Explore current corporate philanthropy trends and discover how nonprofits and companies can drive value through corporate giving.

8 Trends in Corporate Philanthropy for 2025: How to Tap In

Corporate philanthropy programs like matching gifts, volunteer grants, employee giving campaigns, and corporate sponsorships evolve constantly to meet the needs of companies, nonprofits, and supporters. But external factors are at play that impact trends in corporate philanthropy, too.

For instance, when the economy seems rocky, many worry that corporate matching gifts will be negatively impacted. But luckily, that’s not been the case this year. Instead, many corporations have historically expanded their giving programs in the face of economic downturns to help combat the negative effects on nonprofits.

In this guide, we’ll dive into this year’s CSR trends—particularly those pertaining to workplace giving. We’ll take a close look at what we’re currently seeing and what we expect to continue into the future. Specifically, we’ll cover:

If you’re looking for the Too Long; Didn’t Read version, it’s this⁠: corporate philanthropy programs like matching gifts are thriving, and we don’t expect them to go away anytime soon. For a more in-depth look, however, keep reading to find the latest industry developments and what they mean for your nonprofit.

Click to demo 360MatchPro and see how it can help your nonprofit tap into these trends in corporate philanthropy.

8 Trends in Corporate Philanthropy To Pay Attention To

With the explosive growth of giving initiatives comes a number of new patterns and trends in corporate philanthropy worth exploring. Here’s what’s currently shaping the corporate philanthropy landscape:

This infographic and the text below explore eight trends in corporate philanthropy for 2024.

1. More small and mid-sized companies are participating.

Historically, primarily enterprise-level corporations have offered programs like matching gifts. Companies needed a big budget to get started⁠, not to mention the time and energy required to run the program.

Today, our analysis shows that over 65% of Fortune 500 companies still provide matching gifts⁠, but the number of small and mid-sized businesses following suit is also growing rapidly. The introduction of a number of dedicated corporate giving platforms designed for smaller teams has made this change possible for organizations with limited budgets.

Now, just about any employer can hop in on this corporate giving trend, get started with matching gifts, and see a substantial return on their investment! All in all, that means organizations are seeing more match-eligible donors⁠, with 26+ million individuals working for companies that match employee gifts thanks to this CSR trend.

This statistic proves one of the top trends in corporate philanthropy, which is that companies are maintaining and heightening CSR programs.

2. Year-round giving programs are becoming mainstream.

In the last few years, an increasing number of companies have expanded their corporate philanthropy programs—going from one-off annual giving campaigns to year-round employee-matching programs.

This is due in part to an increased focus on corporate social responsibility from both employees and consumers. U.S.-based consumers have realized the need for philanthropy and want the companies the work for and buy from to take part. Additionally, businesses realize that the benefits of year-round corporate philanthropy on their bottom line are significant!

That said, we can expect to see continued growth in year-round and recurring corporate giving. In fact, according to studies, 94% of major U.S. corporations plan to heighten or maintain their current level of philanthropy in the next few years. With the workplace giving trends we’re seeing, we estimate that a notable portion of that increased giving will be contributed through employee-driven initiatives, like matching gifts. This means your donors will be in the driver’s seat—so keep up your outreach!

3. Nonprofits are proactively seeking matching gifts.

Even with an increasing number of companies offering matching gifts, eligible employees being unaware of the programs available to them remains a significant roadblock. Research even shows that less than 19% of companies include adequate information on matching gift programs in easily accessible employee-facing materials.

The result? 78% of donors do not know whether their company matches gifts. Thus, available matches are going unclaimed⁠—so nonprofits are taking it upon themselves to promote matching gifts to their audiences proactively. That way, they can grow awareness and be on the positive side of this workplace giving trend. Education can take many forms but often consists of:

One trend in corporate philanthropy is proactive matching gift promotions from nonprofits.

With these efforts and other strategic matching gift outreach, nonprofits can increase the number of donors who are aware of their employers’ corporate philanthropy programs—therefore boosting the amount of matched donations they receive.

4. Companies are being more generous with matching gifts.

Today’s businesses recognize that matching gift programs incentivize employees to be charitable, and being as generous as possible can inspire greater participation in workplace philanthropy. That’s why generosity in matching gifts has gradually become a corporate philanthropy trend.

We’ve noticed that more companies are experimenting with these strategies:

  • Matching donations at higher ratios
  • Lowering minimum donation amounts
  • Increasing maximum donation amounts

By simply promising to match donations at higher rates, companies can grow employees’ impact and make it more worthwhile for employees to submit a match request. Currently, our CSR research shows that around 93% of companies have a minimum match requirement of less than or equal to $50. Having fairly cheap match requirements lowers barriers to participation since even modest donations will be eligible for matching.

The same goes for increasing maximum donation amounts. Our corporate giving statistics page explains that when companies match larger employee donations, more employees will engage. In fact, programs with $1,000 maximums see a 12% employee engagement rate, those with maximums between $1,001 and $10,000 have an 18% engagement rate, and any maximum beyond $10,000 sees an engagement rate of up to 40%.

5. Companies are prioritizing disaster relief and crisis response.

Many companies’ giving initiatives have prioritized disaster relief philanthropy. According to Candid’s analysis of public corporate announcements, companies donated $3.6 billion to disaster-related funding in 2020, and recent trends in corporate philanthropy indicate that it’s still a top priority.

With this year’s increase in climate-related emergencies like hurricanes, wildfires, and droughts, there’s clearly a need for this kind of philanthropy. Companies and their employees alike are making an effort to provide relief by participating in crowdfunding, volunteering, and matching gift initiatives.

6. More companies and nonprofits are forming partnerships.

Corporate philanthropy initiatives like matching gifts involve a few key stakeholders—namely, the companies offering the programs and the nonprofits receiving associated funds. To make the process as simple and direct as possible, the two parties are forming tighter partnerships.

One example of this corporate philanthropy trend is our innovative matching gift auto-submission functionality. Auto-submission within Double the Donation enables employees at forward-thinking companies like CheckrInnovative Discovery, and more to submit their matching gift requests right from their favorite organizations’ giving pages. Check out this overview of how this feature works for nonprofits:


It’s quick, it’s easy, and it’s all handled behind the scenes⁠. Thus, it minimizes complications for nonprofits, companies, and donors alike, driving more matching gifts to completion and contributing to this workplace giving trend.

Click here to explore how matching gift auto-submission enables you to tap into these corporate philanthropy trends.

7. Employees want greater value, flexibility, and transparency in workplace giving.

Flexibility and support are emerging as essential for employee engagement in workplace giving. An employee giving study from Fidelity Charitable uncovered this trend in workplace giving. Employees who are active in workplace giving programs enjoy participating but cited the following as ways to improve these programs:

Trends in workplace giving point to employees' rising expectations for companies.

  • 40% want an increase in the value of the benefit (e.g., higher corporate match)
  • 39% prefer their employers to offer a wider variety of programs
  • 39% wish companies would allow greater flexibility in when employees can participate
  • 36% want greater flexibility in the causes they can support
  • 34% wish employers would provide more information about their programs and how to get involved
  • 30% want greater transparency about how donations are used

Employees want more than a paycheck from their employers. They want to feel like they’re making a difference. Meanwhile, employees are also balancing a lot, both in and out of the workplace. To inspire participation in workplace giving, companies need to be flexible with the opportunities they offer, ensure those workplace giving options are valuable, and regularly report on impact. That way, they can hop in on this trend in workplace giving expectations among employees.

8. Businesses are using volunteering to grow employee skills and satisfaction.

Corporate volunteering is a wonderful way to grow workplace satisfaction and lower turnover rates for companies. In fact, 87% of employees who engage in corporate volunteering reported an improved perception of their employer. And this isn’t all for nothing! According to that same resource, 92% of HR executives encourage volunteering since it can improve employees’ professional skills.

