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Why Companies Have Matching Gift Programs: A Complete Guide

Why Companies Have Matching Gift Programs: A Complete Guide

More and more companies are offering corporate matching gift programs in order to prioritize corporate social responsibility or CSRThrough these initiatives, businesses agree to match employee donations to a wide range of nonprofits. And with the matches, companies and their teams are able to double, or sometimes even triple, the initial donation impact.

As a company, it’s important to consider the impact that implementing a CSR program can have on your image, your employees, and your contributions to society. If you haven’t already established such a program, hopefully these reasons can drive you in that direction.

And as a nonprofit, understanding the purpose and benefits behind these programs should allow your team to better utilize the offerings and set your organization up for ultimate corporate fundraising success.

There are many reasons for companies to offer a matching gift program. These include (but are not limited to) the following:

In this article, we’ll address each of these key motivators for companies matching employee donations. Plus, we’ll share countless resources for employers looking to implement the matching programs today.

Keep in mind that as a nonprofit professional, it’s your job to get the word out about these programs to your donors to maximize usage. If you’re looking for a way to increase your matching gift revenue, consider investing in matching gift software! We’ll cover more about how to make the most of corporate matching gift programs⁠—and how Double the Donation can help⁠—below.

Reason #1: Matching Gifts Creates a Positive Company Brand

Matching gift programs improve a company's brand.

What is the biggest misconception people have about branding? Brands are logos, and logos are brands. However, the way people perceive a company and its products goes much deeper than a simple graphic.

Instead, your brand is influenced by previous interactions, advertising, and what people have read, know, and assume about the company. And a business’s philanthropic efforts can play a significant role!

For example, many consumers’ buying decisions are heavily influenced by how a company brands itself as a leader in philanthropy. In fact, research reports that over 77% of consumers are particularly motivated to purchase from companies that aim to make the world a better place. In other words, people feel good doing business with charitable-focused businesses, which makes them want to continue supporting the companies’ efforts. That’s why businesses offer matching gifts and engage in other CSR initiatives like corporate matching grants and volunteer programs.

We often mention companies like Google for their robust spirit of philanthropy. Consumers trust Google because it has a reputation for doing good, including its generous matching gift and volunteer grant programs. In the business world, trust means everything.

Reason #2: Matching Gifts Encourages Employees to Give

Matching gift programs encourage employees to give.Oftentimes, businesses want to support the community that supports them. That way, their local consumer base will take pride in advocating for them. By creating well-designed programs, companies convey their desire to give back to the community.

Charitable employees are drawn to businesses that offer these programs (71% of employees state that it’s very important to work at a company that partakes in philanthropy), creating a well-rounded and generous work environment. Even if employees don’t already donate time and money to nonprofits, they’ll become much more aware of these opportunities. 

In addition, a giving program that increases employees’ potential impact may also be the push an individual needs to donate or volunteer. Doubling, and even sometimes tripling, their employees’ contributions makes it much more appealing to donate and volunteer with local nonprofits. In fact, 84% of donors say they’re more likely to donate if a match is offered.

Generous employees also look good for overall company branding. Microsoft, for instance, can boast that its employees have raised over $1 billion dollars for charity since the inception of its giving program. While that can certainly be attributed to the employees involved, it also has a lot to do with the culture of generosity that the company has fostered.

Reason #3: Matching Gifts Reduces Employee Turnover

Having a matching gift program reduces employee turnover.When your company is contributing to the greater social good through CSR, this can greatly reduce your employee turnover rate. Why? Employees are more socially aware in this day in age and want to contribute to causes they’re passionate about—especially on a global scale.

If your company offers employees the ability to make an even bigger difference through matching gifts and other forms of corporate philanthropy, they will be more likely to engage with your company and remain loyal. In fact, one study found that a company engaging in socially valuable efforts can reduce staff turnover by approximately 50%.

This means your employee turnover rate will decrease, helping you retain awesome employees who continue to bring value to your company.

Reason #4: Matching Gifts Democratizes the Giving Process

Matching gift programs democratize the giving process.

You may be wondering why companies don’t just donate their entire giving budget to a few select charities. And some do⁠—but this often limits the overall benefits offered by strategic corporate giving participation.

