Prioritizing accessibility in matching gift fundraising

Prioritizing Accessibility in Matching Gift Fundraising

Prioritizing accessibility in matching gift fundraising

Prioritizing Accessibility in Matching Gift Fundraising

Matching gifts can be a powerful tool for nonprofits. Corporate donation matching and matching challenges allow teams to amplify the value of individual donations and maximize their impact on the cause. However, the matching gifts process can often be a complex and overwhelming one for donors⁠—ultimately leading to billions of dollars in available match funding going unclaimed. In light of this challenge, it’s crucial to prioritize accessibility in matching gift fundraising to simplify participation where you can.

We’ve written before on powerful ways to overcome common matching gift challenges and make the most of the opportunity for your mission. What you don’t want to do is cause supporters to face needless barriers due to an inaccessible matching gift experience. Thus, highly accessible software is a must-have in all situations.

So here, we’ll explore the impact of accessibility for matching gifts and discuss practical strategies to unlock your full potential. This includes:

Accessibility is not just an ethical obligation in fundraising. It’s also a strategic decision that can significantly impact matching gift results by maximizing the inclusivity of your efforts.

And the more you know, the better you can position your team for success.

The Importance of an Accessible Matching Gifts Strategy

The importance of accessibility in matching gift fundraising cannot be overstated.

Adhering to accessibility standards aids organizations in creating inclusive digital experiences that cater to individuals with disabilities, improving their overall access to information and services. Regarding matching gifts, prioritizing accessibility means that all of your donors will be able to receive and interpret the information needed to get involved.

Not only will this result in more completed matching gifts coming your way, but it also ensures that participating donors have a more optimal experience doing so. This allows you to continue fostering positive relationships with supporters, who will appreciate your team’s commitment to inclusivity.

Plus, if you receive funding from government sources or other grantmakers with accessibility regulations, you can ensure your organization is up to par⁠—and won’t miss out on any opportunities available to you.

Components of Accessibility in Matching Gift Fundraising

A matching gift fundraising strategy typically involves a multifaceted approach to promoting the workplace giving opportunity. As a result, an effective accessibility plan should expect to account for multiple aspects of your overall engagement strategy.

This should include the following items, as well as any other matching-gift-related donor touchpoints and supporter-facing materials.

Written Matching Gift Information

Much of your audience is likely coming from a place with no prior knowledge regarding corporate gift matching. Thus, you’ll likely produce written content to explain the significance and process of matching gifts, encouraging donors to get involved.

From dedicated matching gift letters to quick blurbs in online content, it’s essential that you keep accessibility in mind. To ensure inclusivity in written matters, we recommend implementing the following practices:

Prioritize clear and concise language. Avoid complex or jargon-filled messages to increase readability and comprehension among your audience. It’s generally suggested that online content targets a 6th to 8th-grade reading level!

Follow a logical heading hierarchy. Organizing content using proper heading structure  (i.e., H1, H2, H3, etc.) helps facilitate navigation and understanding for users employing assistive technologies.

Utilize appropriate formatting. Formatting techniques like short paragraphs, bulleted and numbered lists, and sufficient line spacing makes it easier to consume written materials. Plus, it increases “skimmability,” which is often the key to online content.

Enlist descriptive links for CTAs. When encouraging readers to take a specific action in digital communications, use descriptive link text when possible. This provides meaningful context as to the purpose of the intended action. For example, instead of a generic “Click here,” you might say, “Click here to search our employer matching tool.”

Multimedia Matching Gift Marketing Materials

An effective matching gift marketing plan typically encompasses a number of multimedia elements to attract and retain your audience’s attention. When incorporating images and videos to complement your written materials, accessibility should be a key consideration.

For matching gift videos, include closed captions to accommodate viewers with hearing impairments. This ensures inclusivity and allows everyone to engage with your content. Additionally, when using images, provide descriptive alternative text (ALT text) that accurately describes the visual content. This will assist users who rely on screen readers to understand the context and meaning of digital images.

Online Donation Platforms

In addition to the content you create yourself, it’s vital that any third-party resources are accessible as well. For example, your online donation pages may be created by a fundraising technology provider and embedded into your organization’s website. Still, it’s your organization’s responsibility to ensure that the forms meet your predetermined standards. This will likely include screen reader compatibility, form field accessibility, clear navigation, responsive design, and more.

Otherwise, you may end up with frustrated potential donors abandoning the giving process⁠. And without that initial donation, your nonprofit won’t qualify for the subsequent matching gift.

Looking for an online giving platform that will offer an optimal supporter experience? Double the Donation integrates with some of the industry’s top donation tools. Check out our 75+ partners here!

Dedicated Matching Gift Technology

Similarly, you’ll want to ensure that your matching gift software is committed to meeting accessibility standards as well. Typically a separate tool that integrates directly into your online donation platform, matching gift technology should also focus on offering an inclusive matching gift experience for your donors.

This should encompass every aspect of your matching gift promotions, from an embedded company search tool in your giving forms and confirmation page plugin to personalized email follow-ups. Key elements to remember include screen reader and other assistive technology compatibility, responsive design, form field accessibility and color contrast, and more.

And to ensure your technology provider continues to adhere to ongoing accessibility standards, it’s a good idea to look for a solution that conducts regular accessibility testing and complies with relevant standards.

At Double the Donation, we continually prioritize accessibility and strive to provide all users with a seamless matching gift experience. (Hint: Click here to skip to an in-depth look at Double the Donation’s accessibility criteria.)

Understanding Key Accessibility Standards

There are several accessibility frameworks and guidelines that help ensure tech-based products and services are accessible to individuals with varying abilities. Understanding the scope, priorities, and value of each criterion can go a long way as you develop your own organization’s approach to accessibility in matching gift fundraising.

Here are some of the main standards you might see when discussing digital accessibility:

Section 508

Section 508, established in 1973 and revised in 1998, is a U.S. federal law that mandates accessibility standards for electronic and information technology used by federal agencies. It outlines specific requirements for software applications, websites, and other digital content to be accessible to individuals with disabilities. Compliance with Section 508 is crucial for federal agencies, organizations providing goods or services to government agencies, and organizations receiving federal funding.

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, or WCAG, is a widely recognized set of guidelines developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). It provides detailed technical specifications and success criteria to make web content more accessible. WCAG has different levels of conformance, including A (minimum), AA (intermediate), and AAA (highest), which provide varying degrees of accessibility.

Accessible Rich Internet Applications

ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) is a set of technical specifications that enhance the accessibility of web content and applications. It provides additional attributes and properties that developers can use to make dynamic web content and interactive components more accessible to assistive technologies, such as screen readers.

European Accessibility Act

The European Accessibility Act (EAA) is legislation the European Union adopted in 2019 to harmonize accessibility requirements for various products and services as a way to build on the EU’s Web Accessibility Directive. The EAA aims to ensure equal access to digital technology across member states and improve the accessibility of information society services throughout the European Union.

Canadian Accessibility Standards

In Canada, there are different accessibility standards depending on the province or territory. For example, the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) sets accessibility standards for Ontario, including requirements for accessible websites and software. Meanwhile, the British Columbia Accessibility Act dictates standards for British Columbia, and the Act to Secure Handicapped Persons in the Exercise of Their Rights with a View to Achieving Social, School, and Workplace Integration establishes standards for Quebec.

These differing standards provide specific recommendations (and, in some cases, requirements) to ensure that developers design digital content with accessibility in mind. It’s important to remember that no one framework is above any other. Instead, it’s important to determine which set of criteria most closely aligns with your organization’s needs, audiences, and objectives.

Establishing a framework for your nonprofit⁠—and utilizing software and other technology that does the same⁠—ultimately certifies that your matching gift and other fundraising strategies comply with the applicable standards above. In the end, the goal is to produce an optimized and accessible matching gift experience for your supporters.

Double the Donation’s High-Level Accessibility Framework

At Double the Donation, we understand the importance of providing highly accessible tools for our clients and their end users. Of the various accessibility standards highlighted above, the most applicable criteria regarding accessibility in matching gift fundraising is that of Section 508⁠—the U.S. Federal accessibility standard. Thus, this is the framework that our team has committed to ongoing compliance with. Plus, our tools meet the criteria for ADA and WAI-ACT compliance as well.

In 2018, Double the Donation became the first matching gift provider to receive a VPAT (or Voluntary Product Accessibility Template) to reflect and communicate this compliance. As of June 2023, we have renewed our VPAT to meet updated standards, reflecting the continuous development of both our tools and the accessibility guidelines to which we adhere.

In other words, Double the Donation’s matching gift technology surpasses the U.S. federal government’s revised standards for accessibility, as outlined in Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act.

And to this date, we remain the only matching gift software provider with a VPAT⁠. This demonstrates not only our ongoing commitment to accessibility but our user-centric product design and general stature as the leader in matching gift technology.

Want to know what that entails? The following elements are flagged as compliant by Double the Donation’s tools, according to WCAG 2.1.

Prioritizing accessibility in matching gift fundraising with these checklist items

Non-Text Content

Images on the website contain relevant alternative text.

Info and Relationships

The website has consistent headers and global table structures to establish clear information and relationships within the website. Screen readers properly identify most of the information available on the website. Visually impaired users are easily able to perceive the relationships between a particular element and its role.

Meaningful Sequence

The sequence of the content present on the website is meaningful and appropriate and does not affect the meaning of the provided content.

Sensory Characteristics

No information is present on the website which is based on sensory characteristics such as shape, size, location, sound, etc.

Use of ⁠Color

Color is not used as the only visual means of conveying information, indicating an action, prompting a response, or distinguishing a visual element.


The website supports standard keyboard navigation and input functions (including swiping to move between input fields and pressing [Double tap] to make selections). Keyboard focus moves sequentially throughout the website without the focus getting trapped in any section, and it is convenient to access the functionality.

Pause, Stop, Hide

A mechanism is provided to stop, pause, or hide the moving/ scrolling content.

Page Titles

Descriptive and correct page titles are present for pages throughout the website.

Focus Order

The focus moves in a correct sequence order on the website from left to right and top to bottom.

Link Purpose

All links are provided with appropriate link text, and the user would be able to understand the purpose of the link from its link text.

Pointer Gestures

All functionalities present in the website can be operated with a single pointer without a path-based gesture unless a multipoint or path-based gesture is essential.

Pointer Cancellation

No down-event of the pointer is used in the website to execute any part of the action.

Label in Name

All labels on the website include text, and the same text is defined in the code as well to assist speech recognition technologies.

Language of Page

The language attribute is correctly defined for the web pages.

On Focus

No interactive element is triggered automatically on receiving the focus.

On Input

Change of context does not happen when the user changes the setting of any input controls.

Labels or Instructions

The website provides support for motor-impaired and cognitive users as the labels and instructions are provided for the form fields, which are clearly visible and readable to such users.


The markup of the website has complete start and end tags, attributes, and unique IDs.

Name, Role, Value

All the website elements have a proper label associated with their role, and the screen reader recognizes them correctly with updated values as well.


The website does not restrict its view and operation to a single display orientation.


The website adheres to minimum contrast standards.

Resize Text

The website is fully responsive. At a zoom of 200%, the site responds to that resolution by adjusting the UI as it would if the user were on a smartphone.

Images of Text

No information is conveyed to the user via an image of the text.


The website does not require scrolling in two dimensions to present content without loss of information in 400% zoom.

Non-Text Contrast

The website user interface components have a contrast ratio of at least 3:1 against adjacent color(s).

Text Spacing

The website is compliant with WCAG text spacing requirements.

Content on Hover or Focus

The content that is triggered by hover or focus is dismissible, hoverable, and persistent.

Headings and Labels

Headings and Labels on the website provide sufficient detail of the content they are describing.

Focus Visible

All the elements present in the website have focus visibility.

Consistent Identification

Components that provide the same functionality throughout the website can be easily identified by the user.

Status Messages

The updated content automatically notifies the visually impaired users via a screen reader.

In other words, Double the Donation takes accessibility seriously⁠—and we continue to pursue a positive user experience for donors and nonprofit teams of varying abilities.

Wrapping Up & Next Steps

By making a tangible effort to highlight and prioritize accessibility in your organization’s matching gift strategy, you can foster a sense of inclusivity within your fundraising. After all, you surely want all your donors to be able to support your cause in this way.

So take the steps to test your existing matching gift strategy. Is your website up to standard? Does your matching gift platform adhere to a fully accessible framework? (Hint: if you already use Double the Donation’s tools, the answer is yes. If you’re not already a client, click here to get a personalized demo!)

When everyone, regardless of their abilities or limitations, can contribute to your nonprofit’s matching gift success, you’ll be set to make the most of the workplace giving opportunities in your network.

Best of luck!

Interested in uncovering more ways to improve your matching gift fundraising strategy? Check out these recommended resources to keep learning:

Prioritize accessibility in matching gift fundraising with Double the Donation.

Double the Donation launches Matching Gift Academy: New Training and Insights for Fundraisers

New Matching Gift Academy: Training + Insights for Fundraisers

Double the Donation is excited to announce the launch of our Matching Gift Academy, a new learning platform that helps organizations gain a deeper understanding of matching gift best practices and identify opportunities to maximize their 360MatchPro account usage.

The launch of the Matching Gift Academy represents Double the Donation’s continued commitment to helping organizations of all sizes fully harness the power of corporate matching gift education. The content covered will span a variety of topics that include marketing matching gifts, verifying matching gift requests, fine-tuning your corporate partnership plans, and using your matching gift technology to its fullest potential.

No matter the volume of matching gifts your organization receives, the Academy contains valuable insights that, when incorporated into your strategy, will help you raise more⁠—without all of the guesswork.

Interested in learning more about the Matching Gift Academy and how you can use it to propel your matching gift efforts to the next level? You’ve come to the right place!

In this guide, we’ll cover:

Let’s dive in and learn more about this exciting launch!

Who Can Benefit from Enrolling in the Academy?

As the matching gift landscape continues to expand, fundraising organizations must cultivate strong matching gift knowledge among team members. The content in our Matching Gift Academy offers succinct, valuable resources to aid in that knowledge cultivation.

Whether you are a matching gift coordinator, a director of development, a marketing professional tasked with incorporating matching gifts into campaigns, or a finance professional that handles incoming matching gift funds, our content will enhance your ability to articulate matching gift opportunities and incorporate them seamlessly into your ongoing operations.

Matching Gift Academy beneficiaries

Plus, we have rolled out unique training videos that highlight 360MatchPro features. Use these videos to learn if 360MatchPro is right for your organization and to gain a better understanding of the tool. Or, if you are a current user, dive in to learn more about your account and take advantage of all your available features.

Whether your organization is considering 360MatchPro, has a new team member accessing your existing account, or just wants to identify opportunities to better utilize your subscription, you will want to sign up and begin diving into our account insights.

Tip! We recommend using the Matching Gift Academy as an onboarding tool for new team members. Get your new hires up to speed on matching gifts and how your organization prioritizes this fundraising source!
Check out our overview of 360MatchPro's matching gift automation functionality

What Types of Content Does the Academy Offer?

