additional information.

8. Enlist snail-mail promotions.

While electronic communication is speedy and efficient, there are still donors who would still rather the personal touch of a tangible mailing. If your organization employs direct mail outreach in your fundraising, consider exploring the tactic to increase matching gift awareness among your direct-mail-preferred donor segment.

However, you’ll want to keep in mind that the investment for this strategy can add up quickly⁠—so make sure you’re still expecting an appropriate return.

There are a number of ways to keep your costs low, too. For example, if you’re already hosting a direct mail campaign, you might include an insert on matching gifts into your existing fundraising packet. Or similarly, you can even print matching gift information directly onto your donation return envelopes!

Increase matching gift awareness with direct mail envelopes

Still, we recommend retaining physical mailings for only your most lucrative matching gift opportunities.

9. Host a live-stream event.

If they’ve never heard of the programs before, your donors are likely to have a number of questions about matching gifts. As you begin to integrate donation-matching promotions into your overall fundraising efforts, consider hosting a live-stream event.

This will allow you to engage with your audience in real-time, encouraging supporters to attend, ask questions, and learn more about getting involved with their employers’ corporate giving programs.

Not to mention, it will also provide a unique opportunity for your team to show the persons behind your organization with a virtual, yet face-to-face experience.

10. Employ end-of-year reminders.

Unfortunately, donations typically have a limited time span during which they qualify for corporate matching. Though it can differ from company to company, many program windows close at the end of the year. Thus, it’s critical that you increase matching gift awareness among donors before it’s too late.

And end-of-year reminders can be a great way to do so.

As the year comes to a close, consider sending additional outreach that reiterates the availability of matching gifts⁠. This can be especially beneficial for those who had been marked match-eligible despite not seeming to have submitted their matches.

Remember: the urgency at the end of the year can be an excellent tool for driving action along with awareness. So make the most of it!

After awareness ⁠— next steps to consider

Informing individuals about matching gift opportunities is phase one in securing additional financial support. But you can’t stop there!

After ensuring awareness of matching gifts, there are a few next steps we recommend to ultimately drive matches to completion, determine success, and thank donors for their above-and-beyond support.

Remind supporters about matching gifts.

Sometimes the initial steps you take to inform your audience about matching gifts won’t be enough to actually produce results. In those cases, take the extra step to remind qualifying donors about their matching gift eligibility after the fact.

Increase matching gift awareness with reminders

To do so, it helps to track which identified matches have been submitted by donors and which ones appear to remain unclaimed. Then, follow up on incomplete matches by reminding donors about the opportunity and how easily they can get involved.

Here’s a hint: manually tracking and following up on matching gifts can be quite the undertaking. We recommend employing automation software like 360MatchPro to identify, pursue, and monitor matches throughout the process.

Thank donors for their submissions.

Once you’re notified that an individual has completed their end of the matching gift request process, be sure to thank them for doing so. Communicate the amplified impact of an individual donation when matched, and show your appreciation accordingly.

To make your gratitude stand out in your recipients’ inboxes, consider employing customizable donor recognition eCards. It’s a fun and creative way to thank your matching gift donors for taking the next steps to amplify their giving impact. And it will keep your organization at the forefront of the recipient’s mind for longer, too!

Matching gift eCard example - increasing matching gift awareness

Matching gift eCard example - increasing matching gift awareness

Communicate gratitude for completed matches.

Your supporters also want to know if and when your organization receives the associated match to their donation. Despite the matching gift not coming from an individual’s own wallet, it’s important to recognize that the additional contribution would not have been possible without their actions on your behalf.

Plus, it helps close the loop with the original donor, confirming with them that the match was ultimately successful. Otherwise, they might never know⁠ it was completed, and they wouldn’t be as likely to request a match in the future.

Bonus tip: In your acknowledgments, you can even link a survey that asks donors how they learned about matching gifts. Consider listing your primary marketing efforts along with an “other” field or free response option. This will help determine which efforts are worth prioritizing in the future as well as which may be less impactful for your particular audience.

Identify ongoing opportunities.

Your organization should also be able to determine if a majority of matching gifts are coming from one company in particular or from a wide array of employers.

This is noteworthy because if your matching gifts seem to be coming from a few major employers, consider publicly recognizing the company as a valuable partner to your organization.

Increase Donor Awareness of Matching Gifts and Pursue Ongoing Opportunities

You can even reach out to pursue additional corporate sponsorships. This might include upcoming events, cause marketing opportunities, in-kind donations, workplace giving campaigns, and more.

