Entries by Adam Weinger

MemberClicks Reviews | Our Rating and Alternative Solutions

The search for the perfect association management software solution is a major undertaking for your association. You want to ensure your team has plenty of features at your disposal, but you also need a sleek solution that won’t bog you down or blow your budget. When reading MemberClicks reviews, you might think you’ve found your […]

7 Key Steps for Championing Your Grateful Patient Program

One of the most rewarding perks of working at a healthcare facility is the meaningful relationships your staff members form with patients. In return for the help and life-changing treatment they received, it’s only natural for patients to seek an outlet for expressing their thanks. That’s where grateful patient programs come in! This top healthcare […]

DonorDrive Integrates with Double the Donation for Matching Gifts

Atlanta, GA (December 5, 2019) — Double the Donation is proud to announce a new integration with DonorDrive, a leading provider of technology and marketing solutions to nonprofit organizations. Through the new partnership, DonorDrive users can now enable Double the Donation’s matching gift automation with just a few clicks. Double the Donation then goes to […]

Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge | 5 Top Benefits and Drawbacks

Nonprofits all over the the world turn to industry leader Blackbaud for their data and donor management software needs. The entire suite of Blackbaud products spans a wide range of needs, offering appropriate tools for small local nonprofits up to huge enterprise-level organizations. If your nonprofit has considered making the move to Blackbaud, chances are […]

Blackbaud CRM: 5 Ways to Know If It’s Right for You

If your organization is considering upgrading to new constituent relationship management (CRM) software, the well known product Blackbaud CRM might be toward the top of your list. While Blackbaud is known for having a wide range of versatile nonprofit software products, Blackbaud CRM is a unique solution designed specifically for established organizations with highly expansive […]

Salesforce for Nonprofits: 5 Features You Need to Know

A popular solution for for-profit businesses, Salesforce has earned its place as one of the most comprehensive CRM software options on the market. With so many companies relying on it for sales, marketing, and more, you’re probably familiar with Salesforce to some extent—but did you know that your nonprofit can take advantage of the full […]