Here is some key info about Benevity's workplace giving platform for corporations.

Benevity: Workplace Giving Tools for Corporations

Looking for information on Benevity, or trying to figure out which companies use Benevity’s corporate giving software?

Good news! While Double the Donation is a separate company (we provide employee matching gift tools for nonprofits, whereas Benevity provides services to corporations), we can share much of the information you’re looking for.

It’s important for companies to put an emphasis on workplace giving programs—especially corporate matching gifts—and do what they can to encourage employees to participate. Benevity is one of the leading corporate giving vendors that can help companies do just that.

Benevity is a workplace giving platform for corporations.

About Benevity’s Workplace Giving Software

Almost all major companies have philanthropic giving programs in place. Sometimes they’re managed internally, but many use a corporate giving vendor for their program’s administration.

One such corporate giving vendor, Benevity, was founded in Calgary in 2008 by Bryan de Lottinville. Since then, it has become one of the leading providers of CSR software in both the U.S. and Canada.

This is Benevity's workplace giving platform.

Benevity offers a full suite of technical solutions to help companies power their corporate giving programs. These include:

  • Centralized donation management & payroll deductions
  • Custom cause portfolios & disaster response
  • Company & user-generated volunteering opportunities
  • Dynamic news & blog content
  • Charitable rewards & matching incentives
  • Comprehensive reporting capabilities
  • International capabilities

It’s also worth noting that Benevity is a registered B Corp (meaning, they use the power of business to solve social and environmental problems). Benevity helps companies make a difference while achieving greater business impacts from their cause marketing, community investment, workplace giving, and volunteering programs.

Here are the companies that use Benevity's workplace giving platform.

Companies That Use Benevity

Benevity provides corporate giving software to many U.S. and Canadian-based corporations. A few clients include:

Here’s what the Benevity portal for Nike looks like:

This is what Nike's Benevity portal looks like.

Benevity offers employees an easy way to access their company’s workplace giving program and log their donations online. If you want to make it easy for employees to participate in your corporate philanthropy efforts, consider using a vendor like Benevity!

Here's how nonprofits can use Benevity's workplace giving platform.

Benevity Causes for Nonprofits

Benevity Causes is a portal that Benevity runs for nonprofits. It offers organizations direct access to customize their interactions with companies around the world.

Some of the benefits Benevity Causes provides include:

  • Gaining exposure & connecting with businesses
  • Updating your cause profile
  • Accessing detailed donor reports
  • Receiving funds faster & more efficiently
  • Adding volunteer opportunities

Since Benevity provides the software that powers many large companies’ corporate philanthropy efforts, we recommend that all nonprofits register with Benevity Causes.

This is Double the Donation's relationship with Benevity's workplace giving platform.

Double the Donation’s Relationship with Benevity

Benevity and Double the Donation are separate businesses, but both serve corporate philanthropy efforts.

While Benevity provides workplace giving tools to companies, Double the Donation helps nonprofits raise money from the employee matching gift programs offered by companies across the world.

Double the Donation’s database of matching gift companies includes matching gift programs either managed internally at companies or outsourced to one of the many corporate vendors, including:

  • Benevity
  • America’s Charities
  • AmeriGives
  • Bright Funds
  • Causecast
  • CyberGrants
  • FrontStream
  • Millie
  • Point
  • SmartSimple
  • YourCause

These workplace giving solutions help companies manage their matching gift and volunteer programs, while streamlining the entire process so their employees can easily participate.

Here's how you can contact Benevity.

How Do I Contact Benevity?

If you’re a corporation interested in learning more about Benevity’s workplace giving software solutions, you can contact the company in one of three ways:

  1. By email – Use the company’s contact form
  2. By phone – (403) 237-7875
  3. By mail – Benevity, #700, 611 Meredith Road NE, Calgary, AB T2E 2W5

Reach out to learn more about Benevity’s services!

Learn more about Double the Donation's corporate giving software.