Within Double the Donation’s Matching Gift Academy, you will receive access to two learning courses.

Our first learning course “Leveraging Matching Gifts: Strategy Insights” covers an expanse of matching gift fundraising best practices. As you progress through the content in this course, you will gain a robust understanding of the matching gift landscape.

Topics include (but are not limited to):

  • Marketing matching gifts;
  • Capturing matching gift metrics;
  • Encouraging donors to submit requests;
  • Cultivating strong relationships with matching gift donors and companies;
  • And more!

The curated content can be used to get your team up-to-speed on the industry and will enrich your ability to use matching gifts as a value-add in your fundraising efforts.

Our second learning course “Understanding 360MatchPro: Account Usage Best Practices” offers training and insights on our 360MatchPro matching gift automation tool. The content provided will help you understand and optimize your 360MatchPro account to unlock greater matching gift revenue growth. By following the best practices and familiarizing yourself with 360MatchPro’s standout features, you’ll feel equipped to finetune your strategy moving forward and derive the most value from your subscription.

How is the Content Structured?

Content within the Matching Gift Academy is primarily delivered through video lessons, taught by our instructor, a matching gift expert with plenty of insights to share. However, to supplement your learning, we have also compiled relevant blog articles, PDF resources, and slide decks that can be leveraged to enhance your knowledge. These resources are accessible from within the course.

Matching Gift Academy structure overview

Each course is divided into modules that are broken down even further into lessons. This content structure allows you to digest information and self-pace your learning according to your schedule.

While the course content is parsed out in this structure, you will not need to watch the content in any particular order. If there are certain modules or lessons that you think would benefit you more than others, or if you want certain teams to only watch certain modules, you have the ability to skip around as you please! This structure ultimately makes socializing matching gifts at your organization easier than ever before.

To develop the most robust understanding of matching gifts and transform your strategy though, we recommend progressing through all of the learning content in both our “Leveraging Matching Gifts: Strategy Insights” course and our “Understanding 360MatchPro: Account Usage Best Practices” course. Upon successful completion, you will receive a certificate that demonstrates your mastery of content and complete knowledge of matching gifts and matching gift technology!

How Can I Enroll and Get Started?

If you are a current 360MatchPro user, within your account, you will find a unique coupon code to get this $199 value offering for free. Simply navigate to the resources tab of your account, and select ‘Matching Gift Academy.’ Your code will appear at the bottom of that page. If you are not yet a 360MatchPro user, schedule a demo with our team and ask about how you can gain access to the Matching Gift Academy!

We are excited to introduce this new content to teams and give you the opportunity to leverage this knowledge at your organization. You can take just three simple steps to get the most out of this offer.

  1. Enroll in the Matching Gift Academy.
  2. Progress through the content in both courses.
  3. Earn a certification to highlight your knowledge.

The Matching Gift Academy is an exceptional resource to help your organization make the most of matching gifts.

Double the Donation’s Matching Gift Academy can be used to integrate matching gifts into your organization’s fundraising and set you up for ongoing, sustainable success from this revenue source. Whether you use the Matching Gift Academy during new team member onboarding or in your day to day work, you’ll find you can quickly gather insights that will help you better leverage match opportunities.

Get started with Double the Donation's Matching Gift Academy.

Smart Resources for Essential Matching Gift Education

Smart Resources for Essential Matching Gift Education

Matching gifts are a continuously underutilized funding source for nonprofits, schools, and other fundraising organizations. One of the biggest challenges leading to the underutilization is a significant and widespread knowledge gap. As a result, the solution to such a problem is strategic matching gift education with accessible resources for doing so.

And Double the Donation is here to help! Our primary objective is to provide organizations with the tools and understanding necessary to implement effective long-term matching gift strategies. To bridge the knowledge gap and empower nonprofit teams like yours, we’ve published (and continue to produce) a number of valuable resources on the topic.

These include:

Ready to explore our top recommended educational materials and see how they can guide your organization’s efforts? Let’s dive in.

(Hint: Use these resources to train your nonprofit staff and volunteers. An effective matching gift strategy often begins with your internal team!)

Double the Donation’s Matching Gift Academy

Interested in exploring matching gifts in an online learning environment? Double the Donation now offers the industry’s first-ever Matching Gift Academy.

Double the Donation's Matching Gift Academy

Currently, this academy contains four built-out modules, more than seventeen lessons, three hours of video content, and exclusive downloadable resources to provide learners with a comprehensive look at all things matching gifts. Topics include:

  • Matching Gift Crash Course: The Basics
  • Understanding Common Matching Gift Challenges & Finding Solutions
  • Assessing Your Current Matching Gift Strategy: Improving Outcomes
  • Marketing Matching Gifts: Effective Strategies

Expert Workplace Giving Webinars

Webinars have become a go-to resource for organizations seeking practical and engaging training opportunities. This type of “web-based seminar” offers a platform for experts to share their insights, strategies, success stories, and more. As a result, the Double the Donation team typically hosts a few webinar sessions each week, with a primary focus on matching gifts and corporate philanthropy opportunities for nonprofits!

Check out the quick overview video below to learn more:

If you’re looking for engaging matching gift educational resources, we strongly urge organizations like yours to participate live in our upcoming webinars or access recorded sessions by exploring the Webinar Hub on our site. We’ve even compiled a list of on-demand recordings below to ensure flexible training materials are available whenever you need them.


A few of our favorite matching gift webinars

Free Matching Gift eBooks & Downloadable Resources

In addition to our live and on-demand webinar presentations, our team has also created numerous free downloadable resources to serve as practical guides and tools for supporting successful matching gift fundraising. Often taking the form of eBooks, checklists, templates, and more, these resources aim to provide nonprofits and other fundraising organizations with comprehensive knowledge surrounding corporate giving opportunities.

Explore Double the Donation's matching gift education resources

We recommend utilizing these resources for team-wide training and to aid in implementing a well-thought-out matching gift fundraising plan.


A few of our favorite matching gift eBooks

Our Continuously Updated Matching Gifts Blog

Double the Donation takes pride in our matching gift blog, which is intended to provide helpful knowledge regarding just about every aspect of the matching gift process for nonprofits, schools, and other fundraising institutions.

By exploring our in-depth blog, nonprofit staff and volunteers can gain a deeper understanding of the potential impact of matching gifts, discover creative strategies for donor engagement, and learn from real-life examples of successful appeals.

Explore Double the Donation's matching gift education resources

Not to mention, our blog is constantly being updated with timely insights into matching gift fundraising practices, current trends, success stories, and much more. So don’t forget to check back regularly to explore new posts each week.


A few of our favorite matching gift blog posts

Still looking to bring your matching gift strategy to new heights? Streamline matching for everyone involved with Double the Donation’s complete automation platform, 360MatchPro. You can even kickstart the process by requesting a personalized demo here!

Already a Double the Donation user and looking for specific insights regarding the software? Browse our Knowledge Base for answers to frequently asked questions, detailed integration guides, and more.

Bottom line: Equipping your team with essential knowledge and strategies can help inform and improve your organization’s matching gift plans. Good luck!

Increase your matching gift education with Double the Donation

Click & Pledge Expands Matching Gift Functionality with 360MatchPro by Double the Donation

Double the Donation and Click & Pledge have come together once again to enhance their existing matching gift integration. Now, mutual clients have the option to pass all donations from Click & Pledge to 360MatchPro. This additional functionality will allow nonprofits to kick off automated matching gift emails to all of their donors, even those whose eligibility is unknown following the donation process! As a result, mutual clients are more likely to uncover match opportunities and drive those matches to completion by empowering donors with their matching gift next steps directly in their inbox. 

This comes on the heels of our last enhancement which worked to provide all Click & Pledge CONNECT users corporate philanthropy insights from within their platform portal, 

“Click & Pledge is proud to work with Double the Donation to simplify matching gift fundraising,” said Kamran Razvan, CEO of Click & Pledge. “By providing their matching gift tools to our clients, we know our users are accessing the most comprehensive solution on the market.”

That update allowed nonprofits using Click & Pledge to utilize a matching gift search widget embedded into the CONNECT portal. By simply navigating to the “matching gifts” section of their account, these users can search for their desired corporation and see matching gift and volunteer grant insights.

“We are committed to providing nonprofits and their donors with the most accurate, comprehensive, and up-to-date information about corporate matching gift programs” said Adam Weinger, President of Double the Donation. “The Double the Donation database is updated multiple times a day by our database team to ensure that all instructions, links, and program details delivered to donors actually result in increased revenue for nonprofits.”

The matching gift search tool is simple to use, and it pulls corporate philanthropy information from the industry’s largest matching gift database. Using this feature, nonprofits can still find fundraising opportunities related to their desired company program.

Both enhancements reflect the duo’s continued commitment to helping nonprofits harness more robust matching gift opportunities that engage their donors at every step of the way. 

If you’d like to learn more about this new update, check out our full integration guide.

Activate in Seconds and Start Raising More from Matching Gifts!

If mutual clients would like to update their integration settings so that all donations pass over to 360MatchPro, they can follow seamless steps to get up and running. After navigating to Third Party Integrations within the Click & Pledge platform settings and entering in their 360MatchPro public API key, they will see an option to “post all transaction data to Double the Donation.” Checking this box ensures that all donors receive automated matching gift outreach. 

Once your 360MatchPro account is fully activated on your forms of choice, donors are then able to search for their company name using the autocomplete search tool, equipped with Double the Donation’s comprehensive database of over 24,000 matching gift providers. From there, organizations can configure matching gift emails and trigger these messages to all donors. Those emails will lead donors directly to their matching gift request form, making gift matching simpler!

By streamlining the matching gift application process for donors, nonprofits are able to maximize the probability of driving those matches to completion.

Looking to learn more? Check out our in-depth integration guide to get started!

Drive More Matching Gifts to Completion with 360MatchPro!

Click & Pledge is dedicated to helping their clients generate more impact with innovative features and integrations, and the integration with 360MatchPro by Double the Donation is the latest addition to that list of valuable tools. 

Check out some of our favorite 360MatchPro features:

  • Identify more matching gift revenue opportunities. 360MatchPro enables you to automatically collect matching gift eligibility from donors using email domains, within donation forms, on confirmation screens, or by email. The more matching gift opportunities 360MatchPro discovers and shares with donors, the more matching gift requests your donors will actually submit. 
  • Drive more matches to completion, from form submission to corporate payment. Direct donors immediately to their matching gift forms after the donation process is complete. Then, provide the right information to the right donors at the right time with custom emails based on match eligibility. Target follow-ups drive more completed submissions than ever before, bringing exponentially more matching gift checks from companies through your door. 
  • Reallocate your time from routine follow-up to your dop opportunities. Your time is valuable, so why spend it chasing small dollar-value matching gifts? Let 360MatchPro automate your matching gift outreach while flagging your highest-value opportunities, allowing your team to personalize follow-ups to the most valuable match-eligible donations. Rest easy knowing that 360MatchPro can handle the rest. 

Create more value for your organization with 360MatchPro by Double the Donation.

Interested in learning more about how your nonprofit could benefit from matching gifts? Schedule a demo with us today to get started.

About Click & Pledge: Generate more impact for your nonprofit with an all-in-one fundraising platform provided by Click & Pledge. The CONNECT platform has assisted over 20,000 organizations with campaigns and offers tools such as online donation forms, peer-to-peer fundraising, and integrations with Salesforce®. With CONNECT, nonprofit leaders can access the latest innovative features, including text message fundraising and integrative donor outreach at an industry-leading price. For more information regarding Click & Pledge, visit

About Double the Donation: Automate your matching gift fundraising with the industry-leading solution from Double the Donation. The 360MatchPro platform provides nonprofits with tools to identify match-eligible donors, drive matches to completion, and gain actionable insights. 360MatchPro integrates directly into donation forms, CRMs, social fundraising software, and other nonprofit technology solutions to capture employment information and follow up appropriately with donors about matching gifts. To learn more about Double the Donation, visit and request a demo at

This buyer's guide covers several of the top employee recognition platforms.

22 Employee Recognition Platforms To Recharge Your Workplace

It’s no secret that workplace satisfaction is important. To foster engagement and establish a positive work environment, any organization can (and should) establish employee engagement programs. These types of programs seek to reward hard workers and motivate peers to strive for greatness.

However, administrating recognition initiatives can be timely. That’s why we recommend turning to an employee recognition platform.

Recognition and rewards tools allow you to reinforce hard work and inspire everyone to contribute to a positive company culture. Leveraging a dedicated tool helps make your feedback more consistent, measurable, and strategic. Plus, some even allow you to send rewards alongside your words of encouragement, offering a tangible token of appreciation.

To help you locate the perfect employee recognition software for your organization, we’ve curated a list of some of the best platforms for 2023. We’ll also walk you through the basics of these platforms, so you know exactly what to look for in your search. Here’s what this guide will cover:

Whether you work at a small nonprofit or an enterprise-level corporation, there’s something on this list for everyone. The right platform can empower your employees to be the absolute best they can be in the workplace. Let’s dive into the essentials of these tools.

Get started with our preferred employee recognition platform: eCardWidget.

This FAQ section covers the basics of employee recognition software.

Employee Recognition Platform FAQ

Before sharing our favorite software, we thought it’d be helpful to cover the basics of these platforms. Whether you’re curious about what employee recognition software does or why you should use it, we’ll answer your questions below!

What Are Employee Recognition Platforms?

Employee recognition platforms or software refers to technology-based solutions that help organizations show appreciation for the work their employees do. These platforms provide a platform for managers and peers to recognize and reward employees for exceptional performance, milestones, and achievements.

Common features typically include peer-to-peer recognition capabilities, manager-to-employee recognition, rewards tracking, and performance metrics. The goal of these tools is to streamline the employee recognition process, boost employee satisfaction, and improve company culture by encouraging teams to recognize individuals’ workplace contributions.

Who Uses Employee Recognition Software?

Any organization can use it — whether you’re running a for-profit or nonprofit. Once you invest in an employee recognition platform, your organization’s HR department, leadership, and even employees can use it to call out exceptional employees.

This type of software is perfect for any organization looking to implement engagement programs and boost retention.

Why Should You Use Employee Recognition Platforms?

You want your employees to feel valued. Otherwise, they won’t feel compelled to stick around.

In fact, employee retention research has found that when employees don’t feel valued, 76% will look for another job opportunity. If you work in HR, you know that turnover costs employers a lot of money. It costs an average of 33% of an employee’s salary for their exit. Not only does turnover come with a hefty pricetag, but it also reflects poorly on your company if you have a high turnover rate.

An effective employee recognition platform that caters to your employees’ motivations can alleviate those concerns substantially. Here’s a quick rundown of why you should leverage employee recognition software:

What Features Should You Look for in Employee Recognition Platforms?

