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Learn about the top companies in Charlotte that offer matching gift programs.

Matching Gift Opportunities: Companies in Charlotte, NC

At Double the Donation, we help nonprofits across the country discover and capitalize on corporate philanthropy programs such as matching gifts and volunteer grants. These fundraising opportunities are great opportunities for organizations to receive two donations for the effort of one.

While these programs exist across the nation, we’re going to examine one city, in particular, today–Charlotte, NC.

To help steer organizations in the right direction, we’ve listed some of the top companies located in Charlotte that offer matching gift programs. We’re going to look at the programs of the following companies:

  • Aon
  • AT&T
  • Bank of America
  • Duke Energy
  • Goodrich Corporation
  • Home Depot

First, however, we’re going to explore how your organization can discover these opportunities using matching gift software.

Matching gift tools are the best way to discover matching gifts.

The Best Way to Discover Matching Gift Opportunities

It’s difficult to capitalize on matching gift opportunities if your organization, and its donors, are unaware that these opportunities exist!

While many corporations offer these programs, not everyone does. Further, of those that do, each has different requirements for receiving a matched gift. Matching gift software handles much of the guesswork in building and managing your organization’s matching gift solicitation processes, whether you’re a large, established nonprofit or a smaller organization just beginning.

For example, a nonprofit that’s intent on improving its existing processes would benefit from software such as Double the Donation Matching. This matching gift automation platform not only searches a donor’s match eligibility upon donation but also sends follow-up communications to eligible donors informing them how to begin the process. By embedding this searchable matching gift database directly on your website and donation form, you can instruct donors to search their eligibility when giving.

If your organization is on the market for matching gift tools, visit Double the Donation to learn more about their pricing plans. With that, continue reading to learn about Charlotte’s corporate philanthropy.

These are the top companies in Charlotte with matching gift programs.

Corporate Philanthropy in Charlotte

Charlotte, often called the Queen City, is the largest in North Carolina. It is a major financial center, with the 2nd most financial assets behind New York City. Bank of America is headquartered here, along with several other Fortune 500 employers. 75% of the motorsports industry is located in Charlotte, and it is home to the NASCAR hall of fame.

Charlotte has recently become a major player in the energy field and freight transportation. With this growing industry inside the city, there are ample opportunities for nonprofits to double their donations through corporate matching.

AonAon is a top company in Charlotte with a matching gift program.

Aon, a human capital and management consulting service, will match employee donations up to $1,000. The company donates to health and human services, community and civic organizations, and many more.

Read more about Aon’s matching gift program.


AT&TAT&T is a top company in Charlotte that offers a matching gift program.

Full-time employees and retired board members can have their donations matched through AT&T up to $250. All education institutions, excluding K-12, are eligible, in addition to arts and cultural institutions.

Read more about AT&T’s matching gift program.


Bank of AmericaBank of America is a top company in Charlotte that offers a matching gift program.

Bank of America, including Merrill Lynch, matches employee donations between $25 and $5,000. The company also offers a volunteer grant program which both current employees and retirees can participate in.

Read more about Bank of America’s matching gift program.


Duke EnergyDuke Energy is a top company in Charlotte with a matching gift program.

Donations made by employees to a wide range of nonprofits between $100 and $5,000 will be matched by the Duke Energy company. Educational institutions are matched on a dollar for dollar basis; all others will be matched at half the employee donation.

Read more about the Duke Energy matching gift program.


Goodrich CorporationGoodrich is a top company in Charlotte with a matching gift program.

Goodrich Corporation (now part of United Technologies) matches employee donations to most nonprofits up to $10,000 per employee per year.

Read more about Goodrich’s matching gift program.


Home DepotHome Depot is a top company in Charlotte with a matching gift program.

Home Depot has a large presence in Charlotte, and its matching gift program is one for the ranks. Home depot will match from a minimum of $25 to a maximum of $3,000 per employee per year. The company matches gifts at a 1:1 ratio.

Learn more about Home Depot’s matching gift program.


Matching gift programs are a great way for nonprofits to increase their donations with minimal extra effort.

Charlotte has quite a few of these corporate philanthropy programs, and the above list is by no means comprehensive. Familiarize your staff with these opportunities and seek them out during your next fundraiser.


To boost your nonprofit's revenue through corporate philanthropy, check out these San Diego matching gift companies.

San Diego Companies with Matching Gift Programs

In previous articles, we dove into Atlanta matching gift companies and New York matching gift companies, but for this article, we’ll take a look at a west coast market.

California is home to many of the country’s most socially responsible companies. Because of this, California nonprofits are well-positioned to take advantage of matching gift programs.

As the 17th largest metropolitan area in the United States, San Diego is home to many leading companies. Nonprofits in San Diego can benefit from increased revenue by focusing on employee matching gift programs. If your nonprofit is located in the San Diego area, take a look at these major matching gift employers in your area:

  1. Qualcomm
  2. Kaiser Permanente
  3. Sempra Energy
  4. LPL Financial Services
  5. Raytheon (formerly United Technologies Corporation)

Matching gift and volunteer grant programs are widely offered employee benefits. In fact, 65% of Fortune 500 companies match employee donations while 40% offer volunteer grant programs. You don’t want to miss out on these important revenue opportunities.