About Double the Donation’s Matching Gift Software

Double the Donation sells an easy-to-use tool to nonprofits to help them promote matching gifts to donors (if you’re a nonprofit rather than a company, check out our service to see if it can help your organization increase its matching gift revenue). Our database of matching gift companies includes those administered by Benevity, as well as those managed by other corporate giving vendors.

Benevity offers workplace giving tools for companies, while Double the Donation offers workplace giving tools for nonprofits.

Double the Donation’s team researches and manages a database of matching gift company guidelines, forms, and contact information that nonprofits and their donors can access. If you’re a nonprofit looking to improve your matching gift fundraising, test out our service.

Here are more Benevity and workplace giving resources.

Additional Workplace Giving Tool Resources

There are many resources at your disposal when it comes to corporate giving. Check out these additional articles to find out more!

YourCause Matching Gifts

Spotlight on YourCause: Manage Matching Gifts

Looking for information on YourCause or companies which use YourCause’s corporate philanthropy platform?

Good news! While Double the Donation is a completely separate and non-related company, we can share much of the information you’re looking for on YourCause.


YourCause logo

What Does YourCause Do?

YourCause is the provider of the CSRconnect Employee Engagement Platform. CSRconnect is an online platform for corporations to manage one or multiple philanthropic programs (including employee matching gift and volunteer grant programs).

Almost all major companies have philanthropic giving programs in place, but many use a vendor for the corporate philanthropy software and administration. YourCause was founded by Matt Combs in 2008 and has become a leader in the CSR space.

YourCause provides companies with the ability to:


Who Uses YourCause’s Corporate Giving Platform?

YourCause provides corporate philanthropy, matching gift, and volunteer grant tools to many of the world’s leading companies.

A few of its clients include:

What’s the difference between YourCause and CSRconnect?

YourCause L.L.C. is the official company name while CSRconnect is the name of their corporate employee giving and volunteering platform.

The CSRconnect platform provides functionality for corporations including:

  • Grant management
  • Matching gift administration
  • Volunteer grant administration
  • Payroll giving
  • Disaster relief
  • And many other services

CSRconnect is a highly customizable tool for corporations of all sizes. Businesses big and small can easily adopt this tool to help streamline fund management, corporate philanthropy tools, and more.

The CSRconnect Employee Engagement Platform is YourCause’s online giving system for corporate employees.


How Do Nonprofits Benefit From YourCause?

YourCause provides a Nonprofit Portal which has free tools to help organizations leverage YourCause’s network of corporate clients. By registering on the Nonprofit Portal to become the administrator, you can increase your organization’s exposure to the donations and volunteer hours being transacted on the platform.

The tools include:

  • Unlimited Access to Donation History
  • Ability to Input Volunteer Opportunities for Corporate Employees to Join
  • Signing Up for ACH Payments for the easy Transfer of Funds


How Do I Contact YourCause?

YourCause is happy to help you with any question or concern you might have!

If you fall into one of the following three categories, you should contact the company’s matching gift and volunteer grant hotline for assistance:

  1. Nonprofits looking to verify matching donations or those with questions regarding the status of a donation
  2. Employees looking for assistance with their employers’ matching gift programs
  3. Retirees with questions about their former employers’ retiree giving programs

There are three ways to contact YourCause:

  1. By email – Please email
  2. By phone – Please call (972) 755-3950
  3. By mail – YourCause, LLC, 2508 Highlander Way – Suite 210, Carrollton, TX 75006


Double the Donation’s Relationship with YourCause:

YourCause and Double the Donation are two completely separate businesses.

While YourCause provides tools and manages matching gift programs for companies, Double the Donation helps nonprofits raise more money from the matching gift programs offered by companies across the world.

Double the Donation’s database of matching gift companies includes matching gift programs managed either internally at companies or outsourced to one of the many corporate vendors such as:

Click here for more information on these matching gift vendors.


Double the Donation sells an easy-to-use tool to nonprofits to help them promote matching gifts to donors (check out our service to see if it can help your organization increase matching gift fundraising). Our database of matching gift companies includes those administered by YourCause as well as those managed by the many other matching gift vendors.