Though all employee recognition software solutions offer a different suite of features, there are some features that you should prioritize no matter what, such as:

  • Data analytics and reporting. Your software should be able to provide insights on recognition patterns so you can improve your tactics over time and boost overall employee engagement.
  • Security features. You’ll likely store lots of sensitive data in your platform, so your solution should protect you from internal and external hacks and data leaks. Ensure that your platform complies with all federal regulations and keeps communications secure.
  • Real-time feedback tools. Providing feedback allows you to reward positive behavior and offer constructive criticism to help employees grow. Useful feedback tools include secure communication channels and surveys that managers and employees can use to standardize feedback.
  • Integration with other tools. It’s important that your platforms are compatible with others in your toolbelt. Try to prioritize software that can seamlessly integrate with your existing solutions so nothing slips through the cracks. For example, you could integrate an eCard software plugin into a solution without a native peer-to-peer system to accommodate ad-hoc recognition.

Identifying robust software solutions that have these features and more that support your goals can help you streamline your employee recognition efforts and scale them up as your company grows.

From retention to recruitment, fostering a positive environment through the right software can have an incredible impact on any organization!

This section features our favorite employee recognition platform.

Overall Best Employee Recognition Platform

Without further ado, let’s dive into the best employee recognition software of 2023. While there’s plenty of great software out there, one of them takes the cake due to its creativity, versatility, and ease of use.

eCardWidget is the best employee recognition platform for boosting morale.

1. eCardWidget

If you’re looking for a creative way to recognize employees, look no further than eCardWidget! This innovative platform empowers you to create custom eCards that showcase your organization’s branding and values. Easily design eCards to showcase your company values or congratulate someone on a job well done.

To launch your employee recognition cards, create designs that infuse your organization’s branding, sort them by company value (or other internal goals), and share your collection with employees. Whenever someone goes above and beyond, their manager or peer can select one of the eCards, draft a quick recognition note, and send it directly to their inbox. As a tip, the personalized message is a great spot for attaching rewards like digital gift cards.

Landing the #1 spot as our favorite employee recognition platform, eCardWidget allows you to show employees they’re more than just a number. Check out the video below for a rundown on how it works:

eCardWidget’s Standout Features

  • Drag-and-drop design tools that allow you to upload your own graphics, choose from an array of fonts, and match your color scheme
  • Intuitive sending capabilities so anyone at your organization can recognize their coworkers, whether they’re managers or peers
  • An incredible list of integrations which means you can seamlessly embed your eCards into any website or intranet like your internal company portal

Why eCardWidget Is Our Favorite Employee Recognition Software

If you want to get creative with your employee recognition, eCardWidget is the solution for you! Everyone loves receiving greeting cards, and bringing them into the workplace can be a creative way to supercharge morale.

eCardWidget’s Pricing: eCardWidget includes options for every size organization. They range from free plans to Enterprise Options ($200 per month) to best fit your team’s size and internal recognition goals. Visit their pricing page for more information.

Small organizations don't often need robust employee recognition software.

Employee Recognition Platforms for Small Organizations

If you lead a small organization, we’ve got some great, small-scale employee recognition platforms you can use. Whether you’re looking to solicit feedback or strictly give pats on the back, these engagement tools can be a huge help in streamlining your recognition efforts.

WorkTango and Motivosity are some reliable employee recognition platforms for small organizations.

2. WorkTango

WorkTango is an employee feedback and recognition platform that helps organizations gather employee feedback and shine a light on employees’ standout efforts. It makes continuous appreciation, feedback, and growth a regular part of your routine instead of restricting it to annual performance reviews.

Trusted by more than 1,000 organizations, WorkTango empowers employees to recognize their colleagues and leaders to reward their hardworking directs. Say thank you in a million different ways whether you want to launch employee awards or post appreciation to your company recognition feed.

WorkTango’s Features

  • Thousands of at-cost, zero-cost, and experiential rewards like gift cards and products from popular brands like Amazon
  • A real-time employee recognition feed to drive morale across the organization
  • Nominations and awards tools so employees can vote for their peers for awards when they showcase company values

WorkTango’s Pricing: Schedule a demo with the WorkTango team to get pricing details and learn whether their solution fits your organization’s budget.

3. Motivosity

Motivosity is an employee recognition platform that aspires to foster positive work culture and build strong relationships among employees. It provides features such as employee feedback and social recognition.

Using the platform, employees can call attention to their colleagues’ contributions and share feedback. We love this platform since it encourages regular interactions and establishes a sense of community and collaboration. Thanks to its gamification-style framework, enhancing employee morale, strengthening relationships, and creating a productive workforce have never been more fun.

Motivosity’s Features

  • Public appreciation capabilities through a social-media-style interface
  • Customizable rewards including hundreds of gift cards, local offers, and branded swag
  • Custom awards and badges to incite some friendly competition across your organization

Motivosity’s Pricing: Contact Motivosity to get a custom quote based on your team’s size and employee recognition needs. They also promise a 6-month money-back guarantee.

4. HeyTaco

HeyTaco is a unique employee recognition platform designed to promote an appreciative and vibrant workplace culture. It uses a gamified approach to encourage peer-to-peer recognition and appreciation within teams.

Employees can send virtual “tacos” to colleagues as a way to shout out their achievements and helpful contributions. These tacos accumulate, creating a fun visual representation of employees’ contributions. There’s never been a more simple yet fun way to establish camaraderie and boost employee morale!

HeyTaco’s Features

  • Social peer-to-peer recognition with leaderboards that incite friendly competition
  • Custom-tailored rewards that team members can trade tacos for, like a taco trophy, taco dinners, company swag, and more
  • Integrations with popular tools like Slack and Microsoft Teams

HeyTaco’s Pricing: Try the platform for free for 30 days. If you like what you see, you’ll pay $3 per person per month. You can either pay for select employees or automatically add people whenever they give or receive their first taco.

5. Guusto

Rated as a top employee recognition software on G2 and Capterra, Guusto enables leaders to shape an enjoyable culture through real-time recognition programs and service awards.

Ideal for smaller workforces, Guusto allows organizations to build programs for recognizing any employee, whether they’re on the store floor, in the field, or at a desk. Easily recognize and reward employees by sending digital gift cards. With Guusto, employers can choose from a wide array of options to suit individuals’ preferences and even customize gift cards with personalized messages. Then, recipients can conveniently redeem their digital gift cards online or through the Guusto mobile app.

Guusto aims to make employee recognition easy, thoughtful, and rewarding, fostering a positive work environment and enhancing employee engagement. Not to mention, Guusto exercises corporate social responsibility by partnering with the One Drop Foundation. For every gift sent, they’ll donate one day of clean drinking water.

Guusto’s Features

  • Reward-sharing capabilities via a pay-forward feature that empowers recipients to pass a gift to someone else
  • Shoutout features for impactful non-monetary recognition
  • Actionable reports for tracking any recognition sent, taxable benefits, and core value performance

Guusto’s Pricing: Choose from three pricing plans for this employee recognition platform. Use the Free plan for a single-user account, the Essential plan for up to 35 team members for $80 per month, or the Premium plan for 100 team members for $350 per month. They also have custom enterprise plans. Note that these fees are based on annual plans. Prices vary if you pay on a monthly basis.

6. Snappy

Snappy is an all-in-one gifting platform that combines personal gifting experiences with advanced technology. Great for both customer and employee recognition, Snappy helps organizations show appreciation, spread smiles, and boost loyalty in one fell swoop.

Employers can send digital gift cards, physical gifts, or even experiential gifts to showcase gratitude. Offer gift recipients a collection of trending products, unique experiences, subscriptions, and charitable donations. Then, recipients can choose their preferred gift from the curated selection you send.

The platform makes it easy to create memorable and meaningful moments of recognition that make employees feel valued.

Snappy’s Features

  • Tracking statuses to see which gifts recipients pick
  • Various gift collections that include gift cards, experiences, sweets, snacks, and donation options
  • The ability to add personal greetings to make a reward extra meaningful

Snappy’s Pricing: Snappy offers three pricing plans. With the Essential plan, teams and small businesses only pay for claimed gifts. With the Elevated Plan, larger organizations pay $999 per year. For the Enterprise plan, large enterprises need to reach out for a custom quote.

7. EngageWith

EngageWith helps organizations celebrate any employee win, whether it’s big or small! Built for Slack and Microsoft Teams, the platform makes it easy to keep all of your systems updated.

Acknowledge coworkers publicly using your preferred channel. Be sure to encourage employees to tag each recognition with a company value! Then, employees can redeem points they acquire through recognition on preferred sites like Nike, Domino’s, Apple, Dunkin Donuts, and more.

EngageWith’s Features

  • Dynamic leaderboards that rank individuals based on appreciation sent and received
  • Birthday and work anniversary reminders to recognize people on their special days
  • Other employee engagement features like pulse surveys and anonymous feedback capabilities

EngageWith’s Pricing: Either choose the Standard plan for $4 per user per month or reach out for a custom quote if you’ll have more than 500 users. They also offer a 30-day free trial, so you know what you’re getting with this employee recognition software.

8. Compt

Dubbed as a top perk stipend software, Compt is an all-in-one reimbursement platform that enables organizations to offer personalized, flexible compensation and benefits programs. Use the platform’s reward and recognition features to send employee bonuses and make recognition easy and meaningful.

Make your employees feel seen, heard, and valued throughout the year with birthday bonuses, sales incentives, spot bonus recognition, and more.

Compt’s Features

  • Instant rewards that only take a few minutes to set up and send
  • Automated IRS compliance to ensure employees are taxed correctly for rewards and bonuses
  • Slack integration to help your team celebrate accomplishments together

Compt’s Pricing: Request pricing from their team.

Mid-sized organizations need scalable employee recognition platforms to power their retention efforts.

Employee Recognition Software for Mid-Sized Organizations

If you work at a mid-sized organization, you need a more robust solution for employee recognition. From saying thanks to offering employee gifts, the following platforms are great options for powering your workplace engagement initiatives.

Terryberry and Awardco are among the best employee recognition platforms for mid-sized organizations.

9. Terryberry

Terryberry is an employee recognition platform that aims to ignite workplace success. With its social recognition approach, Terryberry provides a centralized system for implementing and tracking recognition activities, empowering organizations to celebrate achievements and boost morale.

It also offers a wide array of reward options that are sure to delight employees. With thousands of merchandise, travel, experience, and charitable donation options to choose from, you’ll encourage employees to be their best selves in the workplace.

Terryberry’s Features

  • Plug-and-play modules so you only pay for the recognition tools you need
  • Custom milestone and service award programs to celebrate important occasions
  • Additional employee engagement features like wellness and activity challenges

Terryberry’s Pricing: You have three pricing plan options based on the features you want. Request a demo to receive pricing details.

10. Awardco

Designed to make rewarding people easier and more effective, Awardco is a top-rated employee recognition platform. Marketed as a “one-stop-recognition-shop,” Awardco is a comprehensive platform that allows you to create custom rewards catalogs personalized to your needs. They also partner with Amazon Business to bring millions of reward choices and lower vendor fees. If needed, they’ll work with you to manage multiple recognition programs from one dashboard.

With an emphasis on reporting, Awardco enables organizations to gain in-depth insights into their recognition programs and keep an eye on employee performance. That way, there’s never a question of whether your employee engagement efforts are working.

Awardco’s Features

  • A public feed where team members can like, comment, and react to recognition
  • A user-friendly interface where employees and managers can track rewards and provide feedback
  • Integrations with communication platforms like Slack to easily fold recognition into your workflow

Awardco’s Pricing: Small organizations receive reduced rates and can choose from two pricing plans, starting at $2,500 per year. Organizations with more than 300 employees will need to reach out for custom pricing.

11. Assembly

Trusted by more than 2,400 organizations, Assembly is a top-rated employee recognition platform that helps celebrate workplace achievements. Show people their contributions are valued, so you can retain your best talent with features like rewards, nominations, and work anniversary reminders. Best of all, your staff will never have to leave Slack or Microsoft Teams to use the software.

Assembly’s Features

  • An extensive catalog of awards like gift cards, custom swag, and personalized culture rewards
  • Integrations with Slack and Microsoft Teams to keep employee recognition where work already happens
  • Employee nominations to encourage employees to call out their peers for standout performance

Assembly’s Pricing: Small teams of fewer than 10 people can use the platform for free. Paid plans start at $2.80 per user per month for up to 50 people when you pay for the year in full. Get an unlimited number of users for $4.50 per user per month. For larger organizations needing a custom program, reach out to Assembly for a custom pricing plan.

12. Blueboard

Built around hand-curated experiences, Blueboard is an incentives platform for organizations. This employee recognition software makes it easy for organizations to reward employees in meaningful ways and give them one-of-a-kind experiences. Choose from memorable experiential rewards like spa days, concerts, plane flying lessons, and bucket-list travel adventures.

Long story short, the platform elevates employee recognition from generic gift cards to experiences your employees will never forget. Whether you’re building an anniversary award program, leveling up referral incentives, or reimagining your spot rewards, experiential rewards are a unique way to drive better outcomes.

Blueboard’s Features

  • Anniversary awards to celebrate important moments in each employee’s journey
  • Curated experiential rewards, perfect for spot recognition, referral incentives, sales incentives, onboarding gifts, and more
  • Program planning guides and budget calculators to help you design a well-thought-out recognition program

Blueboard’s Pricing: Due to the level of personalization needed, Blueboard provides custom quotes. Get a demo to receive a personalized pricing plan.

13. Recognize

Recognize is value-driven employee recognition software that offers a range of rewards and gifts. Designed to integrate into your existing workflows, the platform makes enhancing the workplace experience and improving company culture a breeze.

Leverage gamification components to drive community building and tap into peer-to-peer recognition, nominations, incentives, and anniversary reminders. Using the platform, employees can earn and redeem points for spot rewards or accumulate points for a bigger item.

Recognize’s Features

  • Tangible tasks that managers can set up for employees to complete to earn points
  • Reward catalogs filled with gift cards, experiences, and non-monetary rewards employees redeem with points
  • Recognition reporting to gain insight into top performers and teams

Recognize’s Pricing: Get started with a free trial. Then, choose from different paid plans, starting at $.20 per user per month. Pricing varies based on organization size and selected add-ons.

14. Cooleaf

Connect with your people with Cooleaf, a leading experience platform. Bring your employees together with recognition and virtual activities, making your workplace culture more fulfilling and engaging. Tap into features like automatic work anniversary rewards, and go beyond a thank-you note with fun rewards like merchandise, gift cards, and company swag.

Cooleaf’s Features

  • Peer and manager shoutouts for instant recognition
  • Public recognition to showcase meaningful stories and exceptional work
  • Manager dashboards to evaluate trends and help prepare for performance reviews

Cooleaf’s Pricing: Contact their team for pricing details and to see this employee recognition platform in action.

Large organizations need employee recognition software that can support large-scale efforts.

