Matching Gift Opportunities: Companies in St. Louis
Through their matching gift programs, corporations pledge to match the donations made by their employees to approved nonprofits. These programs are a powerful force for increasing donations to your organization, and you want to capitalize on them when you can!
Many cities across the nation are hubs for these programs and contain a variety of companies that practice this type of corporate philanthropy. Today, we’re going to look at one city in particular– St. Louis, Missouri. We’re going to detail the programs of the following companies:
- Boeing
- Starbucks
- U.S. Bank
- Wells Fargo
St. Louis is full of matching gift opportunities, and the above list is by no means comprehensive. Unfortunately, many donors are unaware that their employers offer such programs, and the responsibility often falls on nonprofits to inform these donors.
Because of this, we’re going to first look at how you, a nonprofit, can discover matching gift opportunities before detailing the four St. Louis programs listed above.
How To Discover Matching Gift Programs
In order to increase your incoming donations through matching gift programs, you first need to discover where these opportunities exist. The easiest way to do this, for nonprofits large or small, is by using a dedicated matching gift tool.
For example, nonprofits looking to improve their matching gift processes would benefit from a tool such as Double the Donation Matching. This matching gift automation platform checks a donor’s match eligibility upon receiving a donation and sends match-eligible donors information regarding how to begin the match request process.
Continue reading for a look at St. Louis’ corporate philanthropy.
St. Louis Companies With Matching Gift Programs
A well-known presence in St. Louis, Boeing offers a matching program for employees giving to educational institutions, environmental causes, and many other nonprofit organizations.
Boeing will match donations of up to $10,000 per individual per year.
Read more about Boeing’s matching gift program.
Starbucks opened its first shop over 40 years ago in Seattle, Washington. Now the company offers a matching gift program up to $1,500 for its employees.
Full-time, part-time, and retired employees are eligible for the program.
Read more about Starbuck’s matching gift program.
U.S. Bank
U.S. Bank matches up to $3,000 in donations per employee per year to many types of nonprofit organizations. Does your nonprofit qualify?
Read more about U.S. Bancorp/ U.S. Bank’s matching gift program.
Wells Fargo
Wells Fargo has an employee matching gift program where the company will match up to $2,000 a year to educational institutions. The company also has a dynamic volunteer grant program.
Read more about the Wells Fargo matching gift program.
Matching gift programs secure two donations for your organization for the price of soliciting one. They’re a huge opportunity to increase your donations, and you want to make use of them when you can!
If you have a large donor base in St. Louis, check to see if any of them work for the above-listed companies. Then, use a matching gift tool to continue the search!