Matching Gift Page

Note: A generic dedicated matching gift page will automatically be created for each organization. This page is primarily for nonprofits that would like to customize their matching gift pages.

Our automated and manual emails direct donors to a page on your website to search for their companies. For this to happen, you must create a dedicated matching gift page and put our plugin on it using the following instructions:

Step 1: Include our CSS and JavaScript somewhere on the page:

<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />

Step 2: Include this HTML where you want the plugin to appear:

<script>var DDCONF = { API_KEY: "<360matchpro_public_key>" };</script>
<div id="dd-container"><a href="">Matching Gift</a> and <a href="">Volunteer Grant</a> information provided by <br><a href=""><img alt="Powered by Double the Donation" src="" /></a></div>

There are two ways we track plugin usage on this page to identify match-eligible donors:

  1. Emails sent by 360MatchPro will automatically have a tracking parameter appended to the URL. The link will look like:
  2. If you want to send emails via your own messaging system, you can create links to this dedicated page, and append the following two parameters to the URL:
    • mpcpg: This indicates which 360MatchPro campaign this donation is for (equivalent to "campaign" schema field)
    • mpid: This is the identifier for the donation record (equivalent to "donation_identifier" schema field)

    For example, if the dedicated matching gift page is located at, the campaign is summer_campaign, and the donation identifier is ufzvcx890fh8gds, then the link with tracking enabled would be:

    Using this URL structure, 360MatchPro will auto-update the matching gift eligibility of donation records based on plugin usage.

The following video provides more information to help you set up a matching gift page.