For one, matching employee donations can forgo difficult screening processes for charities. Companies don’t want to donate money to charities that are inefficient or otherwise have a bad name. Matching employee donations puts the research responsibilities on the employee rather than the company.

It also avoids debates about which nonprofits should receive funds by democratizing the process. In other words, the employees have a say in how their company spends its giving budget.

In short, matching gifts is a simpler way of enacting corporate donations, allowing corporate giving revenue to be more evenly distributed to a wider range of nonprofit recipients. When an employee shows their employer which causes they care about, companies know how to allocate their giving budget.

Reason #5: Matching Gifts Increases Employee Engagement

Matching gift programs boost employee engagement.Employees who are engaged with their company feel a stronger connection to their employer’s values, mission, and vision. In fact, more than 54% of employees who are proud of their company’s contributions to society report being fully engaged in their job, compared to an industry average of only 15%. This means companies that encourage employee giving and volunteerism are more likely to keep their employees engaged and give back to the community at the same time.

For example, matching gift programs show employees that the company not only encourages charitable giving but is committed to making the donations go further, as well. In addition, companies that offer paid time off for employees to volunteer or participate in fundraising events also boost engagement. Employees get to experience an enjoyable and rewarding team-building event, and the company enhances its reputation in the public eye.

Reason #6: Matching Gifts Attracts Talent

Matching gift programs attract talented employees to the company.Companies that offer CSR programs, especially matching gifts and volunteer grants, are more likely to attract top talent. This is because a large portion of the workforce, namely Millennials, want their companies to offer them a sense of purpose and pride. More and more job seekers are looking into a company’s CSR efforts prior to accepting a position.

To demonstrate this idea, previously cited corporate giving research indicates that 77% of employees reported a sense of purpose as part of the reason they selected their current employer, while nearly 2/3 of Gen Z and Millenial employees won’t take a job at a company with poor CSR practices.

Offering CSR programs—especially those with a global reach—gives companies the ability to attract this group of talented employees and keep them as part of their company for the long term.

Reason #7: Matching Gifts Provides Tax Benefits

Companies participating in corporate philanthropy also see significant impacts in terms of tax benefits⁠—and matching gift programs allow employers to reap even greater benefits.

According to the IRS, corporations are typically eligible to request up to 10% of their annual revenue in tax deductions from charitable giving. However, one of the major exceptions to the 10% rule is matching gifts. Companies matching employee donations that go above and beyond 10% of their yearly income can continue to deduct matches from their overall taxable dollars.

As the company reduces its taxable income, they decrease the amount of money it’ll pay in taxes for the year⁠—thus providing additional funds that can be reinvested into its business, social impact efforts, and more.

Bonus: Resources for Creating Matching Gift Programs

If your company⁠—or a corporate partner⁠—is looking to implement a new matching gift program or grow an existing philanthropic effort, check out these resources below to help jumpstart planning!

For Companies Launching New Matching Gift Programs

Looking to create a brand new matching gift program? Start educating your team with the below resources:

  • Matching Gift Basics: While this article is geared toward nonprofits, it includes a solid overview of different aspects of matching gift programs. Dive in with the basics of matching gift program guidelines, examples, best practices, and more.
  • How to Start a Matching Gift Program. Follow this step-by-step guide to walk through the process of launching a corporate matching gift program⁠—from setting your budget to promoting your new initiative to team members.
  • Matching Gift Policy Template. When you roll out a matching gift program, it’s important to create and communicate guidelines for employee participation. The easiest way to do so is by drafting a matching gift policy document, and we’ve created an easy template to help you do so.

For Companies Creating Volunteer Grant Programs

Volunteer grant programs can offer many of the same benefits for companies that matching employee donations do. Want to encourage volunteerism within your company? Here are some great resources to jumpstart your efforts:

  • Volunteer Grant Basics: While this article is also written for a nonprofit audience, it provides readers with a comprehensive overview of corporate volunteer grant programs. For companies looking to roll out these initiatives, this can be an excellent place to begin.
  • Top Volunteer Grant Companies: Interested in what other companies are doing in terms of volunteer grant offerings? We highlight some of the top companies that provide generous grant initiatives. Find out what makes them stand out and implement those ideas in your own programs!

