Matching Gift API

Matching Gift API

Enrich your fundraising platform with matching gift insights from Double the Donation.
Raise more money for your nonprofit clients with integrated matching gift automation.

Access Double the Donation’s Matching Gift APIs with an Integration Partnership

Double the Donation integrates with your fundraising platform to help mutual clients identify matching gift opportunities.

We’re proud to offer our matching gift APIs through the industry-leading matching gift automation platform. Our Double the Donation Matching integration partners offer the full benefits of the platform’s matching gift identification, follow up, and customization to their nonprofit clients, all while enriching their own fundraising platforms with the matching gift insights that nonprofits expect to see.

What Matching Gift Data is Available Through the Double the Donation Matching Gift API?

Our API (JSON) provides access to all of the fields donors need to submit matching donation requests. This includes:

  • Company names (parent, subsidiaries, and alternate spelling variations)
  • Links to match forms (both paper and electronic)
  • Links to guidelines (both paper and electronic)
  • Annual match limits
  • Match ratios
  • Employee eligibility
  • Corporate contact information (names, email addresses, phone numbers)
  • And much more

Also included is a similar level of information on employee volunteer grants (aka Dollars for Doers programs).

With a Double the Donation integration, your platform can identify which donors are matching gift eligible and then automatically provide the appropriate matching gift information instantly to those donors. This instantaneous process ensures more donors complete their matching gift submissions, meaning your nonprofit clients raise more money from matching gift programs.

What Matching Gift Data is Available Through the Double the Donation Matching Gift API?

How Do You Know if a Matching Gifts API Integration is Right for You?

How Do You Know if a Matching Gifts API Integration is Right for You?

Our API is designed for companies working with a large number of nonprofits. This includes:

  • Peer-to-peer fundraising platforms
  • Donor management / CRM software providers
  • Online donation platforms
  • Direct mail providers
  • Call center software providers
  • Mobile app developers
  • And any other companies interested in providing employee matching gift data to nonprofits and their donors

Double the Donation’s matching gift API provides access to the index of all companies in our database and their associated fields so you can tailor the integration to your own needs, beyond our standard integration functionality.

How Do Other Fundraising Platforms Use the Matching Gifts API?

Double the Donation’s matching gift API provides complete access to our database of company-specific matching gift and volunteer grant information. Creativity is the only limit!

Double the Donation integration partners have harnessed the matching gifts API to:

  • Provide real-time estimates of anticipated corporate matching gift payments to donors while those donors give, encouraging donors to give more to see their larger donations matched.
  • Displayed corporate matching gift submission status, company guidelines, and other insights to nonprofit admins within their own fundraising platforms.
  • Gather employment information from phone-based donors and present call center agents with matching gift information to relay over the phone right then during the call.
How Do Other Fundraising Platforms Use the Matching Gifts API?

How Reliable is System Uptime of the Double the Donation API?

How Reliable is System Uptime of the Double the Donation API?

We use Linode with our primary servers based in Atlanta, GA. To speed up load times and reduce the burden on our servers, the API pulls from a static file rather than a dynamic file. The static file is updated automatically every time we make a change to a database field which ensures you’re always accessing the most up-to-date matching gift information.

We’ve tested our site and API to handle a large number of concurrent users. Contact us and we can provide you with copies of our server test reports.

We historically average site-wide uptime of over 99.9% every month.