Measure matching gift marketing impact.

Our final recommended step involves ensuring that your above-mentioned marketing efforts are actually working. One key piece of advice we have is to visualize your data with a chart or graph. This way, you can easily view the total (number, revenue, or percentage) of matching gifts received in a set time period.

Then, compare that figure to your previous month, year, etc., to show the difference between your results pre- and post-marketing strategy. Can you see a discernible difference in the number of matching gifts being sent in?

 To get started, you can download our free, editable Matching Gift Dashboard here >

Sample matching gift dashboard to measure matching gift awareness

But to scale up your reporting capabilities, the right matching gift software can make a big difference here as well. For example, Double the Donation empowers organizations to easily track metrics such as their:

  • Total individual donations
  • Percentage of donations flagged as match-eligible
  • Total number of matching gifts submitted
  • Number of matching gifts verified by your organization
  • Number of matching gifts ultimately received
  • Percentage of matching gifts completed
  • Value of received matching gifts
  • Percentage increase due to matching gift revenue
  • And more!

From there, you can take a look at your data, locate apparent trends, identify successes, and explore areas with room for improvement.

Wrapping Up

There are a variety of ways to market matching gifts to your donors, and increasing awareness of the opportunity can go a long way.

Too much money goes unclaimed by nonprofits and their donors due to a lack of awareness about corporate giving initiatives. This shouldn’t be the case!

Make sure you’re educating your supporters on a consistent and ongoing basis, and you could be well on your way to a substantial increase in matching gift fundraising success.

Interested in learning more about matching gift opportunities and how to drive participation for your nonprofit cause? Check out these additional recommended resources:

  • 8 Ways to Encourage Donors to Submit Employee Matching Gift Requests. Increasing awareness of matching gifts is the first key step. But then you’ll need to drive matching gift requests to completion in order to receive funding. Dive into eight recommended practices here.
  • How to Get Matching Gifts Trending at Your Organization. How can you use current marketing trends to get the word out about matching gift opportunities? We share several innovative ideas, from social media usage to artificial intelligence, in this recent blog post.
  • Top Matching Gift Practices | Actionable Insights & Examples. Explore real-world examples of matching gift success. This guide walks through tried-and-true tips from the nation’s leading nonprofits⁠—and how they promote matching gifts to their audiences.
  • Interested in learning more about communicating the value of matching gifts and securing buy-in from your stakeholders? Check out our immersive webinar on the topic!Simple Steps to Score Matching Gift Buy-In from Board Members

Increase matching gift awareness with Double the Donation.

What to Know about Religious Organizations and Matching Gifts

What to Know | Religious Organizations and Matching Gifts

Religiously affiliated fundraisers like yourself are constantly on the lookout for new sources of revenue to better support their missions. One such opportunity is with corporate matching gift programs. Yet there tends to be a bit of nuance when it comes to religious organizations and matching gifts, and leaders of religious groups such as churches, synagogues, mosques, and other ministries often wonder if they’re eligible for the programs.

According to The Giving Institute’s Giving USA Special Report, religious giving is up substantially from 2016⁠—with places of worship and faith-based orgs ranking in the top three types of charities supported by Gen Z, Millennial, Gen X, and Boomer donors alike. New technology simplifying the giving process, continuous industry developments, and more likely play a role in the growth. Now, how do matching gifts factor in?

We’ve put together this guide to help your team answer that question, specifically in regard to your own organization’s fundraising efforts. To better understand your faith-based nonprofit’s standing with corporate philanthropy, we’ll help you familiarize yourself with:

When eligible, corporate matching gifts are an effective component of any organization’s overall fundraising strategy. These programs help amplify giving, empowering your team to do more with the funding you receive from generous supporters.

And the typical donor loves to get involved, too—seeing their impact stretch further than they may have thought possible.

If you’re ready to find out if your religious organization can benefit from matching gifts, let’s get started!

Match eligibility for different types of religious organizations

Unfortunately, strictly religious organizations are often excluded from companies’ employee matching gift programs. Still, it’s important to note that not all religiously affiliated nonprofits are treated the same under these employers’ matching gift guidelines.

Generally speaking, religious organizations are divided into two overarching categories when it comes to determining matching gift eligibility. These include the following.

Houses of Worship

Oftentimes, companies will not match donations to churches, synagogues, temples, mosques, and other places of worship.

If you run one of these types of organizations, you might be wondering why they wouldn’t qualify. After all, you know better than anyone the impact of effective fundraising for your cause.

