Matching Gifts Download

[Free Download] The Ultimate Guide to Matching Gifts

What is the Ultimate Guide to Matching Gifts?

Double the Donation’s Ultimate Guide to Matching Gifts is designed to be your go-to resource for understanding, leveraging, and maximizing corporate matching gift opportunities for your organization. Matching gifts, often overlooked, supply an incredible source of funding for nonprofits—offered by companies to financially reward the causes their employees care about. However, many teams aren’t fully aware of how these programs work or how to tap into them effectively.

In this guide, you’ll find everything you need to know about matching gifts, from understanding the basics and eligibility requirements to actionable tips on how to increase participation and track results. We provide examples of companies offering generous matching gift programs, best practices for educating and engaging donors, and strategies for fostering relationships with corporate partners.

Whether you’re new to the concept of matching gifts or looking to refine your existing approach, this resource offers detailed insights to help you unlock additional funding and deepen your engagement with both individual and corporate supporters.

Why download the Ultimate Guide to Matching Gifts?

Maximize fundraising potential.

Access actionable strategies to significantly boost donation revenue by leveraging corporate matching gift programs. By understanding how to tap into this often underutilized resource, nonprofits can unlock additional funding.

Streamline matching gift processes.

Uncover clear steps for optimizing the management of matching gifts, from identifying eligible donors to simplifying the follow-up process. This helps organizations save time and effort while ensuring they don’t miss out on match-eligible contributions.

Enhance donor engagement.

Donors are more likely to give if they know about matching gifts. Unleash best practices for educating and motivating donors to participate in matching gift programs, strengthening donor relationships and increasing engagement with your cause.

Additional Recommended Resources

What to Know About Volunteer Grants

Download the Ultimate Guide to Volunteer Grants

10 Quick Steps to Matching Gift Success

Matching Gift Checklist Download

Matching Gifts in the Donor Journey

Matching Gifts Donor Journey Download

Download the Ultimate Guide to Corporate Philanthropy

The Ultimate Guide to Corporate Philanthropy Created by Double the Donation
(Updated July, 2019)

Use this guide to get up to speed on all there is to know about corporate philanthropy!  In this downloadable eBook, we will:

  • Provide an overview of corporate philanthropy
  • Share some of the top corporate giving programs
  • Explain how to make the most of corporate philanthropy
  • And so much more!

Click the image below to download The Ultimate Guide to Corporate Philanthropy!

Download the Ultimate Guide to Volunteer Grants

[Free Download] The Ultimate Guide to Volunteer Grants

What is the Ultimate Guide to Volunteer Grants?

Double the Donation’s Ultimate Guide to Volunteer Grants is designed to be your go-to resource for understanding, leveraging, and maximizing corporate volunteer grant opportunities for your nonprofit. Volunteer grants, often overlooked, are an incredible source of funding for organizations—offered by companies to financially reward nonprofits for their employees’ volunteer hours. However, many nonprofits aren’t fully aware of how these programs work, or how to tap into them effectively.

In this guide, you’ll find everything you need to know about volunteer grants, from understanding the basics and eligibility requirements to actionable tips on how to increase participation and track volunteer hours. We’ll provide examples of companies offering generous volunteer grant programs, best practices for educating and engaging volunteers, and strategies for fostering relationships with corporate partners.

Whether you’re new to the concept of volunteer grants or looking to refine your existing approach, this resource offers detailed insights to help you unlock additional funding and deepen your engagement with both volunteers and corporate supporters.

Why download the Ultimate Guide to Volunteer Grants?

Incorporate easy-to-follow strategies.

Our guide breaks down the steps to implement successful volunteer grant campaigns, helping you engage both volunteers and their employers effectively.

Maximize volunteer impact for your cause.

See how volunteer hours can transform into tangible financial support, motivating volunteers to contribute more time and effort to your cause.

Boost funding to support your efforts.

Learn how to tap into corporate volunteer grant programs that can increase your nonprofit’s revenue without needing additional donations.

Expand corporate relationships.

Discover how to strengthen relationships with corporate partners by utilizing volunteer grants, which can lead to long-term support and sponsorships.

Additional Recommended Resources

What to Know About Volunteer Time Off

Volunteer Time Off Download

Strategies for Corporate Volunteer Incentives

Matching Gifts in the Donor Journey

Matching Gifts Donor Journey Download

Download Our Pre-Written Articles!

Pre-Written Articles Created by Double the Donation

Use these articles on your website and in newsletters to inform your donors about matching gifts and volunteer grants. This download includes three articles:

  • An introduction to matching gifts
  • An introduction to volunteer grants
  • An introduction to corporate giving, including matching gifts and volunteer grants
Conduct your most informative fundraising feasibility study yet with our favorite tips and strategies.

Conduct a Fundraising Feasibility Study: 7 Steps to Success

Planning a major fundraiser is exciting, and the potential payout can provide the funding to launch your nonprofit’s mission forward by leaps and bounds. But is your nonprofit ready to run such a large-scale fundraising campaign? To find out, conduct a feasibility study.

As the name implies, this study essentially determines whether your fundraiser is feasible, making sure your nonprofit is equipped to launch a successful fundraising campaign. These studies not only inform you whether your campaign is viable but also help nonprofits cultivate a fundraising strategy based on direct feedback from key stakeholders.

Due to the important role these studies play in nonprofit management, we’ve provided a list of seven steps that will help your organization conduct a successful fundraising feasibility study:

  1. Set clear goals for your fundraising campaign
  2. Understand the true purpose of the feasibility study
  3. Consider outside assistance
  4. Prepare your case statement
  5. Determine key stakeholders
  6. Be open to the feasibility study’s results
  7. Implement strategies based on the fundraising feasibility study’s results

But before jumping straight in, let’s do a bit of preparation of our own and review a few feasibility study basics.

Looking to strengthen your nonprofit before conducting your feasibility study? Discover matching gifts?

Fundraising Feasibility Study FAQ

What is a feasibility study?

A fundraising feasibility study is a tool nonprofits use to determine whether a fundraising campaign is viable. Most often, feasibility studies are enacted in preparation for large public initiatives like capital campaigns

The study itself involves interviewing key stakeholders to determine their perceptions of a nonprofit’s reputation, the need for a proposed project, and the level of support they would be willing to offer. These stakeholders vary depending on the nonprofit’s connections and proposed project the major campaign is meant to fund but often include:

  • Community leaders. Is there a need for the project you intend to fund through your proposed fundraising campaign? Speak with beneficiaries, organizations you work with, and potentially your town or city’s political leadership to determine if your campaign is needed and will have community support. 
  • Organizational leadership. Does your nonprofit have the internal infrastructure, experience, and stability to run a major fundraiser? Speak with board members, your organization’s executive director, the head of your fundraising team, and other relevant parties to determine your nonprofit’s internal capabilities. 
  • Sponsors. Corporate sponsors can be essential for providing the financial backing nonprofits need to host events, maintain a sustained campaign, reach new audiences, and hit their fundraising goals.  
  • Major donors. Major donors already provide significant support to your nonprofit, and many of them may have the capacity and affinity to increase their financial backing during a major campaign. 