For this CSR trend, let’s take a look at a real-world example. Bombas is a comfort-focused premium basics brand and a wonderful example of a socially responsible company. Their company is so committed to using workplace philanthropy as a way to increase employee satisfaction that it was actually named one of the best places to work in the U.S.

100% of its employees reported feeling good about how the company contributes to the community. One of the top ways the company gives back is by organizing 10 to 15 volunteering opportunities for employees each month.

For companies, follow in Bombas’ footsteps if you want to get in on this trend in corporate philanthropy. Nonprofits can tap in by looking for companies like this and forming partnerships when their missions align with the business’s CSR initiatives.

Recent Industry Developments in Matching Gifts

Tons of companies contribute to these corporate philanthropy trends by matching employee gifts. Our matching gift database contains records of over 24,000 companies’ program guidelines.

We work to provide the most comprehensive, accurate, and up-to-date source of information on the topic, and recently, we can attest that programs’ potential is continuously trending upward⁠. Specifically, new, reinstated, and expanding matching gift initiatives are driving growth. Let’s take a closer look at these developments.

New programs

These are the logos of two companies, discussed below, that started new matching gift programs this year to participate in corporate philanthropy trends.

New companies are rolling out matching gift programs every day! Check out these examples of businesses that have recently incorporated matching gifts into their ongoing corporate giving strategies:

  • Russell Reynolds Associates: In 2022, Russell Reynolds Associates established RRA Gives Back, a philanthropic program that encourages RRA colleagues to support charitable causes and get their contributions matched by the company.
  • Kraft Group: The Kraft Group and its subsidiaries have long participated in various philanthropic activities. One of their newest initiatives is matching employee donations, doubling employees’ impact when they donate.

Another trend in corporate philanthropy we’re seeing more and more of is employees advocating for matching gift programs to their employers. So if a number of your donors are not eligible for matching gifts, don’t fret! Instead, provide resources that can help them champion gift-matching on your behalf.

Knowing their employees want a matching gift program can be a significant motivator for rolling out such an initiative. In exchange, companies can look forward to increased employee engagement, productivity, and retention.

Reinstated programs

These are the logos of the four companies discussed below, which reinstated matching gift programs and influenced current CSR trends.

Thanks to the significant value that companies see in their corporate social responsibility efforts, many businesses have recently reinstated their matching gift programs. Companies recognize philanthropy as an integral aspect of their businesses.

For example, here are a few companies that are matching gifts again after a brief intermission in their programming:

  • Booz Allen Hamilton: Previously suspended in 2021, Booz Allen Hamilton’s matching gift program is once again live as of 2023. Both full-time and part-time team members are encouraged to join the company in supporting their favorite charitable causes.
  • Kimray Inc.: Kimray Inc. resumed matching donations of up to $2,000 per team member per year to eligible nonprofit causes. Though they’ll match many organizations and educational institutions, Kimray places a special emphasis on missions related to youth programming, culture, and their local communities.
  • International Business Machines (IBM): IBM paused match operations while switching to a new system. However, the program is now live, and IBM employees are able to request matching gifts of up to $10,000 per year!
  • United Parcel Service (UPS)Though it stopped matching employee gifts for a period, UPS has been back and matching since late 2022. Facilitated through the UPS Foundation, UPS’s matching gift program is designed to empower team members to make a difference through workplace giving.

These companies may have reinstated their programs because they’re in a better place financially, but it’s also likely that they recognized that matching gifts are a long-term investment in their communities. Regardless of the reasoning, we’re glad these companies are back!

Expanding programs

These are the logos of the three companies discussed below that contributed to current corporate philanthropy trends by expanding matching gift programs.

Companies with existing matching gift programs are also expanding their efforts⁠ by increasing their matching gift ratio and/or upping their maximum match amount per year. Here are a few examples of companies recently making these changes:

  • American Eagle Outfitters: Quadrupling their maximum match amount (from $500 to $2,000 per team member per year), American Eagle continues to offer a best-in-class matching gift program! They also upgraded from a paper request form to an online submission portal⁠, making it simpler than ever for employees to get involved.
  • The Hartford: With an increasing match ratio from 0.5:1 to matching on a dollar-for-dollar basis, The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. empowers employees to give by doubling individual donations.
  • Chicago Community Trust: Not only did the Chicago Community Trust increase its matching gift ratio from 2:1 to 3:1⁠ (effectively quadrupling individual donations⁠), but it also heightened the maximum gift amount to $7,500.

Not to mention, the number of matching gift programs that will match to any nonprofit continues to grow, while programs that only match to a particular mission type have severely declined. This CSR trend continues to reflect a broader shift toward more inclusive corporate philanthropy as companies empower their employees to support causes that matter to them.

How Nonprofits Can Tap Into These Corporate Philanthropy Trends

Now that you’re up to date on all the latest trends, let’s dive deeper into what they mean for your nonprofit. Ultimately, these workplace giving trends are positive and mean that your nonprofit can continue to see the benefits of corporate philanthropy. But there’s more you can do to tap in!

Our number one piece of advice for leveraging these trends in corporate philanthropy is to take a proactive approach in marketing matching gifts to your audience. 

Remember, your donors may not be aware of their companies’ matching initiatives. To maximize funding and engagement from these programs, it’s crucial to spread the word across your marketing channels. Let donors know how to check their eligibility, why they should submit match requests, and how much impact they can make with matching gifts. Check out this video for more tips on how to promote matching gifts to your donors:

On top of increasing your matching gift marketing, use these additional tips to tap into corporate philanthropy trends:

  • Invest in matching gift software. With software like Double the Donation, you can greatly simplify the matching gift request process for donors. When you employ functionalities like matching gift auto-submission, your team can sit back and enjoy matching gift revenue trending upward.
  • Expand your promotion of disaster relief campaigns. If your nonprofit participates in crisis response or disaster relief efforts, promote these campaigns directly to corporate audiences. Reach out to businesses and let your donors know their employers can magnify their impact on aiding disasters.
  • Seek out corporate partnerships. Companies want to partner with organizations like yours! Take advantage of this corporate philanthropy trend by continuing to develop relationships with specific businesses, seeking out sponsorship opportunities, and tracking companies that frequently match your donors’ gifts.

Taking these steps will help your organization get the most out of corporate philanthropy and raise more funds for your mission.

What These CSR Trends Mean For Companies

Staying on top of trends in workplace giving isn’t only essential for nonprofits. Companies should also monitor the landscape and pay special attention to their employees’ engagement with their programs. That way, they can stay connected with increased expectations from their employees, prospective workers, investors, and customers.

Based on the corporate giving trends we’re currently seeing, this is what we suggest companies do to make a genuine impact:

  • Be generous with workplace giving programs. It’s not enough to simply engage in corporate giving. Instead, businesses should provide a wide variety employee giving opportunities, including everything from matching gifts to volunteer opportunities to charitable giving stipends.
  • Form partnerships with nonprofits. Consistently supporting one nonprofit can help grow impact while also indicating the company’s values. Companies should select reputable nonprofit partners that align with their missions.
  • Put special emphasis on matching gifts. Corporate matches are one of the most convenient yet powerful ways to give back. Companies should develop a generous program with low minimum donation requirements, high maximum donation requirements, and generous ratios. Then, they should make sure employees know about the opportunity.

Being serious about corporate giving is a great way for businesses to show they recognize their duty to give back to the communities that support them. While these tips reflect current CSR trends, we don’t expect these standards to change anytime soon.

Trending Onward & Upward

Corporate philanthropy continues to be a priority for businesses and employees everywhere. Thus, we encourage nonprofits to make the most of the opportunities at hand.

