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GuideStar Articles Matching Gifts

Matching Gift Online Submission Process Example | Home Depot

Have you ever wondered what the actual online matching gift submission process is like for donors?

If so, this article is designed to shed light on the steps your nonprofit’s donors take when submitting a matching gift online.

Typical Online Matching Gift Submission Process for Donors:

While the online submission process can vary by company, it typically involves the following steps:

  1. Employees log into the company’s matching gift submission website
  2. Employees search for the nonprofit they donated to
  3. Employees select the nonprofit from the search results (if not found, they enter the organization’s information)
  4. Employees register their donation
  5. Employees submit the matching gift request


Step-by-Step Overview of Home Depot’s Online Matching Gift Process:

While some employers develop their own matching gift submission process internally, most contract it out to one of the main companies that administers matching gift programs on behalf of companies.

The following screenshots are for Home Depot’s electronic submission process and are representative of the process for employees of most large companies with matching gift programs.

Step #1: Employees log into the company’s online matching gift submission website.

Begin the Electronic Matching Gift Submission Process


Step #2: Employees search for the nonprofit they donated to.

Locate the Nonprofit in the Matching Gift Online Submission Process 

Step #3: Employees select the nonprofit from the search results.

Select the Nonprofit which will Receive the Matching Gift 

Step #4: Employees enter information about their donation.

Register the Matching Gift Request Online


Step #5: Employees submit the matching gift request.

Submit a Matching Gift Request Online

That’s it! Just those quick five steps and the donors have done their parts. The rest of the process involves your nonprofit verifying to the companies that the donations were made and then the companies issuing the matching funds.