Through these interviews, the feasibility study essentially determines if the nonprofit’s proposed fundraiser is likely to find success and will ultimately be a worthwhile endeavor for the nonprofit and its beneficiaries. 

When should a feasibility study be conducted?

Feasibility studies are useful tools, but there is no need to conduct one prior to every fundraiser. While it’s upsetting when a routine fundraiser falls short of its goal, most nonprofits can ultimately move past the disappointment and pledge to donors and beneficiaries alike to do better in the future with little fallout. 

However, sometimes nonprofits need much more funding than normal, often to launch new initiatives, construct new buildings, or significantly expand operations. In these situations, it makes sense to call for a capital campaign

In contrast to small fundraisers, these large fundraising endeavors failing poses distinct risks. The possibility of failure for a major campaign wouldn’t just be detrimental to a nonprofit’s mission, but a public affair that could undermine the organization’s legitimacy to donors. 

For instance, let’s say a nonprofit only manages to collect half of its target from major donors by the campaign’s deadline. At that point, what action should the nonprofit take? Attempt to fulfill the project despite lacking startup funds? Return the gifts to the donors? Extend the deadline and try to find new fundraising sources? All of these options are less than ideal and can harm a nonprofit’s relationships with its donors and beneficiaries. 

Who conducts feasibility studies?

Nonprofits will need to look internally for part of the feasibility study, but ultimately, these studies should be conducted by a trained third-party representative. For your feasibility study, hire an experienced capital campaign consultant. This consultant can provide an objective perspective on your nonprofit’s current fundraising capabilities, ensuring you receive an honest answer as to whether your proposed campaign is possible. 

After the feasibility study is conducted, your capital campaign consultant can help you in one of two ways:

  • If your nonprofit did not pass the feasibility study, your consultant can suggest an alternate, more attainable goal or offer recommendations for how to improve your operations to position your nonprofit for a successful campaign in the future.
  • If your nonprofit passes the feasibility study, the consultant will provide a roadmap for your campaign moving forward. Note that nonprofits usually hire separate consultants to assist with the campaign itself and purchase feasibility studies as a stand-alone service to avoid potential conflicts of interest. After all, a consultant who knows that they’d be hired for the duration of a campaign may be more inclined to gloss over issues and suggest that the campaign moves forward.

We’ll explore how to find the right consulting service for your nonprofit later on. But for now, let’s hit the ground running and jump into the first step of your fundraising feasibility study.

1. Set clear goals for your fundraising campaign

Before you can determine whether a project is feasible, you need to know exactly what hope to achieve. The more specific you can be about what your fundraising campaign will achieve for your organization and mission, the better.

The amount of work you’ll need to put into this step depends on the nature of your fundraising campaign.

For example, let’s say you’re looking to grow your endowment or earn major gifts on your nonprofit’s anniversary. In this case, you simply need to determine whether financial stakeholders are supportive and how best to market your campaign to them. As such, your goals can simply be a target fundraising amount or a percentage of donor engagement.

In contrast, if you’re planning a capital campaign, you need an in-depth understanding of the associated costs and logistical details for completing the project. These specifics allow you to set an accurate fundraising goal and better explain your case for support to donors. 

Let’s take a look at an example of how to outline your capital campaign’s purpose:

An outline of a nonprofit's capital campaign purpose that establishes the nonprofit's purpose, current problems, how a capital campaign would solve that problem, and the results once the solution is implemented.

Nonprofits should follow this example and perform the needed legwork to outline the details of the project their major fundraiser will support before the feasibility study is conducted.

In this example, the nonprofit would likely consult with construction firms or contractors to determine how exactly the kitchen areas would be expanded, as well as the costs and challenges that the project would entail. These initial details are helpful for informing the following feasibility study, which would determine the best course of action for raising funds to make this project happen.

2. Understand the true purpose of the feasibility study

A truly successful feasibility study will do more than determine your fundraising goal. While these studies can and should be used to outline your campaign’s logistics, they are also a support cultivation and planning tool.

Think of it this way: a feasibility study is a formalized opportunity to ask donors and key community leaders for their thoughts and opinions on your nonprofit and cause. By asking them for their reactions and feedback to your proposed campaign, your nonprofit showcases how much you value these leaders, increasing the odds they will support you during your fundraiser.

Nonprofits who use feasibility studies strategically can reap huge rewards, regardless of the results of the study. For example, a fundraising feasibility study can actively help you:

  • Excite major donors prior to the campaign so that they’re eager to contribute.
  • Incorporate stakeholders’ feedback into your proposed project so that they feel trusted, engaged, and valued.
  • Strengthen your infrastructure by identifying weaknesses in your organization.
  • Take your marketability to the next level by meeting donors where they are.
  • Develop your nonprofit’s case statement or case for support (which we’ll discuss in more depth later on).

These benefits can help you build sustainable relationships and stronger messaging, not just for the campaign in question but for your nonprofit as a whole.

3. Consider outside assistance

A feasibility study involves interviewing key stakeholders and asking questions to gauge their perception of both your nonprofit and your proposed fundraising campaign.

As mentioned, nonprofits should seek fundraising counsel in the form of a fundraising consultant or consulting firm. These experts can help you approach your feasibility study strategically to get the information you need and set up a framework that will strengthen your campaign.

Since hiring outside assistance is another expense, you may be wondering whether a feasibility study can be conducted in-house. While nonprofits can oversee their own feasibility studies, there are a few reasons why they should seriously consider opting for third-party assistance:

  • There’s value in hiring someone who has deep experience interviewing donors, analyzing the results of those interviews, and reporting to a nonprofit board.
  • A trained expert may offer unique insight into your community if they’re local (e.g., these Indiana-based consultants would have considerable knowledge of the fundraising climate in Indiana’s primary cities) or a fresh perspective if they’re remote.
  • Your nonprofit’s team may be biased. Just as you would want to avoid hiring the same consultant to conduct your feasibility to also assist with your capital campaign, you should be cautious of your own conflict of interests. If you begin your in-house feasibility study with a strong desire to launch a capital campaign, that may sway the results of your study. 