Employee Recognition Software for Enterprise Organizations

Large and enterprise organizations often have more complex needs than smaller ones. That goes for workplace engagement and retention, too. We’ve pulled together a list of scalable solutions that were designed for larger organizations.

Culture Cloud, Fond, and Achievers are some of the best employee recognition platforms for large organizations.

15. Culture Cloud

Designed for enterprise and global workforces, O.C. Tanner’s Culture Cloud helps companies design large-scale employee recognition programs with unforgettable experiences. Every feature is backed by academic-grade research, ensuring organizations are equipped to maximize workplace satisfaction.

Whether you want to fuel peer-to-peer recognition or tie points to team goals, Culture Cloud offers plenty of ways to give, receive, and measure recognition.

Culture Cloud’s Features

  • An award store filled with unique experiences and everyday essentials
  • A points system that you can scale to suit your budget and needs
  • Yearbooks for team members to rally and honor a coworker’s contributions over time

Culture Cloud’s Pricing: Contact their team for a custom quote for its employee recognition software.

16. Fond

Created to enhance company culture across global workforces, Fond is straightforward employee recognition software. With it, employees can send points to one another to recognize hard work and major accomplishments.

Employees located around the world can redeem their points for useful rewards and corporate perks on Fond’s platform. Best of all, points never expire, and unused points are returned to your company if an employee leaves or is dismissed from their role.

Fond’s Features

  • Globally-redeemable rewards like gift cards and experiences
  • Customizable rewards and recognition events that embody your organization’s values
  • A mobile app so employees can send or redeem recognition points on-the-go

Fond’s Pricing: This employee recognition platform only charges the retail price for each item without markup. There aren’t any fulfillment charges or hidden fees either.

17. Achievers

Achievers is a cloud-based employee recognition platform designed to acknowledge your organization’s greatest asset: its employees. Drive retention, productivity, and key business outcomes by engaging your workforce, no matter where they are in the world.

Support your employees with best-in-class rewards and inclusive recognition. Achievers works to continuously expand its marketplace catalog with sought-after brands and fulfill reward redemptions across local centers through its reward partner networks. With the ability to support multiple recognition programs, you can reinforce priorities with high-frequency and high-impact recognition.

Achiever’s Features

  • 3 million rewards options from 2,500+ global brands in 29+ languages
  • Flexible, modular recognition tools such as a points-based system, social recognition, or campaigns
  • Support and functionality in multiple languages and currencies

Achiever’s Pricing: Request a demo for pricing information.

18. Workhuman

Workhuman is a leading employee recognition platform that aims to foster a more human workplace. Between peer-to-peer and manager recognition capabilities, employees can celebrate workplace accomplishments and big life events. After all, you want to show your employees you care about them on a personal level.

After being in the employee recognition business for over 20 years, Workhuman empowers organizations around the globe to deepen engagement and boost retention. With this platform, you can even tap into additional engagement tools like real-time feedback and performance management. In no time, you’ll foster a culture of appreciation, belonging, and gratitude.

Workhuman’s Features

  • Social recognition so employees can thank anyone in the organization and interact with others to celebrate their awards
  • Life event and service milestones to celebrate life’s big moments
  • Insights and analytics with real-time recommendations related to how and where work gets done

Workhuman’s Pricing: Contact Workhuman for a demo to see the software in action and get pricing details.

19. Empuls

Empuls is employee recognition software that makes it easy to reward your hardworking staff members. From setting up pulse surveys to motivating employees with digital gift cards, the platform comes equipped with everything you need to build an encouraging environment. Best of all, the platform is multilingual, making it easy to implement for your international employees.

Trusted by more than 1,000 organizations, Empuls helps make hard work visible to everyone, celebrate key milestones, promote participation in company initiatives, and reduce HR’s time in setting up rewards.

Empuls’ Features

  • Gamification features like activity scores and a leaderboard to encourage participation
  • Personalized recognition through custom spot awards, monetary rewards, and messaging
  • An AI-powered engagement bot that gives timely reminders about special occasions like peers’ birthdays and work anniversaries

Empuls’ Pricing: The Reward and Recognize plan is $3 per employee per month. Take a look at the pricing page to learn about other features’ pricing, like surveys, social intranet, and perks.

20. HALO

HALO offers scalable employee recognition and incentive solutions designed to fit your organization’s unique culture. Designed to deliver deep personalization, HALO offers comprehensive services like strategic design and program marketing support, giving you a single source for all your employee engagement efforts.

Great for hybrid and remote employee recognition, the platform can be accessed from anywhere. HALO offers a consistent experience for worldwide, remote, hybrid, and offline workforces alike.

HALO’s Features

  • A universal, points-based rewards currency that can be redeemed for gift cards, experiences, and gifts
  • Regional gift catalogs based on local tastes and customs
  • In-country fulfillment so you can avoid international shipping costs

HALO’s Pricing: Contact their team for pricing details and to get a rundown of the system.

21. Mo

Mo is an employee engagement and recognition platform that enables leaders to improve collaboration, reduce employee churn, and maximize morale. Backed by this software, create a recognition-rich culture by celebrating successes and shining light on those who go above and beyond.

Great for bringing distributed teams together, Mo empowers organizations to celebrate achievements with public and private recognition tools tied to fun GIFs and company values. Recognition can come from anyone, whether you want to give top-down feedback or peer-to-peer acknowledgment. Don’t forget about rewarding employees by letting them choose gift cards and custom rewards like organizational swag.

Mo’s Features

  • An extensive rewards catalog filled with meaningful gift options like gift cards from popular brands like Nike, Ticketmaster, and Amazon
  • Custom company awards like ‘most inspirational’ or ‘best team player’ that employees can nominate their peers to receive
  • Straightforward budget controls and rewards options so you can take charge of employee engagement

Mo’s Pricing: Choose from three pricing plans based on your organization’s needs. The Starter plan has basic recognition features and is $2.70 per user per month when billed annually. For more advanced recognition features, choose the Level Up plan, which is $4.50 per month per user when you pay annually. For a custom plan, reach out for a custom quote.

22. Fringe

Want to contribute to your employees’ lives in meaningful ways? Try out Fringe, the world’s first lifestyle benefits marketplace. Rewarding your employees with personalized lifestyle benefits is a fantastic way to show you care. Solidify a culture of well-being by offering unique rewards like financial planning services, student loan repayment, physical fitness, and virtual therapy.

Whether you’re acknowledging a 23-year-old intern or a 60-year-old long-term employee, Fringe has rewards for everyone!

Fringe’s Features

  • Lifestyle benefits whether you want to reimburse someone’s gym membership or give them la unch stipend
  • Wellbeing programs to promote health through virtual therapy, meditation apps, life coaching, and more
  • Peer giving so employees can award coworkers, friends, and family with services or points

Fringe’s Pricing: Contact Fringe’s team for current pricing plans.

Continue exploring additional resources to find the best employee recognition software for your team.

Employee Recognition Platforms: Final Thoughts

You want your employees to stick around and feel valued for their hard work. That means taking the time to develop a thoughtful recognition program and selecting software to support your efforts.

Remember, you want a platform that aligns with your organization’s budget and its employees’ preferences. Choosing the right employee recognition software can go a long way in boosting retention, so don’t skimp through your selection process.

While you narrow down your options, keep learning about fostering a positive work environment by exploring these additional resources:

Get started with eCardWidget, our preferred employee recognition platform.

Matching Gifts for K-12 Schools

Matching Gifts for K-12 Schools | A Crash Course

Educational institutions, public and private alike, rely on strategic fundraising to bankroll their academic programming, extracurricular activities, student scholarships, supplies and equipment, and more. And matching gifts for K-12 schools enables fundraisers to literally double the impact of their generous donations.

Here, we’ll walk through everything you need to know as an educational fundraiser to make the most of matching gifts.

This includes:

Ready to bring your school’s fundraising to an A+ level? Let’s get started.

Multiplying Generosity with Matching Gifts: The Basics

Matching gifts for K-12 schoolsCorporate philanthropy plays a vital role in supporting educational institutions like K-12 schools. Specifically, matching gifts are one of the most widely accessible forms.

Essentially, corporate matching gifts refer to a type of program in which a company matches the charitable contributions their employees make to eligible nonprofit organizations. The programs are designed to incentivize and amplify the generosity of a company’s employees, effectively doubling or even tripling their personal donations to worthwhile causes. And most often, these matching initiatives are inclusive of K-12 schools.

Donors who wish to participate in a matching gift program typically follow a straightforward process that looks like this:

  1. After making a donation to their chosen K-12 school (or other organization), the donor inquires about matching gift opportunities with their employer.
  2. The employer⁠—or, in many cases, the school itself⁠ via a matching gift automation tool—provides the necessary forms and guidelines for the donor to complete.
  3. The donor completes the submission process, providing details about the donation, such as the amount gifted and the recipient organization.
  4. Once the paperwork is submitted, the company reviews and verifies the information before issuing a matching gift to the designated school.

Matching gifts present numerous benefits for K-12 schools, their donors, and the companies they work for⁠—ultimately establishing a mutually rewarding experience. By leveraging corporate matching gifts, donors can significantly increase the impact of their contributions. From there, the additional funds received through matching gifts can support various programs, benefiting the school community as a whole.

However, billions of dollars worth of matching gifts go unclaimed each year⁠—largely due to a lack of awareness and initiative. In fact, despite 26 million individuals working for companies that match gifts, more than 78% of the segment has never been informed about the programs! And even those who know their employer offers matching gifts are sometimes unaware of the process of getting involved, which is where strategic donor education comes in handy.

Companies That Match Gifts to K-12 Schools

Double the Donation offers the most comprehensive database of matching gift information⁠, which contains records for more than 24,000 companies. And though each employer is able to set its own limits regarding organizations that qualify for matching, most businesses are willing to provide matching gifts for K-12 schools and other education-based institutions.

While there are tons to consider, we’ve opted to spotlight here a few businesses with heavy focuses on education and school philanthropy.

McGraw Hill offers matching gifts for K-12 schools


McGraw-Hill is one of the largest American publishing companies. With a devotion to educational content⁠, McGraw-Hill provides reading materials, software, and services for pre-kindergarten through postgraduate institutions. It’s also a dedicated supporter of a wide range of K-12 schools, including through a generous matching gift program.

Each year, employees working more than 20 hours a week qualify to request between $25 and $2,500 in matching gifts to eligible nonprofit causes. Organiations like those that focus on long-term solutions for educational issues, civic, arts and cultural organizations, museums, libraries, parks, zoos, and more tend to qualify.

Learn more about the matching gift program for K-12 schools.

Penguin Random House offers matching gifts for K-12 schools

Penguin Random House

Penguin Random House is another well-known publishing company and is currently the largest provider of general-interest paperback books across the globe. Its subsidiary Random House Children’s Books, which also encompasses Little Golden Books and Beginner Books, produces some of the most popular youth-focused books in the industry.

In addition to captivating young readers with its stories, Penguin Random House also aims to support educational efforts worldwide. One key example is its matching gift program! In addition to matching up to $2,500 worth of employee donations per team member per year, the company also offers to match contributions raised by their staff through peer-to-peer fundraising efforts in a fundraising match initiative.

Learn more about the matching gift program for K-12 schools.

Crayola offers matching gifts for K-12 schools


As one of the most prominent art supply manufacturing companies, Crayola plays a significant role in equipping students and teachers in K-12 classrooms across the nation. And going a few steps further, the company also supports schools through its dedicated employee matching gift initiative.

Specifically, Crayola focuses its matching gift efforts on supporting key categories of nonprofits. This includes educational (both K-12 private and public schools and higher ed institutions) and those pertaining to arts and culture. Each year, full-time and part-time employees can request up to $500 worth of matching gifts in each category, incentivizing staff to support missions most closely related to Crayola’s own values.

Learn more about the matching gift program for K-12 schools.

TI offers matching gifts for K-12 schools

Texas Instruments

Texas Instruments is a leading provider of educational technology, most commonly known for its innovative series of calculators and other STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) products. For decades, science and mathematics classes have relied on TI calculators to inspire academic success.

Facilitated through the TI Foundation, Texas Instruments also offers a particularly generous employee matching gifts program. Each year, full-time and part-time team members and employees can secure up to $30,000 in matches on behalf of the nonprofits they support. And, of course, the program is inclusive of education organizations such as K-12 schools, colleges, and universities.

Learn more about the matching gift program for K-12 schools.

Kaplan offers matching gifts for K-12 schools

Kaplan (Graham Holdings Company)

Kaplan, a subsidiary of the Graham Holdings Company, is an international education services company that’s devoted to increasing access to education materials and transforming learning with new technologies. And one of the ways that they do so is through their matching gifts program!

Current full-time Kaplan employees (as well as other Graham Holdings staff members) can qualify for generous donation-matching to educational institutions at a 2:1 ratio of up to $2,000 per person per year. Other nonprofit organizations can also qualify for matching gifts from the company, though non-educational causes are limited to a standard dollar-for-dollar match rate.

Learn more about the matching gift program for K-12 schools.

Keep Learning! Best Practices for Effective K-12 Gift-Matching

Over the years, we’ve worked with a lot of educational institutions, K-12 schools included. From our experience, we’ve gleaned several tips and tricks along the way that have produced substantial results for organizations like yours.

All in all, we recommend implementing the following strategies as you craft and enact a matching gift fundraising plan for your school.

1. Integrate matching gift fundraising in your annual Giving Day.

Many schools host dedicated Giving Days, in which the school communities band together to raise significant funds in a 24-hour window. If that’s the case, bring your Giving Day to new heights by incorporating matching gifts in your strategy!

Integrating matching gift fundraising into your annual Giving Day can significantly boost the impact of donations for your K-12 school. All you need to do is highlight the opportunity for donors to have their contributions matched by their employers within your existing Giving Day promotions. Utilize various communication channels such as emails, social media posts, website banners, and more to spread the word about matching gifts leading up to, during, and following your Giving Day campaign.

Matching gifts for K-12 schools' Giving Days

Emphasize that their support can go twice as far, motivating them to give generously. This is proven to work, too. Recent studies show that 84% of survey participants say they’re more likely to donate if a match is offered, and 1 in 3 donors indicate they’d give a larger gift if matching is applied to their donation.

2. Identify popular local employers in your school’s community.

Schools are one type of nonprofit that tend to have a significant reach, particularly within the geographic areas in which they operate. After all, it’s most likely where their students and families live, and even community members without direct connections to the schools are often interested in supporting local education. So when it comes to pursuing matching gifts, it can help to seek popular employers in your school’s neighborhoods.

To do so, begin collecting employment information from parents and other donors if you haven’t already. Then, research the companies located in your area and compile a list of those offering matching gift programs. This can allow you to connect supporters with known matching gift companies and identify trends regarding companies that employ a significant portion of your network⁠—and it’s especially easy to do with the aid of Double the Donation’s 360MatchPro!