Ready to get started? Let’s explore a few companies in San Diego which match employee donations!

1. Qualcomm

Qualcomm, a San Diego matching gift company, offers matching gifts and volunteer grants.

With approximately 13,000 employees in the San Diego area, Qualcomm is one of the largest employers in the San Diego community.

Even though Qualcomm matches donations made only by full-time employees, its program is still quite generous. Annually, a Qualcomm employee can request donation matches starting at a minimum of $50. If eligible, the company will match the donation at a 1:1 ratio, doubling the employee’s gift.

Qualcomm also provides grants worth $250 whenever an employee volunteers for at least 15 hours. Employees can apply for additional grants for the same or a different charitable organization once they volunteer for another 15 hours.

However, the company has a combined limit for each employee for both their matching gift program and their volunteer grant program. Depending on the employee’s level (e.g. associate, director, etc. ), the limit ranges from $1,000 to $5,000 per year.

Learn more about Qualcomm’s matching gift and volunteer grant programs.

2. Kaiser Permanente

Kaiser Permanente employs more than 7,000 individuals in the San Diego metropolitan area.Kaiser Permanente is a San Diego matching gift company that has an annual giving campaign.

Its matching gift program varies region-by-region, but fortunately for San Diego employees and nonprofits, they do offer a match program. Every year, Kaiser Permanente offers an employee giving campaign around September or November. The program is open to full-time and part-time employees. However, retirees are not eligible.

During the annual giving campaign, they match employee donations to most nonprofits. Match amounts range from $25 up to $5,000 at a 1:1 ratio.

Learn more about Kaiser Permanente’s matching gift program.

3. Sempra Energy

Sempra Energy, a San Diego matching gift company, also offers individual and team volunteer grants.

Sempra Energy employs more than 4,500 individuals in San Diego and serves approximately 3.7 million customers in southern California, making it the largest utility provider in the San Diego area.

The company is a strong supporter of local nonprofits and matches donations to most organizations. Donations eligible for matches range from $25 to $2,500. The program is open to both full-time employees and part-time employees.

Also, Sempra Energy offers two types of volunteer grant programs:

  1. Individual volunteer grants. Employees who volunteer at least 10 hours with a nonprofit or a school may request up to $1,000, depending on the number of hours volunteered.
  2. Season of Giving team volunteer grants. During the holiday season, when teams of employees volunteer together, they can request a Season of Giving grant.

Learn more about Sempra Energy’s matching gift program.

4. LPL Financial Services

LPL Financial Services is a San Diego matching gift company that gives back to its community through several programs.

LPL Financial offers a matching gift program for its financial advisors. Through LPL Financial’s program, full-time financial advisors can request matches for donations made to most nonprofits. They can request up to $500 in matching gift funds each year.

Outside of its matching gift program, LPL Financial finds additional ways to give back to its community. A few of these philanthropic strategies include:

  • Mentoring at-risk youth.
  • Teaching productive job search techniques to unemployed individuals.
  • The Employee Volunteer Corps that organizes volunteer events.
  • And many others.

Learn more about LPL Financial’s matching gift program.

5. United Technologies Corporation (UTC) (Now known as Raytheon)

United Technologies Corporation, a San Diego matching gift company, offers a generous matching gift program and a volunteer grant program.

In 2012, Goodrich merged with United Technologies, and as part of the merger process, the two companies combined their employee giving programs. Then more recently United Technologies joined Raytheon through a merger.

UTC used to match employee donations to most nonprofits. Each employee could request up to $10,000 in matching gift funds each year, as long as the request is made within 12 months of the initial donation. Now the program is under Raytheon’s employee giving program.

UTC also offers a volunteer grant program. When employees volunteer a minimum of 60 hours at eligible nonprofits, they can request a $250 donation. Each employee can submit grant requests for up to two nonprofits per year.

Learn more about Raytheon’s matching gift program.

Learn how Double the Donation can help your nonprofit pinpoint San Diego matching gift companies.

How a Matching Gift Database Can Help

Corporate philanthropy, such as matching gift programs and volunteer grant programs, represent a major revenue opportunity for nonprofits. With a matching gift database like Double the Donation, you won’t overlook much-deserved revenue. Here’s how it works:

  1. Your team embeds the tool across all your fundraising channels (e.g. matching gift pages and donation pages).
  2. A donor or volunteer starts typing their employer’s name.
  3. The tool generates autocomplete suggestions for the user to select.
  4. The donor receives up-to-date info on their employer’s giving program.

Double the Donation works with nonprofits across the country, including San Diego. In the database, there are more than 24,000 companies that represent over 15 million match-eligible employees, making it the industry’s leading matching gift database.

Plus, nonprofits can streamline the process even more with Double the Donation’s fully automated solution. It enables email automation and drives matches to completion with live match tracking.

Think your nonprofit could benefit from Double the Donation?

While the above companies are major employers in San Diego, there are many other local companies that offer these programs. Pinpointing them takes some research, simplified with a matching gift database.

If you’re a nonprofit, check out this list of the top national companies that offer employee giving programs. Now that you know some of the major employers in your area that offer matching gifts, start boosting your revenue!