A fundraising consultant can assist you with nearly every aspect of the study, from conducting interviews to using the results to develop campaign strategies.

However, while you should hire an external consultant, your team can and should still be part of the process. 

An example of seeking expert advice

Capital Campaign Toolkit’s campaign experts have created a Guided Feasibility Study that campaign directors can use to improve their donor relationship-building skills. Specifically, campaign directors can work with one of the Toolkit’s expert advisors to:

  • Prepare for the study, including choosing donors to interview and requesting interviews.
  • Train for the study and learn essential skills for conducting open and honest conversations.
  • Analyze the results of these conversations and prepare a report for the board.

The Capital Campaign Toolkit empowers these leaders to build relationships before the campaign begins, encourage early donor engagement, and even secure early gift commitments.

4. Prepare your case statement

Once you know the details of your project, you need to communicate them to donors in a cohesive, brief, and persuasive manner. A case statement, or a case for support, takes a nonprofit’s goals and outlines them clearly for stakeholders.

Often, your capital campaign leadership and marketing staff will develop your case statement. This document should generally be created soon after you set your campaign goals as it directly affects the rest of your planning.

To convey your goals, your case statement contextualizes your proposed campaign within your organization’s larger purpose and vision. Essentially, it explains why your campaign advances your mission, is necessary for your work, and needs to be conducted at this time. 

Specifically, a case statement should include:

An example statement for support promotion image for a hypothetical nonprofit, Cat Rescue Club.

  • Why the organization and mission are needed
  • The organization’s impact (the more specific, the better!)
  • The benefits of the project and the problems it seeks to solve
  • The specific challenges and potential solutions that are likely to occur during the campaign
  • An estimated fundraising goal or budget
  • The nonprofit’s brand, name, and logo, as well as relevant photos and testimonials

Send your case for support to interviewees prior to your meetings with them so that they can review the information thoroughly in advance. Then, when you sit down to interview them, they’ll be ready to provide feedback and ask questions about your project.

Keep in mind that a case for support can (and should) be refined based on the feedback that you receive during the feasibility study. That way, your case for support is as strong as possible when it’s time to release it to the public.

5. Determine key stakeholders

Feasibility studies largely revolve around the interviewees’ feedback, questions, and concerns. Ensure these interviews are core stakeholders whose opinions have a meaningful impact on your nonprofit. 

When considering candidates to interview, think about people who’ve actively contributed to your campaigns. These candidates should “walk the walk.” Avoid individuals who are spread too thin or who tend to gravitate toward any and all community campaigns.

To put it simply, candidates should have a strong, genuine connection to your cause and organization. You also want a good mix of candidates who can provide insight into various aspects of your proposed project and fundraising campaign. 

Specifically, you should consider these key types of individuals:

A list of nonprofit stakeholders, written out below.

  • Current and former board members
  • Current or former major gift donors
  • Planned gift or legacy donors
  • Key volunteers
  • Community stakeholders (e.g., community foundations, trust offices, etc.)
  • Business owners and vendors
  • Recipients of your services (e.g., grateful patients, alumni, students, etc.)

Along with having the necessary insight into your nonprofit to provide useful advice, these candidates are also highly likely to contribute to your campaign once it’s launched. The feasibility study is the perfect time to start cultivating corporate giving opportunities such as challenge grants, as well as major gifts from individual donors.

Help your donors give more faster during your fundraising campaign with matching gift auto-submission. Discover auto-submission.

6. Be open to the feasibility study’s results

When you receive the results of your fundraising feasibility study, there are three likely outcomes:

  1. The study reveals that your project is feasible, and your donors are eager and willing to support you. Start your project right away to capitalize on the excitement.
  2. The study reveals that the project is feasible, contingent that problems are addressed. Before moving forward, resolve these problems or come up with a plan for tackling them during the course of your campaign.
  3. The study reveals that your project is not feasible. Your organization will need to build a stronger infrastructure before tackling a project of this degree. Though disappointing, it’s better to accept these results and use the information you’ve gleaned to strengthen your organization than attempt a fundraiser that may damage your relationship with donors if unsuccessful.

It’s much better to refrain from conducting a campaign than to conduct one that fails. An unsuccessful fundraiser can bring negative publicity to your organization, undermining your legitimacy to donors.

No matter the outcome, the next step is to share the results with your board. Be fully transparent about the study to ensure your board members have a thorough understanding of the results.

You can also share your findings with other stakeholders if you deem it necessary, though you’re only obligated to do so with your board. For example, a major donor who was excited about your campaign may need to know if the initiative doesn’t launch, or they may be thrilled to learn that you’re moving forward.

7. Implement strategies based on the fundraising feasibility study’s results

Now that your fundraising feasibility study is complete and your team has assessed the results, you’re ready to start implementing smart strategies to make your next campaign your best one yet.

As discussed, there are two major paths you will take depending on whether your study determined if your organization is able to launch your fundraiser at this time. 

If your study finds that it’s not the right time to move forward with your campaign, your consultant may suggest:

  • Holding a series of smaller campaigns to grow your annual fund. The larger your annual fund, the more equipped your nonprofit is to meet an ambitious campaign goal. Without a proven fundraising record, it’s unlikely you will reach a major fundraising goal.
  • Stewarding more major donor prospects for necessary gifts. Your organization can’t reach your fundraising goal without having great relationships with multiple major donors. Your team may need to focus on connecting with high-capacity supporters before kicking off your capital campaign.
  • Investing in fundraising software or other internal resources. Without the right tools on hand or the right individuals supporting your organization internally, you may not be able to carry out your campaign.

If the study shows that a few strategic areas need to be addressed before the campaign kicks off, your consultant can also help your team identify how to implement these adjustments. For example, these strategic shifts might include:

  • Adjusting your fundraising goal, timeline, or project. It’s possible that your team has the resources and capacity to fundraise for a less ambitious campaign. Instead of putting the campaign off entirely, shift expectations to allow your team to start collecting donations for a smaller-scale project.
  • Realigning your gift range chart to more strategically distribute necessary gifts. Your consultant may determine that your gift range chart isn’t feasible. They could suggest soliciting higher donations from major givers or more low-level gifts from donors in general when your campaign goes public.
  • Putting a greater emphasis on donor stewardship tactics like fundraising events, solicitations, and more. During your feasibility study, your consultant may discover that your supporters aren’t being sufficiently stewarded. In this instance, they may recommend ways to better connect with high-value donors and steer them toward giving, such as by promoting matching gifts or helping individuals understand their impact via storytelling.

Remember, your nonprofit consultant can offer your organization unique insight into how to prepare for the campaign you envision, even if that means heading back to the drawing board.