By focusing on local employers, you can tap into a potential pool of matching gift donors who have a personal connection to your school and are more likely to participate. And if a segment of donors works for a company that doesn’t match employee gifts, it might show an opportunity to seek a corporate sponsorship (or one-off matching gift initiative!) or empower your supporters to advocate for a program on your behalf.

3. Provide educational matching gift materials to parents and families.

To increase awareness and understanding of matching gift programs among your school’s supporter base, be sure to provide them with educational materials on the topic. Because a lack of awareness is a huge cause of the subsequent funding gap, a little education about the opportunity can go a long way!

We recommend developing clear, informational, and easy-to-understand brochures, flyers, and online resources that explain the basics of matching gifts.

These materials should include…

  • What matching gifts are;
  • How donors can participate;
  • The impact matching gifts can have on your school;
  • Examples of companies that match employee gifts;
  • Where to locate additional information.

Then, distribute these materials to your school’s donors⁠—many of which are likely parents and other family members⁠—during parent-teacher meetings, open houses, school events, and through digital communication channels.

By equipping your audience with the necessary information, you empower them to take advantage of matching gift opportunities and become active supporters of your school’s corporate fundraising efforts.

Hint: Double the Donation offers some helpful materials here!

4. Consider volunteer grants as well.

In addition to matching gifts for your K-12 school, another type of corporate philanthropy initiative you won’t want to overlook is volunteer grants. Schools, and K-12 schools in particular, frequently rely on devoted volunteers to support various academic and extracurricular activities and events. Oftentimes, volunteers are even leading school fundraising efforts!

In order to maximize the value of this much-appreciated support, be sure to explore the potential of volunteer grants for your K-12 school. After all, many employers offer volunteer grant programs that provide monetary donations to organizations based on their employees’ volunteer commitment.

Thus, encourage parents, alumni, and community members associated with your school to inquire if their employers have volunteer grant programs. Provide guidance on how to track and report volunteer hours to secure available grants, and be sure to emphasize the impact that these programs can have on your school’s overall fundraising results. Incorporating volunteer grants alongside matching gift fundraising expands the range of opportunities for individuals to contribute to your school’s success, whether through monetary donations, volunteer efforts, or a combination of both.

And if you’ve already invested in a matching gift tool like 360MatchPro, you can uncover volunteer additional grant insights in the same search of a donor’s company!

Sample Matching Gift Messaging Templates for K-12 Schools

Raise awareness of matching gifts for your K-12 school with strategic fundraising outreach. These customizable templates can be an excellent place to start!

Matching Gift Email Template for K-12 Schools

Subject: Double Your Impact to [School Name] Today!

Dear [Supporter’s Name],

At [School Name], we believe in providing the best education and opportunities for our students. We are reaching out to let you know about an exciting opportunity to maximize the impact of your donation through a corporate matching gift program.

Did you know that thousands of employers offer matching gift programs where they match their employees’ charitable contributions? This means that your donation to [School Name] could be doubled⁠—or even tripled! It’s a fantastic way to make an even greater difference in the lives of our students.

To find out if your employer offers a matching gift program, check out our online matching gift page (with a searchable company database!) here: [link]. This will provide you with the necessary forms and instructions to submit your matching gift request.

It’s a simple process that can have a tremendous impact on our community! If you have any questions or need assistance with the matching gift process, please don’t hesitate to contact our office at [contact information].

Thank you for considering this opportunity to make your support go even further. Your generosity helps us continue to provide exceptional education and enriching experiences for our school.

Thank you again for your support!


[Your Name]

[Your Title/Role]

[School Name]

Matching Gift Text Template for K-12 Schools

Hi [Supporter’s Name]! Did you know your donation to [School Name] could be doubled? Tons of employers offer matching gift programs. Click here to see if your donation can have double the impact! [Link to matching gifts page]

Matching Gift Facebook Template for K-12 Schools

🎓 Double Your Impact! 🎓

At [School Name], we believe in providing the best education for our students. You can help make an even greater difference through our matching gift program!

Many employers offer matching gift programs, where they match their employees’ donations to educational institutions like ours. This means your donation to [School Name] could be doubled or even tripled! 🌟

To find out if your employer offers a matching gift program, click here [link] to explore our matching gift page. This resource will provide you with the necessary forms and instructions to submit your matching gift request. It’s an easy process that can have a tremendous impact on our students’ education!

#MatchingGifts #SupportEducation #SchoolFundraising

Matching Gift Tweet Template for K-12 Schools

Double your impact today⁠—More than 26 million people work for companies with matching gift programs. Search for your employer here [link to matching gifts page] or check with your HR department to see if your donation to [School Name] can be matched.

Together, we can make a difference! #MatchingGifts #SupportEducation

Matching Gift Postcard Template for K-12 Schools

Double Your Impact!

Have your gift to [School Name] matched to make twice the difference for our school community. Doing so allows us to provide better educational opportunities for the students in our care by making the most of every dollar we receive.

To find out more about corporate matching gift programs⁠—which are widely available and offered by tens of thousands of businesses⁠—scan the QR code below. You’ll be taken to our school’s matching gifts page, where you can discover details about your employer’s match offerings.

Bonus: Automate Your Matching Gift Outreach with 360MatchPro!

Make matching gift messaging as easy as can be with matching gift automation tools. Double the Donation’s 360MatchPro is designed to aid fundraising organizations, like K-12 schools, in streamlining the matching gift process from start to finish⁠. This includes raising awareness of the opportunities, driving matches to completion, and more.

And with the software in your school fundraising toolkit⁠—which integrates seamlessly with top school fundraising solutions⁠—you won’t need to worry about manually sending matching gift reminders, either. After an individual gives to your school, 360MatchPro triggers timely and personalized follow-ups that inform supporters about their employer’s programs with company-specific insights.

You’ll never have possible matches slipping through the cracks due to a stretched-too-thin fundraising team again!

Watch the video below to see how Menlo Park-Atherton Education Foundation uses 360MatchPro to automate their matching gift efforts.

Menlo Park-Atherton Education Foundation- Matching Gift Success with 360MatchPro from Double the Donation on Vimeo.

Want to learn more? Check out these additional educational resources on fundraising and matching gifts for K-12 schools:

Learn more about matching gifts for animal rescues with Double the Donation.

Driving Matching Gifts for Health and Medical Services

Driving Matching Gifts for Health & Medical Services

In the world of healthcare fundraising, effective revenue generation saves lives. After all, every dollar counts towards advancing medical research, providing patient care, and improving overall well-being. In order to make the most of each donation, matching gifts for health and medical services can go a long way.

And this guide will provide everything your team needs to get started with the opportunity! We’ll explore the concepts and strategies behind driving matching gifts specific to health and medical services, including:

Get ready to uncover the potential that matching gifts have to revolutionize fundraising for healthcare and related nonprofit causes.

Let’s dive in!

Matching Gifts for Health & Medical Services | The Basics

Matching gifts offer a powerful opportunity for health and medical services to multiply the impact of individual contributions. This powerful fundraising strategy combines individual and corporate giving to increase engagement and funding for a nonprofit’s mission.

And it’s easy! Essentially, the process looks like this:

  1. An individual donor makes a contribution to a qualifying nonprofit cause (such as a healthcare facility or medical research organization).
  2. The individual is informed about their employer’s matching gift program and determines their eligibility for a recent donation.
  3. Upon determining that their gift qualifies for a match, the individual completes a (typically online) submission form for their employer.
  4. The individual’s employer reviews the submission, verifies the initial donation was made, and approves the matching gift request.
  5. The employing company sends a matching donation to the organization its employee supported.

Understanding the matching gift process for health and medical services

Successful matching gift practices can effectively double or even triple the support for vital healthcare initiatives. This empowers donors to leverage their employers’ involvement to make an even greater difference in a cause they care about.

Companies That Match Gifts to Healthcare Organizations

Thousands of companies match employee donations to qualifying nonprofit causes. But here, we wanted to spotlight a few businesses in the healthcare industry that offer standout matching gift initiatives.

These include (but are certainly not limited to) the following…

CVS Health Matching Gift Program

CVS Health

CVS Health is dedicated to making a positive difference in the world. Through the CVS Health Foundation, the company gives back by offering generous in-kind donations, employee giving opportunities, volunteer grant programs, and more.

Currently, one of the CVS Foundation’s most prominent offerings is its employee matching gift program. Through this initiative, the company encourages team members to give to a variety of nonprofit causes. These include health and medical services, children’s and educational groups, environmental organizations, and more. Once completed, employee donations made through the company’s workplace giving portal qualify for generous matches by CVS Health!

Learn more about the matching gift program here.

UnitedHealth Group Medical Matching Gift Program

UnitedHealth Group Incorporated

UnitedHealth Group aims to revolutionize the healthcare system to improve health overall. And they do so not only through the company’s core offerings but also by participating in generous corporate philanthropy initiatives.

For example, its employee giving program, coined “United for Giving,” incentivizes team members to support their favorite nonprofit organizations with their dollars and their time. In 2022 alone, nearly $50 million was contributed through the program to more than 20,000 global charities.

Each employee qualifies to request up to $15,000 per year in company matches on behalf of the organizations they support.

Learn more about the matching gift program here.

CIGNA Healthcare Matching Gift Program


Through the CIGNA Foundation, healthcare and insurance company CIGNA offers a standout matching gift program in which it encourages employees to participate. In fact, the foundation contributed more than $12.5 million worth of corporate grants to health and wellness-focused nonprofits in 2021 alone!

When qualifying employees give to medical organizations and many other registered 501(c)(3) nonprofits, they can request an associated match from the CIGNA Foundation. This allows team members to amplify their giving impact and do more to make the world a better and healthier place.

Learn more about the matching gift program here.

AmerisourceBergen Health and Medical Matching Gift Program


With a generous matching gift cap set at $10,000 per employee per year, current full-time and part-time AmerisourceBergen team members can request matching gifts from the company corresponding to their own personal gifts. Donations are typically matched at a standard 1:1 (or dollar-for-dollar) ratio, though the company often promotes a heightened match rate to inspire Giving Tuesday participation at the end of the year.

Facilitated through the AmerisourceBergen Foundation, this company’s matching gift initiative is making a difference in producing healthier futures worldwide.

Learn more about the matching gift program here.

McKesson Corporation Health and Medical Matching Gift Program

McKesson Corporation

One thing that makes the McKesson matching gift program stand out is its open availability for current full-time, part-time, and retired employees! Of course, healthcare organizations qualify to receive associated matching gifts. Additionally, team members can support educational institutions, community organizations, volunteer fire rescue and emergency services, and more.

The McKesson Corporation also offers an impactful volunteer grant initiative known as the McKesson Volunteer Program⁠—or MVP. After an individual makes their initial gift to an organization, they have 90 days (or approximately three months) post-donation to submit their match request.

Learn more about the matching gift program here.

Tips for Developing a Healthy Matching Gift Strategy for Your Org

Getting matching gifts for your healthcare or medical organization doesn’t have to be difficult. Find out how to do so as effectively as possible with these recommended practices.

1. Incorporate matching gifts in your grateful patient program.

For a healthcare or medical organization, a grateful patient program can be one of your most valuable fundraising strategies. This unique initiative provides medical-focused nonprofits, like hospitals and other facilities, an opportunity to engage donors who have experienced exceptional care⁠.

Maximize the impact of your grateful patient program by incorporating matching gifts! To do so, ensure that materials provided to patients⁠—such as thank-you letters, brochures, and discharge information⁠—include details about matching gifts. This allows patients to leverage the opportunity to amplify their impact as they give back.

2. Highlight the medical impact of matching gifts.

As you enlist donor communications to promote the matching gift opportunity, be sure to emphasize the direct impact of matched donations on healthcare outcomes.

Highlighting matching gift impact for health and medical services

Showcase success stories, former patient testimonials, and statistics that demonstrate the transformative effect of your organization’s work. This will resonate with potential matching gift donors who want to make a tangible difference in the healthcare field. In other words, help your supporters imagine the tangible benefits of doubling your fundraising power.

3. Simplify the matching gift experience for donors.

Make it easy for donors to navigate the matching gift process. Offer step-by-step instructions on your website, provide donors with company-specific request forms for their employers, and be available to provide assistance throughout the submission steps.

Keep in mind that the more streamlined and accessible the process, the more likely donors will follow through with their matching gift requests. On the other hand, excessive roadblocks lead to missed matches and unclaimed funding for your team.

Luckily, the best way to streamline matching is by automating the experience from start to finish with the right technology! For example, Double the Donation’s software ecosystem enables nonprofits to embed their matching gift tools directly into the initial giving process.

This typically includes a brief mention of matching gift opportunities, alongside a field requesting a donor’s employer information, on the giving form. Then, an automatically populating matching gift widget on the confirmation screen provides eligibility information and submission forms for the company previously selected.

Simplifying matching gifts for health and medical services

It’s as easy as can be, and donors are provided with easy access to the information they need⁠—without having to search for it on their own!

4. Get inspired by other healthcare organizations’ matching practices.

See what other medically-focused nonprofits are doing to pursue matching gifts! Check out this case study compilation that highlights some of the largest healthcare organizations in the nation.

These include:

  • American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
  • Lazarex Cancer Foundation
  • Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
  • Lung Cancer Research Foundation
  • Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation

By studying the matching gift strategies from these organizations (and more), you can identify common themes, glean creative approaches, and make a note of successful tactics. From there, you’ll be able to more effectively ingrain matching gifts into your own fundraising efforts.

Consider adapting and implementing tried-and-true strategies within the context of your own healthcare nonprofit to increase donor engagement, uncover corporate giving opportunities, maximize contributions, and make a greater impact on your mission.

Sample Matching Gift Messaging for Healthcare Nonprofits

Get started with effective matching gift outreach! Check out the following templates for powerful communications tailored to matching gifts for health and medical services organizations.

Top tip: Easily automate matching gift communications with Double the Donation’s 360MatchPro! This ensures you’re able to provide timely correspondence to all donors⁠—without worrying about any potential matches slipping through the cracks.

Matching Gift Email Template

Subject: Double Your Impact: Your Donation Can Make Twice the Difference!

Dear [donor],

I hope this email finds you in good health and high spirits. On behalf of [healthcare organization], I want to express our deepest gratitude for your recent generous contribution to support our mission. Your commitment to making a difference in the lives of patients and their families is truly inspiring.

Today, we wanted to share an exciting opportunity that can multiply the impact of your donation: employer matching gifts. Many companies have matching gift programs in place, which means they match donations made by employees to eligible nonprofit organizations like ours.

We kindly encourage you to check if your employer offers a matching gift program. And you can do so by browsing our matching gift page here! [Link to matching gift page] Simply type your employer’s name to determine eligibility and access the necessary information and forms. It’s a simple process that can significantly enhance the impact of your generosity and extend the reach of our vital healthcare programs.

With heartfelt appreciation,



[Healthcare nonprofit]

Matching Gift Tweet Template

Double the impact of your donation! Did you know your gift to [healthcare organization] may be matched by your employer? Take advantage of corporate matching programs and help us provide life-saving treatments, advance research, and improve healthcare outcomes.

