What’s New at Double the Donation?

What’s New at Double the Donation?

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Double the Donation product updates and more
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The Double the Donation team is always on the lookout for new ways to improve our product and service offerings. Check out our recent product updates and developments below.

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Sponsorships Added to Database Plugin

Uncover even more corporate giving opportunities for your cause

As we continue to expand the information available within our workplace giving database, it’s important to recognize that there are many forms of corporate giving available. Now, we’re making it even easier for organizations to maximize their potential by unleashing helpful information about corporate sponsorship opportunities.

What’s New? Corporate Sponsorships Information Available!

When you or your donors search our comprehensive company database, you’ll find details not only about matching gifts and volunteer incentives offered by a specific employer but also about their available sponsorship programs.

This includes:

In-kind giving programs – Any non-monetary donation programs offered by the company.

Corporate grants – Financial contributions made by businesses to nonprofits and schools.

How This Update Benefits Your Organization

With access to corporate sponsorship information alongside matching gift and volunteer program data, nonprofits can unlock even more revenue potential from their supporters’ employers. By proactively engaging with businesses that already demonstrate philanthropic commitment, organizations can foster stronger corporate partnerships, secure additional funding, and further their mission.

New Matching Gift Statuses

Better track and engage supporters with an in-depth look at your full workplace giving potential

At Double the Donation, we’re making it even easier to track and optimize workplace giving opportunities. With the launch of our new matching gift statuses, organizations can gain a clearer picture of their supporters’ potential, streamline their outreach efforts, and drive more funding with greater efficiency.

What’s New? Matching Gift Status Updates

We’ve introduced two new status columns within the Double the Donation platform to provide organizations with enhanced visibility into workplace giving opportunities:

✅ Employer Identification Status – Tracks the progress of identifying a supporter’s employer, ensuring organizations can quickly determine workplace giving eligibility.
✅ Matching Gift Stage Status – Maps out each donation’s progress through the matching gift lifecycle, from submission to approval and disbursement.

How These Updates Benefit Your Organization

Organizations can quickly identify which supporters work at companies with workplace giving programs—and whether they offer matching gifts, volunteer incentives, or a combination of both. Not to mention, by understanding where a donation is in the matching gift process, nonprofits can better tailor their outreach accordingly.

By providing a more complete picture of each supporter’s workplace giving opportunities, Double the Donation makes it easier than ever for organizations to drive more revenue, streamline their efforts, and engage supporters at the right time with the right message.

Corporate Volunteer Email Streams

Increase participation and drive revenue with our streamlined corporate volunteer incentive messaging

What if you could increase volunteer participation and unlock corporate funding with no extra manual effort? Double the Donation’s automated volunteer email streams do just that by streamlining corporate volunteer incentive messaging, helping organizations grow support and maximize impact.

How It Works: Two Powerful Email Streams

  • Volunteer Incentives Available Stream (Known Eligibility): This email stream automates the process of informing volunteers with known employers about their eligibility for corporate volunteer programs like volunteer grants and paid volunteer time off (VTO).
  • Discover Volunteer Incentives Stream (Unknown Eligibility): This email stream ensures no funding or paid volunteer opportunities slip through the cracks, encouraging those with unknown employers to look into possible opportunities.

Why It Matters: Growing Volunteer Impact Like Never Before

With Double the Donation’s automated volunteer email streams, nonprofits and schools can seamlessly engage volunteers, increase funding, and drive more participation—all without adding to administrative workloads. By making it easy for volunteers to understand and access their corporate benefits, organizations can unlock new opportunities for mission-driven impact.

Other Double the Donation Product and Integration Updates

New opportunity for matching gift autosubmission

We’re always looking for new ways to get donors into the autosubmission process. In this release, we’ve found a way to capture engaged donors while they’re interacting with your organization’s matching gift messaging and encourage them to complete the simple process of autosubmission. How? When an autosubmission-eligible donor indicates to your organization that they have requested a gift match, but Double the Donation has no record of the match, the system will provide the donor another opportunity to autosubmit their match request. Check out what it looks like for the donor below!

Refresh your matching gift autosubmission knowledge.

Autosubmission-eligible donors will be prompted to complete autosubmission when they indicate they've requested a match but 360MatchPro has no record of their request.

What's New at Double the Donation? Canva Templates

Matching gift marketing templates powered by Canva

Here at Double the Donation, we’re in the business of helping you market matching gifts across your website, emails, and social media. Now, we’ve made marketing even easier for organizations without dedicated graphic design resources. Within Double the Donation, your organization now has access to dozens of customizable matching gift graphics. Simply select the template you want to use, add it to your Canva account (or create one for free!), and edit it to match your organization’s branding. Then download and share!

Get the new templates!

Launch custom matching gift programs

Custom matching gift programs allow companies to match their employees’ contributions to your specific nonprofit or educational institution. Many fundraisers participate in these corporate partnerships to boost generosity and create targeted impact.