For Companies Implementing or Elevating Employee Giving Programs

Looking for some examples of how you can implement, promote, and organize your employee giving programs? Check out these resources:

  • Matching Gift Software Vendors: The Comprehensive List: Whether you’re launching a new employee giving program or bringing an existing program to the next level, corporate giving software can help! Be sure to check out these leading vendors that have worked with countless companies to design their employee giving systems.
  • Matching Gift Auto-Submission + CSR Platforms | What to Know. Amplify the impacts of your corporate matching program by enabling match auto-submission! Explore this guide to discover the benefits of streamlined employee participation and see how your company can get started with this new feature.

For Companies Looking to Be Inspired by Standout Programs

Want to research some of the best examples of employee giving programs? We’ve spotlighted these top companies with outstanding employee giving programs and an overview of their matching gifts policies.

Each employer has a unique component to its match programs that causes them to stand out among its peers. Get inspired by standout programs⁠—maybe one day, your business will be among them!

  • Walt Disney Corporation: Disney matches donations to most nonprofits at a 1:1 ratio with a generous maximum of $25,000.
  • Microsoft: Microsoft matches up to $15,000 at a 1:1 ratio to most nonprofits, and the company also boasts some of the highest rates of employee matching gift participation.
  • Merck & Co.: Merck & Co. matches up to $30,000 per employee per year at a 1:1 ratio to most nonprofits.
  • Coca-Cola Company: Coca-Cola (or Coke) matches employee donations at a 2:1 ratio⁠—essentially tripling the value of individual contributions up to $20,000 per year.
  • Innovative Discovery: Innovative Discovery makes the matching gift process quick and easy for its employees to partake by enabling auto-submission by utilizing Selflessly’s innovative corporate giving software. Eligible individuals can now submit their corporate match requests straight from their favorite nonprofits’ websites!
  • Checkr: Checkr has also established matching gift auto-submission functionality for employees through its CSR platform, Millie. Plus, the company offers no minimum donation amount for participation.

Here's now nonprofits can leverage matching gift programs.

How Matching Gift Databases Help Nonprofits

Nonprofits benefit from matching gifts because they receive an additional donation for the work of soliciting one, allowing them to elevate their revenue potential with ease. However, many organizations continue to underutilize this fundraising opportunity.

That’s because, unfortunately, nonprofits often lack the time, resources, and staff needed to identify and follow up with matching gift opportunities on a manual basis. Luckily, that’s where a comprehensive matching gift database and automation solution like Double the Donation comes in handy.

Double the Donation offers the world’s leading matching gift database, holding data on more than 20,000 companies representing more than 26 million match-eligible individuals. Pulling from Double the Donation’s database, the automation platform, Double the Donation, identifies match-eligible donors and reminds them to complete the match process through automated emails.

Here’s how it works:

  1. An individual donates to your nonprofit.
  2. Double the Donation scans the information provided on the donation form (e.g., email domain, employer details, etc.) to determine the individual’s eligibility for a donation match.
  3. Based on the individual’s eligibility, the platform triggers customizable emails to them, outlining relevant next steps they can take to submit a match request.

360MatchPro by Double the Donation can help nonprofits secure revenue from matching gift programs.

Because the platform automatically identifies and encourages donors to pursue eligible opportunities, your organization will drive more matches to completion. This leaves your team more time to focus on top matching gift opportunities and serving your mission.

It’s important to understand the matching gift process and its impact, whether you work for a nonprofit or a corporation. As a company, you can boost your corporate image while supporting your communities and the greater good. As a nonprofit, you can bring in the extra funding you need to serve your mission with little to no added effort.

Looking for even more information about matching gifts? Check out the additional resources below:

Double the Donation Joins the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Ecosystem with Matching Gift Flow

Double the Donation is proud to announce a new connector to the Microsoft Dynamics 356 Nonprofit Accelerator. The Nonprofit Accelerator, announced at the initial Microsoft CXO Summit in April 2018 and initially released in November 2018 at the NetHope Global Summit, transforms Dynamics 365 into a one-stop solution for nonprofit success. The Common Data Model for Nonprofits connects the core Dynamics 365 Nonprofit Accelerator with solutions built on top of it to power all facets of nonprofit operations.

“Nonprofits using the Microsoft Dynamics 365 platform are actively looking for ways to maximize their fundraising through innovative solutions, and Double the Donation is one such solution,” said Erin Burchfield, Director of Microsoft Philanthropies, Strategic Partnerships, Tech for Social Impact. “We’re excited to welcome the Double the Donation integrated solution into the Microsoft ecosystem for forward-thinking nonprofits.”