Now that you know how to conduct a successful fundraising feasibility study, you’re ready to tackle this beginning stage in your next campaign!

Fundraising Feasibility Studies Wrap-Up

Major fundraising initiatives like capital campaigns can give your nonprofit the boost it needs to propel its mission forward by leaps and bounds. However, before getting wrapped up in the excitement of future fundraising, feasibility studies make sure your organization is ready to accomplish your goals. 

One way to shore up fundraising support and keep your organization financially healthy is through corporate giving. From sponsoring your campaigns to providing support throughout the year through matching gifts, philanthropy is an untapped source of revenue that helps many nonprofits better position themselves for future fundraising. 

To discover more about corporate philanthropy, check out these resources:

Ensure your nonprofit's technology is ready for action before your feasibility study. Leap forward with the latest in matching gift technology. Request a demo.


4 Ways to Incorporate Matching Gifts into Text-to-Give Campaigns

It’s 4 o’clock. You run to the vending machine with a dollar and some change in your hand. All you’re hoping for is that little afternoon pick-me-up: a shiny, red bag of Skittles.

But when you press A7, the gears turn a little too far, and (gasp) you’ve got two bags of Skittles. You only paid for one. It’s your lucky day!

This is exactly how matching gifts work. Your nonprofit gets twice as much instantaneously.

You’re asking yourself: “How do I use text-to-give to get twice as many donations?”

Below are four easy ways to incorporate matching gifts into your text-to-give campaign.

In this article, we’ll explore the following strategies for making matching gifts a part of your nonprofit’s mobile fundraising campaign:

  1. Start with the Heart
  2. Appeal to the On-the-Go Donor
  3. Choose Your Words Wisely
  4. Make it Simple

1. Start with the Heart

Above all else, your nonprofit should keep in mind the basic principles of asking for donations of any kind. Chief among those is remembering that people give most often with their hearts.

matching gifts and text to give campaigns

When incorporating matching gifts into your text-to-give campaign, it’s important to remind your donors of the compassionate reasons they’re giving in the first place.

How you do this is entirely up to you, but it’s good to note that most people enjoy genuine, from-the-heart approaches.

A personalized letter works better than a generic email.

A personalized email works better than a standardized template.

When you’re asking people to take the time to fill out the necessary paperwork to get their employers to double their donations, you want to make sure you’re being as intentional as possible.

Not only should you tap into your donors’ sense of compassion, you should also make your plans clear.

Churches are extremely successful with the way they use text-to-give. This has, in part, to do with the fact that churches make their intentions known.

If you take a cue from the pew, your nonprofit can let donors know about your text-to-give campaign and matching gifts component by:

  • Spreading the word at live events, like concerts or 5K races.
  • Putting up flyers.
  • Sending out an email blast.
  • Making an announcement over social media.
  • Personally calling major donors.
  • And more!

Kings House Facebook intro

Takeaway: If you make your plans known, keep your approaches focused on individuals, and keep in mind that people give with their hearts over their heads, you’re well on your way to raising twice as much in no time.

Check out more church fundraising ideas.

2. Appeal to the On-the-Go Donor

When you launch a mobile giving or text-to-give campaign, you’re hoping to reach:

  • The on-the-go business wizard.
  • The constantly connected teen.
  • The multi-tasking university student.
  • The avid Instagrammer.
  • The prolific tweeter.
  • The Facebook junkie.

With that in mind, the way you spread the word about your text-to-give campaign with regards to matching gifts needs to translate well across all mobile platforms.

What does that mean?

Basically, it means:

  • You have to be able to explain matching gifts in 140 characters or less.
  • A picture on Instagram needs to remind your donors about the possibility of matching gifts.
  • A Facebook post about matching gifts needs to be infinitely shareable.

All on a tiny screen.

This is all a part of an effective strategy for asking for donations.

It may seem intimidating, but it’s really quite simple if you have the right mobile fundraising platform.

For an example of what a succinct Facebook mobile donation plea looks like, check out this post:

Facebook text zoom

As you can see, they’ve used a picture that appeals to donors’ hearts; they haven’t used too many words, and they give the donor all of the important information they need to donate.

Takeaway: Making your mobile asks short and sweet is the most effective way to reach more donors on the move.

3. Choose Your Words Wisely

On top of keeping track of how frequently you’re reminding your donors of your fundraising campaign, you also need to be aware of the words you’re using.

Action words incite action.

Some price examples of action words:

  • Change someone’s life.
  • Make a real impact.
  • Build a house with your contributions.
  • Provide surgery for a child in need.

The more specific and actionable your words are, the more likely your donors are to donate to your text-to-give campaign and seek out matching gifts.

In addition to picking the right words for your campaign, it’s also useful and important to choose the perfect picture to accompany those words.

Pictures really are worth 1,000 words, and best of all, they spark an emotional response like nothing else.

When you’re marketing matching gifts during your text-to-give campaign, be sure to take advantage of the fact that donors are far more likely to take action if there’s a compelling picture attached to the message.

Takeaway: Action words and compelling pictures propel your efforts beyond belief. So choose each one carefully.

4. Make it Simple

The fewer clicks, the better.

The best way to help people learn more about matching gifts through your text-to-give campaign is to make it as easy as possible.

There are about a hundred accessible ways to explain matching gifts in a very mobile-friendly way. Feel free to use the vending machine example!

If that metaphor doesn’t work for your organization, there’s also:

  • A buy-one-get-one sale. You buy one pair of shoes, and you get the second for free.
  • A double scoop of ice cream. You ask for one, but instead you get two.
  • Two apples for the price of one. You pick on apple, and one more falls down with it.

As long as your donors have a good visual comparison for what’s being marketed to them, they’re going to be more willing to listen.

Text-to-give is already so simple. Matching gifts can be, too!

All you have to do is provide only the most pertinent information about matching gifts with your mobile giving information.

Takeaway: Making the concept of matching gifts super simple makes it far more likely that your donors will look into your mobile matching gift program.

Now that you have all of these tips in mind, you’re ready to hit the ground running and get twice as far in no time at all!

Wauker MatthewsWauker Matthews is Director of Sales at @pay, an exciting new fundraising technology that makes it easy for people to give in just a few clicks from text, email, web and social media. Wauker has been in brand & business development for over 8 years, helping organizations grow in both size and reach.

increasing donor retention through matching gifts

How Nonprofits Can Use Matching Gifts to Improve Donor Retention

In recent years, donor retention rates have been hovering slightly above 40%. This means that if you have 100 donors, roughly 60 of them are only making one-time donations. If the focus on donor retention isn’t strong and comprehensive, a nonprofit organization will need to concentrate on acquisition of new donors instead, an importantly vital but often more costly pursuit.

