WordPress Matching Gifts Plugin
Can Double the Donation’s matching gift tool be added to WordPress?
Absolutely. You can easily add Double the Donation’s plugin to any WordPress page.
In fact, Double the Donation’s matching gift tools can be added to any platform that allows you to add HTML and Javascript code or an iFrame.
How do we add the matching gift search to WordPress pages?
We offer multiple integration options.
You can either add our standard plugin which has a few lines of HTML code and Javascript or you can use our matching gift iFrame.
How do we get started?
The entire setup process can be done completely online through our website.
You can create your account in minutes. You’ll be able to access the embed code options from directly within your Double the Donation account management portal.
What Others Say About Our Service
The matching gift lookup tool is extremely user friendly and provides donors with exactly what they need to submit matching gifts. The plugin on our matching gift page and on the confirmation screen is boosting matches big time!
Adding Double the Donation’s plugin to our website was so easy. The entire setup process to add the plugin on our dedicated matching gift page, our ways-to-give page, and our donation confirmation screen was done the same day in minutes.
Thanks for all your work building and maintaining Double the Donation. The tool is working great and I am impressed and amazed at your service and support!
We’ve been using Double the Donation for over three years. The service is a great way of reminding people to find out if their employer will match their donation and then makes it easy for donors and volunteers to submit these grant requests.