Board Member Fundraising Matching Gifts, Volunteer Grants + More

Board Member Fundraising: Matching Gifts, Volunteer Grants

A well-established board of directors can play a critical role in the success of a nonprofit. Not only through governance and strategic leadership but also by actively contributing to revenue-generation efforts through dedicated board member fundraising.

One powerful yet often underutilized way board members can amplify their impact is by leveraging corporate philanthropy programs like matching gifts and volunteer grants⁠—including specific programs designed to celebrate board membership. These initiatives allow key individuals to maximize their personal contributions and service, encouraging greater community support and engagement.

In this post, we’ll explore how board members can take advantage of these opportunities and more to drive additional funding for their organizations. Specifically, we’ll cover the following:

By understanding and leveraging corporate philanthropy programs like matching gifts and volunteer grants, board members can significantly enhance their nonprofit’s fundraising potential. As we dive into the specifics, you’ll discover practical strategies and actionable insights to help board members unlock new funding opportunities.

Read on to learn how you and your fellow board members can make the most of these powerful giving programs and beyond!

What is board member fundraising?

Board member fundraising refers to the role nonprofit board members play in generating financial support for their organization. As key leaders and ambassadors, board members are often expected to contribute personally and encourage others to give through their networks.

This can include direct donations, securing major gifts, organizing fundraising events, leveraging corporate giving programs like matching gifts and volunteer grants, and fostering relationships with potential donors.

All in all, effective board member fundraising strengthens the nonprofit’s financial sustainability and demonstrates a commitment to the organization’s mission.

5 board member fundraising strategies to consider

While board member fundraising can seem daunting, there are several effective and accessible ways for organizations to rally their board members to get involved. Below are five key fundraising strategies that can help board members maximize their impact and strengthen their nonprofit’s financial sustainability.

1) Organize fundraising events.

Hosting fundraising events is a powerful way for board members to engage their networks and generate revenue for the nonprofit. Whether it’s a formal gala, networking reception, or intimate donor gathering, these events provide opportunities to cultivate relationships and secure donations.

Board members can take the lead by organizing, sponsoring, or inviting key stakeholders to these events. By leveraging their connections and expertise, they can create meaningful experiences that inspire giving and strengthen donor relationships.

2) Encourage giving by example.

Board members set the tone for donor engagement, and one of the most effective ways to encourage giving is by leading with personal contributions. When board members donate at a meaningful level, it signals confidence in the organization’s mission and motivates others to contribute.

Organizations should establish a culture where board giving is an expectation and celebrate members who go above and beyond in their financial support.

3) Implement peer-to-peer fundraising.

Peer-to-peer fundraising allows board members to leverage their networks for greater impact. By creating personal fundraising pages and reaching out to friends, colleagues, and family, board members can rally additional supporters around the cause.

Whether tied to a specific campaign, event, or milestone, peer-to-peer efforts help expand an organization’s donor base and bring in new funding. Providing board members with the right tools and messaging to do so ensures their outreach is both effective and seamless.

4) Thank and steward board members.

Recognizing and appreciating board members for their fundraising efforts is essential to maintaining engagement and motivation. Organizations should implement consistent stewardship practices, such as personalized thank-you messages, public recognition, and exclusive impact updates.

Celebrating board contributions not only strengthens their commitment but also reinforces the importance of their role in the nonprofit’s success.

5) Explore corporate giving opportunities.

Many board members have access to corporate giving programs through their employers, including matching gifts, volunteer grants, and other opportunities. To ensure you’re making the most of their support, nonprofit teams should educate board members on these programs⁠—and encourage them to take advantage of available funding.

Whether by submitting their own donations for a match or securing grants for volunteer hours, board members can unlock significant financial support through their employers with minimal extra effort.

Click through to learn how Double the Donation can help you level up your board member fundraising strategy and raise more from matching gifts

Board member fundraising & matching gifts

Matching gifts are one of the most effective ways to amplify board member fundraising efforts. After all, many companies have established corporate matching gift programs, where they match donations made by their employees to eligible nonprofits. Some even offer dedicated programs to match board members’ donations at an even higher rate or allowance!

As a result, board members can take advantage of these programs to significantly increase the impact of their personal contributions⁠—and encourage others to do the same.

Check out these examples of companies with matching gift programs specifically for employees serving on nonprofit boards:

US Bank offers leading board member fundraising and matching gift programs.

US Bancorp

US Bancorp is the parent company of the U.S. Bank National Association (based in Minneapolis, Minnesota), ranked the fifth largest bank in the U.S. based on assets ($670 billion), and the fifth largest based on total branches. The company currently employs over 70,000 people.

US Bank Matching Gift Policy

US Bank offers a 1:1 matching ratio of gifts with a generous limit each year. When a board member makes a donation, however, this limit is tripled. US Bank matches donations made by full-time and part-time employees to most nonprofit organizations.

Learn more about US Bank’s matching gift program.

WestRock offers leading board member fundraising and matching gift programs.


WestRock is an American packaging company based in Richmond, Virginia. It has approximately 56,000 employees.

WestRock Matching Gift Policy

WestRock matches all employee donations to educational institutions (K-12 included). However, it also matches donations from employees who serve on the board of directors (or other governing bodies) of the organization to which the contribution is being made.

Learn more about WestRock’s matching gift program.