Interested in learning more about corporate philanthropy trends to be aware of? Check out these additional Double the Donation resources:

Interested in learning more about how to continue fundraising through difficult times? Check out our immersive webinar on the topic!

How to Fundraise During Economic Uncertainty

Click to demo 360MatchPro and learn how to harness these corporate philanthropy trends with matching gift software.

Double the Donation's Year in Review 2024 Edition

Double the Donation’s Year in Review: 2024 Edition

As we wrap up 2024, it’s the perfect time to look back and acknowledge the milestones, innovations, and impact achieved by our team and its partners in the nonprofit and corporate giving sectors. In Double the Donation’s Year in Review 2024, we’ll share key insights, highlights, and achievements that have propelled us forward and helped nonprofits like yours make an even bigger difference.

All in all, this year has been one of remarkable growth, with exciting developments in matching gift technology, ready-built integrations, and groundbreaking functionality designed to help nonprofits unlock more from their fundraising efforts.

In order to celebrate our successes, this overview will cover:

Join us in reflecting on this year’s wins as we gear up for another impactful fundraising season ahead!

Significant product updates & enhancements

In 2024, Double the Donation rolled out a series of significant product updates and enhancements designed to improve the workplace giving experience for nonprofits and their donors. These updates have been instrumental in helping our clients drive more donations, simplify their workflows, and engage donors and other supporters more effectively.

These product updates reflect our commitment to evolving alongside our clients’ needs, ensuring they have the most powerful tools to elevate their workplace giving efforts. As we look to 2025, we’re excited to continue innovating and delivering new features that make a measurable impact on nonprofit fundraising.

Check out an overview of three of our most impactful updates here:

Double the Donation's matching and volunteering tools help you raise more from workplace giving programs.Double the Donation Volunteering rollout

This year, we expanded the capabilities of our platform by launching our corporate volunteering tools. Double the Donation Volunteering is a built-in solution designed to support organizations in targeting corporate volunteer initiatives in addition to traditional matching gift management. These initiatives, which include volunteer grants and paid volunteer time off, can go a long way in attracting, engaging, and retaining volunteers⁠. And Double the Donation Volunteering makes it easier than ever to benefit from the programs by growing awareness and simplifying the engagement experience.

If you haven’t already, take steps to embed our  corporate volunteer database directly into your Volunteers Info page on your website, along with any volunteer registration forms you have.

Learn more about Double the Donation Volunteering here!

Double the Donation's year in review includes SOC 2 Type 2 compliance.Achieved SOC 2 Type 2 compliance

Security and data protection are top priorities at Double the Donation, and in 2024, we took our commitment to the next level by achieving SOC 2 Type 2 compliance. This integral milestone demonstrates our adherence to rigorous standards for security, availability, confidentiality, and processing integrity.

Achieving SOC 2 Type 2 assures clients like you⁠—as well as their donors⁠—that their data is handled with the highest standards of security and care. Not to mention, it reinforces our role as a trusted partner for nonprofits that prioritize the protection of donor information.

Learn more about our SOC 2 Type 2 compliance here!

Auto-submission enhancements

Enhancing the auto-submission functionality has been a major focus in 2024, making it even easier for donors to complete matching gift submissions without the added manual effort. Our most recent improvements to the auto-submission process mean that donors are prompted to auto-submit their matches at multiple touch points throughout the donor journey, increasing the likelihood that they ultimately do so. Now, donors are encouraged to partake in auto-submission once again when they indicate they’ve requested a match, but Double the Donation has no record of the submission.

Double the Donation's year in review includes auto-submission.

All in all, these auto-submission enhancements streamline the matching process, driving more completed matches and enabling nonprofits to capture more matching gift revenue. And it’s all done with minimal time and effort!

Learn more about matching gift auto-submission here!

Our continuously expanding client base

So far this year, our team has welcomed over 1,055 new clients to the Double the Donation family, expanding our community of nonprofits, educational institutions, and other fundraising organizations dedicated to making a difference through matching gifts and workplace giving.

Each new client represents a unique opportunity to drive more donations, streamline fundraising efforts, and unlock the full potential of corporate philanthropy. And we’re so grateful for the causes that trust Double the Donation to do so. This growth among our expanding client base strengthens our commitment to helping nonprofits of all sizes access critical matching gift revenue, ultimately increasing their ability to create positive change in the communities they serve.

All in all, we’re honored to work with a diverse array of organizations this year and look forward to supporting them as they continue maximizing their fundraising impact through matching gifts and more in the future.

Standout reviews & testimonials

Double the Donation has been thrilled to receive more than 40 new 5-star Google reviews, underscoring the impact of our commitment to customer and user success. Each of these reviews highlights the effectiveness of our sales and onboarding processes, the value of our technology, and the powerful results nonprofits achieve through our matching gift solutions.

Here are a few examples collected in the last year:

I’m thrilled that Double the Donation is seamlessly integrated with our new giving platform. Our minimal fee for the software has paid for itself in one week! We are thrilled to have this as part of our fundraising platform. This is a game-changer. Easy to integrate, and the team is so helpful to set you up for success!

– Colleen Merrell, St. Mary-Basha Catholic School

Implementing Double the Donation was an incredibly smooth and efficient process. Our representative guided me through every step, making it fast and easy to integrate the employer match software/widget into our nonprofit’s existing systems. Her clear explanations and responsive support have set us up to maximize our fundraising potential. We’re now fully prepared to raise more funds and further our mission. I highly recommend Double the Donation for any nonprofit looking to enhance its donor matching capabilities!

– Kayla Moore, Shelter Inc.

In the fast-paced realm of nonprofit fundraising, efficiency and effectiveness are essential. Double the Donation is a standout platform that is transforming how organizations maximize their donation potential. Tailored for fundraisers and database managers, Double the Donation is more than just a tool—it’s a partner in driving successful campaigns and streamlining donation processes.

– Katie Utterback, The Galloway School

In addition to Google reviews, we also received a number of customer testimonials in the past year⁠—including videos detailing the impact of our tools on various organizations’ efforts. Here’s what a few of these nonprofits have had to say (or check out our testimonials page to watch the clips):

  • Double the Donation has increased our matching gifts an incredible amount over the past two years we’ve been utilizing it, and it has helped us in so many more ways than we could have imagined. ⁠— Emily Delp, Pelotonia
  • There’s a lot of value in telling a donor that their impact can be doubled or even tripled with just a few clicks. Double the Donation makes it easy for our donors to see this value and act on it pretty much immediately. On the back end, the seamless integration with our database keeps us updated in real-time. ⁠— Adam Schafer, Youth on Course
  • I know that we’re always looking for ways to more effectively and efficiently do our work, and the opportunities that we have in front of us with Double the Donation are endless from my point of view. ⁠— Jill Carrell, Pi Beta Phi Foundation

Each of these generous reviews motivates us to keep delivering the best possible experience for our customers, and we’re grateful to our clients for sharing their success stories.

Looking ahead, we’re excited to continue empowering nonprofits with the tools they need to raise more and make an even bigger impact. And we hope to hear from even more organizations benefitting from our tools!

Network growth: new partnerships & integrations

2024 has been a year of exciting growth for Double the Donation’s integration network. With the addition of more than 14 new partnerships and 11 integration enhancements, we’ve been able to significantly broaden our reach and capabilities.

Double the Donation's year in review includes new integrations.These strategic collaborations are designed to provide even more value to our clients by expanding access to powerful tools, platforms, and resources that complement our matching gift technology.

New integrations include:

These partnerships are designed to allow nonprofits to seamlessly integrate Double the Donation’s matching gift technology into their existing workflows, offering a more streamlined and efficient experience for both organizations and their donors.