Learn more at [link to matching gift page]. #MatchingGifts #HealthcareImpact

Matching Gift Facebook Template

🌟 Double the Impact! 🌟

We have some exciting news for our incredible supporters! Did you know that your generosity can go even further? 💙✨

Many employers have matching gift programs in place, which means they’ll match the donations made by their employees to eligible nonprofit organizations like ours. That’s right⁠—your contribution can be doubled (or even tripled)!

By taking advantage of matching gift programs, you have the power to make an even greater difference in the lives of patients, their families, and the community as a whole. 💪💕

Ready to maximize your impact? Here’s how:

1️⃣ Check if your employer offers a matching gift program.

2️⃣ Visit our website or reach out to your human resources department to access the necessary forms and information.

3️⃣ Submit your matching gift request and watch as your contribution is multiplied!

Together, we can transform healthcare, advance medical breakthroughs, and provide exceptional care to those in need. Your support, combined with a matching gift, has the potential to create a lasting impact.

Thank you for your unwavering support and dedication to improving healthcare outcomes. Let’s make a difference together! ✨🙌

#MatchingGifts #DoubleTheImpact #HealthcareMatters #MakingADifference

Matching Gift Text Message Template

Hey there! Did you know your donation to [healthcare organization] can go twice as far? Many employers offer matching gift programs, meaning they’ll match your contribution! 🤝💰 It’s an easy way to double your impact and support vital healthcare initiatives. Check if your employer participates and make your gift go even further! Thank you for your generosity!

Wrapping Up

Matching gifts have the potential to revolutionize fundraising for all sorts of health and medical services. By harnessing the power of employer-matching initiatives, healthcare-focused nonprofits can tap into additional resources, amplify their impact, and accelerate their mission of increasing health and well-being.

The bottom line? Implement a comprehensive matching gift strategy to unlock a world of possibilities, inspire greater donor participation, and drive positive change in the realm of health and medical services.

Play the video below to hear how LuMind IDSC Foundation supercharges their matching gift strategy with 360MatchPro by Double the Donation’s matching gift automation.

LuMind IDSC Foundation – Matching Gift Success with 360MatchPro from Double the Donation on Vimeo.

Interested in learning more about making the most of matching gifts? Check out the following recommended resources:

Learn more about matching gifts for animal rescues with Double the Donation.

Matching Gifts for Food Security and Anti-Hunger Organizations

Matching Gifts for Food Security + Anti-Hunger Organizations

Food security and anti-hunger organizations play a critical role in addressing one of society’s most pressing challenges⁠—ensuring that every individual has easy access to nutritious food and resources. However, in order to maximize their impact and extend their reach, such organizations often rely on the support of generous donors and well-thought-out fundraising initiatives. One strategy that holds immense potential for enhancing the financial resources of food security organizations? Matching gift programs.

By leveraging the power of matching gifts, food security organizations can more effectively fuel their missions to eradicate hunger within their communities and beyond.

In this post, we delve into the significance of matching gifts for food security and anti-hunger organizations and how you can set your team up for corporate matching success. This includes:

Here, we’ll explore the ways in which these programs can transform the landscape of food access and contribute to lasting change. As a fundraiser for such a cause, establishing a foundation of knowledge regarding matching gifts and how to make the most of the opportunities is a must.

Let’s dive in!

What to Know About Matching Gifts for Food Security Nonprofits

Anti-hunger organizations, including food pantries, soup kitchens, and other initiatives dedicated to alleviating hunger worldwide, work tirelessly to combat food insecurity and its wide-ranging consequences. But doing so requires access to funding⁠—and making the most of the funds available.

That’s where corporate matching gift opportunities come in! When qualifying donors work for companies that offer corporate matching, the company agrees to make a (typically dollar for dollar) match to the organizations its employees support. And most often, food banks and other anti-hunger organizations are eligible to receive the funding!

Matching gift programs essentially empower donors to stretch their donations twice as far for the nonprofit causes they support. In fact, research shows that incorporating matching gifts in an organization’s overall fundraising strategy results in a 71% increase in donation response rate and a 51% increase in average gift size.

Matching gift stats for food security organizations

And that’s not even taking into account the additional corporate match funding made available through these programs!

All in all, matching gifts offer an actionable strategy to further the mission of food security organizations⁠—without asking generous donors to reach back into their own wallets to do so.
However, these initiatives continue to be overlooked by qualifying organizations and their donors.

Today, millions of individuals qualify for corporate matching gifts through their employers, though the majority of the group remains unaware of the opportunity at stake. And unfortunately, donors who are unaware of their match-eligibility status are not likely to complete the steps required to secure a matching donation from their employer on your behalf.

The solution? Increasing awareness of matching gift programs among your audience.

Companies That Match Donations to Anti-Hunger Orgs

Tons of companies⁠ (including more than 65% of the Fortune 500⁠) offer matching gift programs that inspire employee giving. Typically, anti-hunger causes like yours will qualify for the initiatives⁠—though there are far too many to list.

Here, we wanted to spotlight a few businesses with missions that specifically reflect a vision to alleviate food insecurity.

The Hershey Company offers matching gifts for food security and anti-hunger organizations.

The Hershey Company

The Hershey Company was founded with a mission to make chocolate accessible to everyone. Today, that mission goes beyond just chocolate, with the company getting involved to support a wide range of food security organizations across the globe.

And one of the most prominent forms of philanthropy offered by the Hershey Company is its matching gift program. Current full-time and retired employees qualify to have the company match their charitable contributions to eligible organizations⁠—including anti-hunger groups and more. Individuals can request up to $5,000 per calendar year on behalf of their favorite causes to which they themselves are also giving.

Learn more about the matching gift program.

Tyson offers matching gifts for food security and anti-hunger organizations.

Tyson Foods

With a lofty goal to “Feed the World,” as coined through its corporate giving initiatives, Tyson Foods is devoted to supporting the communities in which it operates and its team members reside. And they’re making a big impact, too! In a single year, the company contributed more than $2.5 million and over 18 million pounds of its protein to Feeding America food banks across the nation.

Plus, Tyson Foods encourages its employees to get involved in its efforts through a generous matching gift program. Current full-time and part-time team members can submit gifts between $10 and $1,000 per year to qualifying organizations to be matched at a dollar-for-dollar rate.

Learn more about the matching gift program.

Campbell Soup Company offers matching gifts for food security and anti-hunger organizations.

Campbell Soup Company

Campbell Soup Company cites its philanthropic impact goal as “working to create sustainable change in our communities.” And it does so by supporting nonprofit partnerships with organizations aiming to produce a systems-based approach to improving food access and healthy living.

One such method, beyond its community grants and multi-year giving initiatives, is the Campbell Soup Foundation’s matching gift program. This offering inspires Campbell employees to get involved by matching donations to eligible nonprofits⁠—including higher education institutions and health and human services.

Full-time, part-time, and retired team members qualify to participate and can request matches between $20 and $1,500 annually.

Learn more about the matching gift program.

PepsiCo offers matching gifts for food security and anti-hunger organizations.


PepsiCo, through the PepsiCo Foundation, states the following in its mission statement: We feed potential. In order to do so, the company aims to support sustainable and innovative solutions that provide nutritious food and other critical resources for underserved communities.

One way that they do so is through the PepsiCo matching gift program. Current full- and part-time employees qualify to request corporate matches for gifts between $25 and $10,000 per year. Most nonprofits are eligible to receive match funding, which includes (but is not limited to), food security organizations and other community missions, educational institutions, environmental groups, and more.

Learn more about the matching gift program.

Starbucks offers matching gifts for food security and anti-hunger organizations.

Starbucks Corporation

Starbucks‘ Partner Match Program is one of the most popular ways in which the company supports a wide range of organizations. Donations made by full-time and part-time US and Canadian employees to most registered nonprofits qualify for matching at a 1:1 ratio up to $1,000 per year. Once the donation has been made, eligible employees have 90 days to submit their matching gift request on behalf of the cause.

Additionally, the Starbucks Foundation encourages current team members to nominate local nonprofits in consideration of generous Neighborhood Grants, which have provided more than $10 million to over 6,000 organizations.

Learn more about the matching gift program.

Top Tips to Amplify Impact with Effective Gift-Matching

By harnessing the power of gift-matching, you can unlock a world of opportunities to enhance your fundraising efforts and extend the reach of your food security organization’s services.

At Double the Donation, we’ve worked with many of the leading anti-hunger groups, and we’ve compiled a list of six tried-and-true tips to do so effectively.

1. Raise awareness of matching gift programs among supporters.

More than 78% of eligible individuals have no idea that their employer will match their gifts to charitable causes like yours. And that’s why so many matching gifts to unclaimed each year.

Thus, the first step in establishing an effective matching gift strategy for your organization is to educate your supporters about this opportunity.

We recommend employing various marketing channels, such as your…

  • Website;
  • Donation process;
  • Email outreach;
  • Social media platforms;
  • SMS messaging;
  • Direct mail;
  • And more!

With these tactics, you can effectively share information and success stories related to matching gifts, exposing supporters to the invaluable opportunity. When donors are aware of the programs, they want to get involved.

As you get started, consider working off our optimized matching gift messaging templates and examples to see best practices like these in action. This should include providing ample context regarding the programs, incorporating clear and specific calls to action, and more.

2. Communicate the amplified financial impact of matching.

From the donor’s perspective, one of the greatest benefits of participating in a matching gift program is the ability for their contributions to stretch twice as far. After all, they already care about your mission⁠—to reduce food insecurity⁠. Of course, they’ll want to make a more significant impact at no extra cost to them!

Thus, be sure to emphasize this amplified donation impact in all of your matching gift communications. You can even put it in specific, tangible terms to better demonstrate the value. For example, if your organization advertises that a $5 donation will feed a family of four for a day, you can clarify that a matched $5 gift can support two families.

3. Collect employment data to uncover match-eligible donors.

One key strategy to maximize the potential of gift matching involves collecting and maintaining accurate employment data for your donors. This will allow your team to compare the information against top matching gift companies (such as the ones listed above) and identify match-eligible gifts.

To gather the necessary data, start by including fields for an individual’s employer name in your donation forms. You can also request employment details in post-donation follow-ups and more. Remember that this information can get stale relatively quickly, not to mention matching gift program qualifications are constantly changing, so it’s important to collect this data on a regular basis to stay up to date.

(Hint: this is particularly easy when using a matching gift tool that integrates with your online giving platforms.)

4. Thoroughly research companies’ matching gift program guidelines.

Not all matching gift companies have the same policies in place, so taking time to research donors’ employers can go a long way. By delving into the specifics of each program, you can identify the most advantageous opportunities for your organization and effectively communicate these details to supporters.

And you don’t want to discount your cause from a company’s program without a closer look, either. For example, many food pantries and soup kitchens are associated with religious groups like churches. But if you see a donor’s giving initiative bars matching to faith-based organizations⁠—don’t fret! Most companies that exclude strictly religious causes include an addendum to the policy stating that religiously affiliated groups providing social services (like food security initiatives) do, in fact, qualify for matching gifts.

Still, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to matching gift eligibility, so it’s a good idea to conduct thorough research regardless. We recommend utilizing a comprehensive matching gift database to make this task as easy as can be.

5. Explore corporate partnerships with food-focused businesses.

Matching gifts aren’t the only type of corporate philanthropy to consider for your anti-hunger cause, either! In fact, pursuing strategic partnerships with for-profit businesses can unleash advantages for both parties involved.

For example, you might ask a local grocery store if they’d be willing to donate nonperishable food items to stock your pantry. Or even host a food drive out of their business that encourages shoppers to participate!

Alternatively, you could solicit a restaurant or catering business to prepare a meal to serve at your organization’s soup kitchen.

Depending on your nonprofit programming and the companies in your area, the opportunities are endless. And if you’re looking to get your foot in the door with a potential corporate sponsor, taking a look at your donors’ employers that are already supporting your cause through matching gifts can be a great start. In fact, the donors who work for those companies can be some of your greatest champions in advocating for such partnerships!

6. Scale efficiencies with matching gift automation.

Running a food security program can be a lot of work. You may even be operating with limited staff and resources, which could make strategically pursuing matching gifts seem like an impossible task. But that’s where automation comes in to take the brunt of the effort off your team’s plate. Instead, scaling up efficiency and overall results.

Double the Donation’s 360MatchPro can maximize matching gifts for food security and anti-hunger organizations with the following features:

  • Automatic identification of match-eligible donations based on the provided employment data
  • Seamless integration with nonprofit CRMs and online donation tools, embedding matching gift information and next steps directly within the giving experience
  • Customizable email streams with optimized follow-up cadences for post-donation communications, providing employer-specific matching gift guidelines and links to online forms
  • Matching gift lifecycle tracking to follow up on stuck matches and more accurately forecast incoming match revenue

Matching gift automation tools can significantly reduce the administrative burden associated with promoting and managing matching gifts. Plus, it makes things easier for participating donors, too! This ultimately allows your organization to focus on its core mission while reaping the benefits of corporate matching⁠—without lifting a finger.

Next Steps

Now, begin pursuing matching gifts for food security groups by implementing these tips and tricks in your fundraising strategy.

When actively promoting and facilitating matching gifts, anti-hunger organizations can tap into the generosity of individuals and corporate entities alike. And ultimately, it allows you to grow your return on investment and do more for the individuals receiving your services.

Watch the video below to learn how Daily Table leverages 360MatchPro to increase matching gift funds and better serve their community.

Daily Table – Matching Gift Success with 360MatchPro from Double the Donation on Vimeo.

Interested in learning more about maximizing your matching gift practices? We’ve compiled a few recommended resources:

Learn more about matching gifts for animal rescues with Double the Donation.

Matching Gifts and Animal Rescues | How to Double Impact

Matching Gifts and Animal Rescues | How to Double Impact

When it comes to running an animal rescue, there are a few things we can assume about you. First of all, that you’re devoted to the animals in your care. And second, that you want your animal organization’s fundraising dollars to go as far as possible to best support the furry (or feathered, scaly, etc.) friends depending on your services.

The solution? Matching gifts!

Matching gifts and animal rescues go hand in hand⁠—or paw in paw, if you will. In this guide, we’ll walk through everything you need to know as an animal rescue team member to make the most of matching gifts for your cause. This includes:

Ready to dive in? Let’s get started.

The Basics of Matching Gifts for Animal Rescues

Matching gifts can significantly impact just about any nonprofit group⁠—animal rescues included. These powerful programs allow organizations to double their impact, empowering eligible donors to get involved with their companies’ programs.

Specifically, matching gifts are a form of corporate philanthropy where businesses match employees’ charitable donations to eligible nonprofit causes. This means that if an individual donates to their local pet shelter, their employer will contribute an equal (or sometimes larger) amount, effectively doubling the initial gift. It’s an incredible opportunity for individual donors to amplify their impact and make a greater difference in the lives of animals in need.