There are numerous ways to boost donor retention ranging from simply interacting with donors more to utilizing social media. However, did you know you can also improve donor retention by using matching gift programs.

To help you improve your donor retention with matching gifts, we’ll answer 3 important questions:

  1. Why is donor retention important? 
  2. What are the benefits of combining matching gifts with donor retention?
  3. How can our nonporift increase donor retention with matching gifts?

We’ll dive deeper into each question and provide you with actionable tips to help you retain donors.

1. Why is Donor Retention Important?

When a donor continues to give to your nonprofit, the most obvious benefit is the regular extra revenue.

However, keeping donors coming back has additional rewards.

First, your organization has the opportunity to develop meaningful relationships with donors. Think about it this way: you can’t cultivate a friendship with someone if you’ve only meet them once.

The same principle applies to building donor relationships. A donor that continues to give to your cause is much more likely to volunteer at your next event, serve on your board of directors, and advocate for your cause.

A donor that has a strong connection to your cause will share their passion for your mission with others, which could lead to even more donors.

For instance, you might launch a peer-to-peer campaign where your supporters raise money on your behalf. When donors share their personal experiences with their friends and family, it can be a create tool to acquire new donors. 

Finally, retaining donors means you can gain useful feedback through these meaningful relationships. A donor that’s truly invested in your cause can provide suggestions and advice on how you can improve your stewardship, outreach, and much more.

By implementing their suggestions, you’ll not only gain their trust, but show other potential supporters that you will listen to their concerns.

If you want to learn more about donor retention, Fundly has an ultimate guide with expert tips.

2. What Are the Benefits of Combining Matching Gifts with Donor Retention?

While there is a surplus of useful donor retention advice out there, it is worthwhile to note the mutually beneficial union that results from putting matching gifts and donor retention together.

1. Shows that your nonprofit is a good steward of donors’ funds.

Donors that will stick with your nonprofit for the longterm want to know that your organization is maximizing their donations.

Promoting matching gift programs will let them know that you are doing just that.

2. Helps keep your organization at the front of donors’ minds.

Sending out communications about matching gifts to dedicated donors, whether through email, snail mail, or social media, will help them stay involved with your organization without feeling pressured to donate more of their own money. If you only ever talk to your donors when you want their donations, they’re more likely to stop contributing to your organization.

However, telling them about matching gift programs either during the donation process or directly after in a thank-you email will let them know that you want to help make their donations go further.

3. Results in larger future donations.

When nonprofits mentioned matching gifts when asking for donations, response rates jumped 71% and average donation amounts increased by over 50%.

Letting donors know that they can make a greater impact with their donations generates a higher response to future appeals and results in larger contributions.

3. How Can Our Nonprofit Use Matching Gifts to Increase Donor Retention?

The following recommendations can be helpful for boosting donor retention using matching gifts.

1. Send a matching gift appeal immediately after a donor makes a donation.

If you don’t know who your donor’s employer is, supply them with general information about matching gifts after they’ve made a donation either in an acknowledgement or a thank you email.

If you have done your homework and know where your donor works (and more importantly, if their employer offers a matching gift program of some kind), give them company-specific information.

You can offer general guidelines or give more explicit directions like where to find matching gift forms. This is particularly important if your donors work for major gift matching companies.

Getting in touch with donors in the form of a thank-you email that also informs them of matching gifts immediately after they’ve donated is a great way to have a positive interaction with donors. You’re helping them maximize their donation and keeping in touch with them at the same time.

The Hereditary Neuropathy Foundation keeps their thank you emails genuine and informative, but they also let donors know about matching gift programs. They even thank donors in advance for looking into matching gift and volunteer grant programs.

Thank you email featuring corporate matching gift programs

Hereditary Neuropathy Foundation


2. Let donors know when their company’s matching gift came in.

Depending on how fast the donor’s company processed the gift-matching paperwork and sent the money to your organization, it could be weeks or months until the donor’s matching gift comes in. They might have forgotten about it by that point. Letting them know that their matching gift was received is another great way to reestablish contact with a donor, potentially encouraging them to donate in the future.

North Carolina State sends out emails to donors, thanking them for their initial donation and also informing them that their matching gift was received.

NC State Matching Gift Thank You Email

NC State Matching Gift Thank You Email

Notice too that the email ends with “NC State greatly appreciates your continuous support.” A final statement like this can help encourage donors to stick around and continue to donate.

3. Inform donors about matching gift statistics.

Whether it’s at the end of the month or at the end of the year, letting donors know how much you’ve raised because of matching gifts is not only a good way of keeping them in the loop but it also encourages future donations.

Halos of Hope uses Facebook to let donors know about how their donations and matching gifts are making an impact. Not only does the post highlight Shari, it also lets followers know about matching gift programs and suggests donors ask their employers about them. Because Shari and others who follow the Halos of Hope Facebook page now know more about how their donations are being matched, they’re more likely to contribute in the future using matching gift programs to double, or in Shari’s case, triple their donation.

Halos of Hope Matching Gift Thank You on Facebook

Halos of Hope Matching Gift Thank You on Facebook

Determining how much money your organization raised from matching gifts and how many donors used matching gift programs will also help your nonprofit establish goals for matching gift donations as well as let donors know what kind of impact their donations are making.

Whichever method you use to let donors know about your matching gift statistics, it’s key to include information about current and future projects. Keeping donors updated on what their donations are funding establishes a personal connection, increasing donor retention.

Check out these other helpful ways to boost donor retention.

Making sure that donors stick around can be tricky, but using matching gift programs to maximize donations can help donor retention rates at your nonprofit.

For more useful fundraising tips, keep reading these additional resources:

  • How to Market Matching Gifts. If you want more ways your organization can promote matching gifts, we have a whole list of ideas and examples to get you started!
  • The Ultimate Guide to Annual Funds. Donor retention should be a primary part of any annual fund strategy. Learn about more tips and tricks you can use to increase donor retention for your annual fund.
  • Top Matching Gift Companies. Promoting matching gifts can be difficult if you’re not familiar with the top corporate philanthropy programs. This guide will walk you through 20 of the best matching gift companies.
  • Interested in learning more about boosting donor retention? Check out our immersive webinar on the topic!


Here are the top ways corporate volunteer grants help increase employee engagement.

How Corporate Volunteer Grants Increase Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is generally defined as the emotional and functional commitment an employee has to achieving the mission of the organization. At most companies, there’s a lot of lip service paid to making sure employees are engaged. But have you ever wondered why? Have you thought about strategies companies can use to increase employee engagement?