By expanding our network of partners and continuously improving integrations, Double the Donation is making it easier than ever for nonprofits to leverage matching gifts as a key component of their fundraising efforts. We’re excited to see the positive impact these partnerships will continue to have as we move into the next year, helping even more organizations maximize their matching gift revenue.

Overall matching gift fundraising success across clients

In 2024, Double the Donation users achieved remarkable success, collectively identifying more than $460,445,322 in matching gift revenue.

This is a powerful testament to the impact of matching gift programs when paired with the right tools and strategies. Through effective communication and proactive engagement, our clients were able to reach more donors, secure more matches, and ultimately drive greater funding to support their missions.

To support this success, clients utilized our platform to send a total of 19,117,522 emails to donors, prompting significant engagement. Our users saw an impressive 71.55% open rate, too—well above industry averages. Additionally, tons of these emails were interacted with, resulting in a 9.6% click rate (also above industry averages), indicating strong donor interest in matching gifts.

These metrics underscore the power of Double the Donation’s solutions in amplifying donor participation and optimizing matching gift revenue. By driving strong engagement rates and making it easy for donors to complete matches, our clients are leveraging every opportunity to boost their fundraising success.

This year’s results highlight the effectiveness of our tools in helping nonprofits expand their impact through matching gifts, and we’re proud to be a part of their journey toward sustainable growth and more.

Comprehensive workplace giving database development

In the past year, Double the Donation has continued to strengthen its position as the leading resource for matching gift and workplace giving information with ongoing enhancements to our comprehensive database.

Today, our database contains over 24,493 company records, providing an extensive resource for nonprofits to easily identify matching gift and other workplace giving opportunities across a broad spectrum of corporations. This robust database represents more than 26,802,622 employees, significantly expanding the reach of our clients to potential supporters worldwide.

But one of the biggest developments we’ve seen this year is the introduction of VTO (or volunteer time off) programs to the database. We are dedicated to helping nonprofits and schools earn more in workplace giving, and we believe it should be easy for you to leverage corporate volunteerism to power your mission. These programs continue to grow in popularity, and our database makes it easy to uncover and leverage their potential.

2024 Year in Review - Double the Donation's database growth

Our continued focus on database development reflects our dedication to helping nonprofits unlock the full potential of matching gifts and beyond. By providing comprehensive, accurate, and accessible company data, we’re enabling organizations to connect with more donors, raise more funds, and further their missions with confidence.

Invaluable matching gift resources & materials

So far in 2024, Double the Donation has significantly expanded its library of resources, offering nonprofits even more tools and materials to succeed with matching gift fundraising. After all, our goal is to empower organizations with the knowledge, strategies, and practical assets they need to unlock more matching gift revenue and streamline their outreach efforts.

Among our most popular resources this year are…

79 webinars and counting⁠—including a few of our top sessions here:

129 new blog posts, such as these fan-favorites:

New corporate volunteer-focused downloadable resources:

In addition, we also rolled out a number of customizable marketing materials directly within the Double the Donation platform. These include templates for matching gifts and volunteer incentives that are free for clients to access, personalize, and share, making it easier to promote the programs than ever before.

With the introduction of these new resources, our team aims to equip nonprofits with everything they need to succeed at every stage of the matching gift journey. As always, we’re committed to delivering high-quality materials that make a tangible difference in our audience’s fundraising efforts, and we look forward to adding even more valuable resources in the coming year.

Wrapping up & additional resources

As we close out 2024, we’re grateful for the nonprofits, corporate partners, and donors who made this a remarkable year. Together, we’ve driven substantial change, innovated how matching gifts are identified and managed, and enabled countless nonprofits to expand their impact.

Going forward, Double the Donation remains committed to enhancing the matching gift experience, providing cutting-edge tools, and supporting organizations in achieving their fundraising goals. Here’s to an even more successful year ahead as we continue to work together for a brighter, more generous future.

Thank you for being part of this journey—let’s make 2025 even better!

Interested in reading more about workplace giving and how Double the Donation can supercharge your efforts? Check out the following resources:

Get started with 360MatchPro after learning from Double the Donation's year in review.

Matching Wednesday Drive Matching Gifts Post #GivingTuesday

Matching Wednesday: Drive Matching Gifts Post #GivingTuesday

After the whirlwind of #GivingTuesday, many nonprofits find themselves wondering how to maintain the momentum of generosity⁠—and make the most of corporate matching gifts in their efforts. While donations tend to surge on Giving Tuesday, organizations can amplify their impact by making the following day just as powerful. And that’s why we’re introducing the idea of Matching Wednesday.

By strategically focusing on matching gifts the day after Giving Tuesday, nonprofits like yours can create an additional wave of support that builds on the previous day’s success.

In this guide, we’ll share everything you need to know to get started with this unique and impactful campaign idea. This includes:

Matching Wednesday can help nonprofits capitalize on donors’ enthusiasm, encourage more employees to seek corporate matches, and double (or even triple) the support for their causes.

Ready to find out how? Let’s get started with the basics.

What is Matching Wednesday?

Matching Wednesday is a strategic fundraising initiative in which nonprofits can participate immediately following #GivingTuesday.

While Giving Tuesday sparks a boost in donations from individuals eager to support their favorite causes, Matching Wednesday aims to keep this momentum going by encouraging donors to double (or even triple) the impact of their contributions through corporate matching gift programs.

After Giving Tuesday comes Matching Wednesday

Here’s how it works: on Matching Wednesday, nonprofits reach out to donors who gave on Giving Tuesday (or even before) and remind them to submit their gifts for matching through their employers. They can also highlight matching gift opportunities to new donors, underscoring the added impact their support can have.

The idea behind Matching Wednesday is simple yet powerful⁠—leveraging the enthusiasm generated on Giving Tuesday to unlock even more funding for the cause. By making matching gifts easy and front-of-mind, nonprofits can turn a single day of generosity into an extended period of amplified giving, helping them reach their goals and maximize their mission impact.

Following Up With #GivingTuesday Donors

Giving Tuesday sees some of the highest rates of charitable giving each year. In 2023, 34 million adults in the U.S. alone participated in Giving Tuesday festivities, contributing a total of more than $3.1 billion. And while a lot of those gifts were matched by donors’ employers, the truth is that a lot of matchable gifts went unclaimed. And that’s where Matching Wednesday steps in!

Following up with Giving Tuesday donors come Matching Wednesday is essential to capture the full potential of corporate matching gifts. Many donors may not realize that their contributions can be matched by their employers, effectively doubling or even tripling their impact on the cause. But when they do know, they’ll be eager to get involved.

Here are a few things your team can do to engage these donors and make the most of Matching Wednesday:

1. Send a Personalized Matching Gift Reminder Follow-Up.

The day after Giving Tuesday, send a follow-up message reminding donors who gave about the chance to make an even bigger difference with a matching gift.

Start with a heartfelt thank-you for their Giving Tuesday support, expressing gratitude for their contribution and sharing the impact it will make. Then, (re)introduce the concept of matching gifts, highlighting that many employers will match their donations at no additional cost to them. This gentle reminder can spark interest and motivate donors to check if their employer participates in a matching gift program.

2. Educate Donors About the Ease and Benefits of Matching Gifts.

Many donors may be unfamiliar with how matching gifts work. Use Matching Wednesday as an opportunity to educate them on the process. Provide clear, easy-to-follow, and company-specific instructions on how they can request a matching gift from their employer, and offer assistance for any questions or concerns donors might have about matching gift submissions.

3. Establish a Sense of Doubled Impact.

Use Matching Wednesday to create a sense of amplified donation impact by highlighting how beneficial matched gifts can be. Let donors know how their contributions, when doubled, can address specific needs, such as providing additional meals, funding critical programs, or expanding highly demanded services. This approach makes the matching gift feel like an extension of their Giving Tuesday contribution, deepening their connection to your cause.