Double the Donation has expanded the capabilities of nonprofits using Microsoft Dynamics 365 with workflows to help nonprofits manage their matching gift efforts and drive new matching gift opportunities to completion. These contributions to Microsoft Dynamics 365 come as Double the Donation continues to expand its integrations ecosystem across the nonprofit and education spaces.

“As a provider of solutions that integrate with dozens of other platforms in a variety of sectors, we understand the value of a common data model for busy nonprofit professionals,” said Adam Weinger, President of Double the Donation. “Our goal is to make matching gifts as easy as possible to integrate into every nonprofit’s greater fundraising efforts. Our contributions to Microsoft Dynamics 365 functionality are the next big step in achieving that goal for the organizations that rely on our solutions and Microsoft’s.”

With the newly released flow within Power Automate, Double the Donation has enabled a seamless data flow between nonprofits’ data center, Microsoft Dynamics 365, and their matching gifts automation hub. This connection combines the matching gift-maximizing operations of Double the Donation with the valuable data housed in Microsoft Dynamics 365.

Activate in seconds and start raising more from matching gifts

Activate in Seconds and Start Raising More from Matching Gifts!

Integrating Double the Donation with Microsoft Dynamics 365 is quick and easy, thanks to intuitive API key plug in. Nonprofits can get up and running in a matter of minutes and start raising more from matching gifts without worrying about complicated IT work.

Follow integration steps to get set up

Easily integrate into the Microsoft Dynamics 365  ecosystem with API key plugin.

The combined workflow is simple: When new gifts are registered in Microsoft Dynamics 365, those gifts are instantly registered in Double the Donation. The system then goes to work to identify matching gift opportunities and drive those matches to completion. This process happens automatically, so organizations can allocate their time and focus to the causes that matter most.

Easy integration with 360MatchPro

Let Double the Donation automatically drive matches to completion with custom email outreach and up-to-the-minute matching gift data.

Nonprofit organizations can set up automated emails to eligible donors to encourage gift matching and increase their organization’s fundraising revenue by double or even triple the amount of donors’ initial contributions. The process is easy, requires minimal effort from the nonprofit, and supports corporate philanthropy efforts. And when donors feel empowered by increasing their donation’s impact with a matching gift, they’re more likely to contribute a larger gift.

Looking to learn more? Check out our in-depth integration guide to get started!

Drive More Matching Gifts to Completion with Double the Donation!


Drive More Matching Gifts to Completion with Double the Donation Matching!

The Double the Donation flow integration with the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Ecosystem empowers nonprofits to identify match eligible donors, encourage them to initiate a match with their employer, and drive those matches to completion. The Double the Donation integration also features:

  • Identify more matching gift revenue opportunities: Double the Donation enables you to automatically collect matching gift eligibility from donors using email domains, within donation forms, on confirmation screens, or by email. The more matching gift opportunities Double the Donation discovers and shares with donors, the more matching gift requests your donors will successfully submit.
  • Drive more matches to completion, from form submission to corporate payment: Direct donors immediately to their matching gift forms after the donation process is complete. Then, provide the right information to the right donors at the right time with custom emails based on match eligibility. Target follow-ups drive more completed submissions than ever before, bringing exponentially more matching gift checks from companies through your door.
  • Reallocate your time from routine follow-up to your top opportunities: Your time is valuable, so why spend it chasing small dollar-value matching gifts? Let Double the Donation automate your matching gift outreach while flagging your highest-value opportunities, allowing your team to personalize follow-ups to the most valuable match-eligible donations. Rest easy knowing that Double the Donation can handle the rest.

Nonprofits interested in seeing how the integration works can request a demo today for a step-by-step explanation of the process from the team at Double the Donation.

About Microsoft: Microsoft Tech for Social Impact provides affordable, relevant and innovative solutions to empower every nonprofit and humanitarian organization to accelerate social good. Get started with your cloud solution today: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/nonprofits/

About Double the Donation:  Automate your matching gift fundraising with the industry-leading solution from Double the Donation. The Double the Donation platform provides nonprofits with tools to identify match-eligible donors, drive matches to completion, and gain actionable insights. Double the Donation integrates directly into donation forms, CRMs, social fundraising software, and other nonprofit technology solutions to capture employment information and follow up appropriately with donors about matching gifts. To learn more about Double the Donation, visit https://doublethedonation.com and request a demo at https://doublethedonation.com/get-a-demo/

Nonprofit Leadership Traits

Matching Gift Participation Rates

Has your organization ever taken a look at which companies are consistently providing matching gift donations to your organization?