One of the most effective ways to increase employee engagement is through corporate volunteerism—more specifically, volunteer grants.

We’ll outline the basics around employee engagement and volunteer grants in this article. Let’s get started!

These are the basics of employee engagement.

Basic Facts About Employee Engagement

To better understand employee engagement, we turned to Dale Carnegie Training, which has done extensive research into the topic. A few key insights include:

  1. When an employee is disengaged, there is a high likelihood that this individual will seek employment elsewhere.
  2. 71% of employees are not fully engaged.
  3. Companies with engaged employees outperform other companies by about 202%.

When employees feel a strong connection to their company, they are likely to be more engaged and less likely to leave. Disengaged employees tend to view their job as nothing more than a paycheck.

One of the ways your company can encourage employee engagement is through employee engagement software. If you’re going to put a lot of effort into your engagement strategy, it’s important to choose the right solution that encourages employee participation in several of your company-sponsored programs.

Read on to learn more about what to look for in an employee engagement software solution!

Here are some ideas you can use to incorporate corporate volunteer grants and employee engagement.

One of Our Top Employee Engagement Ideas: Volunteer Grants

So, how do you engage your employees? First, you should be aware of four traits that engaged employees exhibit:

  1. They are inspired.
  2. They are confident.
  3. They are enthused.
  4. They are empowered.

While there is a wide array of actions a company can take to help its employees become more engaged, we’ll discuss one very important action in this article: corporate volunteer grants.

Corporate volunteer grants are a type of corporate giving program that encourages employees to volunteer in the communities in which they live and work.

Corporate volunteer grants are a type of corporate giving program that encourages employees to volunteer in the communities in which they live and work. Employers provide monetary grants to eligible nonprofits whenever an employee takes time to volunteer.

These grants are generally paid out in two ways:

  1. A set amount per hour of volunteering (e.g., $10 per hour, with a minimum of 10 hours)
  2. A set rate once a certain volunteer threshold has been reached (e.g., $250 once an employee has volunteered 20 hours)

Of course, it’s important to remember that these payment structures vary from company to company. But when employees understand their company’s guidelines and are actively encouraged to participate in their volunteer grant program, that becomes a huge revenue stream for nonprofits.

How can volunteer grants increase employee engagement?

It has also been shown that employers who offer volunteer grants and other volunteer programs and encourage participation in them are more likely to have employees with the same shared sense of philanthropy.

Employees are proud to work for a company that involves itself in the community and are more likely to bring a good name to your business via volunteerism.

Here's how corporate volunteer grants can increase employee engagement.

Beyond corporate volunteer grants, offering opportunities for individual employees to volunteer (like paid time off for volunteer days) can also increase employee engagement.

There are many statistics that back up the idea that workplace giving and volunteer programs can boost engagement. Need some numbers?

  • A study by Dale Carnegie surveyed 1,500 employees and found that 54% of employees who were proud of their company’s contributions to society were engaged.
  • A Lloyd Morgan survey of 50,000 employees showed that by increasing employee engagement levels, organizations could expect an 87% reduction in employees’ probability of departure.
  • A Deloitte survey suggests that 61% of millennials who rarely volunteer would still consider a company’s commitment to giving back to the community when evaluating job opportunities.

Offering volunteer grants and other volunteering opportunities can boost productivity, make employees happier, and increase their tenure with your company.

Group Volunteer Activities

Another good method of increasing employee engagement is to encourage group volunteerism.

Group volunteerism increases camaraderie amongst employees who may not usually interact with each other. It also increases employee engagement by producing a shared sense of purpose among coworkers.

Some companies take it a step further by providing grants when teams of employees volunteer together. It’s a great way for companies to support the organizations that employees are passionate about.

When companies implement programs like corporate volunteer grants and group volunteer activities, the most immediate benefit is that a local nonprofit receives both donations and time from individuals who deeply care about their causes. However, corporate volunteerism can also help boost employee engagement by producing a shared sense of purpose among employees and between themselves and the company.

Here's employee engagement software that can help you approve more volunteer grants.

Employee Engagement Software

While corporate volunteerism means finding opportunities for your team to volunteer together, as well as providing additional monetary grants to nonprofits, it can be challenging to track all of the volunteer hours and grant requests that come through.

If you’re looking for a way to streamline your company’s volunteer opportunities and grants, consider investing in employee engagement software.

This type of software helps bring your team together and promotes an engaged company culture.

For example, by using employee engagement software to manage your volunteer program, you’ll be able to:

  • Create custom volunteer events.
  • Find local opportunities for employees to participate in.
  • Review and approve volunteer grant requests.

When you streamline your process for tracking volunteer opportunities and grant requests, you’ll make it easier for your employees to participate in these activities. Additionally, you can easily track your progress and have a better picture of the impact you’re making.

Here are additional corporate volunteer grant and employee engagement resources.

Additional Volunteering & Employee Engagement Resources

It’s clear that corporate volunteer grants can increase employee engagement. Why not look into other ways you can keep your employees happy, productive, and fulfilled?

Here are some additional resources below:

Learn more about corporate volunteer grants with our guide!

This guide will cover why employee engagement is important and the top ten benefits of employee engagement.

Why is Employee Engagement Important: 10 Top Benefits

Author Simon Sinek once said, “When people are financially invested, they want a return. When people are emotionally invested, they want to contribute.” This quote perfectly illustrates how vital it is to engage your employees. By doing so, they will be happier and perform to the best of their abilities.

Unfortunately, employee engagement is sometimes an afterthought in both the for-profit and nonprofit sectors. However, many of these organizations might wonder: why exactly does employee engagement matter?

In this guide, we’ll answer that question by covering the following topics:

By the end of this guide, you’ll see that employee engagement is not only beneficial for your organization in the short term but also necessary for its continued success. So let’s dive in!

Click to learn more about matching gift auto-submission and how it improves employee engagement.

What is employee engagement?

In general, employee engagement refers to the level of mental and emotional connection an employee feels toward their work, their team, and their organization. It represents employees’ commitment to staying involved with their organization and helping it achieve its goals.

Keep in mind that employee engagement doesn’t just refer to an employee’s overall enthusiasm—it has to relate to your organization. An individual can have a positive attitude, yet not be very engaged as an employee.

What are the levels of employee engagement?

This image lists the different levels of employee engagement, also outlined in the text below.