Engaging Supporters Who Gave Earlier in the Year

While the idea is centered around the better-known global giving day, it’s important to note that Matching Wednesday doesn’t have to be exclusive to Giving Tuesday donors, either. In fact, it’s also an ideal time to engage supporters who donated earlier in the year but, as far as you know, haven’t submitted their gifts for matching.

By reaching out with a timely reminder to submit their matches, nonprofits can turn previous contributions into a new wave of support on Matching Wednesday.

Here’s how to maximize engagement with these past donors:

1. Segment and Personalize Your Outreach.

Identify donors who gave earlier in the year but may not have submitted their gifts for matching. Send a personalized email acknowledging their previous support and sharing how impactful it would be if they submitted their gift for a match⁠—and how Matching Wednesday is the perfect time to do it. After all, a tailored message makes supporters feel valued and motivates them to take the extra step, knowing that their contributions are still on the nonprofit’s radar.

2. Create a “Last Call for Matching Gifts” Campaign.

Use Matching Wednesday as a final push for matching gift submissions, presenting it as a time-sensitive opportunity. Explain that this is a last chance to double or triple their support this year, especially for those who might have forgotten or overlooked the option earlier. A sense of urgency can inspire action, as donors may be more likely to submit a match if they know it’s the final opportunity for the year. Many companies establish year-end request deadlines, too, meaning time is of the essence.

3. Provide a Simple, Step-by-Step Guide for Matching Gifts.

Many supporters might hesitate to submit their gifts for matching due to uncertainty around the process. Include a quick guide in your Matching Wednesday email to help simplify it. A “Check Your Eligibility” button leading to a matching gift search tool can be particularly effective, allowing donors to quickly confirm if their company offers matching and access any necessary forms.

Re-engaging past supporters for Matching Wednesday allows nonprofits to revive donations from throughout the year and turn them into even greater impact. This last-call reminder serves as an easy and effective way to connect with donors, ensuring their gifts stretch further and help end the year on a high note for the cause.

Get up and running with your matching gift software prior to Matching Wednesday.

Best Practices for Matching Wednesday Success

To maximize the impact of Matching Wednesday, nonprofits can implement several best practices to ensure their outreach is compelling and effective. From targeted follow-ups to clear messaging, here are strategies that can help nonprofits make the most of this post-Giving Tuesday initiative:

Mention matching gifts leading up to and on Giving Tuesday, too.

Matching Wednesday is all about matching gifts. But it shouldn’t be the first time your audience hears about the opportunity. In fact, it’s best to begin highlighting matching gifts alongside Giving Tuesday promotions leading up to and on the big day.

By promoting matching gift opportunities early and often, nonprofits can begin building familiarity with the programs. This can substantially boost the day’s revenue, motivating more donors to give⁠—and encouraging them to make their contributions go further when the time comes.

Not to mention, knowing that their donation could be matched can even inspire donors to contribute in larger amounts. Matching gifts allows donors to double or triple their contributions, which is a compelling reason to increase their initial support. Research shows that fundraising appeals⁠—such as those for Giving Tuesday⁠—see a 71% increase in response rate and a 51% increase in average gift size when matching gifts are mentioned.

Take a multi-channel approach to engaging donors.

When it comes to marketing matching gifts, you want to make sure your message is getting across far and wide. Luckily, a multi-channel approach engages donors on multiple platforms, making it easier for them to take action and get involved.

Not to mention, each donor has preferred ways of receiving information. Some may respond best to email reminders, while others are more likely to engage on social media or through text. By reaching out across multiple channels, you can ensure you’re meeting donors where they already are.

Leveraging a combination of email, social media, SMS, and even phone calls empowers nonprofits to create comprehensive, engaging Matching Wednesday experiences that keep matching gifts at the top of donors’ minds.

Highlight matching gift success stories.

Social proof is a powerful tool. On a big giving day like Giving Tuesday (or the subsequent Matching Wednesday), incorporating success stories regarding corporate matching gifts can go a long way toward inspiring action.

For the best results, we recommend supplying specific examples to illustrate the power of matching gifts. Try sharing stories or metrics that showcase what matching funds have previously achieved for your organization. For instance, you might say, “Last year, matching gifts helped us provide meals for 500 additional families.” Impact-driven messaging like this can inspire donors to act, as they can directly see how their matched gifts contribute to the mission.

Alternatively, consider sharing a brief story or example of a past donor whose gift was matched. You can even source a quote from a previous matching gift donor to act as a testimonial! After all, real-world examples can serve as powerful motivation, helping donors see the tangible outcomes of submitting a matching gift.

Invest in matching gift software before Matching Wednesday.

Leading up to Matching Wednesday (or Giving Tuesday, for that matter), you’ll want to conduct an analysis of your existing tech stack and decide if you have what you need for success. If you’re currently missing a matching gift software, we highly recommend getting up and running with such a solution prior to the start of the giving season.

After all, this kind of tool simplifies the matching process by enabling donors to quickly find their employer’s matching gift policy, forms, and submission instructions. The easier it is for donors to confirm eligibility and access forms, the more likely they’ll be to follow through⁠—so this is not something you want to overlook. Not to mention, an automation platform like Double the Donation’s 360MatchPro can streamline the entire process from start to finish, so your team doesn’t have to lift a finger!

Ready to get started? Request a personalized demo or uncover your expected ROI with matching gifts!

Share Matching Wednesday results and outcomes.

After Matching Wednesday concludes, maintain the matching gift momentum by sharing the campaign results with your supporters. For example, highlight the total number of submitted matches and the impact they’ll have on your programs. This kind of transparency fosters trust and shows donors that their efforts to secure a match made a concrete difference, setting the stage for continued engagement.

From there, you’ll want to track key metrics, such as the number of matching gifts secured, total matched revenue, and engagement rates, so you can adjust and improve your efforts for the next year. After all, a successful Matching Wednesday can become an ongoing part of your end-of-year fundraising efforts, extending Giving Tuesday’s impact well beyond a single day in the years to come.

6 Sample #MatchingWednesday Promotions

Ready to get started promoting Matching Wednesday but not sure where to begin? We’ve created a few sample promotions your team can use to engage its donors leading up to and on to the big day.

Matching Wednesday Text Message

Matching Wednesday text message

Text message copy: Thank you for supporting us on #GivingTuesday! 🎉 Did you know your donation could go twice as far? Today is #MatchingWednesday—click here to see if your employer matches: [Matching Gift Page URL]

Matching Wednesday Email Template

Subject line: Have you given to [nonprofit] this year? Double your impact today⁠—on #MatchingWednesday!

Matching Wednesday email header


Dear [donor’s first name],

Thank you for being part of the [nonprofit] family! Your support means the world to us, and today, on #MatchingWednesday, there’s an exciting opportunity to make your impact go even further.

If you’ve donated to [nonprofit] this year, you might be able to double or even triple your gift through your employer’s matching gift program! Many companies offer to match their employees’ charitable donations, but these matches often go unclaimed. Submitting a matching gift request is a simple way to amplify your impact and ensure your generosity reaches even more people in need.

Here’s how you can participate in #MatchingWednesday:

  1. Check if your employer matches donations – Use our matching gift search tool here [Matching Gift Page URL] to see if your company offers matching gifts.
  2. Follow the provided steps – If your employer participates, complete a matching gift request through their system by following the instructions our tool provides.
  3. Watch your impact grow! Every matched dollar helps us bring hope and resources to even more individuals and families.

Why submit your gift for a match today? Matching Wednesday is a limited opportunity to help us close out the year strong and make a difference for the communities we serve. Your support matters, and by taking just a few minutes to check your match eligibility, you can double the power of your donation at no extra cost!