However, places of worship are often considered religious institutions rather than charitable organizations. The primary difference generally lies in the idea that places of worship generally prioritize religious teachings and spiritual guidance to a specific group of members rather than serving the community in the way that nonprofits typically do.

Still, there are certainly some cases where the concepts overlap, which we’ll dive deeper into below.

Religious Organizations that Provide Social Services

This next category of religiously affiliated organizations is significantly more likely to qualify for matching gift programs⁠—even if a donor’s company reportedly does not match donations to places of worship.

In fact, a common exception to the exclusion of religious causes will occur if the organization provides social services to the greater community. 

Common examples may include:

  • Food pantries
  • Low-cost or free clothing banks
  • Homeless shelters
  • Disaster relief efforts
  • Domestic violence support
  • Youth programs
  • Medical clinics
  • Religiously affiliated educational institutions (preschool, K-12, and higher ed alike)

For these types of organizations to qualify for matching, there are generally a few stipulations in place. For instance, the company may verify that the initial donation and/or provided match is not being used for religious-specific purposes. Additionally, many employers require that the above types of social services be open to the general public and not involve any sort of religious teaching in order to remain eligible for the program.

If you come across a donor’s company that doesn’t match contributions to faith-based organizations, chances are, they may make exceptions for those that provide secular-focused services to the community.

Thus, make sure to read all the requirements instead of glancing over them. Otherwise, you may miss out on important revenue opportunities!

Typical wording from matching gift companies regarding religious orgs

While every employer’s matching gift criteria are different, participating businesses typically address the idea of religious organizations and matching gifts in their corporate giving program documentation. And companies can have vastly different stances on the eligibility of religious gifts.

Take these excerpts from several corporations’ matching gift forms, for example.

American Express

American Express matches donations to most 501(c)(3) organizations. In fact, the company will even match select donations at a 2:1 ratio if an employee also serves on the nonprofit’s board or volunteers for over 50 hours in a year. That means your donors who work for American Express can potentially triple their donations.

Here’s what American Express says about houses of worship and other religious groups in the company’s matching gift guidelines:

Gifts to houses of worship (churches, synagogues, etc.) will not be matched. However, the program will match a gift to an ongoing and independently-run program affiliated with a religious organization if the gift is restricted to a nonsectarian project that provides needed social services to the community at large on a non-discriminatory basis without any religious teaching, directive, or requirements to receive services (e.g., a soup kitchen, a homeless shelter, a food bank, etc.).

Read more about American Express’s matching gift program.

Campbell and Company

As a fundraising consulting firm, Campbell and Company understands the importance of corporate matching gifts for the nonprofits its employees support. Each year, full-time employees qualify to request up to $1,000 worth of matching gifts for their favorite charitable organizations.

According to their program policy, Campbell and Company takes the following approach to matching gifts made to religious groups:

Campbell and Company will only consider matching donations to religious organizations when the gift is designated to an ongoing secular, non-discriminatory community service program sponsored by these organizations which do not advocate or advance any specific religious views (e.g., a soup kitchen run by a church, a homeless shelter operated by Catholic Charities, etc.).

Read more about Campbell and Company’s matching gift program.


Matching donations to most 501(c)(3) nonprofits, Castlelake offers employee matching opportunities that amplify individual team members’ giving to schools, health and human services, arts and cultural organizations, civic and community organizations, environmental nonprofits, and more.

Not to mention, Castlelake will match gifts to some religious organizations in certain scenarios. Here’s what the company has stated in its employee matching gift policy:

Castlelake will consider matching gifts to religious organizations when the gift is designated to an ongoing secular community service program sponsored by these organizations and does not propagate a belief in a specific faith. These programs must have a formal mission and a separate program budget. Further, the benefits of the gift must not be limited exclusively to the organization’s members. Some examples of these types of programs are homelessness projects, food banks, shelters, and literacy programs.

Read more about Castlelake’s matching gift program.


Chevron matches donations from full-time employees and retirees, and the company offers volunteer grants. When their employees or retirees volunteer 20 hours or more and request a grant, your organization (if eligible) will receive a check!

Here’s what Chevron says about matching to faith-based organizations:

Chevron Humankind will provide matching funds and grants to programs operated by faith-based organizations if those programs: (a) are open to all individuals in the community regardless of religious belief; (b) serve a secular purpose, such as a food pantry or a homeless shelter; and (c) do not require participants to join in religious worship as a condition of receiving the services that the nonprofit offers.

Read more about Chevron’s matching gift program.