While it’s possible for all of your employees to have similar engagement levels, it’s more likely that their attitudes are at different locations on the engagement spectrum. Usually, they will fall into one of the following levels of engagement:

  • Highly engaged. These employees have very favorable opinions of their work and their organization. They’re passionate, enthusiastic, and more likely to go above and beyond to push forward their company’s goals. They also motivate the employees around them to do their best.
  • Engaged. Engaged employees like their work, their team, and their organization. However, they may feel less satisfied about certain aspects of the organization, leading to a slightly lower level of engagement. These individuals may sometimes go above and beyond their call of duty, but for the most part, they will simply fulfill their responsibilities.
  • Unengaged. When your employees are unengaged, they feel unattached to their work and their organization. They’re not unhappy, but neither are they happy. They put time into their work, but not their energy or passion. Individuals in this category usually fulfill little more than the bare minimum of their responsibilities.
  • Disengaged. Disengaged employees are actively unhappy with their work and their organization. They may even be resentful that their engagement needs aren’t being met. These individuals not only underperform in their roles but may also undermine what their coworkers accomplish.

Having unengaged or disengaged employees is not necessarily indicative of an issue with your company culture—it’s difficult to capture the enthusiasm of everyone who works at your organization, and sometimes engagement is impacted by factors outside of your control, such as major events in your employees’ lives. However, if the majority of your employees fall in the unengaged and disengaged categories, then you may need to re-evaluate your existing employee engagement strategies.

10 Benefits of Employee Engagement

To give you a concrete idea of why employee engagement is important, we’ll cover the top ten benefits of employee engagement.

This image lists the ten benefits of employee engagement, also detailed in the text below.

1. Productivity

According to Gallup’s employee engagement survey, businesses with engaged employees were 18% more productive than companies with unengaged teams. When employees are engaged at work, they feel a connection with the company. They believe the work they’re doing is important and therefore work harder.

By establishing engagement initiatives that improve your employees’ connection to their work, you’ll foster a more positive relationship between your organization and your employees.

2. Profitability

This image lists several statistics about the profitability of employee engagement, also covered in the text below.

With increased productivity comes increased profitability. When comparing organizations with unengaged versus engaged employees, Gallup found that the latter group was 23% more profitable.

However, not only do unengaged employees not contribute to increasing profitability, but their presence actively increases costs as well. Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace report asserts that unengaged and disengaged employees cost the world about $8.8 trillion in lost productivity, the equivalent of 9% of global GDP.

3. Employee retention

When your team members are engaged and feel appreciated, they will be less inclined to look for other employment opportunities. Fostering a culture of employee engagement can be the key to reducing turnover and boosting retention.

Retention has an impact on your organization’s bottom line, too. The Work Institute estimates that losing an employee costs about $15,000 per employee. This estimated loss includes costs such as unemployment tax, lost business, and interviewing and training replacements.

If employees feel wanted when they go to work each day, they’re likely to form strong connections with the company and other employees. By cultivating and maintaining these relationships, you reduce the risk of employee turnover and the costs associated with it.

4. Creativity

Innovation is the key to growing your business. Engaged employees find creativity to be essential. They thrive on knowing they can find new ways to complete projects and are always looking for fresh takes on old ideas. Plus, if they discover a way to improve your existing processes, they’ll be more likely to advocate for them to improve your organization’s operations as a whole.

On the other hand, disengaged employees rarely produce new solutions or bring fresh ideas to the table simply because their passions don’t lie with their work. They have little interest in contributing to the bigger picture or being creative with their job.

5. Satisfaction and positivity

Remember that boosting engagement isn’t simply about creating more productive employees and increasing profits. Employee engagement is advantageous for both parties and should be treated as a two-way street.

Employees who are engaged at work feel satisfied with their careers and are generally happy individuals. Their positive energy will suffuse your workplace, creating a more positive culture that empowers high performers to create high-quality work.

This is particularly important for remote employees. Since they’re physically distant from their workplace, it’s more difficult for them to form positive relationships and connections with coworkers. Find engagement strategies employees can participate in from home to bring them into your company’s culture.

6. Mental wellness

This image illustrates the differences between engaged and burnt-out employees.

Stress is an inevitable part of a working professional’s life. However, too much of it can lead to burnout, decreasing productivity, work quality, and eventually profitability. That’s why it’s essential to minimize stress and promote mental wellness for your employees. Additionally, stress is detrimental to both physical health and mental health, making mental wellness even more important.

With the right employee engagement initiatives, your team members will be more self-aware of their stress levels. Plus, they’ll be more likely to seek support from their coworkers and managers if they need it. This leads to a more supportive and positive work environment that everyone benefits from.

7. Decreased absenteeism

Absenteeism in the workplace refers to when employees fail to show up for work or fail to complete their job responsibilities regularly. This should not be confused with taking paid time off or one-off situations such as family emergencies—the key to absenteeism is its frequency and unplanned nature.

According to Gallup’s employee engagement survey, organizations that scored in the lowest quartiles of employee engagement were also 81% more likely to experience employee absenteeism. By focusing on employee engagement, your employees will be more satisfied with their work and less likely to be absent.

8. Brand advocacy

Satisfied employees will help to boost your organization’s reputation—and best of all, it’ll happen without any prompting from you! Happy employees will likely brag about their jobs to customers or tell friends and family how much they enjoy working at your organization. By doing so, they’ll spread good news about your company and improve your overall reputation.

On the other hand, workers who feel disconnected and disengaged are more likely to have negative things to say about your company. If disengaged employees leave or are fired, they may vent their frustrations publicly. Because negative feedback tends to be magnified more than positive, your company’s reputation and credibility could be damaged due to disengaged, disgruntled employees.

You can measure the brand advocacy that employees bring to your organization through an employee net promoter score (eNPS). Ask your employees: “On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend this company’s products and services to others?” If they answer 9-10, they’re a promoter, and if they answer 0-6, they’re a detractor. Calculate eNS by deducting the percent of detractors from the percent of promoters, and ignore those who score 7-8. This will give you a good idea of how strongly your employees advocate for your organization.

9. Recruitment

Attracting top talent is important to any organization that has open roles or hiring opportunities. This is especially true if the job market is saturated with openings, allowing candidates to more freely pick and choose which organizations they’d like to work for.

When a majority of existing employees at your organization are engaged, they’re more likely to speak positively about their work and the benefits you offer. This helps attract top talent as they’ll have heard about the positive points of your organization through word of mouth.

When potential employees apply to your organization, make sure to leave a positive impression. This could mean responding to their emails in a timely manner, promptly following up about interview times, and sending respectful and appreciative rejection letters.

10. Philanthropy

Corporate citizenship is a growing trend for companies of all sizes and industries. This trend asks organizations to consider themselves as citizens, a singular individual existing in a larger community, and to ask: “Am I a good citizen?” One of the ways businesses and corporations have chosen to give back to their community is through philanthropy.