Thank you for your continued generosity. Together, we can make an even greater impact.

Warm regards,
[Your Name]
[Nonprofit Name]
[Nonprofit Contact Information]

Matching Wednesday Facebook Post

Matching Wednesday Facebook post

Caption: Many employers match donations to [nonprofit], doubling (or even tripling!) your impact at no extra cost to you. Take a moment today to check if your gift qualifies for a match by visiting the Matching Gifts page on our website: [Matching Gift Page URL] #DoubleYourImpact #MatchingGifts

Matching Wednesday Instagram Post

Matching Wednesday Instagram post

Caption: It’s #MatchingWednesday! 🎉 Did you know that thousands of companies match employee donations? That means your gift could go twice as far—just by submitting a matching request!

Don’t miss this chance to maximize your support and make an even bigger impact. Visit our Matching Gifts page to learn more. #GiveMore #AmplifyYourImpact #MatchingGifts

Matching Wednesday LinkedIn Post

Matching Wednesday LinkedIn post

Caption: #GivingTuesday was just the beginning! 🌟 Did you know that your donation could go even further? Many companies offer matching gift programs, meaning your contribution can be doubled or even tripled at no extra cost to you.

Now, Matching Wednesday is the perfect time to take advantage of this opportunity! If you gave to [nonprofit] yesterday or at any point this year, check to see if your employer will match your donation. It’s an easy way to maximize your impact and support the causes that matter most to you.

Not sure if your company participates? Don’t worry⁠—just use our matching gift search tool to find out: [Matching Gift Page URL]

This #MatchingWednesday, let’s make every dollar count for even more. Thanks again for helping us create lasting change. #DoubleYourImpact #EmployerMatching #CorporateGiving #SocialGood #GivingTuesday

Matching Wednesday Twitter Post

Matching Wednesday Twitter post

Caption: #MatchingWednesday is here! 🎉 It’s the perfect chance to make your #GivingTuesday gift go even further. Check to see if your employer will match your donation and double your impact today! [URL]

Next Steps & Additional Giving Season Resources

Establishing a Matching Wednesday campaign following Giving Tuesday is a smart way for nonprofits to extend their outreach⁠—and make every gift count twice. By promoting matching gift opportunities immediately after a major giving day, organizations can reinforce their message, reach new donors, and deepen their impact overall.

This strategic timing leverages the global popularity and extensive goodwill of Giving Tuesday and engages donors further, reminding them that their support can do more. Embracing the idea of Matching Wednesday can ensure the season of giving extends beyond a single day, unlocking new possibilities for funding and growth in the year-end season and beyond. Just don’t forget to equip your team with the right software going into it!

Interested in learning more about matching gifts heading into a period of holiday giving? Check out these additional resources:

Get up and running with your matching gift software prior to Matching Wednesday.

MISSION CRM and Double the Donation Partner for 360MatchPro Integration in Donation Page Flow

MISSION CRM and Double the Donation are proud to announce a new integration between MISSION CRM donation forms and 360MatchPro by Double the Donation. The collaboration will help nonprofit organizations to boost their fundraising revenue through corporate matching gifts automation.

“We’re excited to debut this new partnership and offer this seamless integration to our nonprofit community,” said Christina Herancourt, Managing Director at MISSION CRM. “Automating matching gifts outreach takes a huge burden off fundraising teams and provides value with every transaction.”

When a donor makes a gift on a MISSION CRM donation page, they can be prompted to enter their employer name in the 360MatchPro autocomplete search field, discovering their match eligibility during the giving process. On their MISSION CRM confirmation pages, they can learn more about their company details and take their next steps toward completing their match.

“While we’ve made great strides toward closing the matching gift awareness gap over the years, millions of donors are still unaware of the corporate philanthropy programs available to them,” said Adam Weinger, President at Double the Donation. “Our integration with MISSION CRM answers nonprofits’ requests to continue spreading the word on matching gifts and how they can help donors deepen their impact.”

MISSION CRM and Double the Donation’s new integration with 360MatchPro can now be accessed by mutual clients of the solutions. Follow our integration guide for more details on how to get connected.

Ready to add matching gifts to your MISSION CRM donation experience? Request a demo with us and make sure to share you’re a MISSION CRM user!

Want additional resources to help you take your matching gifts strategy to the next level? Enroll today in our Matching Gift Academy for in-depth content about growing your matching gift revenue.

About MISSION CRM: MISSION CRM is the game-changing donor management and fundraising system built on Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit. Designed for nonprofits with sophisticated development and fundraising operations, MISSION CRM delivers a unified view of donors, fundraising, financials, marketing, volunteering and more. MISSION CRM is proud to be a part of the Sylogist family of solutions serving nonprofits, government and public sectors worldwide – visit www.missioncrm.ca to learn more.

About Double the Donation: Automate your matching gift fundraising with the industry-leading solution from Double the Donation. The 360MatchPro platform provides nonprofits and educational institutions with tools to identify match-eligible donors, drive matches to completion, and gain actionable insights. 360MatchPro integrates directly into donation forms, CRMs, social fundraising software, and other nonprofit technology solutions, and even partners with select CSR platforms to further streamline matching gifts for donors. Through 360MatchPro by Double the Donation, the matching gift process has never been simpler.

Double the Donation and UC Innovation enhance their matching gift integration

UC Innovation Enhances Functionality for their Preferred Matching Gift Integration, 360MatchPro by Double the Donation

Double the Donation and UC Innovation are excited to debut new integration enhancements that will allow organizations to further streamline the matching gift fundraising process. This expanded functionality reflects the duo’s continued commitment to helping organizations grow their matching gift revenue.

UC Innovation’s preferred matching gift solution, 360MatchPro, already integrates with the ascend CRM to automate matching gift outreach to donors post-contribution. The new integration offering allows users to integrate 360MatchPro into ascend Portal donation forms – this will engage donors in the matching gift process even earlier in their donor journey. Using this functionality, organizations can uncover more match-eligible donors during the giving process and provide a direct link to matching gift next steps on the donation thank-you page.

“Double the Donation is the most advanced matching gift provider in the industry,” said Caroline Chang, Vice President, Product Strategy at UC Innovation. “Our clients love the streamlined integration between ascend and 360MatchPro, and we can’t wait to see their success with this new matching gift offering.”

This integration enhancement makes it easier to capture employment data from donors and automate segmented, tailored outreach. When a donor fills out their Portal donation form, 360MatchPro determines the donor’s specific matching gift eligibility and presents a direct link to the donors’ matching gift request form on the confirmation page, which is when the request is most timely.

“Although many donors are eligible to have their gift matched by their employee, donors often lack awareness about their eligibility or what steps they need to take to submit a request, “ says Adam Weinger, President of Double the Donation. “This enhanced integration with UC Innovation will allow universities and nonprofits to more easily and effectively close that donor awareness gap. Those time savings enabled by automation can then be reinvested back into other areas of donor outreach and donor engagement.”

360MatchPro integrates seamlessly with UC Innovation’s donation tools to automate the matching gift process for donors. Leveraging this integration will enable organizations to initiate the matching gift conversation with donors while they are still in the giving mindset. In turn, organizations will drive more matches to completion and tap into the full potential of matching gifts as a fundraising source.

360MatchPro - Activate in seconds and start raising more from matching gifts!

Activate in Seconds and Start Raising More from Matching Gifts!

360MatchPro integrates seamlessly with Portal Donation Forms, making it easy to get up and running. Once you have your CRM integration settings configured, you can simply add the 360MatchPro Lightning Web Components to your donation form editor. This then allows you to identify more match-eligible donors and streamline the matching gift process.

By activating the donation form portion of the integration, you can ensure that no extra funding falls through the cracks. With this solution your donors will be screened for match eligibility during the donation process, and they will receive matching gift calls to action when those requests are most timely!