Davey Tree Expert Company

The Davey Tree Expert Company matches employee donations of up to $500 per team member per year. Many nonprofits qualify for funding through their corporate giving program, including (but not limited to) higher education institutions, environmental groups, health and human services, civic and community organizations, and more.

Check out this blurb from the Davey Tree Expert Company’s matching gift policy regarding religious nonprofits and matching gifts:

Generally, churches and other religious groups are not eligible for matching gifts. However, religiously motivated organizations that provide services for the disadvantaged are eligible. The organization must be a separate legal entity from a church and have its own 501(c)(3) or Canadian equivalent certification.

Read more about Davey Tree Expert Company’s matching gift program.


DIRECTV offers a highly-generous employee giving program. The company matches employee donations of up to $20,000 annually and provides a grant of $250 after an employee volunteers for 25 hours with a nonprofit cause. Like most companies, DIRECTV provides a detailed match policy, including information regarding religious organizations and matching gifts.

Here’s what DIRECTV says about matches to religiously affiliated causes:

DIRECTV will match gifts to qualified institutions affiliated with religious organizations but will not match gifts made directly to religious organizations.

DIRECTV will not contribute matching funds to churches and religious organizations which fulfill tithes, pledges, or other church‐related financial commitments.

DIRECTV will not contribute matching funds to institutions that restrict admission or aid due to race or religious beliefs.

Read more about DIRECTV’s matching gift program.

Engineered Profiles LLC

Ohio-based plastic design and technology provider Engineered Profiles offers a matching gift program designed to engage employees and empower them to give back to their communities. But will the company match to religiously affiliated groups?

Here’s what the Engineered Profiles matching gift guidelines indicates:

Engineered Profiles will NOT match…gifts made to religious organizations (e.g., churches, temples, synagogues, mosques). Gifts may be eligible for a match if the programs operated by faith-based social service organizations meet the following criteria:

  • The organization has a 501 (c)(3) determination letter from the IRS;
  • The gift is designated to a particular program that is available and open to all individuals in the community;
  • The program is for non-religious purposes (such as a food pantry or domestic abuse shelter);
  • The organization does not use the program to promote any religion.

Read more about Engineered Profiles’ matching gift program.

Fitch Group

The Fitch Group, inclusive of subsidiaries like Fitch Ratings and more, matches donations made by qualifying full-time and part-time employees to a wide range of nonprofit causes. Each team member is eligible to request $1,000 in matches per year at a dollar-for-dollar rate.

Additionally, Fitch Group specifies the following in their documentation regarding religious organizations and matching gifts:

Organizations founded and operated exclusively for charitable purposes (including educational, scientific, or religious) are eligible recipients of donations, provided they are located in the U.S. or one of its possessions; qualify for exemption from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code; and are generally eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions.

Read more about Fitch Group’s matching gift program.

The Gates Company

Employees of the Gates Company qualify for a particularly generous matching gift program facilitated through Gates Industrial Corporation Foundation. Donations made between $25 and $50,000 are eligible to be matched, with most nonprofit causes qualifying for funding.

Gates Industrial includes the following guidelines regarding religious groups in their matching gift criteria:

Donations to churches or religious organizations, organizations that discriminate or which promote a political party or candidate, or which advocate particular positions on specific areas of public policy will not be matched.

While direct gifts to churches or religious organizations do not qualify, many activities that are church sponsored in the areas of youth, senior citizen, minority, or disabled may qualify. Such sponsored programs must be conducted by separate organizations which have qualified under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Read more about Gates Industrial Corporation’s matching gift program.

General Electric

In 1954, GE became the first company to offer an employee matching gift program. At the time, GE only matched to higher education institutions but has since expanded its matching to encompass most schools and nonprofits.

Here’s what GE’s guidelines have to say about whether churches, synagogues, mosques, and other houses of worship are eligible for matching gift funds:

Ineligible recipient organizations include religious organizations (churches, synagogues, mosques, and other houses of worship), or other organizations primarily promoting religious purposes. Other faith-based community service organizations or schools may be considered eligible if their programs:

  1. Are open to all individuals in the community regardless of religious belief;
  2. Serve a secular purpose, such as food pantry, homeless shelter, or education;
  3. Do not require participation in prayer, worship, or other religious activities as a condition of receiving service(s) offered; and
  4. Do not use the individual donation or resulting match for religious purposes.

Read more about General Electric’s matching gift program.

The Pew Charitable Trusts

The Pew Charitable Trusts program provides a 2:1 match on employee donations up to $10,000 annually (meaning a $20,000 match). In other words, eligible donors can triple their gifts! Plus, they offer one of the most religiously inclusive matching gift programs that we’ve seen.