If you have, you may notice that a disproportionate number of matching gifts come from a select few companies.

Survey Results | Participation Varies Widely by Company:

The Chronicle of Philanthropy released a report entitled “How America’s Biggest Companies Give” which was compiled from their Corporate Giving Survey.

Employee Matching Gift Participation Rates

Key Insights on Matching Gift Participation Rates:

Insight #1: 65% of Microsoft employees request a match from the company compared to less than 15% for Xerox, Dell, and Verizon. This is a direct result of Microsoft being one of the best at communicating matching gift information to employees.

Insight #2: Pfizer leads companies in the pharmaceutical industry with over 30% of employees participating in the company’s matching gift program.

Insight #3: Matching gift programs are widely utilized by employees in the financial services sector. American Express leads the pack with 70% of employees requesting the company match at least one charitable donation.

Insight #4: Based on this sample of companies, the consumer goods sector has the lowest employee participation rates. Of the companies that provided data, Johnson & Johnson leads the sector with 25% of employees having one or more donations matched by the company.


Impact on your Organization’s Matching Gift Revenue: Home Depot vs. Coca-Cola:

For instance, both Home Depot (~13K Atlanta employees) and Coca-Cola (~5K Atlanta employees) are headquartered in Atlanta and offer similar matching gift programs.

One would expect Atlanta based nonprofit organizations to receive a significant number of matching gift donations from each of these companies. Unfortunately that doesn’t appear to be the case. The majority of nonprofits we’ve spoken to self-report far more matching donations from Coca-Cola compared to Home Depot each year. **


So what causes this discrepancy?

Organizations typically explain this phenomenon by talking about the number of employees each company has in the area. While it’s true that a company with a major presence in a city is more likely to provide a larger number of matching gifts, there’s an even more important factor.

How well a company internally promotes matching gifts dictates how likely an employee is to know about the program and submit matching gift requests.

We know it doesn’t take a genius to come up with the above statement, but it’s true. So many employees at companies with matching gift programs have no idea their employer offers a program. If an employee / donor lacks knowledge of their company program, there’s no way they’ll submit a matching gift request.


Closing the Gap:

Although your organization can’t change how widely companies promote matching gifts to their entire employee base, you can greatly influence the percentage of your donors who submit matching gift requests.

If you raise awareness and make it easy for your donors / their spouses to submit matching gifts, you can increase matching revenue.

We recommend nonprofits promote matching gifts in three locations:

  1. In the donation process
  2. Across your website
  3. In your communications

If you effectively promote employee matching gifts to your donors, you can overcome low participation rates.

Data Sources:
*Based upon a publicly available survey of companies which was conducted by The Chronicle of Philanthropy.
**Based on our conversations with membership and development managers at select Atlanta organizations.

Learn how to use social media to promote matching gifts today.

Social Media: 12 Matching Gift Posts to Schedule Today

Social media – we all use it in one way or another. Whether we’re connecting with friends or catching up on the latest breaking news, social media has become an integral part of the daily routines of many.

But are you maximizing the impact of your social media platforms for your fundraising efforts, specifically in regards to matching gift programs?

Remember: With corporate matching gift programs, your organization is able to collect two donations for the price of soliciting one. Through these programs, employers pledge to match the donations made by their employees to nonprofit organizations such as yours, effectively doubling the impact of the original gift. These programs present a huge opportunity to increase your fundraising revenue,and you want to capitalize on them whenever possible.

Promoting corporate matching gift options using Twitter, Facebook, and the like is a quick, easy and cost-effective way (read: free)  to reach your digitally savvy masses.

Social media is incredibly efficient, as you’re able to schedule posts in advance and on a recurring basis. This means you don’t have to remember to continue posting– the networks will do it for you! This paired with the extensive network available to you through these platforms makes social media an opportunity to use to the fullest.