Dominion Resources, Inc.

Dominion Resources, Inc. (aka Dominion) is a power and energy company headquartered in Richmond, Virginia, which supplies electricity and natural gas across the nation. Today, the company employs an estimated 18,000 people.

Dominion Matching Gift Policy

When Dominion employees or retirees serve on the board of directors for a nonprofit organization, the company will make a 2:1 match (which is greater than its standard match offering of 1:1).

Learn more about Dominion’s matching gift program.

Schneider Electric offers leading board member fundraising and matching gift programs.

Schneider Electric & Subsidiaries

Schneider Electric is a France-based multinational corporation with nearly 10 U.S. business acquisitions. The company specializes in electricity distribution and automation management, and it currently employs more than 168,000 individuals.

Schneider Electric Matching Gift Policy

Schneider Electric, Square D NOAD & its subsidiaries provide a 1:1 match on all donations up to a lofty annual maximum. If an employee is also an active member of a nonprofit organization’s board of directors, the match ratio is increased to 1.5:1.

Learn more about Schneider Electric’s matching gift program.

Board member fundraising & volunteer grants

Additionally, volunteer grants are another often overlooked but powerful way for board members to support their nonprofit financially.

Many companies offer corporate volunteer grant programs, which provide monetary donations to nonprofits based on the volunteer hours their employees contribute. As highly engaged volunteers, board members may be eligible to secure these grants, turning their service into direct funding for your cause.

Check out these examples of companies with volunteer grant programs that nonprofit board members can leverage:

Takeda offers leading board member fundraising and volunteer grant programs.

Takeda Pharmaceuticals Inc.

Takeda is the largest pharmaceutical company in Japan and Asia, boasting 49,000 employees worldwide. It is focused on metabolic disorders, gastroenterology, neurology, and inflammation.

Takeda Volunteer Grant Program

When an employee of Takeda Pharmaceuticals serves on the board of directors for eligible nonprofit organizations, said employee can request a generous volunteer grant for the organization.

Learn more about Takeda’s volunteer grant program.

Novartis offers leading board member fundraising and volunteer grant programs.

Novartis International AG

Novartis is a Swiss multinational pharmaceutical company based in Basel, Switzerland. Currently, it’s ranked number eight in sales in the worldwide pharmaceutical industry ($201 billion) and employs nearly 120,000 people.

Novartis Volunteer Grant Program

Novartis offers Board Service Grants, through which employees who serve on the board of directors of an eligible organization can request a volunteer grant after one year of board service. These grants are renewable annually for up to three years.

Learn more about Novartis’ volunteer grant program.

PNM Resources offers leading board member fundraising and volunteer grant programs.

PNM Resources

PNM Resources, headquartered in Albuquerque, New Mexico, serves electricity to hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses across the southwest. Today, PNM is estimated to employ about 2,000 people.

PNM’s Volunteer Grant Program

PNM provides volunteer grants to the organizations its staff volunteer with. However, if an employee volunteers for a minimum number of hours and serves on the organization’s board of directors, the company provides an even larger grant amount!

Learn more about PNM’s volunteer grant program.

BSOC offers leading board member fundraising and volunteer grant programs.

Blue Shield of California

With over 7,500 employees, Blue Shield of California is based in San Francisco, California. It is a nonprofit health plan provider that serves more than 3.4 million health plan members and almost 65,000 physicians across California.

BSOC Volunteer Grant Program

Blue Shield of California offers a few volunteer grant-giving programs.
For healthcare organizations, when a BSOC employee serves on the nonprofit’s governing board and makes a monetary donation, BSOC will match the donation at a 2:1 ratio. Meanwhile, for civic and community organizations. BSOC employee volunteers serving on the governing body can have their donations matched at a 1:1 ratio.

Learn more about BSOC’s volunteer grant program.

Wrapping up & additional resources

By tapping into corporate matching gift programs and volunteer grants, board members can significantly boost their nonprofit’s fundraising efforts with minimal extra effort. Whether by submitting their own donations for a corporate match or securing grants for their volunteer service, these initiatives can unlock substantial funding.

As key ambassadors of the organization, board members have a unique opportunity to set the tone for donor engagement and corporate partnerships. When fully utilized, these programs not only strengthen financial resources but also deepen the culture of giving within the nonprofit community. Talk about a win-win!

Interested in learning more about smart fundraising and workplace giving strategies? Check out these additional resources:

  • Become an Expert: Access The Ultimate Guide to Matching Gifts. Maximize the impact of every donation by leveraging matching gift programs. This comprehensive guide covers everything nonprofits need to know about corporate matching gifts, from identifying opportunities to engaging donors and increasing revenue.
  • Fuel Fundraising: Access The Guide to Corporate Volunteer Grants. Did you know that many companies provide grants based on their employees’ volunteer hours? This guide explores how nonprofits can tap into corporate volunteer grant programs, empowering board members and supporters to turn their time into funding.
  • Top Workplace Giving Companies: Leading Employers to Know. Some of the biggest companies offer generous workplace giving programs, from matching gifts to volunteer grants and more. This resource highlights top employers with strong corporate philanthropy initiatives, helping nonprofits connect with companies that align with their missions.

Click through to learn how Double the Donation can help you level up your board member fundraising strategy and raise more from matching gifts and volunteer grants.