Benefits of matching gifts for animal rescues

Thus, as an animal rescue fundraiser, matching gifts maximize the support coming your way. Research even shows that individual donors are more likely to give, and more likely to give in larger amounts, when they know that matching is available!

However, matching gifts continue to remain a severely underutilized revenue source for qualifying nonprofits. And that’s because most eligible supporters have never been made aware of the programs. Because individual donors typically have to complete and submit their own matching gift forms for their employers, a lack of familiarity with the opportunity results in substantial amounts of unclaimed funding.

Today, an increasing number of organizations are taking steps to close the knowledge and consequent funding gaps⁠ with strategic matching gift promotions and guidance—and we recommend that your animal mission gets on board.

Tips for a Pawsitive Matching Gift Experience

Maximizing matching gifts for animal rescues doesn’t have to be difficult. Check out these recommended tips that are already being used by organizations across the globe.

1. Use animal-related imagery in communications to illustrate impact.

You likely understand that imagery is used in nonprofit marketing materials to attract and retain an audience’s attention. This is especially beneficial regarding matching gift communications. After all, corporate donation-matching is likely to be a new idea for many of your donors⁠—and an abstract one at that.

Utilizing familiar, impactful imagery can go a long way toward deepening the connection with your audience. Plus, it helps demonstrate the concepts involved with matching gifts through photo, graphic, and video content that reflects your organization’s tangible mission values. Think: twin kittens or a bonded pair of dogs.

Matching gifts for animal rescues - imagery example

You already know that your donors support your cause. Use visual elements to reiterate that they can do even more with a corporate match, enabling your team to further its lifesaving work, providing vital medical attention, shelter, and loving homes for the animals in your care.

2. Share company-specific matching gift guideline information.

Each company that offers to match employee donations is able to establish its own unique set of matching gift eligibility criteria. Most often, this includes a combination of:

  • Minimum donation amounts;
  • Maximum donation amounts;
  • Matching gift ratios;
  • Qualifying nonprofit types;
  • Qualifying employee types;
  • Submission deadlines.

However, donors who are learning about matching gifts for the first time through your organization are not likely to know where to look for this information. Rather than allowing it to cause a roadblock for supporters, make an effort to provide the relevant details to your donors directly.

For example, if you know an individual works for the Walt Disney Company, research the company’s guidelines so that your donor doesn’t have to. Then, present them with the information you’ve uncovered on the gift confirmation page (if you use a matching gift tool) or in a follow-up email.

3. Guide matching gift donors through the process.

Once you or your donor has confirmed a gift’s match eligibility, the individual can begin to initiate the process. Typically, this involves a brief online form, with the donor providing details about your organization and their recent transaction.

Make it easy for your supporters to do their part by streamlining things on your end! As you did with the eligibility criteria, locate information regarding your donors’ matching gift submission processes to ultimately reduce the extent of the task that’s being asked of them.

Then, send them a link to the online portal and encourage them to submit the form. If you know the company is going to ask for information about your organization, proactively share the details they’ll need⁠—such as your mailing address and tax ID number.

4. Automate the experience with a matching gift tool.

Without the right resources in your fundraising toolkit, effectively marketing matching gift opportunities to your audience can be a daunting task. Luckily, Double the Donation aims to simplify the process with our best-in-class matching gift automation platform: 360MatchPro. And it empowers organizations like yours to trigger personalized matching gift communications that inform donors about gift-matching, streamline requests, and more.

Specifically, 360MatchPro…

  • Identifies match-eligible donors with multiple screening methods to collect employment information and screen against known matching gift companies to ensure no qualifying supporters slip through the cracks;
  • Provides company-specific matching gift guideline information and direct links to online request forms from an organization’s confirmation screen and email outreach;
  • Tracks completed donations through the matching gift lifecycle to forecast incoming revenue and drive forward stuck matches;
  • Integrates seamlessly with 70+ donation tools and CRMs to establish a robust matching gift promotional cadence that reaches donors where they are.

This allows your team to save time, energy, and resources that can be reallocated to other high-value tasks⁠—such as next-level animal rescue fundraising and caring for your furry friends in need.

Explore matching gifts for animal rescues like yours with 360MatchPro

Interested in seeing how other leading fundraising organizations have elevated their fundraising with matching gift technology? Check out this compilation of inspirational case studies⁠—including one from Humane Society International!

5. Seek additional corporate partnership opportunities.

Matching gifts are one of the most prevalent forms of corporate philanthropy, but they’re certainly not the only kind out there for your animal rescue. Still, an effective matching gift strategy can help your team uncover additional partnership opportunities.

For example, if you see that a significant segment of your donor base works for a particular employer, you might decide to reach out to the company to seek a sponsorship. If the company already participates in matching employee gifts, even better! You already know that it’s a socially responsible business that has a lot in common with your rescue.

And if it’s one that doesn’t already match gifts, consider imploring them to consider a one-off matching gift initiative benefitting your nonprofit! You can even encourage your donors to advocate for a program on your behalf.

We recommend prioritizing companies that share similar values to your own. For example, a pet-related business (such as a pet supply shop, a grooming business, or even a company that sells cleaning products targeting pet owners) may be interested in sponsoring your upcoming fundraising event. After all, you share a love of animals, and your target audiences are likely to overlap as well.

Companies That Match to Animal Rescue Organizations

Thousands of companies, large and small, have these programs in place as part of their corporate social responsibility initiatives. Tons will match donations made to animal rescues like yours, but we’ve selected a few standout examples to explore below.

Pets Best Insurance offers matching gifts for animal rescues.

Pets Best Insurance

Pets Best Insurance, a subsidiary of Synchrony Financial, is proud to offer a corporate matching gifts program that reflects its commitment to supporting the welfare of both animals and society as a whole. Through this program, Pets Best Insurance encourages its employees to contribute to nonprofit animal rescue organizations and other charitable causes, amplifying their impact by matching individual donations.

Currently, full-time and part-time employees are eligible to participate in the program. Each team member is able to request matches between $25 and $25,000 to qualifying causes. Among animal rescues are educational institutions (K-12 included), health and human services, arts and cultural organizations, civic and community organizations, environmental groups, and many other 501(c)(3) nonprofits.

Learn more about the matching gift program here.

Hills Pet Nutrition offers matching gifts for animal rescues.

Hills Pet Nutrition

As a subsidiary of Colgate-Palmolive, Hills Pet Nutrition has designed its corporate matching gift program to make a meaningful difference in its community. And, of course, the furry friends it serves are key beneficiaries when the company matches employee donations to qualifying animal rescues and other charities.

At a dollar-for-dollar rate, full- and part-time team members are eligible to request corporate matching of up to $8,000 per employee per year. Along with animal rescues, other causes the company supports include a variety of education, health, community, and environmental nonprofits.

Learn more about the matching gift program here.

Blue Buffalo offers matching gifts for animal rescues.

Blue Buffalo

Blue Buffalo and other General Mills subsidiaries offer generous matching gift programs in which they encourage employees to participate. Thus, not only does Blue Buffalo’s match initiative demonstrate the company’s dedication to supporting the welfare of animals, but it also inspires and motivates employees to give back to causes they care about.

With a match ratio of up to 2:1, Blue Buffalo employees can triple the impact of the gifts they contribute to qualifying organizations. Each team member can request between $25 and $1,000 per year, and the company even matches gifts made by retired employees as well!

Learn more about the matching gift program here.

Zoetis offers matching gifts for animal rescues.


Formerly under Pfizer and now an independent pharmaceutical company, Zoetis is the largest animal health company across the globe. And it’s devoted to animal (and overall) welfare even beyond its own offerings. By supporting charitable causes—including animal-focused organizations—through its matching gift program, Zoetis makes giving back a priority.

Plus, its employees are encouraged to take the reins with the giving program by supporting their own favorite charities and requesting associated corporate matches. Processed through the Zoetis Foundation, employee donations, along with their associated matches, support more than 119,000 pet owners in need and provide over $7.7 million for animals and the people who care for them each year.

Learn more about the matching gift program here.

ADM Animal Nutrition offers matching gifts for animal rescues.

ADM Animal Nutrition

An Archer Daniels Midland company, ADM Animal Nutrition is a leading manufacturer of animal nutrition products. And its matching gift program goes to support animal welfare as well!

Current full-time team members qualify to request matches from ADM regarding gifts between $100 and $5,000 each year. Among animal rescue organizations, most registered 501(c)(3) nonprofits supported by ADM Animal Nutrition or other ADM employees qualify to receive such funding.

Learn more about the matching gift program here.

And that’s only a small percentage of the companies that match gifts to nonprofit organizations⁠—for most of which, animal rescue groups like yours will qualify!

Dive into even more generous matching gift companies with lists like this. Or employ a matching gift database to uncover information on any corporate philanthropy opportunity in seconds.

Matching Gift Communication: Sample Wording for Animal Rescues

Ready to begin promoting matching gifts to your nonprofit rescue’s audience? These examples can offer an excellent headstart as you develop your personalized strategy.

Matching Gift Email Template

Subject: Double the Impact of Your Generosity for Our Furry Friends!

Dear [Donor’s Name],

On behalf of all the wagging tails, purring kitties, and grateful hearts at [animal rescue], I want to extend our sincerest gratitude for your recent donation. Your compassion and support are making a real difference in the lives of our beloved animals.

I’m reaching out to share an exciting opportunity that could multiply the impact of your contribution (at no additional cost to you!). Many companies offer matching gift programs to support charitable causes close to their employees’ hearts. By taking advantage of this wonderful initiative, you can potentially double or even triple the value of your generous donation.

These programs often have a simple process that typically completing a quick online process. Click here to learn more and locate your company’s submission forms [link to matching gift page]!

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re here to help every step of the way.

Warm regards,

[Your Name] (and furry friends)
[Your Title/Position]

Matching Gift Facebook Post Template

🐾 Double the Love: Unlock the Power of Matching Gifts! 🐾

We are thrilled to announce an incredible opportunity to make an even bigger impact on the lives of our precious furry companions. Did you know that many companies offer matching gift programs to amplify the donations made by their employees? That means your generosity can be doubled or even tripled, all with a simple request to your employer!

Imagine the difference we can make. Your $50 donation could turn into $100 or more, providing vital medical care, nourishment, and a safe haven for our four-legged friends in need. By taking a few moments to request a matching gift, you have the power to create an even greater impact and transform the lives of animals who are longing for a loving home.

Here’s how you can get started:

1️⃣Browse our matching gift page: Visit our website at [link to matching gift page] to explore our dedicated match page. We’ve compiled helpful resources, FAQs, and step-by-step instructions to assist you in navigating the matching gift process. Find answers to common inquiries, access your company’s specific forms, and more.

2️⃣ Gather the necessary information: When speaking with your employer, make sure to have our official name, [animal rescue], our contact details, and any relevant documentation about your recent donation handy.

3️⃣ Advocate for our cause: Share our mission and the impact of your donation with your employer. Let them know how their support can make a significant difference in the lives of animals and the local community. Inspire them with the transformative work we’re doing together.

4️⃣ Spread the word: Encourage your colleagues, friends, and family members to explore matching gift opportunities with their employers too. Together, let’s make the most of this incredible opportunity to support our beloved animals in need!

Matching Gift Tweet Template

Did you know your donation to [animal rescue] could be matched by your employer? Take a moment to inquire about their matching gift program and amplify the love for our furry friends. Together, we can make a difference! ❤️🐾 #MatchingGifts #AnimalRescue

Matching Gift Text Message Template

Hey [donor], it’s [name] from [animal rescue]. Your recent donation means the world to us. Did you know your gift could be doubled? Check out our matching gift page to learn more and maximize your impact for our furry friends. Thank you for your incredible, ongoing support! [Link to matching gift page]

Your animal rescue organization likely invests in smart fundraising strategies to generate revenue needed to fund your day-to-day and mission-based activities. If you haven’t explored the opportunity already, matching gifts can scale the impact of your efforts to new heights. And you certainly don’t want to miss out on this stream of no-cost funding⁠—so it’s time to get started!

Learn more—Dive deeper into the world of corporate matching gifts with these recommended resources for your organization:

Learn more about matching gifts for animal rescues with Double the Donation.

Marketing Matching Gifts: A Guide for Avid Fundraisers

Marketing Matching Gifts | A Guide for Avid Fundraisers

Matching gift programs are an excellent way for nonprofits to engage supporters, double donations, and leverage corporate partners. However, a significant lack of awareness could be holding your organization back. And that’s where marketing matching gifts comes in!

In this guide, we’ll break it down as effectively as possible by covering the following topics:

Your donors love to support your cause. And matching gifts are another powerful way that they can do so!

Strategically incorporating corporate giving into your outreach will put you on the path to reaching (and surpassing) your fundraising goals. Let’s get started.

The Basics: What Is Matching Gift Marketing?

Matching gift marketing is the process a nonprofit or other fundraising institution takes to proactively promote corporate or employee matching gift programs to its supporters.

Matching gift marketing basics

This often involves driving awareness of program availability in the first place, reminding donors of their eligibility, and encouraging qualifying individuals to complete their end of the matching gift process.

When done well, marketing matching gifts enables donors⁠—and the charitable causes they support⁠—to maximize the impact of their dollars.

The Value of Effectively Marketing Matching Gifts

Mission-driven organizations need every dollar they can get in order to fund their programming and day-to-day operations. Luckily, matching gifts are an effective way to increase an organization’s revenue without asking too much of individual donors.

Current corporate giving trends point to growing generosity among companies, particularly through matching gift programs. As a nonprofit professional, strategically promoting these philanthropic opportunities can substantially increase your team’s fundraising potential. Just think about what you could do with double the funding.

After all, the most common reason why donors don’t submit match requests is that they don’t know their employer offers such a program. Recent studies even estimate that:

  • More than 26 million individuals work for companies with matching gift programs.
  • More than 78% of match-eligible donors have never been made aware of the opportunity by their employers.
  • An additional 16% know their company matches but are unsure if they qualify or how to submit a request.

This results in only an estimated 10% of eligible donors ultimately going on to complete the matching gift process on behalf of the organizations to which they give. And it’s a leading cause of the funding gap we see each year⁠—with $4 to $7 billion in matching gift funds going unclaimed on an annual basis.

Marketing matching gifts is a direct solution to this critical problem.

Plus, promoting matching gift opportunities in donor outreach has even been known to result in increased individual giving, as well! 84% of donors say they’re more likely to donate if a match is offered, and 1 in 3 donors indicate they’d give a larger gift if matching is applied.

Matching gift marketing statistics

So not only do matching gift programs double donations, but they also encourage donors to increase their original gift⁠—making the matched gift larger, too!

And since supporters love getting involved, it can also offer an excellent source of engagement. It allows your team an opportunity to interact and deepen your relationships with donors without making an additional request for funds.

Best Practices for Successful Matching Gift Marketing

Marketing matching gifts is an investment, but smart practices can allow your team to maximize its ROI. Make the most of your efforts by implementing these tried-and-true tips and tricks!

