Entries by Adam Weinger

Matching Gift Participation Rates

Has your organization ever taken a look at which companies are consistently providing matching gift donations to your organization? If you have, you may notice that a disproportionate number of matching gifts come from a select few companies. Survey Results | Participation Varies Widely by Company: The Chronicle of Philanthropy released a report entitled “How […]

Team Volunteer Grants | Leveraging Company-Sponsored Events

You’ve probably already heard of employee matching gift and volunteer grant programs, but has your organization looked into the benefits of corporate team volunteer grants? What are corporate team volunteer grants? Team volunteer grants are corporate giving programs in which a company provides a monetary donation to nonprofits when a group of employees volunteer together. Corporations offer these […]

Feature Matching Gifts in Your Nonprofit’s Facebook and Twitter Posts

An article from Forbes revealed that, “92% of marketers claimed that social media marketing was important for their business, with 80% indicating their efforts increased traffic to their websites.” If you’re trying to raise awareness for matching gift programs, social media offers fruitful options. Websites such as Facebook and Twitter allow you to appeal to your […]

Matching Gift Online Submission Process Example | Home Depot

Have you ever wondered what the actual online matching gift submission process is like for donors? If so, this article is designed to shed light on the steps your nonprofit’s donors take when submitting a matching gift online. Typical Online Matching Gift Submission Process for Donors: While the online submission process can vary by company, […]

Increase Matching Gift Awareness [And Revenue!]

According to recent studies, more than 26 million individuals work for companies that match employee gifts. However, an estimated 78% of the group has never been informed about the available philanthropic programming. Thus, in order to maximize funding, it’s important to increase matching gift awareness across your network of support. In this guide, we’ll touch on some impactful […]

Matching Gifts-In-Kind | Are In-Kind Donations Match-Eligible?

At Double the Donation, we receive a wide range of inquiries from organizations seeking to maximize their matching gift revenue by proactively pursuing matches for all qualifying donations. One question that comes up on occasion has to do with matching gifts-in-kind⁠—and whether in-kind donations are eligible to be matched through corporate matching gift programs. The […]

Matching Gifts for Special Fundraising Events

Many nonprofits host special event fundraisers like galas to boost them toward their revenue goals. However, only a few organizations realize that tickets and donations made during the event might be eligible for corporate matching gifts. When brainstorming ideas for your next fundraiser, don’t steer clear of special events. Instead, research your donors’ employers and […]