Now, with Double the Donation Matching, you can add custom programs to your unique database results, even allowing your donors to automatically submit one-off match requests directly from your donation form through our auto-submission functionality! This makes it easier than ever for supporters to double their donations and increase their impact.

Learn more about starting and managing custom matching gift programs.

[This feature is designed specifically for fundraisers to manage matching gifts. If you’re a corporation interested in creating a matching gift program, let us know, and we’ll share information about our corporate vendor partners!]

Use the new custom matching gift program feature of 360MatchPro to manage relationships with companies that want to match to just your organization.

What's New at Double the Donation? Reporting

Double the Donation Matching Reporting Module

Double the Donation has partnered with more than 5,000 nonprofit and educational institutions over the years, helping them boost their matching gift revenue using a wide variety of strategies. Every organization deserves to benefit from the experience of those who have come before! Learning from years of results from organizations of all sizes, matching gift maturities, verticals, and missions, we have developed action-based Reporting in Double the Donation Matching.

The purpose of Reporting is to provide your organization with quick, pre-built action-items statistically optimized to support your matching gift results. Whether your organization has a team of 5 dedicated matching gift specialists or a single workplace giving coordinator wearing many other hats, Reporting provides you the answer to the question, “What can I log in and do in 5 minutes that will benefit my organization’s matching gift revenue?”

Dive into the new revenue-driven Reporting module.

Launch of Double the Donation’s Matching Gift Academy

Have you heard the news? Double the Donation has launched the industry’s first-ever Matching Gift Academy: an online learning hub designed to equip nonprofit professionals with a deeper understanding of the corporate matching gift landscape.

Even better, current Double the Donation clients get an exclusive coupon for 5 free licenses! Simply log in to your Double the Donation account and navigate to “Resources” → “Matching Gift Academy” to claim your coupon and get started with the Academy.

Explore the Matching Gift Academy.

What's New at Double the Donation? Academy

What's New at Double the Donation? Videos

Personalized matching gift videos

Are you looking for another way to communicate the importance (and logistics) of corporate matching to your donors? Look no further than an engaging, educational video personalized with your organization’s logo, brand colors, and matching gift URL! Double the Donation is pleased to offer these videos to any organization subscribed to our tools, and the request process takes less than a minute.

Available for $550.

Access instructions for requesting your organization’s personalized matching gift video.

Upload for common nonprofit documents

Companies often ask nonprofits for additional documentation when they get a matching gift request. These documents are often required by the company’s internal procedures to process the gift and verify information about the organization. The problem is that providing these documents can be a time-intensive process for nonprofits, slowing down the matching gift process while team members search for the documents, track down the gift, send the docs, and wait even longer for the company’s matching process to begin.

That’s why we’ve added a convenient spot within the Double the Donation platform to store the most commonly requested documents and make it easy to provide these documents to companies.

Learn how to add your documents to your Double the Donation account.

What's New at Double the Donation? Org Profiles

The Second Chance Submission popup ensures that your donors remember to submit their matching gift requests.

Second Chance Submission popup

When your donors are eligible for matching gifts, you want to ensure they complete the matching gift process. But some donors have Distracted Donor Syndrome – they know they are eligible for a matching gift, but they forget to submit. These donors are the low-hanging fruit that your organization should always be pushing to complete the matching gift process at every step.

The Second Chance Submission popup will remind match-eligible donors to submit their matching gift request if they forget. If a donor selects a company from the streamlined search field while making their gift on your website but does not select “Go To Matching Gift Form” on your confirmation page, the popup will appear on each page on your organization’s website that the donor visits until they submit their gift or dismiss it.

Learn how to configure the Second Chance Submission popup on your own website!

Available for Double the Donation Matching Enterprise.

Thank You email stream

The importance of donor stewardship is no secret! Recognizing donors who have taken the extra steps to get their gifts matched is the key to ensuring those donors continue to submit their matching gifts again and again. That’s why we’ve launched the Thank You email stream.

The Thank You email stream is here to automatically thank your donors who have put in the time to submit their matching gift request. The stream is customizable, from the email template itself to the sending logic.

Learn how to configure the Thank You stream here.

What's New at Double the Donation? SMS

SMS automated messaging

Double the Donation Matching now supports sending matching gift reminders over SMS, not just over email. This new option increases the touchpoints nonprofits using Double the Donation can take advantage of, thereby increasing their matching gift revenue.

Learn more about SMS matching gift messaging in the Knowledge Base.

Available for Double the Donation Matching Enterprise.

Employer appends

May nonprofits acquire third-party employer appends or data enrichment files that attempt to match existing donors in their CRM with those donors’ employers based on available data. While Double the Donation gathers employment data in real-time from interpersonal interactions with donors and is, therefore, the most accurate source of employment information, third-party employer append files can help fill gaps in our records.

Double the Donation now supports the import of employer append files to enrich matching gift identification and outreach rates, ultimately allowing for more customization and, therefore, higher conversion to matching gift requests submitted.

Discover the process and workflows of employer appends in Double the Donation.

What's New at Double the Donation? Employer Appends

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