We’re going to examine marketing matching gifts on social media through the following:

  • Sample Matching Gift Posts for Twitter
  • Sample Matching Gift Posts for Facebook

However, before you begin posting about matching gifts on social media– which will inevitably bring forth donors interested in the programs– ensure your internal matching gifts processes are comprehensive.

Learn the best way to market matching gifts.

The Best Way to Market Matching Gifts

Once you begin posting about matching gifts on social media, there’s a decent chance you’ll have a few interested donors inquiring about their eligibility. The easiest way to push donors in the right direction and get them started with the matching gift process is by simply directing them to a comprehensive matching gift tool!

For example, Double the Donation’s 360MatchPro is the perfect tool for nonprofits looking to build their matching gifts solicitation processes. Embed this comprehensive, searchable database directly on your donation form and website, and then link to it in your social media posts. Then, when donors see your posts and are interested, they know exactly where to look to search for their own eligibility!

Additionally, this automated matching gifts tool allows for the immediate searching of a donor’s eligibility upon making a donation. Once an eligible donor is identified, the software sends automated marketing communications to inform the donor of matching gift opportunities.

Matching gift software provides you with an easy way to manage the influx of interest generated by social media posting. Now, let’s check out the following 12 sample posts to inspire your Twitter and Facebook-based matching gift marketing.

Twitter is a great tool to market matching gifts.

Learn how to use Twitter in your matching gift marketing.Sample Matching Gift Posts for Twitter

Because of Twitter’s 280-character limitation, be concise and to-the-point in your communications. Further, include a quick link to your organization’s giving page, website, or dedicated matching gift page so interested donors can access it on-the-fly via tweet

Here are some example matching gift tweets:

1. Did you know your gift can be doubled, tripled & even quadrupled? Your employer might offer matching gift programs.


2. Did you donate to us this year? There’s still time to submit a matching gift request from your employer!


3. It’s February – do you love us? We love you, too! Click here to see if your company will double your donations:  <insert URL>


4. Ever wonder if your employer matches donations? Search our database to learn more about your employer at <insert URL>.


5. Last year, we raised $X from corporate matching gift programs – help make 20XX a better year!


6. Did you know that tons of organizations offer matching gift opportunities? Check to see if yours does.


7. It takes just a few minutes to submit corporate employee matching gift forms… have you submitted yours?


Additionally, with retweets, donors can also easily share the word about your organization’s offering. The platform was made with efficiency in mind—so if you want to simply and quickly inform your donors, Twitter is a great place.

However, to educate donors about matching gifts through more in-depth communications, consider using Facebook.

Facebook is a great tool for marketing matching gifts.

Learn how to use Facebook when marketing matching gift programs.Sample Matching Gift Posts for Facebook

Facebook doesn’t present the challenge of character limitations as Twitter does, but that doesn’t mean you can ramble on. The following examples balance offering more in-depth information with catering to the shorter attention span associated with the internet.

Here are some example matching gift posts for Facebook:

1. We sincerely appreciate all donations to <Your Organization’s Name>! Did you know that your generosity has the potential to be doubled, tripled, or even quadrupled? Check to see if your employer offers a matching gift program!


2. What do Microsoft, Bank of America, IBM, and Verizon all have in common? Each one matches donations made by their employees’ to nonprofit organizations. This means that if you donate, or have donated to <Your Organization’s Name>, and work for one of these four companies, the company will double your donation. Many major employers offer similar programs. Search <insert URL> to find out if your employer offers something like this, as well as to access program guidelines, how-to instructions, and relevant forms.


3. A huge thanks to all of our donors, and a double thanks to those who submit matching fund requests from their employers! Does your employer offer a program like this? Check today!


4. Help us <Your Organization’s Mission>. Ask your employer to match, double, or even triple your donation today! Check out your organization’s matching gift options here: <insert URL>


5. We like to brag that our donors are the best. Not only do they contribute to us, but they also take the extra step to see if their employer offers a matching gift program that may double the total donation to our organization! Have you checked to see if your company offers a matching gift option? Thanks for being a super donor if so! Check here to see if your company has a program like this: <insert URL>


Just as with Twitter, donors can easily share your Facebook posts with their friends and family. It’s a great way to get in front of new donors you might not reach otherwise!

If used correctly, social media can be a valuable resource in marketing matching gift opportunities. For more information on how to use social media to market matching gift programs, check out some additional social media ideas.