If corporate citizenship is one of your company’s priorities, try engaging your employees with it. Employees want to know that the company they work for cares about the community. If your company offers volunteer grants or matching gifts, engaged employees are likely to take advantage of these opportunities to donate their time and money toward worthy causes. This helps your company be a better corporate citizen in your community.

Click to learn more about matching gift auto-submission and how to augment employee engagement with it.

5 Tips for Improving Employee Engagement

Now that you know the benefits of employee engagement, let’s move on to actionable advice for improving engagement at your organization.

This image lists five tips for improving employee engagement at your organization, also detailed in the text below.

1. Survey existing levels of employee engagement.

The first step to establishing employee engagement initiatives is to assess the existing engagement levels at your organization. If you already have established programs and want to examine their efficacy, this is also a great place to start.

It’s difficult to approach employee engagement quantitatively, so lean into qualitative data collection by sending out a survey. Here are a few examples of questions you can include in your survey:

  • How satisfied are you with your work?
  • How satisfied are you with the direction [Organization Name] is taking?
  • Do you feel your opinions and ideas are valued by your manager and leadership?
  • How satisfied are you with your work-life balance?
  • What do you think could be improved about your work?
  • What challenges do you face in your day-to-day tasks?
  • How likely are you to recommend [Organization Name] as a place of work to friends or family?

Collect the results of the survey and consolidate the information. Review the general level of employee engagement, but also examine the long-form answers on the survey. If there are any common challenges that your employees face, endeavor to address them to create a better work experience.

Upon review, if you find that the majority of your employees are unsatisfied with their work and feeling unengaged, then you may need to make operational changes to improve employee engagement. However, even if most of your employees are engaged, you should still do your due diligence and review how you can improve existing engagement. For example, if multiple employees express interest in a structured recognition program, look into starting one.

2. Approach compensation holistically.

To keep your employees engaged, re-examine the root of their work: compensation. With the proper compensation, employees will be happy to work and perform at their best.

Take a total rewards philosophy to compensation, where you characterize compensation as either direct or indirect. Direct compensation is financial and can include salary, bonuses, and overtime pay. Indirect compensation, on the other hand, encompasses the non-financial ways an employer gives back to their employees.

Support employee engagement with the following methods of indirect compensation:

  • Paid time off. Outperform the competition by offering more time off than other businesses in your sector. By allowing your employees to take breaks, they’ll be able to rest and recharge, ensuring they come back refreshed and ready to work.
  • Workplace giving. More than ever, employees expect their employers to give back to the community and support social good. Support this desire by allowing them to decide which causes receive your funds through workplace giving programs and campaigns. Plus, word of your philanthropy will result in an improved reputation for your company.
  • Wellness programs. Help your employees stay physically and mentally healthy by incorporating wellness programs into their compensation. This can range from a monthly gym membership stipend to discounted massages to catered healthy work lunches.

By re-evaluating compensation for your employees and taking a total rewards approach, you’ll show team members that their happiness and well-being matter to you. When employees’ well-being and financial needs are secure, they’ll have the mental space to focus on their work and engage with your organization.

3. Prioritize employee recognition.

Everyone, especially high performers, wants to be complimented on their good work. If they don’t receive the praise or recognition they’re expecting, they may feel overlooked or disregarded by their managers and leadership. This can lead to resentment and disengaged employees.

To avoid this, implement employee recognition programs such as the following:

  • Employee of the month. Every month, choose a top-performing employee to feature in your company newsletter. You can also give them a trophy or a certificate for the employee wall of fame so that they have a tangible reminder of their accomplishments.
  • Social media shoutouts. Don’t be afraid of telling your customers and your greater community about your high-performing workers! Shoutout your employees on social media for a job well done. This can be done as part of your employee of the month program or as a way to celebrate a particular achievement.
  • Employee Appreciation Day. National Employee Appreciation Day falls on the first Friday of March every year. Show your appreciation for all your employees by hosting an office party on this day with catered food and drinks. Go above and beyond by preparing small gifts for all attendees.
  • Peer-to-peer recognition. Although leadership appreciation may be highly impactful, your company’s leaders aren’t tapped into the day-to-day responsibilities of all employees. That’s why peer-to-peer recognition is so important for ensuring all your employees receive the appreciation they deserve. Plus, it’ll create a more positive work environment that encourages engagement.

Not only does proper employee recognition prevent resentment, but it can support your goal of creating more engaged and productive employees. By recognizing high performance, you incentivize employees to do their best work. And this, in turn, will improve the profitability of your business.

4. Offer professional development opportunities.

With about 76% of employees looking for opportunities to expand their careers, professional development is an essential offering. Plus, 58% of employees say professional development contributes to their job satisfaction.

You may be thinking: If I offer my employees more training, then they’ll leave for better employment opportunities after the training is complete.

Studies have found that’s not true. 94% of employees won’t quit if they’re offered training and development opportunities, and retention rates are 34% higher among organizations that offer development programs.

To reap these benefits, offer professional development through mentorship programs, training and resource databases, networking opportunities, and more. You might even pay for employees to attend industry-related conferences to broaden their horizons and expand their knowledge about cutting-edge industry innovations.

5. Implement corporate philanthropy initiatives.

54% of employees in the United States said that they would be willing to take a pay cut to work at a company that shares their values. And 56% of them say they wouldn’t even consider a job at a company that has values they disagree with.

A value that’s increasingly significant to employees is philanthropy. In fact, 71% of employees indicate that it’s very important to work at a company that partakes in philanthropy. Show employees that you share their values by investing in corporate giving initiatives.

Common workplace giving programs that you can implement include:

  • Matching gifts
  • Volunteer grants
  • Employee grant stipends
  • In-kind donations

When developing your company’s charitable giving policy, prioritize convenience for employees. To facilitate a streamlined corporate philanthropy process, consider investing in workplace giving software. The right platform will allow you to:

  • Manage employee donations and matching gift requests.
  • Track employee volunteer hours and volunteer grant requests.
  • Arrange automatic payroll deductions so employees can donate a portion of their paycheck to a nonprofit of their choice.

By creating an atmosphere of corporate philanthropy, you’ll not only help employees contribute to nonprofit organizations but also help them feel more engaged and fulfilled at work. And when it’s easy for them to take part in workplace giving, you’ll get more out of the programs you’ve already invested in.

Click to learn more about matching gift auto-submission and how it can support your employee engagement efforts.

Additional Resources

By prioritizing employee engagement, you’ll not only boost productivity and your company’s profits but also help your employees reach their full potential and look forward to coming to work each day.

Looking for more engagement strategies? Check out the resources below:

Click to learn more about matching gift auto-submission and how it integrates with corporate giving software to improve employee engagement.