Looking to learn more? Check out our in-depth integration guide to get started!


Drive More Matching Gifts to Completion with 360MatchPro!

Double the Donation and UC Innovation work to provide fundraisers with powerful, innovative solutions.

Using their matching gift integration, you team can:

  • Identify more matching gift revenue opportunities: 360MatchPro enables you to automatically collect matching gift eligibility from donors using email domains, within donation forms, on confirmation screens, or by email. The more matching gift opportunities 360MatchPro discovers and shares with donors, the more matching gift requests your donors will successfully submit.
  • Drive more matches to completion, from form submission to corporate payment: Direct donors immediately to their matching gift forms after the donation process is complete. Then, provide the right information to the right donors at the right time with custom emails based on match eligibility. Target follow-ups drive more completed submissions than ever before, bringing exponentially more matching gift checks from companies through your door.
  • Reallocate your time from routine follow-up to your top opportunities: Your time is valuable, so why spend it chasing small dollar-value matching gifts? Let 360MatchPro automate your matching gift outreach while flagging your highest-value opportunities, allowing your team to personalize follow-ups to the most valuable match-eligible donations. Rest easy knowing that 360MatchPro can handle the rest.

360MatchPro's fundraising software overview

Ready to check it out? Schedule a personalized demo to learn how this integration will drive matching gift revenue for your organization.

About UC Innovation: Founded in 2011, UC Innovation is a CRM software and consulting company that is committed to serving higher education and nonprofit clients. Their organization focuses on delivering advanced solutions on time and on budget, finding that optimal blend of innovative products and deep domain expertise. UC Innovation strives to provide clients with solutions that use efficient business processes and state of the art technologies to reduce cost, ensure quality, and provide timely delivery of your CRM needs. To learn more, visit: https://www.ucinnovation.com/s/contact

About Double the Donation: Automate your matching gift fundraising with the industry-leading solution from Double the Donation. The 360MatchPro platform provides nonprofits with tools to identify match-eligible donors, drive matches to completion, and gain actionable insights. 360MatchPro integrates directly into donation forms, CRMs, social fundraising software, and other nonprofit technology solutions to capture employment information and follow up appropriately with donors about matching gifts. To learn more about Double the Donation, visit https://doublethedonation.com and request a demo at https://360matchpro.com/demo-request/.

Double the Donation-UC Innovation-integration announcement feature image

UC Innovation Selects 360MatchPro by Double the Donation as New Automated Matching Gift Offering

Double the Donation is thrilled to announce its newest integration with ascend by UC Innovation, a CRM software and consulting company committed to delivering innovative, sustainable results. This technical partnership has come together to provide educational institutions with the power to double eligible donations through the industry-leading matching gift solution, 360MatchPro.

“Our product, ascend, is the most comprehensive advancement solution based on the Salesforce platform, and 360MatchPro by Double the Donation is the most advanced matching gift solution on the market,” said Caroline Chang, VP of Product and Community Engagement. “Providing our clients with a simple integration with this solution is incredibly valuable.”

The integration is designed to work with the ascend platform to identify match-eligible donors following the donation process, then lead them directly to their matching gift submission form. This powerful technology makes it easy for organizations to double or even triple their employer matching gift funds without having to manually chase after matching gift requests, saving them time, effort, and revenue.

“UC Innovation’s ascend product is an impressive fundraising solution, and our team is so excited to add our robust matching gift functionality to it,” said Adam Weinger, President of Double the Donation. “Our combined solutions will undoubtedly drive value for our mutual users.”

ascend and 360MatchPro integrate seamlessly so that your organization can start harnessing matching gift funds in minutes. This simple process will allow your organization to target the 26 million individuals who qualify for employer matching gift programs.

360MatchPro - Activate in seconds and start raising more from matching gifts!

Activate in Seconds and Start Raising More from Matching Gifts!

360MatchPro and ascend integrate seamlessly so that you can start driving matching gift revenue in no time. To get started with this solution, simply navigate to the “Setup” section within your ascend account to manage your custom metadata types. You can then enter your 360MatchPro credentials to activate the integration.

Once you’ve added your credentials, you can navigate to your “Gift Processing Settings”. By editing these settings you will have the option to check a box that enables “Double the Donation”.

UC Innovation - 360MatchPro - integration activation option

That’s all there is to it! By entering your credentials and selecting the option to enable the integration, you can begin leveraging the power of 360MatchPro. With this integration, your donation records will flow from ascend into your 360MatchPro portal to kick off the matching gift process. 360MatchPro then gets to work identifying match-eligible donors and driving their matching gift requests to completion. This solution even stores valuable matching gift metrics directly in your 360MatchPro portal so that you may access actionable insights to drive your fundraising efforts.

Looking to learn more? Check out our in-depth integration guide to get started!


Drive More Matching Gifts to Completion with 360MatchPro!

Double the Donation and UC Innovation work to provide fundraisers with powerful, innovative solutions.

Using their matching gift integration, you team can:

  • Identify more matching gift revenue opportunities: 360MatchPro enables you to automatically collect matching gift eligibility from donors using email domains, within donation forms, on confirmation screens, or by email. The more matching gift opportunities 360MatchPro discovers and shares with donors, the more matching gift requests your donors will successfully submit.
  • Drive more matches to completion, from form submission to corporate payment: Direct donors immediately to their matching gift forms after the donation process is complete. Then, provide the right information to the right donors at the right time with custom emails based on match eligibility. Target follow-ups drive more completed submissions than ever before, bringing exponentially more matching gift checks from companies through your door.
  • Reallocate your time from routine follow-up to your top opportunities: Your time is valuable, so why spend it chasing small dollar-value matching gifts? Let 360MatchPro automate your matching gift outreach while flagging your highest-value opportunities, allowing your team to personalize follow-ups to the most valuable match-eligible donations. Rest easy knowing that 360MatchPro can handle the rest.

360MatchPro integration-360MP provides value to your nonprofit

Ready to check it out? Schedule a personalized demo to learn how this integration will drive matching gift revenue for your organization.

About UC Innovation: Founded in 2011, UC Innovation is a CRM software and consulting company that is committed to serving higher education and nonprofit clients. Their organization focuses on delivering advanced solutions on time and on budget, finding that optimal blend of innovative products and deep domain expertise. UC Innovation strives to provide clients with solutions that use efficient business processes and state of the art technologies to reduce cost, ensure quality, and provide timely delivery of your CRM needs. To learn more, visit: https://www.ucinnovation.com/s/contact

About Double the Donation: Automate your matching gift fundraising with the industry-leading solution from Double the Donation. The 360MatchPro platform provides nonprofits with tools to identify match-eligible donors, drive matches to completion, and gain actionable insights. 360MatchPro integrates directly into donation forms, CRMs, social fundraising software, and other nonprofit technology solutions to capture employment information and follow up appropriately with donors about matching gifts. To learn more about Double the Donation, visit https://doublethedonation.com and request a demo at https://360matchpro.com/demo-request/.

Double the Donation-Funraise-matching gifts integration-feature

Double the Donation is Proud to Announce Matching Gift Integration with Funraise

Double the Donation is proud to announce our latest integration with Funraise, a leading provider of innovative fundraising technology. 360MatchPro is debuting on the Funraise platform as the preferred matching gifts solution for Funraise customers.

360MatchPro is readily available for all of Funraise’s current and future customers to provide easy-to-use, fully-automated corporate matching gift capabilities. Once a Funraise customer has a 360MatchPro account, they are able to turn on the matching gift functionality directly within the Funraise platform, or they can create an account right then and there.