Here’s what The Pew Charitable Trusts says about matches to religious organizations:

Yes, Pew will match contributions made to religious organizations, such as houses of worship, schools, hospitals, shelters, etc., just as it would to any other qualifying organization.

Read more about The Pew Charitable Trusts’ matching gift program.


Verisk Analytics and its numerous subsidiaries offer a flexible matching gift program with which (full- and part-time) employees, directors, retirees, and spouses and domestic partners are encouraged to get involved. Each year, current employees can request up to $5,000 in matches, while retirees are eligible to request up to $2,500 on an annual rolling basis.

Here’s what Verisk has to say about matching gifts for religious organizations:

The following gifts are not eligible for matching under the program:
Gifts for religious organizations, unless the specific program is nondenominational in nature and benefits a broad range of the community (e.g., soup kitchen, homeless shelter).

Read more about Verisk’s matching gift program.

How Double the Donation’s matching gift software can help

When a nonprofit incorporates a tool like our matching gift database and automation platform, they’ll be able to instantly determine matching eligibility and maximize their fundraising revenue. Donors might double (or even triple!) their contributions with the help of their employers. The key is to determine your organization’s eligibility with matching gift companies and to make donors aware of available opportunities.

So how do you know if your organization can benefit from Double the Donation’s service? We love to grow our business, but we only want to accept customers who we believe will benefit from our service.

It’s important to remember that many companies will match to religious organizations that provide services to the broader community (e.g., food banks, homeless shelters, schools, etc.).

The easiest way to determine whether our matching gift service would be beneficial is to look over your donation records. If you’ve received matching gifts from companies in the past, there’s a good chance your organization meets the general eligibility requirements.

How the Matching Gift Database Works

The number one reason why donors don’t submit matches is that they simply don’t know the opportunity exists—let alone how to check their eligibility and submit a request. However, the matching gift submission process is fairly straightforward.

It looks like this:

  1. A donor makes a gift to your nonprofit.
  2. The donor checks their match eligibility.
  3. The donor submits a match request to their employer.
  4. Your organization confirms the donation.
  5. The company sends a check to your organization.

The matching gift process is fairly straightforward for religious organizations and other nonprofits.

Ultimately, donors tend to get stuck on the above steps #2 and #3. Luckily, Double the Donation’s innovative solution continues to simplify the process, making matching gift participation as quick and as easy as possible for your supporters.

When an organization employs Double the Donation’s software, its donors will be able to:

  • Search their employers in the comprehensive database;
  • View any requirements, restrictions, and deadlines;
  • Receive accurate and up-to-date program information;
  • Access necessary documents and forms specific to their employers;
  • Take specific and actionable next steps from your confirmation screen and/or automated email follow-ups;
  • Submit their matching gift requests with ease.

If you determine that your religious organization typically qualifies for matching gifts, Double the Donation may be a useful fundraising tool for you. It’s easy to integrate into your existing fundraising strategy and can help you pinpoint match-eligible donors—instead of waiting for them to come to you. Plus, you’ll save a ton of time that would otherwise be spent chasing down matching gifts by automating the entire process!

Interested? Click here to request a demo of the software to see if it’s right for your team.

Final Thoughts

The bottom line is that religious and faith-based organizations aren’t excluded from matching gift programs as often as you might think. Becoming more aware of which corporations match gifts to religious organizations like yours will help you and your team understand if promoting matching gifts would be beneficial to your bottom line.

Remember, your donors’ employment information is one of your most valuable assets. Collect this data point and compare employers against top matching gift companies to identify available opportunities. Then, check out the companies’ eligibility criteria to see what it says about your religious organization and matching gifts.

Keep up the learning! Discover more matching gift and fundraising advice with our additional resources here:

  • Church Fundraising Ideas. Even if your church isn’t eligible for matching gifts, you still have a lot of fundraising potential. In fact, we’ve compiled a list that covers many popular and unique events, activities, and strategies you can use to raise money for your house of worship.
  • Corporate Matching Gift Programs. Need a refresher on the basics of matching gifts? Our comprehensive guide will give you the rundown on these charitable giving programs, including top companies and best practices for success.
  • Matching Gift Guidelines. Still have questions about your religious organization’s match eligibility? Check out this guide that breaks down common criteria to be familiar with, including minimum and maximums, match ratios, qualifying nonprofits, and more.

Boost matching gifts for your religious organization with Double the Donation.