Train your internal team.

A nonprofit’s internal team should be some of the organization’s most valuable matching gift champions. That said, if you’re looking to increase your marketing results, it’s important to ensure that your own team of paid staff and volunteers is up to speed beforehand.

Specifically, we recommend forming a dedicated workplace giving team made up of members from marketing, volunteer, and other key departments.

This group will address and streamline specific roles in the matching gift process⁠—such as managing CSR vendor portals, verifying donations, and more. Not to mention, you’ll always have someone to answer donors’ questions about how or why matching gifts matter and how to get involved.

Tip: Get started with some of the educational resources in our online hub here⁠—such as the Ultimate Guide to Securing Matching Gift Buy-In, our complete Matching Gift Academy, and more.

Consider your timing.

Matchable donations have lifespans, so it’s important to promote matching gifts to eligible donors before the clock runs. A supporter can’t donate one year and submit a matching gift request for that donation a few years down the line, which means the cadence of your messaging is crucial.

For the best results, we recommend sending your first matching gift promotions in the first 24 hours after an individual donates to your cause. This allows you to re-engage supporters while your mission⁠—and their recent donation⁠—is still at the forefront of their minds and giving momentum remains high.

(Hint: automation software that integrates with your fundraising tools can ensure you won’t let any potential matches slip through the cracks⁠—but more on that later!)

Another popular option involves sending year-end matching appeals, which remind donors of impending corporate deadlines as the calendar year comes to a close. This time of year, also known as the giving season, tends to see increased generosity anyway. So it’s the perfect chance to should ramp up your promotions to new and unclaimed matching gift donors concerning the opportunities⁠—and the urgency⁠—at stake.

Leverage multimedia elements.

It’s important to make your matching gift marketing efforts stand out to your audience, and multimedia elements can be a great way to do so. By incorporating relevant photos, graphics, videos, and more, you can more effectively grab and retain your supporters’ attention!

Marketing matching gifts with ecards

Even fundraising eCards like the one pictured above can help differentiate your messaging with unique and engaging visual elements!

Employ an omnichannel marketing strategy.

Impactful matching gift marketing relies on a well-thought-out promotional plan. In most cases, employing a single outreach tactic is not enough.

Instead, omnichannel promotions empower your team to effectively break through the marketing clutter and strengthen connections with your audience. The more familiar your audience is with the concept and availability of corporate matching gifts, the more likely they are to partake. And the higher the revenue you can expect to see!

We’ll walk through our recommended marketing channels in depth below. But in short, it’s a good idea to incorporate matching gift promotions in your digital outreach (like emails and texts), on your nonprofit website, and more

Check out our matching gift marketing guide

Key Matching Gift Marketing Channels for Nonprofits

Speaking of omni- (or multi-) channel marketing, how should you determine which mediums to employ in your strategy?

We’ve outlined the most common channels⁠—which include an organization’s email, social media, online presence, SMS messaging, and direct mail⁠—below.

Matching gift email marketing


Email outreach is a vital component of online fundraising. Not to mention, it’s significantly lower cost than its direct mail counterpart and offers additional benefits in terms of sustainability as well.

Plus, it’s a versatile medium with multiple ways to engage supporters. These include:

Digital Newsletters

With enough space to incorporate a quick blurb or even a full article, electronic newsletters are a great place to educate donors about matching gifts. You might even send a quarterly biannual edition dedicated solely to matching gifts!

Marketing matching gifts with newsletters

Acknowledgment Emails

When your nonprofit receives a gift, you should always say thank you. And more than likely, you have some sort of automated system in place to trigger emailed donation receipts. So use those messages as a way to promote matching gifts! Recent donations are fresh on donors’ minds, and a little nudge saying that they can double their donations without shelling out another cent can go a long way.

Sample matching gift marketing email

However, having a dedicated matching gift email cadence (in addition to your initial gift acknowledgments) typically produces even greater results results.

Dedicated Match Emails

Unfortunately, many donors simply skim and discard (or just discard) acknowledgment emails. That’s why you’ll want to send a follow-up email just for matching gift information to make sure it gets through. And these can be targeted for each donor, providing company-specific details regarding the next steps and submission forms, too!

And remember to focus on donation (and matching gift) impact! This is likely to be one of your most valuable matching gift marketing tools, so make the most of it with a well-thought-out digital outreach plan.

Marketing matching gifts with dedicated emails

For the best results, be sure your emails are sent from your organization’s own email domain (rather than a third-party service) to instill a sense of trust in the recipient. You’ll also want to brand your emails with your nonprofit’s consistent graphic style⁠—including colors, logos, fonts, and more.

Email Signatures

Chances are that your team sends a ton of emails. When you incorporate matching gifts in your email signatures, every message is a chance to promote the opportunity. All you need is a simple blurb or a graphic (branded to your organization!) about corporate giving. This can increase awareness and be the needed push for donors to learn more or submit their matches.

Marketing matching gifts with email signatures

The bottom line is that whether you market matching gifts in your email signatures, newsletters, acknowledgments, or separate match-specific messages, email allows you to showcase matching gifts in a prominent way.

Matching gift social media marketing

Social media

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn are being increasingly used by nonprofit teams to spread their messages to wide-reaching audiences. These sites have become powerful tools for fundraising pushes and engagement opportunities⁠—which means sharing matching gift information should be a no-brainer.

Marketing matching gifts on social media

In order to best appeal to your followers and inspire action, it’s important to keep up with current trends and practices. For example, we recommend incorporating eye-catching graphics with short and sweet captions, hashtags, and more.

Just be sure to include links to additional resources⁠—such as your website⁠—where donors can take a deeper dive into the topic!

Matching gift website marketing


Your nonprofit’s website is the centralized hub for all information regarding your cause and how to get involved. Unsurprisingly, it’s also a great place to market revenue opportunities like matching gifts.

And there are a few key ways that we recommend doing so.

Dedicated Matching Gift Page

A dedicated matching gift page on your organization’s website can be an excellent space to overview the matching gift opportunity and a donor’s role within it. The goal is to give donors a centralized resource to learn about matching gifts and to be spurred into relevant action.

Consider incorporating additional details such as inspirational matching gift statistics or annual matching gift figures. If you subscribe to a matching gift service like Double the Donation, include your matching gift company search tool on this page, too.

Marketing matching gifts on your match page

Fun fact! 93% of the leading peer-to-peer nonprofits host a dedicated matching gift page on their websites and/or event pages.

Ways to Give Page

More than likely, you already have a Ways to Give page on your organization’s website. As this is an ideal space for supporters to learn about all of their donation options to your nonprofit, it’s important to add matching gifts to the list.

Marketing matching gifts on your ways to give page

This can incorporate a quick matching gift blurb that links to your more built-out match page for additional information. Depending on how your Ways to Give page is structured, you might even be able to embed your matching gift tool here as well!

Navigation Bar

Once you’ve developed in-depth matching gift website content, make sure it’s easy to find from your website’s home page. Our recommendation? Add your matching gift page to your website’s navigation bar!

Marketing matching gifts on your nav bar

Incorporating a link to your matching gift page in your primary site menu (or a drop-down “Giving” submenu) allows donors to intuitively discover the opportunity. If an individual browses your website and has never heard of corporate philanthropy, simply seeing there’s a page about it can spark curiosity.


Does your team host blog content on your website regarding organizational updates, fundraising wins and efforts, and more? If so, be sure to share an article or two dedicated to matching gift opportunities!

Marketing matching gifts with prewritten articles

Blog posts are a great way to start the conversation about corporate giving while also evoking emotion in readers. For example, you might demonstrate the importance of matching gifts through tangible impact stories while educating your audience about how to submit the necessary forms.

Double the Donation even offers prewritten matching gift articles that you can use to get started!

Matching gift donation process marketing

Donation Process

The best time to promote matching gifts is when your donors are actively supporting your organization. There’s no time like the present, and people are already in a giving mood. Why not inform them about how they can give twice as much?

That’s why marketing matching gifts directly within your donation process is a must. Specifically, your online giving page can be a vital tool for collecting employment information⁠—which should then inform your personalized outreach strategy.

Marketing matching gifts on your donation page

All you need to do here is include a brief mention of matching gifts on your donation form. Contextualize your request for employer data as a means of determining match eligibility status. You can even say something along the lines of, “Keep an eye out for additional information regarding matching gift opportunities after you submit your gift.”

From there, we also recommend highlighting matching gifts on your donation confirmation screen!

Marketing matching gifts on your confirmation screen

With a matching gift tool, you can provide automated insights based on the employer a donor selected on the previous page. This should include company minimum and maximum donation amounts, match ratios, qualifying nonprofits, employee types, and direct links to online submission forms.

Matching gift online ad marketing

Online Ads

As a fundraising organization, you likely aim to keep your marketing costs low, so you may have skipped over paid advertisement channels altogether. However, online search ads may be available to your group at no cost through in-kind sponsorships like Google’s advertising grant.

The Google Grant provides ad space up to $10,000 per month to qualifying nonprofits. If eligible, your organization can promote your online matching gift content on relevant search engine results pages for free!

Marketing matching gifts with Google Grants

This is a great way to increase your mission’s visibility to a wider audience, inspiring new and existing donors alike to support your cause through matching gifts and more.

Matching gift text marketing

Text message

SMS text messaging is an underrated form of outreach that can produce big results by meeting your supporters where they are⁠—on their mobile devices! Thus, it makes sense that it can be a key component of a well-rounded matching gift digital marketing strategy.

Marketing matching gifts with SMS

We recommend using personalized texts as a way to nudge match-eligible donors toward submitting their requests. However, you can even send organization-wide SMS blasts to increase general awareness of matching gifts⁠—and encourage all supporters to look into the opportunity.

Matching gift direct mail marketing

Direct mail

The debate between paper communications and online means has raged on for years. While electronic outreach is quick and easy, some donors still prefer to stay in touch via direct mail. Nonetheless, employing both types of marketing channels in tandem works best.

If you’re interested in incorporating physical mailings in your matching gift marketing strategy, this might include a combination of printed matching gift letters, postcards, paper inserts, newsletters, return envelopes, and more.

Marketing matching gifts with direct mail

Since direct mail costs can quickly add up, however, we recommend retaining snail mailings for your highest-value donor segments.

Building Out an Impactful Matching Gift Marketing Toolkit

Just about any modern marketing endeavor relies on technology with which to plan and carry out the strategy. And oftentimes, the better-equipped the technology, the better the results (and the ROI).

The same is true when it comes to promoting matching gift opportunities to your audience. Thus, it’s essential that you empower your team with the right tools in your toolkit. Here’s what we recommend!

A Matching Gift Automation Platform

Employing dedicated matching gift software opens the door to a multitude of impactful marketing⁠—and revenue⁠—opportunities.

With Double the Donation’s matching gift platform, you can embed this industry-leading database tool directly on your website and donation forms. This way, supporters can easily discover whether they qualify for matching and receive detailed insights regarding their companies’ programs to get started.

More specifically, 360MatchPro:

  • Automatically screens for match-eligible donors through multiple identification methods;
  • Enables donors to select their employer from over 24,000 companies and subsidiaries to uncover qualifying matches;
  • Triggers personalized marketing communications, informing supporters of available matching gift or volunteer grant opportunities;
  • Provides direct links to employer-specific matching gift request portals and online forms to simplify the submission process for donors.

And the results are great! In fact, recent findings show that leveraging a matching gift automation tool like 360MatchPro increases matching gift revenue for nonprofits by an average of 61%.

Get started! Request a demo of the automation platform here.

Explore matching gift marketing with 360MatchPro

Integrable Fundraising Technologies

Matching gift software can go a long way toward optimizing marketing efforts and bringing awareness to donors. But it relies on an ecosystem of fundraising technology integrations to provide a seamless experience for nonprofits and their donors.

Luckily, Double the Donation integrates with 90+ of the industry’s largest technology providers. Empowering organizations to streamline matching gifts with ease, these include:

  • Donation tools ⁠— Integrating matching gift software with your donation tools (including those that power your general fundraising forms and peer-to-peer giving pages) allows you to incorporate a company search tool directly within the giving process. From there, you can collect invaluable donor employment information and inspire actionable next steps from your confirmation screen and follow-up emails!
  • CRMs ⁠— When you connect your matching gift tool with your organization’s constituent management system, you can enable your software to screen incoming records for match-eligible donors. Once supporters are marked as likely qualifying for corporate matching, the technology can trigger personalized and automated outreach that aims to increase awareness of match opportunities and drive more available matches to completion.
  • CSR platforms ⁠— If your matching gift platform integrates with CSR (or corporate social responsibility) tools, you can benefit from tighter relationships with the companies supporting your organization. For example, Double the Donation’s auto-submission capabilities enable qualifying donors to submit their matches in seconds directly from an organization’s giving experience.

Interested? Get started by searching our native integrations here.

Bonus! How Companies Can Market Matching Gifts to Employees

Tons of companies offer matching gift programs. But the extent to which they promote the opportunities to their employees can vary drastically. In fact, the aforementioned studies indicate that only 19% of companies include substantial information regarding matching gift programs in their easily accessible employee-facing materials.

That’s why more and more nonprofits are taking a proactive approach to matching gift promotions. It also means there’s a significant opportunity for companies to ramp up their internal marketing of the programs among employees.

This can be done in a variety of ways, such as:

  • Employee handbooks ⁠— A company’s employee handbook is an excellent place to store the details of its matching gift program, including an official matching gift policy (like the one outlined in this free template!).
  • Teamwide communications ⁠— Internal communication channels, such as email blasts or newsletters, offer a crucial opportunity to promote matching gifts and provide relevant updates on changes or developments.
  • Company websites ⁠— Sharing corporate giving information on a business’s website is an easy way to promote the opportunity to qualifying employees. Plus, it can outline the offerings for other interested stakeholders⁠—including investors, consumers, nonprofit partners, and more.
  • Onboarding materials ⁠— Including information about a matching gift program in new employee orientation materials helps ensure that employees are aware of the program from the start.
  • Workplace incentives ⁠— Leveraging recognition or unique rewards for participating in matching gifts can help promote the program and encourage employees to get involved by giving back to their communities.

Matching gift companies get the highest return on their investment when employees make the most of available programming. Ultimately, increased marketing efforts by companies, in addition to nonprofit marketing pushes, are likely to result in strengthened philanthropic partnerships that benefit all parties involved.

Wrapping Up

All in all, marketing matching gifts involves using a variety of promotional and engagement strategies to increase awareness regarding the opportunity and ultimately drive more matches to completion.

Effective marketing involves a multifaceted approach⁠—so get started implementing these strategies in your fundraising strategy as soon as possible. It’ll be a win-win for your organization, its donors, the companies supporting your efforts, your mission beneficiaries, and more.

On your mark(eting)…get set…go!

Interested in learning more about marketing matching gifts to your audience? Check out our recommended further reading:

Learn more about marketing matching gifts with Double the Donation.