“We’re thrilled to be working with Double the Donation on behalf of Funraise’s customers,” said Justin Wheeler, Funraise CEO & Co-founder. “Their 360MatchPro product doesn’t just save our clients time and effort—this integration also increases donation revenue while ditching donor frustration during the donation process. It’s Funraise’s mission to do away with the nonprofit struggle using smart, nonprofit-led fundraising technology, which is why Double the Donation’s 360MatchPro is a perfect match with Funraise.”

By allowing users to embed Double the Donation’s advanced search tool across their website pages and giving forms, as well as encouraging the use of automated email marketing, 360MatchPro helps organizations to enlighten their donors about matching gift opportunities. The biggest hurdle to building matching gift revenue is the lack of awareness about these programs among donors.

“Funraise is such a great company to work with, and we are very happy to provide their customers with our advanced matching gift tools,” said Adam Weinger, President of Double the Donation. “With automated follow-up, these nonprofits are able to claim some of the $4-7 billion of matching gift revenue that goes unclaimed every year. We truly believe that, in addition to access to our thorough database of companies that offer matching gifts, automating the follow-up process revolutionizes existing matching gift programs.”

With 360MatchPro and Funraise, nonprofit organizations are able to identify match-eligible donors, track the status of those donors’ match requests, and automate the follow-up emails that will drive these matches to completion. The platform also provides actionable insights to help nonprofits shape their matching gift programs moving forward.

This header explains that the integration can be activated in seconds so that you can raise more from matching gifts.

Activate in Seconds and Start Raising More from Matching Gifts!

360MatchPro is a great way to increase gift matching revenue. Now you can use it alongside the Funraise platform with just one click. Follow along these steps to learn how to get started. 

First, navigate to your Funraise dashboard. Then, select your initials in the top right corner to see the “Settings” option. Once you’re in settings, select the “integrations” option on the left hand menu. Next, you will see several integration icons. Each of these options have three dots on the right side of their respective row. Select the three dots on the right side of the “Double the Donation” row. Select “Edit” and you will see the following menu. 

Double the Donation-Funraise-Integration 1

Funraise customers with an existing 360MatchPro account can enter their API Keys to activate the integration.

You can toggle the green switch off and on to activate the integration. If you already have a 360MatchPro account, simply enter your Double the Donation credentials to get started. If you do not have an account, don’t sweat it. Select the “Create an Account ” option to automatically create a 360MatchPro account. Then you can access your credentials and input your public and private API keys onto this page. 

You have the power to add 360MatchPro to your donation forms individually, giving you the ability to choose where this functionality will appear. Once you select your forms, you will see the streamlined search tool on your donation pages. 

This image shows the Funraise donation page with the option to enter an employer for company matching programs.

The Funraise gift matching form will now have a streamlined search tool for company gift matching.

This tool allows donors to search for their employer to see if they are eligible for a gift matching program. The search bar gives company suggestions, making it quick and easy for the donor to enter this information. 

Once the donor completes the form, the 360MatchPro database will automatically check gift matching eligibility. The system will send an email to the donor if they qualify for an increased donation. The email will explain the gift matching guidelines and provide steps to drive the donation to completion. This email is customizable, so your organization can choose its appearance and messaging. 

That’s all it takes to equip your forms with the donation matching power of 360MatchPro!

Looking to learn more? Check out our in-depth integration guide to get started!

This header explains that you can drive more matches to completion with 360MatchPro.

Drive More Matching Gifts to Completion with 360MatchPro!

360MatchPro contains valuable features for an efficient and effective fundraising experience. 

Check out some of the 350MatchPro features below:  

  • Identify more matching gift revenue opportunities: 360MatchPro enables you to automatically collect matching gift eligibility from donors using email domains, within donation forms, on confirmation screens, or by email. The more matching gift opportunities 360MatchPro discovers and shares with donors, the more matching gift requests your donors will successfully submit.
  • Drive more matches to completion, from form submission to corporate payment: Direct donors immediately to their matching gift forms after the donation process is complete. Then, provide the right information to the right donors at the right time with custom emails based on match eligibility. Target follow-ups drive more completed submissions than ever before, bringing exponentially more matching gift checks from companies through your door.
  • Reallocate your time from routine follow-up to your top opportunities: Your time is valuable, so why spend it chasing small dollar-value matching gifts? Let 360MatchPro automate your matching gift outreach while flagging your highest-value opportunities, allowing your team to personalize follow-ups to the most valuable match-eligible donations. Rest easy knowing that 360MatchPro can handle the rest.
This image shows an increasing line graph along with 360MatchPro gift matching features.

These 360MatchPro features will drive your donations without extra effort!


Ready to see it in action?  Check out the 360MatchPro demo page to schedule a personalized demo.

About Funraise: Funraise provides exceptional, innovative, and friendly fundraising technology to save you time and resources. Funraise is the child of nonprofit experience and technological innovation: these two aspects of Funraise are behind all of its developments. Funraise believes in the donors, willing to stand with a movement to see a mission accomplished, and in the organizations, stewarding these gifts and creating impact around the world. To learn more, visit https://www.funraise.org/

About Double the Donation: Automate your matching gift fundraising with the industry-leading solution from Double the Donation. The 360MatchPro platform provides nonprofits with tools to identify match-eligible donors, drive matches to completion, and gain actionable insights. 360MatchPro integrates directly into donation forms, CRMs, social fundraising software, and other nonprofit technology solutions to capture employment information and follow up appropriately with donors about matching gifts. To learn more visit https://360matchpro.com/demo-request/ 

Double the Donation-Soapbox Engage-partnership-feature

Soapbox Engage Selects Double the Donation for Matching Gifts

Atlanta, GA (February 20, 2019) — Double the Donation is excited to announce their latest partnership with Soapbox Engage, a platform created by PICnet and comprised of several online engagement apps for nonprofit organizations and educational institutions.

Soapbox Engage clients can now easily activate Double the Donation’s 360MatchPro within the Donations app. This automatically activates Double the Donation’s matching gift search tool on all of the donation pages within an organization’s Soapbox Engage platform.

Double the Donation-Soapbox Engage-Integration1

“Of course we’re always interested in offering our clients as many ways as possible to increase revenue,” said Ryan Ozimek, Co-Founder and CEO of PICnet. “With all of the client demand for Double the Donation’s matching gift tools, this integration shot to the top of our to-do list. This integration will allow our Soapbox Engage clients to increase revenue without lifting a finger.”

Lack of donor awareness is the biggest hurdle to collecting matching gift revenue, but this integration works to combat that lack of awareness. By embedding a matching gift search tool on every donation page, the organizations ensure that not a single donor misses out on the opportunity to discover matching gifts.

“Every year, $4-7 billion in matching gift revenue is left on the table each year,” said Adam Weinger, President of Double the Donation. “By providing tools like 360MatchPro, we aim to help as many organizations as possible claim their share of that revenue.”

In addition to the streamlined search tool on the Soapbox Engage donation forms, organizations using this integration will also have access to their own 360MatchPro platform. This tool removes the need for an employee dedicated to matching gifts.

360MatchPro provides actionable insights for enhancing an organization’s matching gift efforts, tracks all match-eligible donations, and automates ongoing email outreach to ensure that every matching gift opportunity is pursued.

Looking to learn more? Check out our in-depth integration guide to get started!

double the donation-soapbox engage-integration4

These automated emails provide donors with their company-specific matching gift information. If a donor did not identify their employer, these emails will encourage them to check to see if they are eligible for matching gifts. Each donor is also provided with a button to report back to the organization that they’ve requested a matching gift.

To learn more about Soapbox Engage, check out their entire suite of apps at https://www.soapboxengage.com/apps.

Find out more about Double the Donation at https://doublethedonation.com/ or schedule a private demo of 360MatchPro at https://www.360matchpro.com/demo-request/.